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Posts by kondzior  

Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1027 / In This Archive: 671

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16 Oct 2010
News / 30 to 40 thousand abortions by Polish girls in foreign countries [142]

Here where I live, relatively close to Czech border, more then half of the women I know visited Czechs at least once.

EDITED: I have just seen how it looks like :-)
I am NOT suggesting that I did have anything to do with the reason for said visits...
6 Oct 2010
News / Tusk cracks down on designer drugs ("dopalacze") in Poland [171]

While I'm not sure if "dopalacze" are indeed as dangerous as the media tend to portray it, I think that recent crack down on them is a good thing to do. Generally, govenment is trying to do something good and the thing they have choosen will not hamper the lives of ordinary pepole. One could wish that earlier "reforms" of previous govenments have strived to do something like that.

All in all, the PO's rule turned out not even half as bad as I expected. For now.
4 Oct 2010
Language / Dziękujecie in plural form [11]

It sounds somewhat informal, but no one is going to take the offence. I guess. One can say to his boss "Dzięki, panie dyrektorze". At least to me it sounds normal.
3 Oct 2010
Language / Dziękujecie in plural form [11]

Dziękujemy and so on means "we thank you", if you look for that.
"Thanks" I'll tranlsate as "dzięki"
3 Oct 2010
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Yeah, I realise he cannot be actually stupid if he got so high. But since his monkeying around is more or less deliberate, so worse for him. He is not a primitive fool, he knows better and still behaves like that. The more reason to despise him.

As for the changes Polonius3 outlined, aren't them mostly cosmetic? Aside from "not subsiding of political parties". I can agree with that, but I also know no polititan will vote for it. I guess Palikot knows it too, otherwise he would have not proposed that.
3 Oct 2010
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Are you kidding me? Do you know any of his antics? He is the reason I can't think of PO seriously any longer. I mean, if they tolerate such an err.. individal... for so long, how can I respect them.
3 Oct 2010
News / Palikot - too liberal/modern for Poland? [197]

Palikot is a retard. I cannot be bothered to actually listen to him anymore but I am going to assume that everything he spawns is retarded by definition.
7 Sep 2010
Life / INVISIBLE MAN in shops and offices in Poland? [70]

I such a cases you need to use a magic phrase: "Gdzie się kurwa pchasz!" Believie me or not, a boor will not say a word and go right behind you ;)
27 Aug 2010
Language / I teach English to some Polish people - how to explain them tenses? [33]

I do speak English, for good or bad, twenty years now, and I still don't quite understand English past tenses. Yeah, I know the definitions, and if I ponder about what I am about to write/tell, I can use it correctly, but it still don't make any sence. WHAT SANE PERSON NEEDS TWO DIFFERENT PAST TENSES?? If it was in the past, it was in the past! Period. Say about silly English fads...
27 Aug 2010
Life / Strange attitude to shop naming in Poland? [5]

Really? I live in Poland all my life and never noticed it. As a matter of fact, I cannot think of a single exaple. Maybe it is some special kind of shop, what's type is obivious to a Pole and puzzling to a foreigner... Still, it does not ring the bell.

EDIT: On second thought, maybe a shop in a small village, a village sporting just one, single shop, it would make sense. At least to me, it would make a sense.
22 Aug 2010
Language / to be substituted (with reference to football) [7]

My bad. I mistyped it, and some beers do not excuse me. English words I do check several times, but when writing in Polish I had asumed that I can't do wrong...

Typing it on my Amiga didn't helped, it is somewhat difficult to use any spell checker there.
19 Aug 2010
Life / Can a 17 year old, buy beer and cigarettes in Poland? [30]

Unless you go to the shop and say "I am 17 y.o. and give me that beer, please!" you should have no troubles. If you not look like a kid no one is going to ask for your ID. Well, most of the time. If so, just go to another shop.
19 Aug 2010
News / Poland's elite more pro-US than society? [29]

I like Americans. They can be iritating sometimes and this constant smiling thing of theirs freaks me out, but they are not mean. They can be trusted most of the time (within reasonable boundaries, if not too much money is at stake). They'll wont cheat you just for fun of it. Contrary to Russians.
13 Aug 2010
Language / to be substituted (with reference to football) [7]

