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Joined: 13 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Oct 2016
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19 Nov 2012
Life / Why is Prostitution still legal in Poland? [106]

Ok was just doing research. As the know all of everything Wiki has a good overview of the laws and history of the subject in Poland.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_in_Poland or some local info.


US State Dept has Poland as Tier 1 in anti - trafficking efforts (ie better than tier 2 like Romania). So not bad but could be better. Prostitution as I have seen it in Poland has many faces from the college student in need of funds to the trafficked to the just plane economic need to eat. I have seen no clear numbers on those forced into the business in Poland as of yet or where they come from outside of Poland. Any answers?

It is legal is private person to person as far as I can tell. But not on the level of a Prague. But wherever there is something in the open and do know there must be some girls (or boys) locked behind closed doors waiting for a client....
19 Nov 2012
News / Human Trafficking in and from Poland [80]

I will drop you a pm. Curious to hear your views on being more active in Poland.

Here is a link to an interesting faith based network that is looking to be more active in their approach, from what they tell me.

18 Nov 2012
News / Human Trafficking in and from Poland [80]

Hey can anyone suggest any groups working in Poland besides LaStrada? I did meet with the head of LaStrada briefly a few weeks ago. Nice lady but they are more passive in their approach.

I am looking to speak with people who are interested in a more aggressive approach to combating human trafficking through Poland. At the moment just finishing up a visit to SE Asia where I took a look at efforts here using investigative and other means to rescue and combat trafficking.

Most recent US State Dept report 2012 including Poland:

24 Oct 2011
USA, Canada / Looking for Polish beer in the United States [39]


Maybe can ship to TX if can't find similar store.

I used this store while in California. Back teaching in Warsaw now so no problems. :)
21 Jan 2011
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Great website look forward to using it when in Poland. 2 more weeks to go on my TEFL course.

Also I am looking for help with a work permit fixer for non EU types. I am an American and would like to go the business license route and get proper papers for teaching. I am finishing up my TEFL in Prague in the next couple of weeks. Here they have people for a good price will run all the paper work around for you get license and send docs to proper places. Does anyone know of anyone doing same service for Poland in Warsaw or Krakow areas?

15 Oct 2010
News / Human Trafficking in and from Poland [80]

thanks for the la strada link. Very interesting group.

Another interesting link for a US based group. polarisproject.org
21 Aug 2010
Life / My own thoughts about life in Poland (have lived here for two years) [133]

hey pubben
Thanks for posting/starting this very enjoyable debate.... and hey contrary to a lot of things on polishforums is mostly mature talk. Even Semus and Delphi keeping things civil.

I have been to Poland at least 6 times in the last 3 years and see many of the issues you brought forward.

I think the hardest issue to quantify is the material nature of Poles. This has bothered me as I speak with new and older Polish friends. I wonder if has something to do with the communist history? I know from talking with friends a great deal of value is placed on "things" and position (in society). Had one Polish friend talk down to me at the idea of taking time out to teach English in her country... ie low wage equal low thought of job. Still working on figuring this one out.

22 Apr 2010
Work / International House - Kracow school - any chances of being offered a job there [59]

If looks say anything about a program then IH Wroclaw looks decent. Building is right behind Nathans Hostel right on the edge of Old Town; 5 min walk from market square. I dropped in on the school in early April while I was touring in Poland. At the moment trying to decide between Wroclaw (Krakow is out) and IH Budapest... though I would like to work in Poland.

Just need to do the dam application and grammar "test".
22 Apr 2010
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

don't have to be, but can. It is quite random.

yes I had a couple of experiences where I felt like big game of chance.... would a nice quiet train roll in or a rickety old one... seamed to be no reason to it sometimes but like I said ICE seamed to be better rides... short hall the older ones.... but also at times great places to chat of locals if you are in tourist mode.
21 Apr 2010
Travel / Starbucks in Poland? [149]

very cool for those who need something quick and a slice of home. Actually one of the reasons I enjoy old Europe is the lack of BK and Starbucks and strip malls. Also the other benifit is just a warm place to still on a cold Warsaw afternoon with a friend....
20 Apr 2010

I have met more than a few "euro" people in my travels and I do ask the question are prices and life better with the euro.... most say 1) prices went up 2) euro buys less...

so simple answer for me is Poland is better off without the euro and control of its banking policy as long as possible. I bet the Germans would love to be rid of the euro at this point in time.

just my 2cents.
20 Apr 2010
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

just note on train as I was just there last week. Cheapest is not always best. I always go ICE as the little extra goes a long way. And prices are not that bad... I paid basically 40 USD to go ICE Warsaw to Poznan and Warsaw to Krakow is a little less. Good luck.
20 Apr 2010
Travel / Starbucks in Poland? [149]

just a little slice of home on my recent visit....

just a little slice of home on my recent visit....

and my picture to go with it.
10 Feb 2010
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

mullerriceman - Hey thanks for taking the time to put together a good Poland focused web page for English teaching. It will be bookmarked and will refer to it as I make my plan for later part of 2010. At the moment looking at IH CELTA in Wroclaw at end of summer.... then will see from there.

12 Dec 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

as Poznan is much more charming than Wroclaw due to the lack of British "tourists".

LOL. So what you are saying that despite a tougher market for new teachers Pozan has more charm than Wroclaw. Will see what happens. Though I do like the idea of of doing IH CELTA in Wroclaw. How is the winter in Pozan? Any difference in pay between the two places or cost of living?

