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Posts by celinski  

Joined: 14 Nov 2007 / Female ♀
Last Post: 5 Jul 2012
Threads: Total: 31 / In This Archive: 1
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From: USA, Connecticut
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: family history

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29 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

More lies from our favourite anti-semite

Are you kidding, he is no where near anti semitic. This lead me to this question, how do you define anti Semitic?
27 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

You pathetic liar. I claimed no such thing.

Now tell us how yu feel about Poland running the Auschwitz concentration camp until 1947 and one of the Auschwitz subcamps until 1956.

27 May 2008
News / Poland's pollution of the Baltic Sea [46]

In all fairness Poland has alot of work to do seeing as 1989 was not too long ago and if you recall Poland was not run by Polish. Lets face it Russia was not to overly concerned about making Poland the best she could be.
27 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Youve got to laugh really

Wiki= ? Anyone can put things there and there are alot of incorrect information that need to be fixed.
27 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

just love the free publicity of a little pr*ck like you attempting to convince the authorities here to gag me.

I think it's clear with your foul temper tantrums the only paper that would hire you is under ground anyway.

So Poland bears no responsibilty for the pre-war concentration camp it ran? Yeah, right.

Why you continue to go in circles I have no clue. It's as if you goal in life is to hurt people. For someone that spends as much time as you do spreading bul* sh*t just think of what you could do if you put that energy into something positive.
27 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Do explain why it is revisionist to point out that Poland operated pre and post-war concentration camps.

Simply you are taking victim's and blamming them for actions placed upon them. Placing responsibility on Poland is absurd. Please find a forum where you can do good vs. trying to hurt.
22 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

neither were your parents.

Yes my father was born in eastern Poland. You are right about me, I was born in the USA due to "Communist" takeover of Poland.
21 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

You sad-act t***

Speaking of "sad-act t***" how are you Harry?

Pity that you can't actually apologise for it.

Funny he did, why I don't know because I feel you are in fact the one that owes many an apology. Why do you deny being a Russian Harry?
20 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

The 'war' I 'fight' is against people such as yourselves.

Well said and well done, Thank you.

And this Harry seems to be your goal, "deliberate attempt to offend" vs. any lack of knowledge.

"The deputy ambassador of Poland to the Netherlands Artur Habant said that the mistake was rather a result of lack of general knowledge than a "deliberate attempt to offend"

19 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Today's paper FYI

Poland opposes ‘Polish concentration camps’

16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Believe me Harry you don't really want me to start posting the full truth of what was happening to the "Polish" and by whom from 1935 to 1950. Sept. 1939 Poland was attacked from all sides this date was not the start of Polish being killed. If you really believe Polish were the great big monsters than more power to ya. I am sure you don't bother to read posts from victims that are Polish.

Facts are there for you to read, Poland fought until the end. Seems to me what keeps your mouth flapping is the truth coming to light about how Poland was really treated even by the biggest of victims.

Did you know Polish were silenced to speak of the crimes commited by Soviets? Do you know what about took place in Ukraine 1941 and by whom? If you feel an occupied country is the same as free one than I pity you.

You say you are in Poland (which I for one do not buy) and slander the country that has fought for your freedom. Personally I can't believe your sorry but* has not been tossed out. Maybe you are still here for entertainment. You go from post to post insulting, whining and swearing.

Wonder why they changed it Harry?

As a result of the intervention the inscription of the memorial plaque was changed as follows:

"Here lived hiding Aron Skrobek called David Kutner - syndicalist, imprisoned in the Bereza Kartuska seclusion camp (Poland) - 1934/35. Editor of the Jewish newspaper "The New Press". Founding member of the resistance organization "Solidarity", the Jewish section of the MOI (the World Workers Movement) in September 1940. Deported to the Nutzweiler - Struthof concentration camp during the action "Night and Fog". Killed 21 July 1943 in the place called "the Death Gorge".

16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

As for whether it was a prison or a concentration camp, let's see what respected academics have to say about it. From your Wikipedia link

I think you should do some reading, you are unaware of what the price was the Polish paid. Believe me if this camp was to be a "concentration camp" like the ones run by "Soviets" or "Nazi's" I think you would see a few more than 20 deaths.

16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Who to believe

Intervention of the Embassy of Poland in Paris against the term "Polish concentration camp" used on the memorial plaque for Aron Skrobek. December 2007, Paris.

16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Yes, concentration camps did exist after May 1945.
(As it was still seen as something usable)

And Polish were still being killed within them as it was now occupied by Stalin vs. Hitler.
16 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Most of us know that "Hitler" was attacking Poland.