Pio, almost, but not quite. Your translations sounds slightly artificial to me. I'd say:
Zostanie zmieniony za 10 minut (or Wymienią go za dziesięć minut)
Właśnie został zmieniony. (Właśmie go wymienili)
Został zmieniony z powodu kontuzji (Wymieniono go z powodu konstuzji)
Zawodnik z numerem 17 (z siedemnastką) wymienił zawdonika z dziesiątką (z numerem 10)
Wymieniono go z powodu kontuzji.
Trener wymninił go na innego zawiodnika (piłkarza)
12 Aug 2010
Language / Translation request: words like the / and / or / left / right / this, etc... [19]

and = i
in = w

It needs to be remembered that words like "on" and "in" are only roughly translated as "na" and "w". And "at" can mean both "w" and "na". I had problems with that when learning English. Like, in English you can sleep on the train but in Polish it sounds as if you slept on the roof of the train. In Poland you can only sleep in the train. As inside. And that is just a tip of the iceberg. I sometimes still do confuse "in"s, "on"s and "at"s when speaking/writing English.
11 Aug 2010
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

I am just drinking £omża Niepasteryzowana and it is very nice. Not great, mind you, but very good indeed.
10 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

Zed, Belka is a thief. Simple as that. Or you have forgoten about his tax? I don't. Belka is the reason I would never, ever vote for the SLD again.
3 Aug 2010
Life / Why is cheating at schools in Poland accepted?! [155]

Creating your own "ściąga" or "bryk" (I do not know the English equivalents) is a great way to learn before an exam. I mean, you must put all necessary data on tiny pieces of paper. How not to remember it after that. I always created "ściągi" and never needed them, but knowing that this data it in my right sleeve, and that piece of info in the left sock was helping to cool down my mind before a serious exam... ;-) You are telling me that only Poles do such a little nasty things? Really?
3 Aug 2010

Frankly, if there was an offer about tickets "na ostatnią minutę", I'd probably think that I am supposed to pay more for them, because I'm so late :-)

Also, someone mentioned "non stop". It may be a borrowing, but it is the time honored borrowing. It was widely used as long ago as in the late seventies. Maybe even earlier, I woudn't know, but I am using this word all the way from my childhood...
3 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

No, no. You got me wrong. I kind of understand the reasons behind the decisions, even if I think that both sides are overreacting. Seriously overreacting.

What got me stumped was "public representative space should be free from any religious symbols". It is rather broad statement and I do not see any logic behind it. Unless one is fanatical atheist.
3 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

it is a public and representative space and it should be free from any religious symbols.

???(Kondzior is scratching his head in befuddlement)Why?

Don't get me wrong, I find this cross situation fairly amusing, don't care one way or the other, but your statement sounds absurd to me.
27 Jul 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

PS: The kids are half german and definitely speak and understand german, as does their father...I really wonder what that is all about, but you not of course. It can only be the mean Nazi-Jugendamt with it's sinister polish-children-stealing-plans who is to blame here...

This single case is just tip of the iceberg. If some rules do not make any sense, one needs to ignore them, or, at the very least, bend said rules just a little. If one has something even remotely resembling heart, that is. Instead Jugendamt workers are showing only hostility towards everything that is Polish. Just like you do:

you seem to be the typical Pole who only expect and thinks the worst of Germany. No rational discussion possible.

Are you related to the Jugendamt or it is just typical German attitude?

Are you familiar with the term "Germanization"? It seems, this is the thing he not wants to be done to his children.
27 Jul 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

Still, the sheer number of cases is appallig. I refuse to believe that all of them are bunch of liers. And the fact that Poles need to speak to theirs kids in German, even if neither kid nor parents speak German is clear sign of Jugendamt's ill will.

And no, not even half of the articles originates at CEE.

One come to wonder how angels from Jugendamt find the time to do anything good. Harming so many people got to be full time job. German efficacy, I guess.
27 Jul 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

Sorry, I dont speak German. I am bad, bad Pole and I have never lernt your language. Probably out of spite?
But keep in mind that I did not post any links in Polish. And there are milions of them. And not a single one say s nice word about it.
27 Jul 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

I tried, I really did, but I could not find any English language source describing Jugendamt as something nice. Google something like "jugendamnt", "agency". All I have found was like "jugendamt destroying families" "kidnapping children" and so on. Up until tonight I had no idea how widespread it is.
27 Jul 2010
News / Pole loses language discrimination case in Germany; Scandalous! [97]

Again, it is not just stupid Poles hating Germans. Here is a story about Jugendamt, the great agency that was set up in year 1939: