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Posts by Marino_Kat  

Joined: 7 Feb 2018 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 22 Apr 2018
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Posts: Total: 113 / In This Archive: 105
From: Pyrgos / Greece
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Sports, Fitness, Health, History, technology

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5 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

We had all the same gods. All greek city states followed same religion. Athena, Hera, Zeus, Ares, Hades just to name a few.

Today Greeks have evrythingin common with our ancestors.
1. Our DNA is identical to back then.
2. Our religion can be connected back to old times. Why do you think we have shrines for virgin mary exactly at sites where temples of Athena or Arthemis once were placed?

3. We formed nations several times. Infact one time it was larger than Rome and Persia combined


We were aleways way ahead of others. We have respect for cultures we see as equal. Just look how Alexander behaved in Egypt. He greated the great Apis bull in the temple of Ptah


As for Germany, you say they did not know whats right or wrong? A mayor fail?

There is no right or wrong. If they would have won it would have been right. Just as Stalins or Maos enormous crimes are seen as right now.
5 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]


And? Whats your problem with that? Why should a society waste rescources to raise a kid unfit to benefit the society?

Spartans were Greeks. You talk bullshit again. Im from the sparta region. Im greek. Spartans spoke greek, followed greek religion and philosophy

Greeks were many city states and small kingdoms. All rivals to each other.

Sparta, Thebes. Macedonia, Athens, Troy justbto name a few. The constant rivalities only were halted during the olympic games.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

I think Germany does best as it does, to ignore polish demands and let Macron crush this rubbish.

Oh and btw last time slavs tried conquering Greece, our emperor Maurikios grilled their women and children. I dont know if you liked this bbq.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

The only Nazis i see are Poland right now.

Or better said, their rather provincial government.

I think we should let Putin have his way with Poland and use the money for the benefit of Europe.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

I ask again, what does Poland for the EU?

Greece was able to lock the eastern Med route in 2016.

We have almost 200.000 illgals in our country that we cant get rid without help.

So what does Poland?

There is a reason why France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Austria push against Poland.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

The Germans that live now in 2018 destroyed polish infrastructure? Where and when?

Thats retarded to say, that simply. Also Poland is pretty much isolated in Europe. It belongs more to Russia since it has no European values.

Its a good thing that french president Macron goes hardcore against polish parasitism. Infact France goes against Poland far harder than Germany does.

From Greece point of view, Poland acts like a parasite and thats also what media say here.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

I dont like freeloaders.

Greece fought hard to get the Balkan closed. We have our disagreements with Germany, but we acknowledge without Germany, Europe is nothing. Thats a simple fact.

Who would miss Poland in the EU?

Its Poland thats so scared of Russia that it should consider its behavior. With trump as US president, i would not trust in USA help.

Seeing that France joins German stance that Poland must be punished for its associal behavior, we can see whats going to happen.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

Then when do you leave the EU?

If you care only for Poland then you have no place in the EU.

Why should a german tax payer fund polish infrastructure projects?

And yes, EU law says you have too. Thats why Poland is sued and most likely will get its voting rights removed.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

Well what can Poland do to help with the migrant crisis? So far the inflow pretty much ended since Greece and Italy blocked acess from the South. That doesnt change the fact that a few countries (Greece, Italy, Germany, Austria, Sweden) suffer enormously from this migrant crisis. So what will Poland do to help with that?

Dont say you dont take any. Greece and Germany and Italy also ask for help in deportation. So does Poland help there?
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]


The EU is my business.

Germany paying a few millions here and there is something different than demanding 950 billion. That would destroy Germany.

But good that you cleared up that what you mean is a symbolic little money, some flowers and the typical bullshit.

As for africans, no they dont pay. You talk about the Herero from namibia? Germany does not even accept theeir claims and rejected them.

If you believe Germany made 950 billion from trade with Poland, then you must be crazy.

The WW II chapter is closed. Accept it. Beside that Poland would come again and again. Who promises the Germans if they pay you that its over then?

And what do you offer in return? You have nothing to offer. You just hate them and want money.

Thats quite pathetic.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

In our city in Greece communist did more harm than the Nazis.

My grandmother said under german occupation you had a red line. As long you did not cross it you were safe.

When the communists took control over our area there was no red line. They killed randomly. People were glad here when the military took control and got rid of the red scum.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]


How can i know? I´m conservative ideology and kinda nationalist.

Each country has its idiots.

