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12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

imposed by the European ruling class, because the plan was not fully disclosed before hand, because the slave class was never asked if they like the idea...

None of this is true. Back then when the foundation of the EU was laid in the 1950s, it was a veey much part of the political discourse. Politicians who lobbied for it (e.g. Adenauer, De Gaulle) were reelected several times. And since then politicians have always been hobest with their intention to deepen integration.

Makes you wonder why the right wingers all across Europe are so keen to dismantle the EU

Because as long as the EU exists, it continues to deny their own core convictions: That can build a peaceful and prosperous Europe through cooperation and moderation.
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

Hating anyone and anything foreign.

Indeed. Some here on the forum seem to be under the illusion that only muslims, africans and arabs are the kind of foreigners those peoole despises. Instead they blame Eastern Europeans for higher competitions in the low wage sector, and noticeable increase in crime since the Eastern enlargement of the EU. It is worth noting that the border area to Poland has since then seen a remarkeable increase in burglaries and theft.
29 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

As for The UK's voice being diminished in Europe,that is pathetic.Just because we leave The EU?

This is just merely the latest step in a longer process, which started in the 90s when Britain opposed a deeper European integration. They are simply no longer at the table when directions for Europe are discussed. This decade has already shown a shocking decline of British influence in Europe. The UK was one of the powers guaranteeing the terrorital integrity of the Ukraine, yet they were not involved in the Minsk negotiations. This view was voiced before the referendum already.


Think about it, the UK is currently still benefitting from the positive effects of events long past. It has a permanent UN security seat, it benefited from its' membership of the EU (which was the reason why it joined in 1973) and from its' key role in Nato. Leaving the EU will make it less attractive for European countries as a key partner. Even Ireland considers a closer alignment with Germany because of Brexit. And once Nato is gone (which is probably only a matter of time) London won't be involved in any organization that is crucial for Europe's future. So of course the UK will be greatly diminished by the end of it.

1973,but only a fool would say we didn't influence Europe.

This is not 1973, but many Brexiteers have apparantly problems with understanding that the worls has changed. Back in 1973, the UK had a larger military presence in Europe, was needed to protect Western Europe and of course there were more unaligned European countries around. Today most of Europe is either in the EU, set to join, or closely aligned.
28 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

International visits since PiS has formed a government:

Yeah, and which of those could be counted on to defend Poland against Russia? China who has become a close ally of Russia? The UK who is currently guided by an isolationist approach, is fully occuppied with Brexit and whose voice will soon be diminished in Europe? The USA whose president has expressed his sympathy to Putin, who has deemed Nato obsolete, does not consult his military allies before important decisions and has shown a blatant ignorance regarding Eastern Europe (e.g. confusing the Baltic states with the Balkans). And that leaves even out the inevitable trend of the USA getting disengaged from Europe, even without Trump.

None of those can really influence European policies towards Russia. PiS is at the moment just benefiting from the work its' predecessor has done, e.g. the sanctions and the Wales Nato summit. They have created nothing for themselves and the cracks are only going to show up in a hypothtetical second term.

Angela Merkel

It is only thanks to Merkel that the Polish-German ties have not deterioted completely. Imagine if she had met the insults from Warsaw with similar accussations. It is Merkel's actions regarding Russia that make PiS' behaviour so foolish. Merkel has investigated considerable political capital to formulate an European response to Russian agression at a time when it might have been more opportune to carry on with buisness as usual. Nobody knows how her successor will be inclined towards Russia and as bad as the situation for Poland is right know, it will only get worse after her departure.
28 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]


You must have a very short memory. That is just a laughable claim.

No it is obviously the truth. The Polish government under Tusk managed to get European to take Russia more seriously, and cooperated with Germany to introduce economic sanctions against Russia.

All PiS has achieved is to once again isolate Poland and ensure that any future European cooperation will be much more difficult to achieve. No more is this shortsightedness more apparant than in Southern Europe, where the people are unlikely to forget that the countries threatened by Russia left them out to dry during the refugee crisis.

