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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Oct 2009
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 452 / In This Archive: 81
From: USA the land of free, or at least cheap.
Speaks Polish?: DAH-DAH-DAH
Interests: home improvement, culinary arts, brewing beer

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8 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

As much as I hate immigration, until the borders close completely to non-eu countries I welcome the Polish with open arms. Give me 100 Poles to 1 Asian anyday.

oh hell no! Don't start on asians buddy im asian ur just jealous because our test scores are higher than yours are! Also japan is by far one of the gr8test countries in this world with almost no crime rate and an amazing education system!

It must be one of those funny differences between British English and American English. Here in the U.S. when we say "Asians" we mean Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese etc. I understand that in the UK Asian means Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi. Am I right?
6 Mar 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Fair enough, Matthias.

the majority that did come here, came when Poland was under imposed communist rule....

The ones who came here in the 80's had a Green Card from the start and are citizens now. I know because I'm one of them.
6 Mar 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Well, we'll see how it goes for Canada. It will be an indicator of things to come when the U.S. waves its visa requirements for Poland.

You would think that since Poles can freely and legally work in Western Europe, they would stop overstaying their visas but for some reason it's not the case. Maybe people need some time to change their way of thinking?
6 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Do they expect to get so much better jobs in Ireland, the UK, Holland or Sweden? With the odd exception, if they have no mentionable education, they will have to do the same sh*tty jobs they're doing in the US. Only difference is that they do not have to apply for a visa.

The difference is that over there they will be living legally. And yes, they are illegals we're talking about here, many of them do not speak English. In Europe they're not limited to illegal jobs. Also these countries have health insurance and social net if anything goes wrong.

On the other hand if you're here legally and you have some kind of a college degree you'll live way better here then you would've anywhere in Europe.
6 Mar 2008

Julie, this way of thinking may be normal for Polish Americans in the States, but it's impossible to comprehend for Polish living in Poland.

Look at the title of this thread: it implies that Jews are going to take over Poland, and it is a some sort of an emergency. What's funny is that this is happening at the same time when millions of Polish are living and working all over Europe, and they receive help and tolerance wherever they go.

The words "double standard" come to mind, don't they?

Everyone is entitled to their own religion, and ways. I live near one of the biggest melting pots in S. Cali, where Catholics, Christians, Orthodox Jews and Muslims all live peacefully together, with a few Indian Sikhs, and Hindus. People here cover for each other's major religious days, so all is good.

I see no reason why Poland would be any different.

Maybe one day, but I seriously doubt it.
5 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

IMO if you're here legally, you speak the language and have some education then you're lucky enough to be a part of the American Middle Class. What that means is that your standard of living is somewhere on the level of the European upper class, so there is no reason to flee the U.S. as the title of the thread suggests.

On the other hand, if you're here illegally, don't speak the language and do not have an education, you're much better off living and working in Western Europe, or even Poland, where the social net is much wider.

I think that most of the people who are returning to Poland or are moving to Western Europe fall into this category.

And then there is the Great Emigration of the 80-90's. This is quite a different story; these are the Solidarity guys who came here when Poland fell into the chaos of the Commie Regime after the spring of the 80's. Many of them had land up here because the Western Europe at the time was too afraid to help Polish Anti-communists, for the fear of reprisals from the USSR. These people are in the retirement age now and many of them decided to retire in Poland.
4 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Another reason I would not want to move out from the States to any other country is the standard of living. I don't think it would be possible for me and my family to achieve an equal lifestyle and wealth if we were living anywhere in Europe, being just a part of the Middle Class.

IMO it is much better to work and live in the Western Europe if you are a single mother, or you do not have an education, or you're sick and requaire a social assistance, or don't speak the language. Most European Countries have much wider and more elaborate social net. But they do pay a price for it, and that is taxes on the Middle Class.

