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Posts by szarlotka  

Joined: 20 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 2205 / In This Archive: 654
From: UK
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: Skiing, mountains, music, reading, taking the mickey and terrapins

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8 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

Arrows on the roads, or rather lack of them

Yes it is a problem. Unless of course you are driving in London where you will be going so slowly you have plenty of time to adjust.

Average traffic speed in London is 9 miles per hour. It was quicker when we just had horse and carts (not that I remember that of course)
8 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / How many of your co-workers in the UK are Polish? [30]

50% of the full time employees in my company are Polish.

20% of the equity in the company is in Polish hands

About 85% of the contract employees of the company are Poilsh
7 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

I'm allowed to post my dislikes of my country. In no particular order they are:

awful traffic congestion
The gradual erosion of any sense of responsibility by people
hosepipe bans when it's rained all winter
having TV stations called Dave and Ben
heathrow airport
manchester united
self serving and very dim politicians
train fares that make it cheaper to fly to New York than get the 9am train from London to Glasgow

Despite that I love it here. It's home.
6 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

You're right - the picture is looking grim. Please stay Polish people
6 Nov 2007
UK, Ireland / Polish immigration in UK [491]

And don't forget our 'business lunches'. I would allow six days to be prudent. Plus contingency - call it a week.
5 Nov 2007
Travel / Cheaper Flights to Poland [50]

Aer Lingus and British Airways as they do some value for money fares too!!

Airmiles flights for BA. Got zillions of the things. Only problem now is the taxes add up to more than the total cost of the budget boys. Only consolation is that I can sit up the front of the plane. Good idea for this one being sticky Frank
5 Nov 2007
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

say Hello to Julia T from me:)

Flying out later ... but I think she is in a higher social circle then me....
5 Nov 2007
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Another exciting week of all out action, informed and uninformed debate, abuse and flirting has drawn to a close. The expanded team here have been stretched to keep up with the sheer pace of PF this week. The primary cause of their struggle has been the almost obsessive desire to come up with an original name for this column. Let’s face it ‘Omnibus Edition’ conjures up images of either high brow late night TV debates between ancient professors and militant feminists or, worse still, three hour Sunday afternoons sat in front of the box watching Neighbours, Home and Away or Eastenders. The original choice was to be ‘The Edge’ but after intervention from U2’s lawyers this was shelved. Then we came up with ‘The Edge Chronicles’ but the youngest Szarlotka pooh poohed that one. Know it all little book worm. Next we hit upon ‘The Rim’. This was deemed not to convey the young, dynamic image that we needed so we finally settled on ‘Rimmed’. However, a Google search to confirm that no-one else had thought of this one revealed some rather unsavoury results. Quite frankly we have enough weirdos on here at times and using ‘Rimmed’ might exacerbate the problem. So in desperation we are compelled to ‘ask the audience’. The most original name will win a small furry stuffed toy animal that Szarlotka won at the fun fair over the weekend.

As the confidence and maturity of the team here has increased, we are now striving to present a more holistic and balanced view of the week’s proceedings in this edition (Ed – cut the crap boys, I know you’ve not read much this week. Just make it up, no-one will ever know and holistic just means unread). Ok Rupert, understood.

The Big Picture (ha ha - yah boo sucks to you)

The big news story was the second birthday of PF on Halloween. Admin was reluctant to confirm the exact date, mumbling something about it being close enough. This reluctance to divulge the true birthday leads us to the conclusion that Admin must really be female. Two years – time flies. Just think, some of the people posting here now were not even born then or were still locked up.

In a worrying development, the conflict that started between ConstantineK and Lukasz appears to be spreading globally. Everywhere we looked there was evidence of sporadic small arms fire between members. The mods had their work cut out to control some of the outbreaks despite, or maybe because of their, calling in the United Nations peacekeeping troops who, true to form, started arguing and fighting with each other. Several members were banned for a while. Some took it stoically but the big white cuddly dog would not lie down and came back strongly. He has now declared war on all robots. Hal9009 is a computer rather than a robot but could be next in line.