Seinus thanks for the tip on Katawice... I had passed through the downtown a couple of years ago and yes was a dump. But I did see a very pretty girl or two.... so maybe....
11 Dec 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Thank you for the information. As I get closer to a decision point I will hit you up further. I had read previously that Wroclaw was the new Krakow....
11 Dec 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]


Good point and I have got the feeling the market is a tad crowded at the moment. Reference to Krakow was just for the training; would look to a mid size city elsewhere in Poland or even over in Hungary. At this point I still have a paying job and a few other things to do first so looking 2011 and maybe the market will be in better shape by then. What are other cities you might recommend from your experience so far? I am a native speaker (American).
11 Dec 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]


This link is the best thing I have got off forums in regards to the issues of teaching and getting started. Now that I am a bit older I am more looking to stay within the rules...

Ok... next question best city to get started... I am thinking CELTA in Krakow and then a mid size city. Biggest thing for me is community... ie a place to make a few friends and be able to earn enough Z after awhile to pay the bills. Thinking Pozan or Wroclaw could be a good place... Krakow is to overrun with drunk tourist most evenings (at least that is what I observed in August). Any tips?
24 Oct 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

The one thing you have to do when coming here is make sure that your paperwork is all in order - essentially, you'll have to start your own business here (it's easy!) in order to get the residence card as schools are notoriously funny about getting work permits. But don't worry about this just now ;)

Hey can you follow up on the part Delphi about starting your own business... I have heard that is the best way to meat visa and tax rules. Due you just hirer a lawyer or is it a clear process... I hear horrors about red tape in P-land. I am an American so if I finally came over I think I would have to do this to legally stay and work.

29 Jul 2009
Travel / Starbucks in Poland? [149]

Well I guess not a big loss if SB is not in all the towns yet....

as another writer said the special city mugs are great.... so really just wanting a nice big Warsaw or Krakow mug for my collection. I know very shallow...

I will be swinging through Warsaw in a few weeks and will take a look.

25 May 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

So I actually feel better now. Sounds like control is part of the battle and being prepared for questions the students put forward. Even though I am an American I never spent a great amount of time learning structure. If it sounded right and looked right on paper then I figured I was good to go.

As to sticky I would vote that this topic could be a sticky.
25 May 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

I am just curious before you started teaching (and any other person who wishes to answer) how would you describe your grasp of English grammar?

Please excuse my ignorance but what is a "sticky" as it applies to this Forum?
15 May 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

I think that is pretty sound advice and goes for any type of consultancy or contract work. I also think that if/when I do take the jump I will have several months of support banked so I can take a good course and take the time to work on the reputation. I'll probably wind up taking the CELTA in Krakow or Warsaw. By the time I do hopefully some of the financial mess will be on the mend.
15 May 2009
Travel / Starbucks in Poland? [149]

Maybe I could shed some light on why in Starbucks seems to be everywhere in the Uk and have as yet not overrun Poland.

A couple of comments as to relates to Poland. The clustering talked about by Buddy is a fact in the US and apparently in the UK.... Just walk around Manhattan and every 4th door was a Starbucks... but now with the eco down turn I think a lot of stores opened during clustering are closing. In the current climate this old model might be out?

I also don't see this practice happening in Poland as there does not appear to be a need to cluster and drive other shops out. Also as an American sometimes after a long time on the road is nice to just go into a little piece of home where I know what I will be getting... good or bad.

I also just like to collect the Starbucks City Mugs so when opens in Poland will be looking to get my mug!!
15 May 2009
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Once you start having private conversation lessons and if you don't bore them to death, it just snowballs, and in the end you have to start turning people away.

How long have you been teaching English in Poland? Are you a native English speaker?

I have been looking at ESL teaching for a couple of years now. For me I am not a post college type looking for a year or two of fun. I just hit 40 and started a 2nd career and life style a couple of years ago. To include more travel and more freedom. So if I enter the field would be looking to do more business English lessons? Can you comment on the market for business English. ie Business who bring people in to work with staff.
9 May 2009
Travel / Getting from Krakow to Warsaw [99]

Hey nothing to fear just ask a lot of questions. The above are right on as to cost and ease of travel between Warsaw and Krakow. Your test will be finding the window to buy the seat. Also I found finding the track to a tad confusing once on the platforms. Also note that generally you buy a reservation + the seat. If you miss the train must get reservation/seat again. I forget which. The train is also a great way to meet people. I have had good conversations with locals on my travels... when I found a person who spoke English.

Good luck.
9 May 2009
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]


I passed through in December for the Xmas holiday... was negative -3 c when I left after Christmas from Warsaw.... was lovely.
19 Sep 2007
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Well being poor and teaching English in Poland sounds right nice about now.... car bomb just killed another member of parliament down the hill from my town... nice sonic boom sound... new something was not right...

be nice I think Chrimium and and ukpolska both have good information to share... perspective or situations may be different.

out of here in a few days...
17 Sep 2007
Travel / Starbucks in Poland? [149]

if u are worried about the weight just do a few weeks in Jordan or Egypt... I lost 5lbs off my 150lb frame in that time and 2 inch on my waste. Then eating crapdollands in Asia last month (because I was in a rush between jobs) put it all back on and not in a flattering way... guessing Polish food will keep the same... lots of meet and potatoes.

article said all the company brands like BK, SB, Pizza Hut are all owned by the same company so once you see one the other is not far behind.