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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 11
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From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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6 Mar 2011
Law / Germany and Austria to fully open their labor market to Poles in 2011. Economic growth? [49]

Exactly, " not fair ". eg. British welders were earning 15 pounds an hour until migrants turned up and started working for 7 pounds.

Welders have been saying that for years. Huge wages until the early 80s. Then huge wages until the 90s, then huge wages until the Poles turned up. The truth may be more prosaic.

this is class warfare that is going on around the world, war against middle class,

Yes, but if anything against the working class; people like welders.
6 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Criminal gangs luring Polish migrants to UK for benefit fraud [16]

Something happened to a Polish friend in London. He'd overpaid his tax by quite a lot and was sent a cheque for a refund. The cheque was stolen and cashed by someone (nationality unknown) who's operating a benefits scam from the house he rents a room in. Every week all sorts of mail from the Benefits Agency arrives, addressed to people he's never heard of, and someone always collects it.
6 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Criminal gangs luring Polish migrants to UK for benefit fraud [16]

From today's BBC news:

Polish criminal gangs are defrauding the benefits system and conning banks by luring poverty-stricken Poles to Britain with false promises of work and then stealing their identities.

"I just grabbed my child and never went back.

"I left everything in the flat - a buggy, my child's cot and all of our clothes - everything."

Anna - not her real name - is a single mum in her late twenties, from Poland. She anxiously recalls how she fled a criminal gang in London who were using her identity to cheat the benefits system and run up large debts in her name.

Rest of article bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12638060
6 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

No, the monetary system is what you can see around europe nowadays.

Go for a walk round Florence, Sienna, Venice and say that.

Italy i could agree on. But the UK was a small kingdom in the 14-17'th century.

One of the richest places in the world from the sixteenth century, and more surviving from that period than was ever built east of the Oder.

Not really ;) Plenty of Polish citys had a large industry, citys such as Lodz, Cracow, Lublin etc etc.

Lodz didn't exist during the renaissance, and neither Krakow nor Lublin had any significant industry at that time, nor did they until much, much later. And even then, its origins were elsewhere.

Read up boyo ;)

I prefer original sources to the (rather short and straw clutching) wikipedia page on the renaissance in Poland.
You didn't answer my question:

What on earth has the Eighteenth Century got to do with the renaissance?????

It seems you are very confused about what happened when and where in Europe's history.
6 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

It has been estimated that Michael Radziwill's 5,000,000 zloties was equal to 139,000 pounds sterling. This would make the income of even the richest British aristocrats (Bedfords, Devonshires etc) pale in comparison. In 1767

Pale in false comparison, more like. Since in 'western' Europe income and assets were distributed rather more evenly. The built enviromnemt surviving to this day demonstrates that. Poland in that period had a tiny fraction of the cultural achievements of, say, Italy or the UK.

Unholy alliance used when they so called "freed" the poor serfs from the bad boys called the Szlachta, and it still lives on today

I assume you mean the Holy Alliance. Serfdom, by the way was pretty much universal at the time of the renaissance, so it's a bit of a mystery why you've mentioned it. Odd that you mention the Devonshires who emerged as players centuries after the renaissance had finished (and serfdom had been abolished in England).

The diffrence in the first half of the 18'th century were that the poles slaved in the Agricultur sector while the lets say british folks slaved in the industrial sector.

What on earth has the Eighteenth Century got to do with the renaissance?????

But in the end of the 18'th century the poles swifted towards Industri just like the rest of europe.

Actually they didn't. They had a very few sporadic and tentative steps towards it, which weren't a notable success. You quote the most general and accessible of Zamoyski's works - try reading a bit more by him - he covers the matter quite well and in more depth elsewhere.

Indeed it was but still the poles had plenty of projects in the P-L Commonwealth that had its share in the renaissance.
[quote=David_18]Indeed it was but still the poles had plenty of projects in the P-L Commonwealth that had its share in the renaissance.

As I said in my first Post, Poland wasn't isolated from the world. The word 'plenty' is misleading however.

Indeed Poland didn't invent the renaissance. But they did build plenty of extraordinary examples and contributed alot to the renaissance.

They didn't particularly. If anything they contributed less than one might expect given their position and resources. And certainly a lot less, given the vast wealth you ascribe to them.
6 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

You claim that the economic powerhouse was in Italy, but you're wrong. The Polish magnates were richer then some kings in europe and hired the best artist you could find at that time to their courts.

Italy was the engine and driving force of the renaissance - the built environment and almost all of the art was and still is, in Italy.

Yet few people outside the country had any idea that it had ever been one in the past.