Nowhere was the fighting more vicious than on the beaches of Southern England. The English took some fearful stick this week. A few renegade trolls from the inner city estates of England flamed the fires of the global conflict. The chief protagonists were a couple of clowns called Lewis and Looy (did he miss the ‘ne’ out of his name) whom we think used to star in The Professionals but maybe we are wrong there. The reaction was dramatic. Interestingly enough most of the condemnations of the English being work shy, xenophobic, ugly, drunken losers came not from the Polish community here but from other places of origin types living in the UK or even from Brits themselves. It gladdens our hearts to see that the true English tolerance and stoicism that made this country great shone through yet again. We could have resorted to jokes about sheep shagging or The Chokers (previously known as the All Blacks) but no, we resisted the temptation and politely turned the other cheek. Or maybe nobody could respond because we had to sign on down the social security office and then we had to go to the pub and after that we were all too wasted to type.

The bravest post this week has to be that from Isthatu in which he declared London and Liverpool to be cesspits that gave a bad impression of the real England. No matter whether you agree with the man you have to admire his sticking with his convictions despite knowing that by posting them here he has consigned himself to never having hub caps or an in car entertainment system ever again. Word reaches us from Merseyside that Isthatu is now the second recipient of the dreaded Fatwal, the first being Boris Johnson. Fatwal is actually short for Fat Wally who is the largest, meanest, least educated and ugliest man to come out of Croxteth since Wayne Rooney. Since Fat Wally has failed to find such a highly conspicuous public figure as Boris in four years Istahtu may be safe for a little while yet.

Several of the UK knockers (Ed – rephrase that one please) kept banging on and on about Britain’s colonial past and the Empire and so on and so forth. Obviously they must be avid readers of the Daily telegraph which for the uninformed is the newspaper of choice for those who believe that Britain still has an Empire. Oh and also for people who like the famous daily crossword, even though Oscar Wilde or some such wit once declared the crossword to be the ‘last refuge of a lazy mind’.

Crnogorac started a thread for Poles in the UK to say what they feel about the UK. A new runner this one but as yet no ‘legitimate’ replies from Poles in the UK have been received. PS Miranda, if you thought Heathrow was threatening then you should see it now. Still armed guards everywhere - but now there are construction workers and customer baggage claims staff by the million there too. Give me armed guards any day.

Sensing the darkening mood, Babylon2007 declared that he wanted Ireland to be separated from the UK so that the thread category should be no longer called Polonia UK. After much light hearted banter, Admin has renamed the thread heading Polonia UK and Ireland. Good idea which we support but the Cornish are getting hot under the collar now. Canada has also been separated from the USA.

All of the above conflicts allied to the impending global crisis in the world’s financial markets that was born out of dipstick bankers on large bonuses lending money to people living in swamps or trailer parks (hint - six times annual income is still zero if the income is zero ) has led us to implement changes in our lifestyles. At chez Szarlotka we have stocked up the wine cellar, raised the drawbridge and retreated to the west wing. We will not feel entirely safe until the perimeter wall has been raised by a further six feet but everybody else has the same idea so we can’t find a builder for love nor money. In desperation we have posted adverts throughout the whole of Europe only to be told that they are all working in Poznan. As an interim measure we have employed those nice chaps from Blackwater to stroll amongst the grounds to deter unwelcome visitors in that polite but firm way of theirs.

Lighter Bites – the Healthy Living Menu.

Nostalgia – it ain’t what it used to be. Maybe it’s a sign of the growth of PF but several old chestnuts came home to roost this week (Ed – mixed metaphors are a sign of low breeding Sz). Babi wanted to know why we call ourselves by our PF names. Interestingly several people gave different answers this time around (Ed – including you). The Donkey wanted long standing members without introductions threads to tell the Forum about themselves – ‘just for the record’. PolishgirlTX took the bait. Many of us have yet to comply, being stubborn as mules no doubt.

