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Posts by Weimarer  

Joined: 9 Feb 2019 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 27 Mar 2020
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 357 / In This Archive: 52
From: Weimar
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: sports, tech

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16 Feb 2019
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

Why should we take back a sh? In 1990 russia offered us back Königsberg and Kohl declined. The areas there are worn down, rotten to the core and not worth the money.

You can demand alot. We obviously laugh and move on.

Poland is a poor country i respect the poor but dont beg too much. Its just annoying.

Also what you complain? Germany paid not much reparations at all. The greeks cry as well and we showed what we think about their begging, when we crushed them even more and even made a 40 billion profit out of their misery. Dont act like greece or you might find yourself in same position.

And i repeat i have no problem with poland as long you dont insult us.
16 Feb 2019
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

Im quite sure it works pretty good considering the fact that our police forces alone propably could take Poland. We talk about Poland here, not Russia. Even with current state our military is magnitudes above polish military capability.

But thats not the point. I was talking about a personal matter. I give a **** about WW II, i dont care what happened to Poland. You can show me your sad old videos and i eat a sandwich while watching it.

If you want beg for money, go and ask someone else. I have no respect for beggars. I mean do you have the slightest idea how weak and pathetic it is to beg for money in 2019?
16 Feb 2019
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

I must disappoint you. I am in the JA "Junge Alternative", the youth group of the AfD and must tell you, Poland plays no role in our program.

But aside that, if Poland starts acting like an enemy, that might change. So far we see this reparation bullshit as simple fun and comedy.
16 Feb 2019
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

I must dissapoint you. Most Germans give a **** about this. It is just annoying. Some even want Poland punished.

I see it in a rational way. We can be good friends. But if you bring up this reparation bullshit too often, you might end with my boot in your neck.

I also hope your idea of not meddling into other affairs counts also for yourself and you agree our new pipeline to russia is none of your business?
13 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

@Bratwurst Boy

The EU changes. It gets weaker by the day. The liberals are pushed back and it basicly becomes a lose group like the old EG. I think thats ok. The EU has no base and there is no common identity.
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

@Bratwurst Boy

Its obviously tze choice of millions of Germans, and in eastern germany the choice of the majority.

Our country has become deeply divided. You cant denie that. We are ripped apart and both groups dont talk
With each other anymore.

The AfD was important, because it worked as catalyst to change Germany and break open the crust of Merkel. Thats what im thankful for.

I cant trust CdU. Once a traitor, always a traitor.

How can i trust a party that caused so much damage? AKK is Merkel. No difference.
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

Peaceful? France and Italy beat each other, greece is bancrupt, uk breaking apart, the borders unprotected and ISIS committed gargantuan crimes. Working class gets poorer, middle class shrinks.
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]


No, you see an arrogant Berliner mocking someone who see as province, its typical. They sit in Berlin and when goimg out are shocked that their utopia is hated. They actually call us dark germany, because we stand for our country and find their beliefs disgusting. They think they are the best, when most would not even want to be dead in berlin. Its an ugly and dirty city
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

The EU drastical changes since the far right wins more and more. There is more and more division. It already is incapable to act.

You can laugh as you want, what you fail to answer is, why the EU lost so many.

Explain to me why i, as a young man who actually saw the EU positive changed his mind 180* in 2015.

Why do i see nothing positive anymore regarding it? Why do i actually feel betrayed and feel glad to see something break apart that i supported 4 years ago?
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

@Bratwurst Boy

EU election is in 4 months you moron.

All polls indicate massive wims for the far right all in Europe. In spain even ghe facist VOX party is expected to win much seats.

The hut is burning and weaklings like you sit on their fat ass and smile at their end. Seriously...weak dudettes like you disgust me.
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

@Bratwurst Boy

Why should i be frustrated? The EU currently breaks apart. Im happy with the current times.

Until 2015 i supported the EU. It is you who should wonder why so many turn away from the EU.

Polls indicate le Pen will win in EU election in France, Lega Nord in Italy and AfD win mayor seats as well. As Salvini said, the EU as we know it

Wont exist in 4 months anymore.
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

Berlin is a sh, sucking the tax money from workers 7n Germany. As i said, parasites profit from eu, workers not.

And no, my position is mainstream. Go on the streets in thüringen. People hate the EU. Maybe you should leave s Berlin more often.
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

Pretty much bullshit.

European arrest warrant, security cooperation, cooperation of police forces works only on paper. We mistrust each other and there is zero real cooperation. Infact we have more crime, more terrorism.
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

@Bratwurst Boy

No, german liberal elites do so. The german worker gets poorer and poorer. Poverty is on the rise, people have less income.

As i said, the eu deserves to die.
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]


You have a problem with Thüringen? You do realize i was born after german reunion?

And yes, EU did nothing for us, infact its a gigantic burden. In 2015 it showed how weak it is. The EU is worthless rubbish and im happy too see it fall apart.
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]


We want a Europe of independend fatherlands, not the perverted EU we have now. Which is weak and proved to be a failure.


The EU creates mass poverty, terrorism, insecurity and crime