It depends on the region. You wont find commies in villages, small towns and so on. They infest cities.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

I´m aware of that.

We have such morons in Greece as well. When the debt thing cooked up...Syriza started the war reparations song. The big majority here is against this bullshit.

Best was last year. The german ambassador was at an event when the communist party leader stepped up, insulted Germany and demanded reparations for "war crimes".

It was then when a greek hero who actually lived during that time and was in a concentration camp stand up, pushed her aside, did take the ambassadors hand and greeted him, thanked him for visiting.

That was a strong symbol and it pretty much ended this rubbish.

We all know Germany will not pay a single cent. And it doesnt have too. The polish government, like our communist idiots, just tries to steer up outside problems to delude from its internal problems. Old concept.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

You dont see how Poland demanding 950 billion € from Germany opens up hate?

Are you kidding me? This would destroy Germany. You do realize this, right?

You know what the result would be? The far right in Germany would take over. It would be Versailles 2.0.

So you say you want make Germany an enemy, now in 2018? Is that what you want?

If not, tell me your solution that also Germany could accept? And believe this solution will not be that Germany pays billions to Poland.

If your solution really is that Polands demands billions of € from Germany, the betetr solution for Germany would be to break diplomatic and trade relations with Poland and build a wall, isolate Poland from its borders and make the "cuba" solution.

Would be cheaper for them.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

Greece suffered heavily in WW II. We live in 2018.

I ask again:

Do you...or any pole at all...believe Germany will pay a single cent?

I would also want to know how exactly do you want improve the German -Polish relations on a normal level?

Since you do know that they will never ever pay, why push this and create hate today?

Also, will you also sue Russia?

If not, why not?
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]


You have a moral high ground to expulse german civilians in the millions of their home? Send hundredthousands into death?

Seriously? What religion are you? A muslim? The only religion i know that would follow that way is Islam.

I´m no expert in catholic christianity, since i´m greek orthodox. But according to our church, what you think would be simply wrong.

Also i would like to have an answer; Do you...or any pole at all...believe Germany will pay a single cent?

I would also want to know how exactly do you want imporve the German -Polish relations on a normal level?
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]


I obviously have more clues about it than you.

I can post the legal base for what i said:

Rule 103 of the UN Charta sees "collective punishment" as massive human rights violation.

The inhabitants of Silesia for example lost evrything. They can demand compensations for their losses.

Who are you to denie them any compensations? Are they not human beings for you? What has a silesian german grandmother done to you that you think you can take evrything from her?

And thats exactly the point. This war brought countless suffering to all sides. It was the samll people who suffered. Be it German, Greek, Polish, French or Italian. All people are equal.

So to underline your claims, there are 2 points you have to answer.

1. Under what legal justification do you think you can denie reparations for German victims?
2. Will you also make claims towards Russia? Putin openly said he is willing to renegotiate all this and laughed in an interview. That alone should open your eyes.

That said, you know full well Poland will make no claims because Germany can just ignore it.

Poland is isolated in the EU and used this topic to get a better position. It knows full well it can achieve nothing. Germany ignored it.

In Greece we have such idiots as well. The communists wanted compensations from Germany because WW II. And guess what? They dropped it, because it turned out according to law Greece even would have to pay Germany.

Beside that we live in 2018 and not in 1946. We have to live together now. We have to stand together now.

And thats the most important aspect. In Germany the far right AfD is already at 16% within 2 years. If you want AfD at 50 or 60%, then you would follow that path. And then the result could very be a contract between AfD chancellor Alice Weidel with Russias President Putin to solve "the polish question".
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

No, they were German for hundreds of years. If we go that way Egypt can demand reparations from Greece for taking it under Alexander the Great.

The land belonged to german families. The proeprty was taken away from them.

According to UN law its forbidden to take land after war. Taking land without compensation is also forbidden.

If german victim families sue Poland in an american court, you could find yourself on very thin ice and your regime knows that.

The resolution would be that charts would be made which land belonged to whom and Poland is force to pay the compensation to the victims ancestors.

I´m clearly more educated than you, since i know the UN charta.

It would also be able to push another punishment on Poland for ""disproportionate collective punishment" .

Compensations are not a one way ticket buddy.

All in all we should also know this is just a PR stunt from the polish regime, when it was under pressure. Our leftists tried same in Greece.

When **** hits the fan they back off, because they know this leads to nothing.
4 Mar 2018
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

@johnny reb

Will Poland give back the land it took to Germany and also compensate the families of the people it stole this land from?