Two regulars returned to the fold during the week. Bubbles is back from cruising. No big deal as we here can do that even without a boat. Smooth jazz is back from a month in PL. Given the chance to talk to nice people about lighter subjects or Neanderthals about serious subjects we say go for the former – GIDDY UP.

Osiol posted an original track from his upcoming new album ‘Gone to Grass’. The whole music thing had a Scottish dimension this week and it transpired that Scottish bands had very few Scots in them whilst Australian bands had loads of Scots in them. All very confusing but it’s a sign of the global economy. Next up Northern soul (yes England has our soul singers too) performed by Kashmiris or Peruvians.

In a rare case of a Pie eating humble pie, Szarlotka was given a bloody nose by Barbi. Not only did she reappear after her introduction (see last week’s issue for details) but she proceeded to post great dollops of common sense. Mea Culpa.

Nobody has announced a specific cyber crush to our knowledge. Incidentally if you do declare a crush is it a crush any more? It would have to be a relationship or maybe a break up we think. That’s one for the philosophers to fight over. Plato versus Descartes over on HBO at 6pm EST.

The quotations thread is still a good daily visit. Hats off to Ranj for starting it and continuing to post daily gems of wisdom.

In Conclusion

A high octane, testosterone filled week then. We feel duty bound to salute the quiet soldiers of the Forum. Each week there is sound and helpful advice given and the sheer volume of translation assistance given is remarkable. This week alone we have had advice on suspected pregnancy, alcoholism, accommodation in just about every city in PL and we here now know the location of every Polish restaurant in the UK. In other words, despite the headline grabbing disagreements (Ed – which you shamelessly exploit, good man) the Forum is working very well.

We are coming back round to the ‘The Edge’ as our title. Perhaps if we give Bonio the chance to pen a regular update on eliminating world poverty we can get around the legal thing.

That’s it for another week. Time to start the Christmas shopping next week. Tempus fugit.
29 Oct 2007
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

i dont either more sh1t comes off the pages than from one's own ass :)

LOL - I even refuse to eat my fish and chips if they're wrapped in a tabloid.

but great round up again

29 Oct 2007
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Don't even think about skipping any issues of The Omnibus Edition ;)

May be a problem next week owing to my travelling once more. Depends whether I can find a reasonably priced internet cafe in Kiev. Anybody know of one?
29 Oct 2007
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Yes its 5pm on Monday and it’s time for CRACKERJACK (Ed – only Brits of an age when they really ought to be dead are going to get that reference so we’ll edit it out later). Another week has passed, much Piwo has been sunk and we’re all a few days nearer to death. It’s been another fascinating week on PF and the research team have again been busy distilling the proceedings for the busy amongst you. (Ed – not the only thing they’ve been distilling). Welcome to the second issue of the PF Omnibus edition. Please note that we have selected Monday to be the new publishing day.

Significant Events

News has reached us of ConstantineK’s invasion of Lukasz’s home. Unfortunately the onset of winter has forced ConstantineK to abandon the invasion. In what historians are calling the Escape to Moscow, ConstantineK has decided to over winter in a bar in Moscow. As a consequence the Poland/Russia thread has been a bit muted this week. The main topic appears to be that everyone has claims to at least a part of the Ukraine. That being so we English hereby lay claim to Odessa – nice beaches, good bars, lovely girls (Ed - and guys, we've got to be PC) and good property speculation opportunities.

Now that the Formula 1 season has finished, Espana has returned to his winter pastime of baiting Michal, aided enthusiastically by the big white cuddly dog. Apparently Michal was away on a few days holiday not, as some had suggested, busy in the Tescos car park as the pre Christmas shopping picks up pace. Whilst away, Michal met two nice waitresses from Krakow and has vowed to return there again in the near future. We’re not sure whether this will be with or without said waitresses.

