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Posts by sofijufka  

Joined: 13 Mar 2012 / Female ♀
Last Post: 29 Mar 2014
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 187 / In This Archive: 134
From: Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: native
Interests: history

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22 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Guy Fawkes [88]

Now we have his "home", "basement", "garage", "several sites across Poland" and "tried to buy them".

as my Agora's friend said - "tried to buy"...
22 Nov 2012
News / Pokłosie - should the film have received funding from Polish state coffers? [37]

Harry, I was born in 1951, but my parent, parents' and grandparents' friends knew what was occuppation like... Some of them where living in cities, some - in villages [my father's family]. My aunt and her husband were Warsaw's insurgent's- don't you think, that I know a little more than You about this times?

Most of my mother's friends were Jews - most of them were killed by Germans [not Nazis], others were stalinists... Her childhood friend - Hela- a gifted singer - died in ghetto, because her family demand, that she stay with them in ghetto, even if her boy-friend [Polish] offered her a shelter...

My mothers' other best friend - Zofia [a pre-war comminist] - was send at Siberia, where her child died of malnutrition. But she was a communist till her death.

One of my mother's friend was go insane- of guilt, ecause he saved a jewish guy, who after the war was a stalinst's henchman, a real monster...

Harry - You don't know polish history enough..
22 Nov 2012
News / Pokłosie - should the film have received funding from Polish state coffers? [37]

The simple fact is that Poles carried out the Jedwabne massacre and the more light is shone on that fact, the fewer Poles who will continue to repeat the old lie that the massacre was not the work of Poles.

the lie is, that ONLY Poles did it.... Polish peaseants during the Geman [not NAZI] occupation have a lot of guns... ? "Scuse me, who could believe such a drivel?
22 Nov 2012
Life / Age chauvinism in Poland regarding young people [17]

hmmm... a lot of my friends [real and virtual] are teachers - and their impressions of youngsters is... how to say .... awful. You know, I am quite old [61 years old], you could think I'm prejudiced, but my colleagues [most of them I did like nonetheless] from my daily are nice but... undereducated. And they didn't even realize it. But they think they deserve the big money - even if they didn't know any languages, couldn't find informations in internet, and their polish is... hmmm... incorrect? non-grammatical?
22 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Guy Fawkes [88]

That they'd provide photos of the sacks full of the stuff

He didn't have these sacks - he - as is said - tried to buy them....
9 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

back to the topic - I like russian songs!
for example
6 Nov 2012
Food / How to make a Polish Pepper Vodka? [5]

my niece's godfather is making St John’s wort tincture and taking it to Spitzbergen as antidepressant. He simply take herbal bags, douse it with vodka and left this for 3 weeks....
5 Nov 2012
Po polsku / Czy ktoś pamięta ORMO? [22]

Wierszyk ten zdaje się być wyzłośliwianiem się politycznych przeciwników PO na tę partię

oczywiście, że tak.....
5 Nov 2012
Po polsku / Czy ktoś pamięta ORMO? [22]

owszem, znam, słyszałam - mieszkam w Warszawie. A dlaczego pytasz?
3 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

You do not think it`s possible or you do not want it happen?From your post I assume that you do not want

You are wrong - totally. Sorry - today I'm in no state to discuss anything, I have terrible cold and a headache. A raincheck, OK?
2 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

But, do not you think that Polish and Ukrainian governments should make mutual agreement about avoiding mentions of each other atrocities? Woudn`t it be a best solution at present stage of relations?

I don't think it's possible.... As long as Ukrainians would extol UPA and OUN only as a sainted heroes, fighting only with Red Army, and keep mute about ethnic cleansing of Poles in Volhynia and Galicia... I do understand, that they see these organizations as patriotic partisan army, but...
30 Oct 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

I wonder why Ukrainians perfectly survive without making movies in which they would downgrade other European nationalitiesand especially Poles? I cannot remember such movie.

