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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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16 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Feedback needed from Poles confused about English [12]

Its a wonderfull world we live IN.
Its a wonderfull planet we live ON.

Don't know if those help or hinder,but they just occured to me as examples of confusing un-written rules in English :)
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland's 'oburzeni' (indignant)? [41]

That's strange. Here in the USA there is a major in "Communications" for that.

Would that be " Media Studies" here in the UK? ;)

Delph only has a GCSE in woodwork.

More valuable than a lot of Degree's these days :)
Its funny, but Im the first in my family not to have a degree in something,but Ive always worked alongside or "above" people with them ...at the end of any day,its only a piece of paper that can sometimes get your foot in a door, if you clearly have no real life skills its as worthless as yesterdays toilet paper :)
16 Oct 2011
News / Polish Diaspora - many of these 20 million actually speak Polish? [79]

there's two distinct "waves" - the first wave, post WW2 won't have passed the language on, but the second wave is much more recent (2004-now) and, of course, they'll all speak Polish.

Its not really that clear cut though. Ive met old Polish men who married English girls in the 40s and who now hardly remember any Polish themselves. But,on the other hand I did surprise the heck out of one of my old high school teachers by chatting in (limited ;) ) Polish with him a couple of years ago, he was second generation, his dad came during the war and passed the lingo down,as did my teacher to his kids.....

Many of these I assume left from Poland not to long ago. Surely Percentage wise Britain has more Polish speakers than US?

purely % wise thats probably the case, but,has been for a while. Its an old joke that my towns Yellow Pages had huge M, O and Z sections ( The Mc'scotties,the O paddies and all the Z...ski's :) )

Dessi, thats the way things work in your country with its long held obsession with making damn sure people knew their place ,people are not simply allowed to be American,they have to be "something-American" where as here,until only a few years ago,once you came here and decided to live here you were British,no matter how funny your accent or unpronounceable your last name :) No one is forced to forget where Granddad may have come from just because people dont feel the need to call themselves "something -British" :)
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland's 'oburzeni' (indignant)? [41]

Des, in the UK History CAN be a soft option for those of slim inteligence , often done to the most basic level possible and then touted as being some super qualification for all sorts of careers.
16 Oct 2011
News / Poland's 'oburzeni' (indignant)? [41]

PAP is reporting ther vandalism of a church where hooded thugs broke into a parish and smashed a statue of Our Lady of Lourdes. Polish text follows:

yes, because that plays to their audience.
I bet they are not reporting the fact that the Clergy of St Pauls cathedral in London ordered the Police from the steps in order to let the Protesters set up a camp on them . Effectivly giving Church Sanctuary to the protestors against the so called forces of law and order, go figure that one into your jew fearing paranoia.... :)

Go Clergy Go Clergy Go Clergy !!!! :):)
16 Oct 2011
Language / a linguistic explanation for Polish parking. [14]

Lols, that would not surprise me one bit :)
Mind,dont get me wrong, Ive a sneaking admiration for the French and their sense of anarchy and stuff you attitude :)

Should I mention the Polish reg' 6 tonne + truck that thought the other week that it was fine to park right across a road junction to unload outside one of the FIVE Polski Skleps ( + 1 Polish take away,a Polish Bar/ restuarant and a Polish only,by the signs, tanning shop....)on one short street in Doncaster? :)
16 Oct 2011
Travel / Tips/suggestions/do's and don't of going to Poland....? [55]

What makes the memory worse for me is the last time I heard it it was nearly drowning out the Hejnal.......god,what Id have given for a turk archer in what ever studio that crime was recorded in................mind you, "we" did foist the anodine Beatles on the world so.......( I suppose floyd and the stones cancel out the last bit though...)

er, where were we?
the big trick for the OP is mastering that Polish sound, the cat choking up a large fur ball sound.....so he can say " Koohan" and all its varients :)
16 Oct 2011
Love / Why are Varsovian women so uninteresting? [23]

WTF??? Some folks are weird. Business cards to impress women ffs.............how tragic.
Have you ever tried,I dont know,looking for decent women not amature hookers? Or maybe tried being yourself not a business card?
16 Oct 2011
Travel / Tips/suggestions/do's and don't of going to Poland....? [55]

armed with a good working knowledge of the hits of Shakin Stevens, Smokie and ELO

Erm, Id be carefull there, 05 a Polish version of "I am the one and only" seemed to be playing everywhere.....
16 Oct 2011
Travel / Tips/suggestions/do's and don't of going to Poland....? [55]

LOL.. old, fat and ugly, that's the image I want you to have of me in your minds.

Oh, I dont know, you have a fine pair of flippers.

" mash pyinkni oshee ", Best way to greet a Doorman in Poland. ;)

or tell a lass she has gorgeous eyes... :)
16 Oct 2011
Language / a linguistic explanation for Polish parking. [14]

I am sure if the doors were wider they would drive the dam car into the shop....