Babi has gained her first star. In an undignified rush, most of the male members of the forum who are not on oxygen hurtled to their PC graphics programs to produce a star for her. Someone called oAdamo got their first but frankly the quality was appalling. Z-Darius produced the best one but infringed every copyright law on the planet and was disqualified. Tornado2007 was perplexed by all the star references and declared that he had three and didn’t know why. Bless him. We assume he must have been being modest – no-one can be that dumb.

Somebody asked for a translation to tell their mate that he might not be the father of Kasia’s baby after all as she was sleeping with a Spanish Dude at the same time (we would have thought his mate would have noticed the Spaniard at the time but love is blind as they say). Bubbawoo sized up the situation in a thrice and declared Kasia to be ‘a right slapper’. Amazingly someone called Jareck8, who is not a member as we speak and so will not see this post and the comments that follow, disagreed with Bubba (never a good strategy we find) and stated with zealous enthusiasm that had she embraced God none of this would have happened. Telefonitika put forward a more eloquent case against the zealot that involved quoting half of her ‘A’ level sociology essay. No wonder she got a grade A for it – none of us could understand a word of it. (Ed – most of you can’t read the Sun)

Lucynda is still having difficulties in finding a nice young man for her Polish nanny, this despite said nanny being 5’ 11” tall and apparently a right drink-on-a-stick (UK slang for better than drop dead gorgeous) . Jeez, she must be sooooo picky. The team here were fascinated to note that Lucynda herself is getting chatted up big time when taking nanny out clubbing. We have now decided to take all the handsome sons, nephews and friends we can muster with us on the next trip to Warsaw to see if this is a universal phenomenon. If there is any improvement on the hit rate at Foksal 19 we shall let you know.

PolishgirlTX has now posted so many You Tube music videos in the ‘what are you listening to right now’ thread that PF is now getting more hits than You Tube itself. Will PF be taken over by You Tube as a result? We can only pray that this does not happen.

Barbi popped by to introduce herself to us. No apologies, we know we are shallow. Never before has an introduction had such an overwhelming response. Within seconds every on-line male member had said hi in return. The rapid response rate may have had something to do with the occupation of Barbi. Becksi disputed someone’s claim that Barbi must be the first worker from the Adult Entertainment Industry on PF. In fact she knows for certain that this is not the case. Becksi has so far diplomatically refused to name names. This got our team thinking about our need to maintain editorial independence. So in a quick poll we ascertained that none of the team here works in that industry. Apparently 75% of the team have tried in the past but they all came up short in the auditions. The only surprise to date is that nobody calling themselves Ken has replied to her. Despite claiming she was up for all sorts of challenges, Barbi has only made just the one post. There are challenges and then there is the mass ranks of PF wits it would seem.

Poison started a thread on the World Handball Championships that were won by Poland in a thrilling final against Sweden. We here were surprised that Argentina did not make it to the final. If they had Diego Maradonna playing they would have walked it. We noted that Poison is half French and half Polish. This strikes us as being an excellent combination – he can party like a Pole and still take three hour lunches. Anyway, congratulations to the Polish team.

Daisy kindly pointed us in the direction of some research by some well respected science boffin that concluded that in years to come there would be two distinct sub races of humanity - an intelligent master race and a form of sub human that was heading down the Neanderthal path. Just goes to show that boffins need to get out more often – if he had popped down to Billericay market of a weekend he would have seen that his prediction was a reality already.

Osiol has upped his hit rate such that over 90% of his posts have some form of donkey reference or implication. At times the timing and subtlety of this has bordered on the miraculous. Privately we are not sure he can keep this up, let alone hit the 99% mark that we are convinced he is aiming for.

(Over the) Pond Life

At this point the team here have a wee confession to make. We tend to either go out to the pub or go to sleep when our friends from across the Pond are on-line. Look, just remember we do this for the love of it and there is no money changing hands here. So if we’ve missed any gems from North America we say tough luck.