Taras Bulba [2009]? Zalizna sotnia? [2004]
28 Oct 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Could you give me a reliable link about it? Is it mentioned in wikipedia?


28 Oct 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

I have doubts that ethnical Russians comitted any deliberate mass murder of Poles ever in history, all such claimes should be analyzed and proved

o really? And what about massacre of Praga[1794], an suburb of Warsaw?


After the battle ended, the Russian troops, against the orders given by Suvorov before the battle, started to loot and burn the entire borough of Warsaw (allegedly in revenge for the slaughter or capture of over half the Russian Garrison in Warsaw[6] during the Warsaw Uprising in April 1794, when about 2,000 Russian soldiers died[7]). Almost all of the area was pillaged and inhabitants of the Praga district were tortured, raped and murdered[citation needed]. The exact death toll of that day remains unknown, but it is estimated that up to 20,000 people were killed.[4] Suvorov himself wrote: "The whole of Praga was strewn with dead bodies, blood was flowing in streams."[8] It was thought that unruly Cossack troops were partly to blame for the uncontrolled destruction.[9] Suvorov tried to stop the massacre by ordering the destruction of the bridge to Warsaw over the Vistula river [10] with the purpose of preventing the spread of violence to Warsaw. Other historians dispute this
26 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

Did the English poor and downtrodden ever revolt?

No idea - Gazeta Wyborcza reported it about 5 years ago. It was a government sponsored referundum to check the state of the nation - by whoever was in power at the time - PIS I believe - could have been SLD.....

five years ago isn't "recently" - and it wasn't 'referendum' - only a poll .

Did the English poor and downtrodden ever revolt? The answer is a resounding NO.

oh, by they did: for example luddites,
25 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

Sorry but you have a selective memory.In a recent referendum, 50 per cent of Poles said Juruzelski was correct to call Martial Law and "saved" Poland.

a link, please
25 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

A traitor like the General would have been dead many many years ago, and you and me know it.

so sir Oswald Mosley was killed by some english amateur? Oh my, I didn't know
23 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

...Polish people do not embrace British culture

it's not true - just look at the forums like Halsztuk or Północ Południe [earlier: Salon Prawdziwych Dam] or Ogród Jane Austen
21 Oct 2012
News / Przemysław Gintrowski died.... [8]

I don't think so... but this version is with english subtitles
21 Oct 2012
News / Przemysław Gintrowski died.... [8]

nothing to forgive... Here you have his bio:

Przemysław Gintrowski (21 December 1951 - 20 October 2012) was a Polish composer and musician.

Gintrowski debuted in 1976 on a review of the Warsaw Riviera with the song "Epitaph for Sergei Yesenin"
Shortly afterwards, in 1979, he formed a trio with Jacek Kaczmarski and Zbigniew £apiński, and initiated a poetic programme "Mury" ("Walls") - youtube.com/watch?v=sijYEf4-vGQ&feature=related

The title song of the programme, "Mury", based on the song written by Catalan bard Lluis Llach L'Estaca - has become an informal anthem of "Solidarity" and the symbol of the fight against the regime. Another program they've created is "Raj" and "Museum".

With the declaration of martial law in December 1981 Trio broke up - Jacek Kaczmarski remained in exile in France, and Gintrowski started his own artistic activity. He made his debut as a composer of film music - during the next ten years he created music for over twenty fictional films and serials.

Ginstrowski's songs based on texts by Jacek Kaczmarski, Zbigniew Herbert, Tomasz Jastrun, Krzysztof Maria Sieniawski, Jerzy Czech, Tadeusz Nowak and Marek Tercz. For several years he did not record their own songs, although he still composes for other artists and prepares music for films. Gintrowski announced he will record another album entitled "Kanapka z człowiekiem" ("Sandwich with a man") that would contain older material in new developments as well as some brand new songs. On August 31, 2006 he was awarded by President Lech Kaczyński with The Order of Polonia Restituta.

another version of "Mury"
Jean Michel Jarre
21 Oct 2012
News / Przemysław Gintrowski died.... [8]