Nah, thats the French :)
Still cant get over the french reg' car pulled up in the middle of a road leaving town,right across the white lines, while the driver and passenger looked at a map......
15 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

And all this talk of the PIRA neatly sidesteps the issue of why the British divided the island.

No, it is attempting to try and drag some context to a point where most of us were actually alive FFS.
Should I p!ss and moan about Irish kinglets invading and occupying parts of England and Wales in the Dark Ages?????

Answer part two;
Did it have anything to do with the fact that while Britain with tens of thousands of Irish volunteers ,was fighting the Germans in WW1 a German/Irish American sponsored and armed insurection took place, treason and mutiny by the proper names? Was that what you were hinting at? Nope, oh yes, thats one of those points left off the all new PC history of the lovely innocent irish and nasty evil baby killing brits isnt it......come on, there are very few entirely innocent or entirely guilty parties in any of this.

Cromwell invaded, BOOOO...oops, it was a pre emptive invasion as the irish were set to invade england...but ******** hapens,its the 21st century, time to grow up.

Oh yes, TM, trade mark...not you TM :)
15 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

While I sort of ,well I do agree that less than one mag of 7.62 between an entire platoon of Paras is far far from trigger happy,it clearly was a crime that someone should have been charged with before I was born.

So,perspective, Bloody Sunday was shocking, but this was not some Einzatzgruppen death squad ethnicaly cleansing catholics as some loons on here would like to portray.

The Bloody british Army (TM) didnt invade some happy clappy The Quiet Man leprechaun infested emereld isle and suddenly throw lots of poor catholic boys in concentration camps for no reason.

Internment,with hindsight had serious flaws,but,when you have dozens of bombs going off every week in belfast and London,and a population who shelters thugs and murderers what else is to be done short of mass excecutions?
15 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Disgusting, fat and lying Polish women and Illegal immigration in UK [73]

get used to it honey, you don't like Asians, Australia is filling up with them

Yes, a white emigrant to Australia ( home of the "black fella".) has the nerve to complain about imigrants in the UK...WTF?????

If a women is so low as to marry someone for money, she deserves jail time.

Oh, behave, the world doesnt have enough jails for that!!! ;)

frankly when I think of her, I have a mental picture

Me too;

  • kath_n_kim.jpg
15 Oct 2011
History / Why have Poles contributed so little to Academics? (Particularly Science) [180]

Bronislaw wottits, the guy from the 70s TV show and the book every middle class and a hell of a lot of working class homes in Britain had a copy of..........come on,some one fill the name in for me :)

er.... Jacob Bronowski.... The Ascent of Man;

15 Oct 2011
Travel / What are some of the "must do" activities when visiting Poland? [43]

Haha,erm, ahhh,well, Its different, I can say that :)
Dont get me wrong,the food can be great, the fresh produce is amazing its just that "Polish " food is, I think its politest to say, a taste you develope over time :)

Pierogi of most fillings is a safe enough bet, Bigos, a nice home made one, just eat and ask about the ingredients later (unless you are a big fan of,cabbage).

But you will find all sorts of foods in Poland. with the imigration to my part of england Ive started buying quite a few Polish made products on my weekly shop.

Now, just to be clear, Im not a fussy eater,but, the sort of "national food/recipies" in Poland are those designed for a country that gets like Siberia in winter ,so lots of fats etc.

Nothing will kill you though, I just dont want to come across to neg' about Polish food as its like all foods,just a matter of tastes :)
15 Oct 2011
Travel / What are some of the "must do" activities when visiting Poland? [43]

Yes. a moving place, though a warning to anyone who has served in Western forces and not seen Polish parade drill before....when they slow march they mince like the biggest queens in a pride parade :)

But, its even more moving there when you realise that the huge public square you are in was a Palace untill WW2.

My guide round warsaw was from a Home Army family so I got to see all the "cool" places in Warsaw, the only one I missed was,and I dont know if it is still there, a pre WW2 Armoured Steam Train !
15 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

This is one of those topics best discused face to face over a (non alchohlic) drink where its plain that the subtlties of tone come through that just are impossible on an internet forum.

If Im being called the biggest supporter of Empire I know for sure Im not making some points as well as I could in person.

If Im to believe those genealgy web sites without being too specific I come from a long line of bards so....mind, they are all based in the US and also said we were big kings untill the 10th century....:):)
15 Oct 2011
Travel / What are some of the "must do" activities when visiting Poland? [43]

You need both the weed and the ketchup to eat a Polish pizza :)
Unfortunatly Ive only ever had access to ketchup in Poland......those Pannini style things are nice though,the ones in the underground shopping bits in warsaw anyway :)