It appears that the fires are out in California. For all of you who were concerned, Arnie is safe and is threatening to personally track down the arsonists. So if you are standing outside a bar in San Francisco having a quick cigarette (at least 40 metres from the door of course) and a Humvee draws up near you, for God’s sake run away quickly.We also advise that you find a new bar because you know he will be back. Joking aside the fires looked devastating and we hope all our members out there have not been affected.

In a remarkable turn around Sledz has become a Golden Labrador, and an ultra cute one at that. Donations of dog biscuits may be sent to the Chicago area. Incidentally, there are more and more canines turning up. Very soon we will be able to host the inaugural PF Dog Show. There are one or two potential entrants that need some more obedience training first before they can be considered for entry (you know who you are). Daisy has kindly provided us with the personality guide for Tatra Mountain Dogs.

Nice to see Jnowiski returning back to full posting output mode. We guess he had a little time doing secret stuff again. Some of his comments have left us a little perplexed – but then we remembered that he is a bass player. To us bass players are like goalkeepers in football (that’s real football not gridiron) in that they have to be ever so slightly mad to do what they do and nobody ever notices them until they make a mistake.

The artistic supply from over there, over there has dried to a trickle. Sigh, we remember the days when we had one Krysia cartoon a day and Svengoolie penned the best poems on PF. Now…… nothing apart from a few gems from Svengoola (crazy name, crazy gal)

On the plus side for the Yanks and Canuks they do appear to be a far more contented and harmonious bunch. No nasty sledging or abuse from them unless it’s really called for. They are polite to a fault. Note to some Europeans on here – be nicer, it really works.

No doubt there are details of 147 different Polonia festivals over there but we tend not to read these as we get jealous.

Where are they now?

Here we appeal for any news on missing members who have dropped off our radar. Where are Shopgirl, Pingwin, Bratwurst Boy et al? Gone but not forgotten. Most of all we need to know what has happened to Dr. Love aka Southern. For newbies Southern was the (self proclaimed) expert on all things female. We have money on at 5-1 that his absence is due to his finally finding a real girl friend. We may be wrong of course.

Post of the Week

After an extensive review and a quick poll around the regulars at Szarlotka’s local pub, which incidentally is now officially a district of Wroclaw, we have selected the following post this week:


Great forum, just found it when surfing.
I'm looking to get me a Polish Hamster, because I was told they have got bigger pouches and they're softer and really appreciate being stroked.

I've had a Russian one for a few years and of course the bog standard English one, but they just don't make me happy.

Help me find my perfect polish hamster... Email me on bigpouches@fullofnuts.at

Careful analysis of the grammar, sentence constructs and content of the above leaves us feeling convinced that we can safely announce that this post is without doubt the first confirmed extraterrestrial communication on record. The downside is that the team may be writing next week’s Omnibus Edition from deep within Area 51 - that is if of course if Area 51 actually exists, which it doesn’t. (Hueg – you always crack us up).

Well that’s it for this week. That was the week that was (Ed – they won’t get that either, it has got to go). We apologise if this week’s edition is a little long, but we didn’t have time to write a short one.

Finally we would like to record our appreciation for the (mostly) kind comments on the first edition. Bless you all. In answer to the slightly less than kind comments our lawyers have instructed us to reply as follows: We have categorical proof that Mr. Szarlotka was born in wedlock. Further, the only artificial stimulant within the office is in fact a life sized picture of Elle McPherson. We hope this clears up the uncertainty around these two areas.

Have a good week people.
24 Oct 2007
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

This should be a regular feature

Hmm - work MIGHT just get in the way occasionally. I'll do my best
24 Oct 2007
Off-Topic / PF - The Omnibus Edition [1502]

Time is money….money is precious…. The Precious is mine… With the ever increasing popularity of PF, the increasing number of members and the sheer volume of posts it is becoming more and more difficult for the busy Executive/Roofer/PA/Student/Layabout/Troll/Nincompoop* to keep up with what’s happening on here. Therefore, welcome to the weekly omnibus edition of PF.

