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Posts by SigSauer  

Joined: 2 Oct 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - T
Last Post: 13 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 378 / In This Archive: 224

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10 Apr 2018
News / An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski [233]

I hardly call basic military boot camp to be an "achievement". We're not exactly talking highly trained, specialist forces here.

Jeeze, you don't know when to quit. All soldiers go through bootcamp (and officers through OCS). After they graduate, ALL of them go on to their A-school to learn their job, which can be anywhere from 3 months to over 1 year of training, idiot. For instance, one of those young kids who operates an M1 Abrams tank will have done 34 weeks total of school, a Patriot missile operator 30 weeks. Do you want to list your achievements and credentials, or lack there of?

Second, moving thousands of US troops close to the border of Belarus would be provocative to the point of possibly starting an actual war, they are fine where they are in Zagan.
10 Apr 2018
News / An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski [233]

I don't even know where to start. First, what have you done or accomplished that would supersede their accomplishments?

Second, people are killed every year in peace time, as military training and operations are inherently dangerous. You have absolutely no idea what the hell you're talking about, this is one subject you should leave alone because you sound like an absolute buffoon.
10 Apr 2018
News / An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski [233]

Well, you continue to make statements which are not supported by the facts, get proven wrong again, and again, and again. Spout your useless opinions with no background, legitimate education, or subject matter knowledge in the area, and then when all else fails resort to "I believe." What you believe, versus reality is immaterial. You teach little kids for a living in a foreign country, do you even have QTS in your home country? So basically you're not even qualified to do the job you're doing now. Christ mate, come off it. Your worthless opinions wouldn't be so aggravating if you didn't 1. try to sound like an authority on the subject, and 2. take open swipes at kids just doing their jobs, because they're Americans and you don't like them, because they're not obese you don't like them, because they're actually doing a job of substance, you don't like them. You're a hateful pathetic little man.
10 Apr 2018
News / An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski [233]

The idea of defending Poland isn't there, our job is only to give the Americans enough time to fortify the Oder-Neisse line.

Jesus. It is Poland's OWN defense strategy (that's WHY they're a member of NATO). This was discussed at the IDIE MSPO in Kielce, the strategy is strictly one of deterrence and making the cost too high to invade. Until the force is modernized and the troop levels are increased. Go back to writing lesson plans for the ABC's or something. FFS.
10 Apr 2018
News / An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski [233]

Thank you for enlightening us with your vast military experience. America, as part of NATO is deployed to Poland. They are a deterrent because it forces the Russians to address a NATO member state military force within Poland, and therefore acts as a tripwire which would automatically trigger the collective defense under Article 5. No one expects 4,000 soldiers to hold the Russian military at bay. Poland's defense and the presence of NATO troops within Poland, are only meant to buy enough time to collect the necessary equipment and manpower to mount a real defense.

You keep banging on about these kids fleeing at the first sight of danger, and eating cheeseburgers. So, two questions I hope you'll answer (unlikely since you are an admitted coward). Can you pass a PT test? When have you ever sacrificed anything for Poland or the UK?
6 Apr 2018
Travel / I'm Spanish, next week I'm going to be at Warsaw and Kielce, help! [21]

. I have tanned skin, dark hair, a little long beard... Should I care? or it is just a myth?

Total bullshit...My friend is a white American and lives in a smaller Polish city with a black kid, absolutely loves it and has experienced less racism than in America.
5 Apr 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]


I thought you hated racists? Why would you give any cover at all to someone like Netanyahu who is an open racist, and said during his last re-election "Get to the polls and votes, the Arabs are coming out to vote in droves." He was speaking about Israeli citizens of Arab ethnicity. He may have cancelled the deal, but he WANTED to use freakin vigilantes and give them rewards to round up these undesirable 'blacks' in his Jewish state. He is a proponent of massive human rights violations. I hope I misinterpreted your post and you were just outlining the facts rather than trying to defend someone as vile and immoral as Bibi.
4 Apr 2018
USA, Canada / My wife wants to return to Poland...but I want to stay in the US [155]


Only move to one of those countries if you're able to secure a high paying job. You can live very well there, as long as you are on a Western salary and being paid in US dollars or British pounds by direct deposit to a US or UK bank account. Other then that, do not do it if you're not able to earn at least $4,000 USD per month for a family of 3. Honestly though, I'd get your wife some professional psychiatric help, sounds like a better option than moving countries. I don't envy you, that soviet mindset is really tough to deal with "don't sit on a cold surface," and all that hokus pokus mumbo jumbo.
3 Apr 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]


My friend lives in Poland with her husband and child who is black (American). She says that her daughter is treated equally, and experiences 0 racism, as opposed to the US school system where she's had negative experiences.
1 Apr 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]


A bit off topic, but I'm curious. Why are you hostile to the idea of homogeneous nations? Certainly haven't heard you lambaste South Korea, Japan, Kenya, China, or Mongolia for not being 'multicultural' and accepting asylees who hate them and their culture.
1 Apr 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

since if the type of society they espouse actually happened, they would be among the first victims.