All in all if you take that into account my guess is it is way above the amount of money poland can demand and would even lead to polamd to have to pay money to Germany as reparation.
25 Feb 2018
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

With all due respect, countries have different styles. Its a normal kitchen light in a greek house. We are practical people. It does not catch dust and most of our life is outside. We only eat, sleep in house. Thats typical for not just greece but mediterranean people in general
24 Feb 2018
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

Another idiot

We are the same people as back then. Proven by DNA


Now, ancient DNA suggests that living Greeks are indeed the descendants of Mycenaeans, with only a small proportion of DNA from later migrations to Greece. And the Mycenaeans themselves were closely related to the earlier Minoans, the study reveals, another great civilization that flourished on the island of Crete from 2600 B.C.E. to 1400 B.C.E. (named for the mythical King Minos).

But what do you know? No history, no scienc. You just have...mud

You know what we see as inferior? Slavs. You are asian and not european.

Oh and btw Alexander had black hair like i have


Old mosaic of alexander

24 Feb 2018
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

@Dirk diggler

Its called shadow. The light shines from left side on my face so there is a shadow on the right side.

I have multiple jobs. I work as fitness coach and give also online training. I work as animateur at a hotel here. I work as tour guide for tourists sometimes. I get small model jobs and also small roles in TV productions. And i earn some price money at bodybuilding competitions.

I do what i can do best to have a full belly at the end of the day. Thats what matters.

And you seriously make fun about my families kitchen light?
24 Feb 2018
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]


You expect friendliness after my own country got insulted here?

Thats some strange ideology you have.
24 Feb 2018
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

@Dirk diggler

1. Yes i´m quite attractive. Otherwise i wouldnt be able to get the jobs i get

Judge yourself :)

me :)

If you look at the things posted you will realize that i´m quite friendly. Im not interested in Poland. I have a job there and thats it. 14 days and i´m back home. I asked where to find ATM, how to pay ect.

Only when some primitives started to insult Greece i responded.

As for Warsaw...you are proud for that? Its color is grey...it has no culture. No history or soul. It looks like any othern communist city.

Look at that...


Warsaw...how can anyone be proud for that?

You talk about debt but ignore that Poland has much lower living standards than Greece. Also much less savings. Greeks almost all own a house and property. Majority of poles is poor.

Debt is a problem in Greece indeed. A problem that can be solved. But you? You cant solve to have no soul.

Poland has no history or roots.

You have no Leonidas. You have no Aristoteles. You have no olympian gods. No Zeus, no Hera and no Athena.

You have never did something great. My people worked as elite troops for the egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II. My people crushed the Persians. My people rescued Egypt. My people created the cientific and cultural center of the world - Alexandria. My people ruled over foreign countries.

When our Cleopatra ruled over Egypt...your people did sit in a remote, barren, swamp.

When our Homer did write down the ilias and odyssey...your people did sit in a cold and barren swamp.

When our Pythagoras solved complex mathematic problems...your people did sit in a cold swamp.

When our Aneneas founded the roman civilisation...your people sit in a cold swamp.

And that goes on and on and on.

Today you follow a religion that was forced on you by charles la magne.

Your people live in poverty and pay money to rich pedophiles in Rome.

And yes, its a fact that John Paul II protected child rapists:


He could have saved thousands of children but kept silent.

So...keep your insults. You know that most people think very low about your country. I´m rather neutral. :)

And i´m glad that i belong to a great heritage...amd not to a kind of people who have being a nobody in their DNA.
23 Feb 2018
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

Yes, more beautiful. Infact greece was just recently voted most beautiful country worldwide by the BBC.

At least we have a capital. Did Hitler and Stalin let much stand of Warsaw?

I have a 14 day job in Poland, its not that i do out of free will. Obviously you poles could not find another attractive male in poland like me to get that role.

But good you accept john paul II being a criminal
23 Feb 2018
News / Poland versus Greece in economy [175]

Our country is more beautiful. Infact one of most beautiful in world. What do you have? Grey communist cities and dead landscapes.

You have more HIV and your women look ugly with hair between their eyes.

You have no christian society, you have catholicism. We have a homogenous christian society. You are cucked, a slave of USA and absolute weak, in fear of russia. No art, no culture and no style.

And majority of popes was gay and pedophile. John Paul 2nd protected pedophiles