Another evidence is the attempt to forge a political alliance with Salvini, who is decidely pro-Russian, and sabotaging the ties to Germany. Tusk understood that Merkel was an unusually pro-Polnish and Russian-sceptic chancellor qnd used this to the advantage of Poland. PiS is wasting this opportunity for cheap domestic ptäropaganda. And not to mention the reliance on Orban... .

Putin really could not wish for a better government in Poland than the current one.
27 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

And as a side note, the PO government has been far more effective in building an anti-russian alliance that PiS ever was (and currently is). Putin does not deem an hysterical Poland that has diplomatically isolated hinself as a risk, what he respects is a Polish government that can put pressure on Bruessels to introduce and maintan economic sanctions.
24 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]

It's PolishForums, not DeutscheForums, this won't fly here :-P

The historical truth should be independent of any kind of nationality. Kohl deserves a lot of credit for the succesful transformation of Eastern Europe to a democratic state. It was him who supported it via economic and political help, and he was the one who e.g. specifically supported the Eastern Enlargement of the EU to strengthen democratic structures there (unlike the Brits who typically did it in their attempt to widen and weaken the EU.
24 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]

Danzig initially resisted Prussia not of any cultural reservations, (which given that the city was completely German in character by then is a ridiculous notion) but because they enjoyed so much autonomy under the dying PLC. No other state could have offered them the same deal (the weak central authority was the main reason for Poland's decline) though Frederick eventually appeased them. Nationality back then was an abstract concept to begin with, the best indication what kind of language was spoken, and that was German back then.

Germany isn't known for successfully exporting its values to other countries in a recent times.

It actually is. There is no Western European country that played a larger part in reestablishing democracy in the former Warsaw pact states. The Kohl sponsored charities and German constitutional lawyers were consulted drafting the drafting process of several constitutions.

Poland and Germany was never a love story and it never will be.

We shall see. Each subsequent generation is less likely to harbour past resentments, and there has already been a significant long-term improvement. Once the Kaczynski generation is gone and the Erasmus generation has taken power, everything will be possible. Depending on how Poland develops and if it can attract part of its' diaspora back, it could change rather rapidly. So no need for pessimism here.
23 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]

It is rather interesting how succesful German laws and regulations were and how they acted as an example to many cities in Eastern Europe.


Kind of how many German laws and regulations have been adopted by the EU.

Like DIN

23 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]

Its present affiliation has nothing to do with the past. The city belongs to Poland now, you really should not feel so insecure to rewrite history here. ;)
23 Jan 2019
History / A History of Gdansk, Poland [130]

The city has flourished the most when it was part of Poland [1466-1569] and Polish Commonwealth [1569-1793]

For many of those years, Danzig was mostly German in culture ( as were its' influential families) and its' rise was thanks to its' membership to the Hanse.
22 Jan 2019
Polonia / Pregnant Polish woman stabbed in Germany, loses baby [77]

Also from my article

A closer inspection of the crimes for which refugees were convicted showed that many took place in refugee camps. In most cases, the victims were other refugees.

22 Jan 2019
Polonia / Pregnant Polish woman stabbed in Germany, loses baby [77]

They lie shamelessly.

As does most other sources cited by Dirk.

According to an in-depth review, only 1/3 of the cases listed could be verified, and even less of them were commited by refugees. Though it is not surprising that Dirk can only think about those things, if I were to spend my time on sites like that, who knows what I would believe.

16 Jan 2019
Polonia / Pregnant Polish woman stabbed in Germany, loses baby [77]

Not really...in the "worst" age groups they ARE the majority (from your link):

Yes, but they are in the overall majority. Some people like to claim that 90% of all refugees are young males, which anyone who worked in a refugee shelter could refute.

Nobody really wants them, not even their home countries. Why should we suffer?

Because we are not judging 100ks of people on the actions of a few hundred?

