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Posts by Szalawa  

Joined: 12 Apr 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Aug 2016
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 239 / In This Archive: 158
From: Emigrantski republik
Speaks Polish?: basic Polish
Interests: Politics, Geography, Science, Music, History

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6 Apr 2016
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Here's a little information for those unaware of Bialowieza

It's infested with bark beetles, Dolno posted a link to it not too long ago ask him about it, one way of prevention is to cut down the infected trees
26 Mar 2016
News / What kind of Poland do most Poles want? [101]

marrying outside your own culture or faith has nothing to do with multiculturalism in the modern sense

I know, but I also know that the majority of people still do marry within the same faith and ethnicity as it is easier

but I will never ever marry you because you're black and not Polish"

I try to not start any relationships that I know wont work out....I remember the time an Afghan women wanted to date me, we were friends. She seemed to be moderate, but I know that the cultural implications are not in favor. That's the choice of those individuals: family, traditions, lineage etc. have its weight in considerations, especially if this is the person you wish to settle down with and start a family.
26 Mar 2016
News / What kind of Poland do most Poles want? [101]

These populations are going to continue to grow at an exponential rate and it's only a matter of time before they outnumber Catholic Europeans in certain countries.

Don't need to study population ecology to understand that! :-) considering most ethnic Europeans are below the 2 child threshold
25 Mar 2016
News / What kind of Poland do most Poles want? [101]

have had Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Lithuanian, and German influence throughout our family tree but it has always been concentrated in Eastern European lands and Catholicism

Similar story with me, I know my family tree quite well.

Poles don't have as much issue marrying someone from one of the neighboring countries like Germany, Czech Republic, Lithuania or even in some cases Ukraine and Russia

Yep, that's normal, hybrids around the borders. My family came from the borderlands, slow fusions of similar cultures work better
25 Mar 2016
News / What kind of Poland do most Poles want? [101]

That behavior leads to the creation of ethnic ghettos/ no go zones with all the problems and racial tensions we can observe these days.

Due to mass immigration, as multiculturalism does not work, but it is not like you can forcefully make people abandon their culture, traditions and religions.

Look at the Roma community in Europe, they have been in Europe for centuries
25 Mar 2016
News / What kind of Poland do most Poles want? [101]

What's wrong with marrying someone of your own nationality and religion?

Nothing, has been done for centuries.

A recent poll showed that 29% of Germans support an open-fire policy on the border to keep the refugees out.

Should be called a "stand your ground policy" much more accurate.

It makes it much more difficult to have a child understand his or her heritage and faith if one parent is a Catholic from Poland and the other a Hindu from India or another country that has a way different culture.

As someone who is multi-ethnic non-religious I agree with you

Interesting. That's exactly what Jews and Muslims are often blamed for. Rightly so, I have to add...

Nothing to blame them for, they want to keep their traditions and ancestry, nothing wrong with that.
12 Mar 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Duda announced Intermarium?

The time for intermarium is nigh, we are beginning to see these ideas manifest, the tables have turned.

Famous Polish Hungarian friendship, we learn from each other
11 Mar 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

On the other side, speaking of extremes, some, like Vaclav Klaus, compares EU to Soviet Union

Yes it evidently is becoming that way, the EU seems to be like the Soviet union

so? some says that is Sweden socialist country. It is regularly mentioned in positive context

not anymore Crow, people see Sweden as a failure with its socialist policies now, or at least just as many see it in a negative connotation as people who see it positively.

Best hope is for Visegrad group to increase influence and make intermarium, like you said Crow, I feel certain the way things are going that it is necessary.
11 Mar 2016
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Socialist policies is what is distroying countries like the UK right now.

Exactly, yet there are still people that believe socialist policies are the only way forward, well evidently it is not. They are deluded, it's like some sort of new Bolshevik movement is growing it the west with all this regressive policies: dismissive towards objective science, thinking that throwing money into the economy will magically fix it causing unsustainable debt at record levels, social justice half wit arguments without looking for facts or even bothering to look at evidence besides for their own propaganda...its sad, and Marxist theories being debated as the normal?. Yet groups like KOD think that is the way? People too blind to see the warning signs?
10 Mar 2016
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

100% of scientists do not believe that man mad C02 emissions are responsible for climate change?

Lolz, did my post infuriate you so much that you had to go look for a climate change thread and post under it? Greenhouse gases can be a contribution but is it for certain the cause to climate change we currently experience? well its more complicated then that. As we can not isolate a single variable outside lab conditions we do not know what fluctuations occur in the natural environment, such variations as the tilt of the earth and solar flares (la nina, el nino as temporary reasons) can be the reason behind such warming. We can not rule that out as there is so little we know, and after all... we make hypothesis that have to be proven, we assumed them to be true before hand but that does not mean that it is true. We know H20 is the largest greenhouse gas contributing to global warming so to speak and methane as the most potent. C02 is widely considered the sinister gas for this fear mongering, but as we know, we need C02, its what the plants breathe. Solution if there be a need is to plant more vegetation and leave carbon sinks such as the Pripyat marshes alone, that's what I believe is driving climate change, the destruction of our marsh lands/peat lands and forests/rain forests, more so then greenhouse gas emissions.

In the scientific community...we got a problem, too many are being paid to come up with data and hypothesis to support agendas in exchange for grants, often data is being fabricated to suit these agendas... so when it come down to something as politically intertwined as climate change it can be difficult to access what is true and what is *********. Just because something is published does not necessarily mean it is correct, there could be many flaws that need continual work on to be assessed.

