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Posts by fez0130  

Joined: 16 Aug 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Aug 2012
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 48 / In This Archive: 47
From: England, Deal
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: Meeting new people, music, partying, history, movies, walking, swimming much more

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18 Aug 2012
Language / Give me some reasons to learn Polish [126]

Yeah just was my first time there and at that point i didn't know anything about Poland and i think i was one of them people who thought everone spoke English at the time lol i was younger and ignorant haha
18 Aug 2012
Language / Give me some reasons to learn Polish [126]


Lyzko i must admit i didnt know what to expect from Poland when i first went but i was pleasantly surprised and du to my ignorance surprised out how many people didnt speak english lol
17 Aug 2012
Language / Give me some reasons to learn Polish [126]

Thanks Lyzko. I get it all the time watch use is Polish bla bla bla, and i said well alot to me actually as i reguarly visit the country and cant expect everyone to speak englidh, i like the people and country and want to work there, so for me as usefull as Englsih, then they have nothing to say. I'm one of them people that don't care what people think, it's my life :-)

To many English speaking people expect the world to speak and learn englsih
17 Aug 2012
Language / Give me some reasons to learn Polish [126]

I think it's down to the person really, doesn't matter what other people think, if it's usefull to you and makes sense to you then that's all that matters really. I'm currently learning but that's because i want to go to Poland and work
17 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

There is a big tourism industry in Krakow for sure. If I were you I'd save some of those British pounds and start a small business here based on tourist coming from Britain (or something).I'm from Denmark/Us.

yeah would be good but trying to start a business must be hard, any suggestions ? lol But i do have alot of experience in a hotel as i have worked in them for about 11 years now and i'm currently a duty manager but yeah im trying to learn Polisdh but not so easy lol

Just how do you think someone without knowledge of the language is going to get on in Poland?Finding somewhere to live/registering with a doctor/.simple trip to the supermarket.etcOk if you have Polish speaking friends perhaps, that can help out, but without any knowledge of the language, simple everyday tasks are going to be a struggle

It's ok i'm prepared been there a few times and i know it's not easy, my aim was to just go and see how it goes really and try pick up Polish, i know paybe to learn another but i relaly like the language and would rather learn Polish, then i'm not like every other brit lol

I completely understand this but have known people to do it. And as the saying goes unless i try i will never know, maybe it wont work and maybe it will, i do know a little bit of Polish and i'm taking a course in october so i can go with something
16 Aug 2012
Love / How many Polish girls are married to foreigners? / How many Polish boys to foreign girls? [104]

world that prejudices such as this do indeed exist

It's rediculous that he thinks every Polish girls Just want Money, I know from experience this isn't true, ive dated Polish girls, Of course there are Polish women like this but also in uk, germany , america, norway, france and so on. I find that In poland they are alot less materialistic than alot places and appreciate the simple things in life , if only everywhere was like that
16 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

Well at the moment just English, But i am taking a Polish course in October and have been trying to learn as i don't want to go there be ignorant and expect everyone to talk in English to me as i hate that, so i will try my best. I krakow has a big tourist industry and must be something for an English speaker. I work in Hotels and have all my life which i know will need English speakers.

But again i can't expect the staff to speak English so mayhbe this wont work.

Phtoa where you from?
16 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

I have been there a few times and spent some time there, and i really like the culture, language and people so i want to go and see how things work out, Should be taking a Polish course in October
16 Aug 2012
Life / Moving To Krakow May (a place to live and work?) [48]

Hi my name is Matthew.

So after a few times going to Poland i decided to go next may to Krakow and see how it goes , so i'm looking for a place to live and a job, and would be greatfull for some advice, help and maybe to meet some people