One point (among many) on which Zamojski is very wrong.

You know, some things can be attributed to Poland. The renaissance is not one of them.
6 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

But the intellectual and economic powerhouse was well to the south.

Do you know anything about the polish magnates?

Plenty. Read my post.

by Austria, Prussia and Russia when they sealed Polands faith,

Rather, it sealed its own. In very large part by the behaviour of the people you call 'magnates'.

now people are starting to find out the truth about Poland

Its history has never been a secret.
6 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

Almost every city in Poland got a Italian Renaissance touch.

A touch. Not a renaissance. Touches of it spread everywhere. Zamosc is an example. But the intellectual and economic powerhouse was well to the south.
6 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

The renaissance in Italy was born of a set of circumstances, economic, political, cultural, climactic and geographic that were unique to Italy. There was certainly a Polish university at the time, projects like the rynek and palace at Zamosc etc, as well as travellers to and from Poland, but the conditions which allowed the renaissance to flourish in Italy weren't there.
4 Mar 2011
Study / Which university (erazmusem)? Poznań, Lublin, Krosno and Białsko-Biała. [17]

Poznań, Lublin, Krosno and Białsko-Biała

Poznan - a respected university in a biggish city. If you have a chance go. Lublin (either university) is good too. Lublin is cheaper to live in than Poznan and a little less 'western'. Also a nice place.

Krosno is a one-horse town, and Bielsko a backwater (but near the Czech border).
3 Mar 2011
Law / I was fined for not having a tram ticket in Poland. How does this affect me? [68]

or an old foreign drivers license.

I wonder if he'd have got away with that in Warsaw.

next time buy a ticket. regardless of how horrible public transportation is, if you choose to ride it, you ought to pay for it. don't like the product? don't use it.

Exactly. Public transport is rock-bottom cheap in Poland. Why steal? Especially tacky if it's someone foreign doing it.
3 Mar 2011
Law / I was fined for not having a tram ticket in Poland. How does this affect me? [68]

And how he is going to know it is fake address ?

By looking at it, of course. He would need to show a Dowod Osobista or a Karta Pobytu. Neither of them easy to fake.

But hey, why not procure expensive, complicated and highly illegal fake government documents? You never know, you could save yourself 90zl.
3 Mar 2011
Law / I was fined for not having a tram ticket in Poland. How does this affect me? [68]

I wouldn't pay, I believe the mass transit system in PL is atrocious

What would you do when they took the fine, plus court costs and execution fees from your bank account? Tell them you think the system is atrocious and the inspectors ridiculous and hope they'll waive the fine?

Here's the latest scam - the ticket vending machines in Warsaw give change in tokens: zyciewarszawy.pl/artykul/563957.html
3 Mar 2011
News / Irena Kwiatkowska died on March 3, 2011 [14]

Irena Kwiatkowska died today. She was a great comedy actress.


"Jestem kobietą pracującą i żadnej pracy się nie boję"

  • asdfg.jpg
2 Mar 2011
Life / An example of what is wrong with Poland (fatal traffic accident and a tram) [55]

certain procedures and protocols that have to be followed

They're very strict about that in PL. Cars that have bumped into each other have to sit for ages in the middle of the road in the exact position where the crash happened. At the weekend dead pensioners have to sit in the bus stop for hours freezing solid with a bored policeman for company while they try and find a prosecutor on duty to give permission for them to be moved.
2 Mar 2011

there used to be a Polish Club in Golders Golden on Finchley Road underneath the bridge. Was it closed down too?

The first generation are in elderly care, the second generation go there once a year if at all, the third generation are English and the new arrivals are sitting at home on Nasza Klasa with a can of Tyskie.
1 Mar 2011

That's true. There are thousands in the town where I am now, and no Polish bar or noticeable Polish presence in the pubs. I've been spending a lot of time in London N17, again huge numbers of Poles but not in the pubs. And six cans of Tyskie for a fiver in every corner shop. Most Poles I know in the UK socialize with friends in their homes.
1 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / A Mexican-Polish citizen is moving to UK by summer 2011 [38]

here as in the UK? I thought you lived in Warsaw.

I do. But I spent most of Jan & Feb here due to the Libya thing. Back home to Warsaw soon.

As for the OP's question, I was walking through the town centre (Wakefield) today, and heard at least a dozen groups of young men speaking Polish. What struck me was not only that it was the middle of the day, but a few things about them that suggested they were both broke and with time on their hands. Even the local temp agencies that used to advertise in Polish seem to be shutting up shop.

Not a good time to arrive in the UK.