(3 years study in ecology, environmental science and physical geography)
28 Feb 2016
Life / Polish culture versus rotten West [279]

But now we have a great new government in which everything is suddenly great.

In due time, what? did you expect this to happen overnight?

goofy, me too. In 3 years I plan to be back in Poland
27 Feb 2016
Life / Polish culture versus rotten West [279]

In short, the west is rotten with the regressive left movement, Poland wont accept this garbage and that makes some people here furious.

27 Feb 2016
Feedback / What made you join Polish Forums & whats attractive here? [29]

I joined Polish forums to learn a few things, but originally I joined PF because I wanted to learn more about the ancient glagolitic script that was once used in Poland as it caught my interest. Some people were very helpful and neutral(no political motive) and sent me links to academic sources which helped me a lot, others described the history of the script and its importance to the Slavic world including the relevance to Poland which I found interesting.... others were hostile and nasty. This eventually gave me a bone to pick with a certain community on this forum that thinks they dictate what is Polish and what is not. I learned not to bother with them anymore, but I still come here to read peoples opinions and learn a few things here and there. I also come here for Crow, he's the best, I keep coming back to read his posts
19 Feb 2016
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

And where will the V4 get the money from to sustain their current development?

I cant answer that, but there is a common saying "when there's a will there's a way"

Poland don`t nee their admiration.

Having support is not a bad thing. Yes there will be opportunities if the UK proves that leaving the EU is possible. Leaving the EU wont be made easy, even with public support. You will need a well thought out scheme
19 Feb 2016
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

The V4 group is only united at the minute over a single issue

The Uk leaving the EU is a real possibility (brexit), if they do, the balance it keeps would be disrupted... I'm not sure how long EU can persist without UK in the union, it can very well all fall apart from there. The Visegrad might follow afterwards and before you know it the union is dismantled.

Yes a very big issue that not only effects these four countries in particular but all of Europe. Visegrad aims for these countries to see themselves as partners not rivals, and yes they have been out of touch until recently, but further co-operation in the future is not ruled out...who knows maybe this is the issue needed to unite it?


Western Europeans are utterly stupid and evil

You are not alone with that feeling Crow, even citizens of these Western countries that are fed up with EU's failed policies agree with you, so not everyone is stupid. They see Visegrad as some sort of savior, Poland is being admired for its resistance.
19 Feb 2016
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

Merged: V4 (Visegrad group) and the growing threat to EU (European Union)

Hello everyone, I've been following the news recently and I see paranoia or fear you can say. The fear comes from the point of view of the EU or really just the EU elites as if the V4 is threatening it (as such news titles like "big, bad Visegrad") or calling the V4 "mini-block". As you know the V4 consists of Poland, Slovakia, Czech republic and Hungary. It is not likely to consider expanding but it is growing in influence around the region in particular with its anti-migrant/illegal immigration stance that has caught on with Bulgaria and Macedonia (FYROM). Now I wont keep this a secret, I have been pro-visegrad for years now and I see its growing influence and importance with delight though I understand not everyone takes my point of view. Apparently the Visegrad group has enough influence and leverage to even pressure UK in or out of the EU. The EU can be put in a very real position of disintegration in the not too distant future if things continue to go this way. Be free to find your own articles if you wish to verify any of this.


Related: polishforums.com/news/poland-visegrad-battle-group-under-command-51558/ merged
21 Apr 2015
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

I've heard about the so-called genocide in British India a few times already, but unfortunately there are hardly any web sites that cover that topic.

Well, yes it's true, poor management and over taxation from British rule during drought seasons caused the deaths of millions of people, there is no denying it. Now is it genocide, I'll leave that to you to decide.

It still was not the systematic destruction of a peoples like what you seen during the holocaust. So to me, it is not a contender. Maybe someone here knows more about it, I just know the basic outline.
13 Mar 2015
Language / Does this phrase mean anything to you in Polish? "Up to you" while drinking. [17]

Well I am not familiar with the Czech language,but based on the op's original statement, I presume it was Czech, and I was correct after a quick Google search. Wulkan, don't be so mean to new posters, save that for the old geezer squad. I actually feel like the mod who the poster claims changed his title owes him an apology, it really lead this thread on a train wreck even if it might actually be the answer.

The poster wants to know the equivalent words(in Polish I presume) that translate to "up to you" and is said when having a drink, sadly I can not answer this as I have never heard anything like that. But maybe the guy who says "up to you" thinks that is what na zdrowie is. Just my perception.
5 Mar 2015
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

Actually I agree with some things you wrote...people migrate for greener pastures, usually for materialistic reasons, but not always. You know, since I never been to UK, I can't say how Polish people behave there... I know Poland has its fair share of greedy materialist people, but there are many greedy materialist Brits out there too.

UKIP, I am not too familiar with them but I can understand why you support them
9 Dec 2014
UK, Ireland / Poles 'failing to integrate in the UK'? [58]

I see you lack comprehension skills, obviously the government
is it impossible to pay taxes to the English government?
9 Dec 2014
UK, Ireland / Poles 'failing to integrate in the UK'? [58]

Good. Poles should just take money, pay their tax to England what belong to England and one day say Good-bye to it.

I agree

Of course, they would make some genetic in-print on it but, island would collapse anyway. Wheel of changes

This seems very true

The island state to which you refer is NOT called 'England'.

He never referred to that island as England, he just stated to pay their tax to England and then leave the Island

Educate yourself a bit before typing out your hate filled crap.

Crow is a very wise man.