"Adolf Hitler personally ordered the mass extermination"

A Gulag and Holocaust Memoir of Janina Sulkowska-Gladun

Auschwitz-Birkenau was located nearby the provincial Polish town of Oshwiecim in Galacia, and was established by order of Heinrich Himmler on 27 April 1940. Private diaries of Goebbels and Himmler unearthed from the secret Soviet archives show that Adolf Hitler personally ordered the mass extermination of the Jews - as Goebbels wrote "With regards to the Jewish question, the Fuhrer decided to make a clean sweep ..."


Are you saying that Polish wanted to kill the Jewish and set up the camps for this purpose?
15 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Where are your numbers?

It's just a pity for you that communism ended when it did, you would have done well under that system.

Lukas would do great on the inside helping to plot Poland's taking back of their country, Great idea's there Harry.

What you are still refusing to recognise Carol

Yes as a matter of fact I am. Maybe if it was you, ok that could buy. Harry is that why you are so angry, did you run the camp?
15 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

what do you propose they be called

Thats simple, Nazi/Soviet Concentration Camp in Nazi/Soviet Occupied Poland. Think of it this way, You own property and rent it out. The next think you know the media plastering on the front page of the paper, "Shelley Runs Wh*** House". All you did was rent it out. This is what Polish are trying to say. It's misleading to say it was a Polish Concentration Camp just as it would be for a rental you owned.
14 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

'Sorry' would be too much to ask for. I'd settle for Poles not painting themselves as 100% pure innocent victims who were betrayed by the entire world.

Poland was attacked by three sides from "Nazi's", and in the east by "Soviet's". In the end Polish lost their country. What more needs to be said. Poland thought they had allies that would help but didn't. Yet Polish still fought to help them.

Polish women imprisoned under Stalin remember horrors of torture, separation from children

The women had survived a brutal six-year occupation by Nazi Germany, only to suffer under the new occupiers, dragged from their homes and families and subjected to brutal investigations on charges of spying for the West or with scheming to overthrow the new communist government.

The women were among 250,000 people arrested in Poland under early communism before Stalin died in 1953; some 23,000 were killed or died in prisons. Of those arrested, about 5,000 were women. The arrests were part of Stalin's effort to subdue Poland by terrorizing society and killing off the cultural and political elite.


I guess you feel the victory parade that "Stalin" excluded Polish military from was a ploy to make everyone think we were best friends. I can give you alot of artical showing what life was like even after the end of the war. Poland was no longer free to speak out or they were killed.
14 May 2008
Life / Mothers day in Poland [19]

Sorry I'm two days late. This is for all Mothers.

// page not found //
13 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

The thought of your whiney pathetic fukwitted personage living in the same country as me is enough to make me want to reopen a Polish concentration camp and check myself in as the first inmate.

LOL promise, I'm packing my bags. Can't see leaving my Polish brothers to contend with your bs.
10 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

And every single Pole who worked at the concentration camps in Poland between 1945 and 1956 did so because there was a Soviet guard pointing a gun at him/her, right?

Thats about right. Harry do you think Poland was fighting in WW2 to be controlled by Stalin? Do you feel Poland under occupation was how the Polish wanted to live?
7 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Auschwitz stopped operating when the soviets liberated the camp in '45.

However, Harry is right, there were smaller "camps" run in parts Poland/Germany

Once more this was not "Poland" it was Soviet occupied Poland".
7 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

This is the 60 min interview with John Sack.

STEVE KROFT: It's the stuff of fiction: a Polish Jew who loses his entire family to the Nazis during the Holocaust finds himself, at the end of World War II, running a prison camp for Germans and Nazi collaborators, and with an opportunity to exact a terrible and very personal revenge.

While it may sound like a novel or a made-for-TV movie, in fact that much of the story is true. But did Solomon Morel actually exact that revenge, brutalizing German prisoners under his command? Or did he and others fantasize it? That's the subject of an emotional historical debate and an ongoing investigation by the Polish government.


Here's a download of the book 1.98 MB.

7 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Polish citizen with Gypsy origin

Your Gypsy's, are any Jewish? Seeing as they are in their own group under Holocaust, I assume they are not.
7 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Here in the US we do not ID this way, or I should say other than Jewish. First we are "nationality". This is not the same for the "Jewish" and I find this "segregation" by religion wrong. I do notice this also depends on the subject even with "Jewish". Speaking as victims of "Holocaust" they say, "Jewish Poles", Speaking of rights in Israel, they are no longer "Polish".
6 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Harry do you understand Poland was taken over by COMMUNISM, yes I blame Soviets seeing that if you even spoke about there crimes they commited you were shot. As in dead. They were not living as a free Poland independent of Soviets. Even today there are pre 1989 within the goverment of Poland messing things up.
6 May 2008
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

So where did you keep your Jews?

Correction, Where did you keep the victim's? (Not all were Jewish) In Nazi Concentration camps , in occupied Poland.