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Joined: 4 Feb 2015 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Sep 2015
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17 Jul 2015
UK, Ireland / What is the ONE thing that Polish people in UK have MOST problem with? [15]

Nathans's a well known hater

I don't know him and judging him on the merit of his post in this thread I think he is not a hater. He seems to have a low opinion about refugees and their motivations but that's hardly a hate.

I know a lot of Poles and NONE of them is taking an advantage of benefits

No one is claiming that in here. I think you are being defensive and with a good reason mind you but still.

Most benefit frauds and cheating is made by Brits and THAT'S A FACT!

It is fallacious argument and one that really doesn't support your case. I would say that frauds are being committed by criminals regardless of their origin.
17 Jul 2015
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [565]

What is the difference between a moderate Muslim and a radical Muslim?The moderate Muslim wants the radical Muslim to kill you.

Are implying that all Muslims are terrorists?
16 Jul 2015
News / Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights? [1169]

Seriously, feminists are the most attractive, sexiest, most loveable of all women.

Really? In my experience feminists are whinny privileged women from the first world who all their shortcoming blame on men and imaginary patriarchy and complain that the world do not revolve around them. In fact it is ideological group with an agenda akin to that of a cult.

Are you sure you know first thing abut feminists? The reason I ask is because you are waffling a lot of nonsense.
6 Jul 2015
News / Does democratic Poland guarantee it's LGBT citizens respect for human and civil rights? [1169]

I'm fairly thick skinned

You have forgotten to mention that slinging out abuse and insults towards people who do not see eye to eye with you about the same sex marriage or any other issue comes very easily to you. Yet, you smoothly managed to present yourself as a victim.

Let not forget here that

insults due to sexuality

have little to do with the same sex marriage and LGBT agenda. However incidentally insults due to sexuality does fit the profile of the topic and as such could be debated here.

I for one would think that it is a very good idea to debate rights homosexuals enjoy in Poland at the moment. Instead we have been witnessing here, page after page of crude propaganda promoting political LGBT agenda and as its counterpart on the other side of the spectrum we can read Polonius obsessive musings revolving around homosexual bedroom activities. Enough is enough.
29 Jun 2015
Life / Whats with going to sauna naked in Poland? [41]

I don't know what you are talking about, I'm saying you are clueless. Women rarely feel comfortable about their bodies. Do you think that being naked in public is somehow a sign of self confidence and comfort? Stripers must be a pick of the crop then.
29 Jun 2015
Life / Whats with going to sauna naked in Poland? [41]

@flagless pole
Barbarians - unrefined unreasonable people driven by passions and impulses, unable to control their appetites and desires. Definitely not repressed kind, somehow they failed to build civilization; destroyed few.
20 May 2015
Life / Why are Polish so conservative and religious? [240]

Poland is conservative and religious because it is the right thing to be to stay strong. "Exactly!!!

Poland recognize religious values as an important part of the Polish cultural heritage. Poland might seem conservative to those who compare it with radical anti-religious culture of the western Europe.

However, current government in Poland seems to fall in line with the rest of Europe in passing bills to support anti-religious propaganda and privileges for homosexuals.

The number of churchgoers in Poland has nothing to do with the issue debated. Some people have those silly notions that they can provide all the answers by quoting statistic.
8 May 2015
Life / Why are Polish so conservative and religious? [240]

History of a country is shaping its attitudes and culture. People are often making erroneous observations basing them on their own cultural background. You are in a different country even if it looks a lot like your country of origin, it doesn't mean that you really understand it.
5 May 2015
News / Footie hooligan punch-up thwarted in Poland [47]

Polish cops have plenty of pepper spray and the use of water cannons, as well as truncheons. And a young man is dead because of the wrong actions of the Police.


The actions of the Police caused these riots

It seems to be a reasonable assumption.
3 May 2015
Work / Does Poland welcome overseas workers as much as the UK does? [34]

it is mainly for me to put my thoughts down and clarify them.