(*delete as appropriate)

Our team of dedicated, highly educated, committed and unemployed (Ed -unemployable you mean) researchers have kept a watching eye on the last week’s proceedings and have distilled them into an easy to read summary of all you need to know. This will free you up to get out more often and do more of whatever it is that you like to do.

The Big Important Bits

Poland had an election. Someone called Donald Tusk and his party called the PO won it. Lots of people thought it was good and lots of people thought it was bad. Mainly these were Polish people’s views. Dumb idea electing an American property developer in our view but, hey, we don’t live there.

Someone wanted to know whose side Poland will be on when World War III kicks off, which incidentally will be three hours later than planned to fit in with CNN, Sky and Al Jazeera’s broadcast schedules. There were many views on this. Most people seemed to be plumping for neutrality. However, ConstantineK put the cat among the pigeons by stating that Russia was really out to rule the world. Lukasz responded by claiming that that would be difficult to do given that Russia’s GDP was on a par with that of Rwanda. The authority on this matter – the big white cuddly dog- added confusion by claiming that whichever side they were on Poland would attack Germany first. In the interim ConstantineK has declared war on Lukasz and is at this moment cycling across the Steppes to occupy Lukasz’s home.

In the meantime Crow was dismayed at the sight of Slav brothers arguing with and invading each other. Having failed to stop the invasion plans, Crow is now sitting back to see the outcome of this act of naked aggression, his hope being that the result will be a free Lusitania or some such place that used to exist as a nation. Incidentally we believe that there is a free Lusitania in every pack of Cheerios at Tescos right now.

Zeze (is his surname top?) told the world that the Irish were to adopt Polish an official language which caused a bit of a kafuffle. Road signs would be longer and no-one can pronounce the Polish for Guinness, Craic or Michael Flaherty. Anyway it turned out to be a storm in a tea cup and my Granny doesn’t have to learn Polish after all. Daffy got the hump at people’s stupidity (will he never learn?) and put us straight in a school masterly sort of way.

Giles took some dodgy medicine and nobody really cared that much.

Someone called ‘Desperate’ Dandeano claimed that all Poles in the UK were racist. On present estimates he knows over 700,000 people well. That Face Book is great eh? He was put in his place though.

What’s Love Got to do with it?

Where do we start? OK, Firstly there was an outrageous piece of queue jumping (which would have been appreciated by the old ladies of Warsaw) by Hmmmm, who in an act of unbridled passion let his true feeling for the lovely Justysia slip despite her having told the PF of her engagement to a 6’ 5” Scotsman. In a masterly put down display of heart breaking Hmmm was sent packing. So that’s Supermodels 1 Super Heroes 0.

David from FL is going to get married to his lovely Polish GF – congratulations from the team . The boss here sincerely hope that the lovely Eva is less accurate with inanimate objects than some (one) of her compatriots.

Craigie_bhoy is going to ask his GF to marry him. Krzysztof has given him the words in Polish so in maybe 10 weeks time, after a lot of practice, Craigie will do the deed.

Lots of general flirting and cyber crush toing and froing going on but as yet nothing concrete to report.

Desperately Seeking Zuzanna

The usual set of I want a Polish Girl/Guy two liners with spelling mistakes occurred. Interestingly there were fewer requests for visas to go with them this week. Could this be as a result of the UK Statistical Office announcing an increase in population of such magnitude that it would be less crowded staying at home?

There was a nice original post from an American guy, with picture, that shone like a beacon of honesty and respectability amongst the sea of desperation. Nice post sir.

Random Bits

The Big White Cuddly Dog again repeated his claim that he would be the first five star poster. Difficult to see anyone beating him now to be honest.