On the other hand if you are an educated professional and a part of the Middle Class in the USA you can afford a lifestyle reserved only for the rich class in Europe.
4 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Me personally, I would never leave the U.S. to work and live in Poland or anywhere else. First of all my wife and kids don't speak Polish, we would miss our friends and family, we could never (I don't think) get our carriers going somewhere else, I don’t know if my college degree is worth anything over there, it would be such a culture shock for my wife and kids, but also for me. I was born in Poland and I speak Polish, but I've spend most of my live here in the USA; so a move like that would be extremely difficult for me and near imposible for my family.
4 Mar 2008
News / Polish Immigrants Leave America for Europe [210]

Honestly, if I was a Polish living here illigaly, I would have left the U.S. to work somewere in Europe too. How can you compete with Mexicans in the illigal job market? You can't. There is so many of them here, even employees and managemant speek some Spanish now. I had to take some Spanish classes too, and learned even more at work. I used to run a couple of restaurants and the dishwashing crew and half the kitchen was always Mexican (or South American). They work for a minimum wage and they're the best workers you could ask for. So if they give you a fake SS#, so what? Whithout them half of the dinning industry would've gone under. And they're genualy good people too.

BTW, when working legally in Europe you get a health insurance, unemployment, retirement etc. Why would anybody consider working and living somewhere else illegally? That makes no sense.
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Again, Matt: for the n'th time: If you have a family here (legally) or friends who are willing to support you or enough assets to support yourself YOU WILL GET A VISA.

I wish that anyone could come here, make some money and help their families; unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. USA has too many illegal immigrants from South America at the present time. It simply wouldn't be good for the U.S. or for Poland.
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

So what you're saying is that you want to come here to visit someone who is here illegally, but you're getting pissed when they refuse you a visa because so many Poles are here illegally. WHAT?

because many are here illegaly from five years ago or ten years ago and don't have the necessary paperwork... but that doesn't mean the poles coming in NOW are here to work illegaly...

No offense my friend, but this sounds more like a joke than a serious statement :)
Can't you see the irony in that?
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

First, Most poles just want to visit there family., not come to vacation...

So wouldn't your family send you a copy of their taxes to provide evidence how much they make and a letter stating that they will support you when you're here? C'mon, everybody would do that, especially if you're coming here to visit them.

Once again: if you have a family here or friends who are willing to support you or enough assets to support yourself YOU WILL GET A VISA.

As far as losing the $100 if you don't get the visa, I agree that sucks, but hey; why would you go somewhere where you can't afford to stay and you have no one to provide you with support?
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Matthias, if you have a family here or friends who are willing to support you or enough assets to support yourself YOU WILL GET A VISA.

A $100 fee for a visa is nothing in comparison to the whole trip. You will spend a $100+ a day easily + a $1000 or two for the airplane tickets. Why would anybody go vacationing to a country that they can't afford? I don't take vacations in France; I vacation in Jamaica or Mexico! Catch the drift?

I think you take it personaly, and it is not the smart way to do it.
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

In this case, it is not about the terrorists. Visa restrictions existed before 9-11. It's about how many people come here from a particular country on a tourist visa and then overstay and work illegally. No country likes that, especially a country whose #1 issue at this time is the illegal immigration. If we could one day actually build the Southern Border fence (politically a very dangerous subject) then maybe the Government could get a handle on the illegal immigration crisis...

Again, if you have a family or friends willing to support you here or have enough assets to support yourself you will get a visa anyway.

I think too many people are making this a personal thing against Poland and it isn't......they are not being singled out to not receive it.

28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Matthias, I don't disagree with you that Poles should have the privilege of the VWP.
Let's not kid ourselves though, most of the people who get their request for a visa rejected were planning on illegal work - otherwise why would they want to go "on vacation" to a country they can't afford?

On the other hand if you have a family here (legally) you will get a visa. But you're right, you shouldn't have to pay for it or go through all the hoops.

still didn't answer the question, doesn't the west EU pose more of a threat from terrorism then Poland...

I agree with that 100%, look at Richard Reid (the Shoe Bomber), and I believe that some of the 9-11 highjackers came here on a German Passport.
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

You may be right with the open job markets, I hope. We'll see what it's going to look like in Canada - they just now withdrew their visa requirement.

I must protest against the title of this thread.. should be more darn politically correct..
We're good enough to kick anyone's ass, if they ask for it.. :P

Ha-ha that's Hairball who started this thread, one of our leading "U.S. haters" on these forums. I believe his original title was "Aren't Poles Good Enough for America?" or something like that. lol
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

You know why so many Poles applying for visa don't get it, right? It's because they don't have the means to support themselves when they get here. They don't have a sufficient enough bank account, credit history etc. Let's be honest, most of them are planing to overstay and work here illegally. And many do.

I wouldn't care about it, but guess what - the illegal job market here is overtaken by Mexicans 100%. There is no "under the table" work left here, unless you are a Mexican. And they work hard for a small amount of money.