They're already victimized by the type of society you espouse. People in Britain have been put in a cage for SAYING mean things about Islam, an ideology, like all other ideologies which deserves intense scrutiny and criticism. I've read the things they said, and I don't find any of them to rise to the level of inciting hatred. Speaking the truth about certain dark aspects within a broader group/ideology/society is not inciting hatred. It may lead to that, because those bad actors are doing things which are generally uncivilized and have no place in a modern 1st world democracy, but that is the ideologies problem, not the people who point it out.

We have REAL problems in this world Jon. People are food insecure across the world, 947 million people still use an outside toilet. Yet the society you espouse wants to spend our valuable legislative time deciding what bathroom a mentally ill person who thinks they're a sex other than the one they were born with wants to use. You look at the push back and say "uneducated" "hillbillies" or add some other insult into the mix toward people who don't subscribe to the society you espouse. Yea, because those people feel victimized when their neighborhoods are over run with foreigners, and when their low-skilled jobs are either sent offshore or taken by people offering their labour for a lower wage. You look at these people with disdain and disgust, and I look at them with compassion. I am blessed and lucky to have had the opportunities I did growing up, and eternally GRATEFUL to have a high paying career that affords me most of the luxuries in life. I know however, that the vast majority of people in my country do not live a privileged life like that, and do not have the opportunities I had. I don't despise those people, I hope that we can improve those peoples lot in life. Btw, by those people, I mean CITIZENS of my country of origin, and non-citizens who are highly skilled and educated that contribute to my country's economy.
30 Mar 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Where are you people getting these numbers from? Lol, 129,000 tanks....hahahahahahhaa..... We have approximately 6,000 in storage, not quite 130k. Russia has about 2,600 T-68s and T-72s in storage, although 600 of which have been transferred to the terrorists in Eastern Ukraine.
28 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

I've pointed this out so many times I almost sick of saying it. I'll say it again only because I enjoy rubbing it in that their world view is absolutely collapsing, their politics are garbage, and their virtue signalling social justice warrior engineering is causing an enormous amount of harm to innocent CITIZENS. I want to reiterate CITIZENS, as citizenship is REAL and it matters. A nations entire point of existing is to provide security for its citizens. Non-citizens are not entitled to, nor do they deserve the same things as CITIZENS. Those making these policies and those advocating (members of this forum) for these policies are insulated and largely unaffected. Their lack of compassion displayed earlier in this thread, particular Delph's dismissal of a victim of rape, shows that they're wholly unconcerned with the working poor and lower middle class becoming the victims of migrant crime. So blinded by ideology, that they must stick to it despite the consequences. It has a striking similarity to those who were devotees of communism, where despite bread lines, a lack of resources in general, and a curtailing of all manner of civil liberties they stayed devoted to the overarching ideology of an equality of outcome. Many more people will have to die, many more will be raped, assaulted, and suffer grievous bodily injury before there is a change in policy. I wonder what it would take in Sweden, where even an MP who was raped by a migrant was reluctant to bring her case forward because she feared it would imperil her assaulter asylum case. A sick sick immoral ideology and world view.

p.s.- the only reason Delph and Jon are insulated from it is because of the conviction of the Polish government and their moral and principled position of putting citizens first above barbarians. Thanks PiS.
27 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

Hahaha...it is funny that you guys pretty much wont engage in an actual debate on ideas anymore and defend your points of view, instead you keep it to short snarky quips and then waddle off(omg hes fat shaming!!). Lol, nothing else to do when you're intellectually bested.
27 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]


I wonder Jon, if you feel the same way about the aforementioned Islamofascist gathering I posted. I suspect not.
27 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

I was agreeing that its NOT on the travel warning list. You didn't address anything I said., which I take as your tacit acknowledgement that you are in fact being disingenous, discount the experiences of rape victims of asylees, and are so blinded by ideology that you refuse to even concede that these events happen, no matter how uncomfortable. It is essentially pointless to engage with you on here, because it's not a two-way conversation, it's your short quips to satisfy your own ego and self aggrandizement so you can convince yourself you're the smartest person in the room (youre not). Good day.
27 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

Disingenuous in what way? Is the litmus test to cite facts from journalistic stories that we need to visit all 190 countries on Earth to be able to opine on them? That seems rather ridiculous doesn't it. You and other members on here have commented on the Syrian conflict, does that mean you have to visit Eastern Ghouta to know that you don't want to go there? Jon, its ok for you to concede that these things did indeed happen, I wouldn't consider Sweden a lost country on the State Departments travel warning list, we are just discussing a new reality in SOME parts of Sweden, no one said "all." Taking statements of fact out of context to suit your own argument, and more importantly to suit your biased agenda, THAT is disingenuous. I am sure that Stockholm is a beautiful place, and that Sweden is a relatively safe country, but these events are not fabrications as far as I can tell, and they are worth discussing and deserve your attention. Denigrating a victim of rape is absolutely disgusting simply because it lends some evidence to the fact that a percentage of people being given asylum in European countries are not nice people, who have never should be let in in the first place. It doens't mean that asylum must end, just that perhaps the number of people admitted, and the screening process for admitting them should be revised. Must you be such an absolutist in your ideology that you will ignore credible victims of rape, grenade attacks, and 'Death to Jews' rallies to suit your own agenda? That's disingenuous and intellectually dishonest. Worse still, people that share your ideology and those who actually matter with their hands on the levers of power, will continue to fuel a resurgent far right-wing in Europe. We are lucky at the moment, we simply have right-of-center governments taking power across Europe. However, keep doubling down on stupid and it remains to be seen whether you will not push that marker into areas of the right we would all rather not see.
27 Mar 2018
Love / Trying to get Married in Poland - I'm English, my bride to be is Polish [7]