I think a segregation at the beginning

You want to segrate hundreds of young people with nothing to do? That sounds a recipee for disaster.

They make everybody's life to hell...

A few of them might, but most of them are grateful for the chance we offer them.
16 Jan 2019
Polonia / Pregnant Polish woman stabbed in Germany, loses baby [77]

Right now it's nearly always young men,

This is not really true though, but a common misconception. Only approx. 56% of all recognized refugees are male, and far from all of them are young.


They are a large group no doubt, but not even the majority.
10 Jan 2019
News / German legal discrimination against Polish speakers [209]

Just another, probably baseless accussation against an institution that takes its duty to protect children seriously. Knowing how high the legal hurdles for taking a child into custody are, it would be interesting to know why they were taken.

Some of them went to a home where they were raised by a pair of homosexual women

What horror!
10 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

That's the EU at present, a world class star with a bunch of competent journeymen...

A bad analogy, because other countries benefit tremendously from Germany's economy, with Poland being one of the main benefactors.

has also gone over like a tvrd in a punch bowl.

The response was mostly positive though, and even Poland has pledged to cooperate more militarily with Europe.
9 Jan 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

You know, the fact that tiny (though very wealthy) Saxony managed to get the Polish throne twice is both quite telling and hilarious.
9 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

from what I can see, it's a popular option.

The same counts for Poland. A lot of retirement homes in Silesia have started advertisement in Germany. And why not, they offer excellent care, and the price is fairly low.

For Germany it is an excellent trade. We get Hungary's young, highly skilled nurses and doctors (thanks to Orban, more and more liberal young people are leaving), though less so for Hungary.
9 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Citing German migration to Hungary as an indicator for problems is just hilarious, considering that far more, often young and highly skilled Hungarians from the (significantly smaller) country are migrating to Germany than vice versa. It is also important to note that many Germans who migrated have a foreign background (especially Germans with Turkish background).

Then again I would not expect anythibg else from this source... .

Edit: Or what delphies' source says:

During this time, the number of people who left Germany reached about 1 million, though the vast majority of them were non-German citizens.

9 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

(and not bad loans made by German banks) are the entire source of Greek problems.

Yeah sure, let us just ignore that those loans were not forced on the Greeks. The Greeks wanted them so desperately that they falsified their financial data (making the banks the more likely victims) and blew the cheap money on stupid vanity projects (like the Olympic games) and higher pensions without creating anything sustainable. The Euro was a huge opportunity for Greece to invest into their economy. Instead they wasted it and had to ask their European partners for help. Which they received. (It is important to note that Germany was far more friendly on Greece than most of the other, poorer crrditor nations were).


As a side note, the Greek opinion of Germany has significantly improved when Germany came to its' aid during the refugee crisis (when most other European countries refused to do so).

7 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]

Germans teaching Poles, or any other Europeans for that matter, about democracy and upkeeping peace.

There are few that are better suited for this role. We went from a warmongering, dictatorial country to a peaceful, mature democracy. If we can change, everybody can. Our experience were very similar to what Poland has to deal with, we had to establish a democracy and reintegrate the old elites into our society (twice with the GDR). We are also Poland's neighbour and have thus a great interest in a good Polish development.

the Brexiters want Britain to leave because of german dominance

The EU is a very good example as to why this belief is false. Germany is often called the dominant country in the EU, but it is not due to the constitutional framework of the EU, which in fact favours smaller countries over large ones. It is because of its good reputation and careful diplomacy that made Germany so succesful (though the economic muscle certainly helped a lot).
7 Jan 2019
News / Polish Independence Day March in Warsaw. Is it going to be the biggest march yet? [1530]


That should have been easy for a country will real soft power because people would trust it.

The problem in this case was neither Merkel and Germany or the lack of trust, but the willingness of some politicians to stoke resentments and exploit the issue for their own short-term advantages. Trust and soft power can not really help you against a campaign driven by irrational fear and hate.