I am a citizen, so I don't mind that, all it means to me is that if I need to trim some fruit trees in my backyard or put in a new shower, or a new roof - I will pay 1/2 for the workmanship, made by Mexicans. But if you're here illegally from Poland looking for a job as a construction worker, a landscaper, a Nanny, guess what - you're screwed, you can't find a job and what's even worst now you have no means to go back. And you know, without visas this would happen to hundreds of thousands if not millions of Polish migrant workers here.

countries that have supported US and maintain some number of soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan have the threshold of 3% highered...

Oh well, should've put more soldiers in Afganistan then I guess.
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Illegal immigration is #1 problem in the U.S. at this moment. People care more about putting stop to illegal immigration then the economy or the Iraq war. It is #1 issue this presidential election. The midia named it the "Invasion on the USA".

That's why I don't see any politician at this moment doing anything that could be read as "helping illegals". That would be a political suicide. Unfortunately for Poles, since it is not their fault.

The Invasion of America - Legal vs illegal Immigration
28 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

Too many Poles overstay their visas and stay here illegally. I believe that the number is currently at 30%, and it has to be lower then 3% for a country to qualify for a Visa Waiver Program

In order to qualify for VWP participation, the non-immigrant visitor ("B-1/B-2" visa category) refusal rate for nationals of a country who have applied at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate in that country must average less than 3% for the previous fiscal year.

harare.usembassy.gov/niv_waiver_program.html - Non-ImmigrantVisas

But, with so many pleases for Poles to work legally lately - maybe % of illegal’s from Poland will fall below 3% soon. Plus, if you have a legal way to support yourself here, or a family - you'll get a visa anyway
24 Feb 2008
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think of the USA [287]

Thank you!

well said dice man.

What I meant to say is that it is very different for Poles in the U.S. as opposed to Polish people in the Western Europe. People coming to America (legally) become Americans and the assimilation is easy. In Europe on the other hand you can legally work for years in the UK, France, Germany... but they will never consider you to be a Brit, French, German.

The States are different.

USA is a nation of emigrants, they are open to someone born somewhere else. Europe seems to be more embedded in the philosophy of national division.

Maybe that's why study after study shows that Muslims living in America are on average more content then Muslims in Europe - maybe that's because in here they get a chance to be a true part of this nation, as opposed to Europe where they will be foreigners for ever?
23 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

It looks like the way this whole thing is gonna play out is that sometimes within the next year Canada will become visa-free for Poland and then depending on how well Canada is doing the same will happen in the U.S. I would give it about 1-3 years.

BTW, does anybody knows if "no visa" in Canada also mean a legal right to work?

Of course people like Twojszef will not help the matters by screaming that they "hate America" lol

One would think that now, when there is so many places in the West where Polish can legally find a job, the percentage of Poles who overstay their tourist visa in the U.S. will significantly drop and therefore make it possible for the Federal Government to eliminate the visa requirement.
23 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

TwojSzef, I don't care if you hate America; I know that in most cases it's simple envy because USA is the only Superpower left in the world (at least for now). If enything, it tells me that visas are needed, I don't want people here who hate my Country.

But why do you want to come to a country that you hate? That makes no sense. And if you do not want to come here, then what are you crying about? I don't moan and whine because I can't go to North Korea or Iran...

Dice, I hate America because I'm paying them for nothing

What the hell are you smoking? You are paying who and how?
22 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

If you 'hate America' then you don't want to come here, so what are you crying about? You don't want the visa anyway! See, everybody is happy :)

Something tells me that Twojszef is really one of our Serbian "friends" trashing these Forums lately... lol
22 Feb 2008
Work / Cost of Living, Average Salaries and Job sites in Poland [263]

How much it would cost you to buy a hose in Poland in an average neighborhood and how much would be your mortgage payments? What about a new or 1-2 year old car? How much for payments + insurance? How much does an average truck driver, teacher, nurse, engineer makes?

Just wondering.
18 Feb 2008
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

I don't hate Americans

I would never guess that judging by the things you have written here. But I believe you.

i hope the influx of poles returning from the uk will change poland considerably - both in terms of attitude, ability and with fresh ideas

I agree 100%.

Do you mean American 'made in China" goods are better than Canadian "made in China" goods? :))

Yeah no kidding :) LOL