You need to work on it. Not that it wasn't cleverly done. However to understand more about the way the world is working you need to devote some more time to study that problem.

this is a party called UKIP

Is the party that is being run by a guy who said that traffic jams on the M5 are there due to the influx of immigrants? I understand now that politicians all over the world are by and by a sad bunch but to exchange an inept dullard for a an inept cretin will not solve any problems.
30 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

Are you for real Lyzko?

That not all Poles were evil, anti-semitic thugs etc..?I know that. So do all enlightened people.

Lzyko, not all American Jews are evil, anti-polish thugs either. I know that my friend, so do all enlighten people.

This is not a thread about Jews, please keep to the topic
27 Apr 2015
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

Shoe's on the other foot, sonny boy!! Your ignorance is frightening; your prejudice even more so:-)

Lyzko if you are talking to me I would advice you to look in the mirror.

I've provided numerous sources proving he was a Polish citizen.

Harry, really, what if he was Polish? So what? What would be the significance of that to you?
27 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

All these things have occurred.

Did they? How do you know? Not from the above sources surely.

There are plenty more survivors' stories very well documented.

Are you referring to "stories" taken on face value and never properly verified?

About your sources:
1. The destiny foundation. Not a research or a historical project but more of a nationalistic propaganda, in their own words:

Our films and multi-media programming are designed to educate, inspire, inform, and instill asense of pride and purpose in being Jewish. To demonstrate how each and every Jew fits into the big picture of Jewish history.

The Talmud teaches us that anti-Semitism is a shortcut to fame but eventually it is a long road to Hell and destruction.

Yes, jon a great source of a mystical piece of Judaist thinking. What it has to do with history, objectivity and scientific research? Nothing.
Its reliability is very low.

Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland after Auschwitz, an Essay in Historical Interpretation

I disregarded that work for a sole reason that the author of aforementioned review wrote that Jan T. Gross is an outstanding historian. Most of the serious academicians do not regard Gross as a historian or at least do not regard his book about Poland as a historical book.

I'm not going to waste my time on somebody who is either an inept amateur or a biased and dishonest person.
Finally, Sandra S Williams ( she is not a renown historian either but only as student in Student/Judaic Studies Program) The impact of the Holocaust on Survivors and their Children.

Her objectivity, integrity and a knowledge can be attested to by her own words:

These Jews had neither family nor friends waiting for them in their original homelands and communities, only unfriendly neighbors who feared that the Jews would ask to have their property returned to them

Poland, where they no longer found a viable Jewish community, and moreover, the Jews who had survived were still the objects of hate and murder by Polish nationalists.

Her knowledge of the contexts and reality in Poland at the time is astounding. No, more can be expected. In her bibliography she listed a book I have randomly checked - Polish Jews: The Final chapter by Earl Vinecour. The text is mediocre at best, it harps on some anti-Polish stereotypes.

In all your sources are focusing solely on the fate of the Jews without understanding of the wider contexts and circumstances. All of them seems to be unaware of the fact that about three millions gentile Poles were also murdered by the Germans, a number at least equal to that of the Polish Jews who lost their lives.
27 Apr 2015
News / US slaps Poland in the face (Comey Poland) [92]

The truth is that local authorities were often left intact in occupied Poland, and many officials exploited their power in ways that proved fatal to their Jewish constituents.

Could we a simple folk ask for sources and examples of aforementioned events, Mr Expert? We would like to learn about facts.
26 Apr 2015
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

Jedwabne was separate from Kielce! I and everyone here knows that

Everyone except for you:

use basic examples as instances of the Polish mentality vis-a-vis Jews living in their midst, and in their country, AFTER WORLD WAR II! Was it necessary to round up stray Jews, herd them together into an abandoned barn and burn them?!

Few days later you are backpedaling to hide your ignorance, too late.
25 Apr 2015
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

Look up/google search Jedwabne and Kielce, buddy! If you know how to read, you'll understand perfectly:-) Once again, you're entitled to your own opinions, but NOT to your own factsLOL

Lyzko, would you be so kind and remind me when and where AFTER WORLD WAR II Jews were herded into a barn and burned? If you are not able to do it just admit it.

And so are you! Just because you żydki keep repeating your lies it don't make them facts.

Is that you Lzyko? lol!