Bubbawoo was on great form in the resurrected Random Abuse Thread. Broadsides all round – great stuff. dziwna_gruszka provided the ‘blondie’ moment of the week by asking why people were being so nasty to each other on the thread. Priceless

Wispi announced that she was not going to be around for a while as she was off to Germany for a while – Kindergarden Exchanges are a great idea don’t you think?

Krysia is advocating do-it-yourself circumcision to someone over the Pond who wants to take this step. Still no new cartoons from the maestro though.

Fisz knows beer that is 21 per cent proof. Wow. They used that for the Saturn 5 then?

Newbies Ahoy

Hundreds of the buggers showed up. All shapes, sizes, nationalities and degrees of intelligence. Too many to mention but we pick out two for you:

Stevie-vee who is off to Zakopane boarding and wants to know that it is true that you get a free Blonde with every lift pass and Yogi-Bear who, being a Liverpool fan, is obviously a great chap and we should hang on his every word.

Well that’s it from the team now. Time to pop out for a grapefruit juice or two. Be careful out there people.
25 Sep 2007
USA, Canada / American people attitude towards Poles in the USA [98]

Yes and no I think. There were no great battles involved and social integration of that kind doesn't make for great historical headlines. On a wider impact o immigration into the UK it was only six years ago the population was around 56-57 million. I think L-i-R's post was very perceptive. Any attempt to compare Polish immigration to the US to that which has happened here would be fraught with difficulty I think. Time is needed for assimilation, on both sides.
25 Sep 2007
USA, Canada / American people attitude towards Poles in the USA [98]

It is also thought that one in every four English people have French Huguenot ancestry.

Wow - thats freaking me out. I think we came over with the Normans which is even worse. 950 years of French ancestry, sacre bleu, zut alors. Aidez-moi, je vous prie!
25 Sep 2007
USA, Canada / American people attitude towards Poles in the USA [98]

The thing is the Polish that come here a dont try to sponge of the goverment

Which is true for the vast majority of Polish people here too sledz. Our benefits systems are full of loopholes and some Polish people have used that. But it is a very limited number. I could name some immigrant communities on the other hand who have got it down to a fine art. But if I name them I'd be called a racist bigot. The only way to sort it is to reform the welfare state big time but that could lose votes too. One day I'll sit down an add up the tax and insurance contributions I have made in my life and I'll weep buckets.

Bottom line is that Polish people are to me very welcome
25 Sep 2007
USA, Canada / American people attitude towards Poles in the USA [98]

So everybody is all legal then?

100% legal from the A8 EU memebers. Bit more difficult with the latest EU members. Poles have a full legal entitlement to work here. The only restriction is that they cannot claim social welfare nbenefits (except child allowances) until they can prove they have bene working here for a year.

L-i-R is correct to point out that it is the size and speed of the influx that has caused such problems as exist.

Better integration will happen and the Poles hard work and ability will start to push them up the jobs ladder away from the cheap labour that most of them are overqualified for by a long way.

The press will always pick on relatively isolated instances of anti social behaviour by immigrants to peddle their political messages and some idiot Brits will continue to believe what they read.

Immigration to the UK is an issue without doubt but it is uncontrolled immigration from non EU countries that is of a longer term concern in my opinion. We are a small island with 60 million people. Our infrastructure and education and health services are creaking badly. But immigration is a sensitive political issue that can lose votes so nobody here is prepared to deal with it decisively.
18 Sep 2007
Travel / My impressions from Poland [26]

else it will like the way it does when guys do it (sorry boys :P)....

But we do it with style and panache. Sometimes we even have colour co-ordinated sandals and socks (without holes in). Women should understand that we spend hours deciding on the appropriate combinations of sandals and socks.

Admittedly my Nike air sandals are a liitle old and worn by now but they are old friends. They have character and make a bold statemnt about me...

Enough of this.... men, sandals and socks just don't work. it's all true.
28 Aug 2007
Genealogy / GITLER... is it Polish surname? [30]

I just checked the list of claimants against Swiss banks for the reclamation of assets from WWII and there are three Gitlers. You may be richer than you thought