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Love your sarcasm, dear. ;)
Well, so there's a difference between the Jews, and the Roman Catholics, in wanting their property back, people are saying? Am I defined by my religion?
I simply wish for the property that was forcibly seized by the Nazis, and then kept by the Communist Govt. and Govt., until NOW.
Celinski pointed out rather eloquently much how I feel; my family was skootched about, in the Eastern part of Poland.
Do I have a different set of rights, than the Jews? I don't think so.
Now perhaps my plans are different, because I wish to help the local economy in Poland, and live there half the year.
*I did try to pull up the link, but it's nonexistent - can someone revive it, or was it fake?
I feel that all people should be treated with respect, and if they are in the same boat as me, then they deserve to be treated the same; if the property was stolen, like it was from my family, then the Government has stated that they'd give a percentage of the value, or give it back. I'd then be liable for double taxation, between Poland and the USA, over a certain amount.
So, as far as I can see, the people occupying the homes would either stay, or have the opportunity to move to another location - with the local government working with both parties, to ensure things are fine for both sides.
My auntie was prejudiced, so was my great cousin, Alka. I just let them jibber-jabber, and go, "Uh-huh, uh-huh, whatever" because I felt the prejudism would die with them. I'm in shock and horrified, because these people were NEIGHBORS!! My uncles DIED to save was caught with 23 Jews, and was shot on the spot. Another was shot in Katyn.
Another was shot during the Bolshevik Revolution, simply because the Russian soldiers felt like it, and torturing the horses. and who knows how many women they raped, as the soldiers plundered. The Russians 'apologized' for shooting him, but yeah - you can't revive him.
NEVER AGAIN, will we let prejudism define us, at least me. That is why we have left 'Auschwitz' as a memorial, correct?
But then, on the Internet, it's much easier to let insults fly, because you aren't face to face with someone...makes me ponder.
Just because your skin color or religion isn't the same as me, doesn't mean I won't treat you the same. I treat everyone with respect, and politeness. They earn my disrespect, by what they do to others, and me, and I don't mean rumors.
But then, one of my best friends in the Midwest was an Orthodox Jew, with one of her parents showing the number tattoos. Out here in S. California, I walk past Muslims, Jews, Orthodox Jews, Roman Catholics, Protestants. When 9/11 happened, we pulled together ever so tightly, swearing to NOT let what happened during WW2 happen again! We even protected the Sikhs, who wore 'Angels' baseball caps instead of turbans. Many of the working Muslim women have become rather skilled at camouflaging their head covering, with baseball caps and little hat coverings - hoodies are perfect. I say hello to one, who's very shy, and is bold enough to wear her head covering to work. We are a community, we must help each other!
Oh, forgot - another one of my friend's parents were in a Japanese/American Internment Camp. His dad was in the infamous Japanese/American fighting group, with high fatalities, to prove their Loyalty to America, and freedom.
So, yes - I feel the Jewish families have the same rights as I do, in reclaiming my family properties.
My family, and OTHER families died, sacrificing themselves, to help the Jews. I don't think they meant for us to give them a different set of rules, in the future when we are reclaiming property.