Going through the same thing at the moment. The way I understand it is to have a court certify it after collecting your documents and getting a statement from your home of record that your legally eligible to be married, and having your documents translated into Polish via an official translator. After it gets certified you have 30 days to get married. That's roughly the way it's been explained to me. I'm sure some other members have actually done it recently.
27 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

Their reprehensible behavior does not excuse another groups reprehensible behavior (but keep constructing straw man arguments in true anti-intellectual fashion). I think the distinction that I'd make is that most of us in the western world condemn these 'master race' idiots, but those from MENA countries endorse the sort of things that are said in the below video. I actually care about protecting our Jewish friends from persecution and marginalization in Europe and around the world. You seem rather more concerned with your agenda.


I'm sorry that the Pew Research center (the gold standard in polling, accepted by all as non-partisan) conducted research which proves quite contrary to your world view. Facts do not care about your feelings.

27 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

Yes because what Europe needs after a dark history with one of the single worst anti-semetic event in history, is to import thousands of people who all share an ultraconservative ideology and whose religion tells them to "kill the Jew wherever you find him"(actual quote from their book). That is the overarching point, one of bigger policy, and that you would he hard pressed to find ANY of them from MENA countries who don't share anti-semetism in common, supported by Pew Research polls, some of the most reliable and nonpartisan in the world.
27 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

I didn't think you would be disingenous enough to tout your cousins anecdotal evidence over actual reporting of facts. I thought we might be operating on a level of intellectual mutual respect, but I guess I was wrong and you value your ideology over that of facts and evidence which might call that into question. I'm disappointed.

27 Mar 2018
News / Intentional Miscegenation in Poland [26]

Absolutely nothing wrong with interracial marriages and dating, people should be free to love who they love. There is something wrong with 'promoting' it, because it's a political agenda. Diversity just for the sake of diversity is as immoral as trying to stop natural diversity. The social engineering agenda by the left needs to end, it is fueling Europe further and further right, at the moment its moderates, I'd it continues it won't be moderates anymore as the right goes further into the extreme to counter balance the radical leftism that's become the status quo in the past 10 years.
27 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]

Where does it rank Malmo's 26 grenade attacks, and its 3,000 strong "Death to Jews" parade? Lovely people.
27 Mar 2018
Polonia / Ever been to Sweden? [185]


So you have absolutely 0 compassion for a young girl who was raped because such crimes committed by asylees is contrary to your world view. ****ing coward.
25 Mar 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

I think that my assumption is right in line with your politics, the type who denigrate our law enforcement and service members, but then hide behind the very security they provide. The other half of your post is ridiculous as no one is "pro Nazi." You've yet to answer the question as to whether you have anything positive to say at all about America, so far as I can tell the totality of your posts have nothing but negative things to say about our country, comprehend that.
25 Mar 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Lol...I suppose when you're bested the only solution is to take something wildly out of context. I guess when you hate the country you live in you'll find the most ridiculous things to criticize it for. Really, the quality of junk food in the US versus the EU? I have a solution, don't buy it. Your posts about America are collectively some of the most ungrateful and self-righteous I've read. You live under the banner of protection and economic prosperity the country provides, but yet you have NOTHING positive to say about it.

I'd love to hear what you have to say about our men and women serving in the armed forces, or about defense contractors like myself living away from our loved ones. We're baby killers right?
25 Mar 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

Why is it a concern for you? It's pretty clear that someone as pretentious as you only shops in Whole Foods anyway. Also, if you don't like it in the states, you're welcome to leave and not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Again, is there anything at all you like about the United States? You take every opportunity to trash it, and pick some rather trivial topics to do so. I have legitimate criticisms about my own country (the US, my country, not yours), but I'm intelligent enough to have a nuanced opinion, and none of my criticisms revolve around the optional purchases and quality of junk food, ffs.
24 Mar 2018
News / Officials in Poland are hailing an upcoming visit by Donald Trump [720]

I think we know it, AIPAC is the largest lobby in Washington by dollars. We have a very unhealthy relationship with that COUNTRY. I have to make the delineation between the state, and the religion of course, because unless you are unquestioning and sing praise on the apartheid state, you may risk being called an anti-semite. I think Jews are lovely people, the current right wing government however would gain massive approval from a 1970s era South African government.