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Posts by oxon  

Joined: 23 Feb 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 11 Aug 2015
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 164 / In This Archive: 150
From: london
Speaks Polish?: Whats the point?
Interests: educating idiots

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28 Oct 2012
Law / Acquiring Polish citizenship by naturalisation [40]

And I see nothing wrong with letting Africans (or others) to Poland-

Spoken like a person who has never had their life blighted by mass immigration. Lots of people initially in favour of letting in Poles and other Eastern Europeans to the UK said some similar things. Lots have now changed their minds because they have taken out more than they have put in.
28 Oct 2012
Law / Acquiring Polish citizenship by naturalisation [40]

Alas, an African will always be an African.

It was Malcolm X who once said 'just because an African is born in America does not make him an American. As long as we are still in this gigantic hoax called the EU, one should be wary of Poland letting in Africans en masse. Polish women will gladly marry them for a few zloty so they can have citizenship in any other EU country.
25 Oct 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

Wow ...ilmc, you sure are one ignorant dude. Try this question : Why do you think bus loads full of thousands of poles arrive here periodically if Poland is a better place to live? It must be one God awful hell hole for the citizens to behave like refugees and leave on masse the way they have done.

One reason the government here welcome them is because they will willingly work for the corporates who are responsible for the obesity, breakup of the community etc and for a lot less thereby giving the politicians (who are in the corporates back pockets) the opportunity to say that the economy is just wonderful.

You need a lesson in real life
24 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

do I really? Show me where I have said that.

It's on your profile where you've been asked ..Polish? You've answered ....'kind of'. No matter because you are right when you say you are concerned about who is actually running this country (UK). We all have had EU legislation dumped on us. Almost every decision and law that could be construed as beneficial to the UK people can be effectively overruled by a bunch of faceless bureaucrats having never been anywhere near those shores.

Douglas....People are taken in initially with a genuine header on a letter or email address which looks like it comes from authority. They never question anything anymore and blindly accept all that is put in front of them. When they understand that they have been duped they get angry and report me to the police for writing sensible things.

i.e. A well worded letter from an MP to a landlord housing Eastern Europeans seemingly coming from xxxxxxxx.xxxxx@parliament.gov.uk stating 'for the sake of the UK interests and in view the impending EU referendum, all tenants of Eastern European origin must not be housed in the borough of 'whatever' as from x/x/2012 etc etc.'
24 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

So you say that you are a kind of Pole....are you a half breed? You should all be pretty thankful that the English mindset has deteriorated so much otherwise people would kick up a right stink about the amount of people from foreign shores who are allowed to come here with impunity, take jobs that locals could do or live off benefits.

You have spurred me into action Magdalena for bringing this back into my conciousness regarding the nonchalance of most Brits...thank you. I'm in trouble (again) for sending spoof emails and letters purporting to come from authoritative sources such as MP's and Chief Constables.

Trouble is that house prices being so extortionate here, it's so very easy for police figures to do almost anything here that their leaders tell them to do. No chance here of policemen downing tools and going over to the other side like they do in some countries. With the breakdown in communities and the erosion of family life, pensions and rising house prices are all some people have left.
24 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

On the other hand, English people for example are very meek and very obedient as a society.

I was about to tell you of all the violent protests in the 70's and 80's when I thought that you had a valid point. Yes, the English people of the 21st century have truly shamed themselves by allowing themselves to be invaded by Eastern European parasites, Muslim jihadists and overseen by an EU government so yes you are correct to a point

It's like British people going to live in Spain.he?

Quite wrong there. British people going to live in Spain go there to retire by the sea and they contribute by bringing money in. Yes they interfere with the economy re house prices perhaps, but they do not sponge off the local government or undercut local workers by charging less because they are willing to sleep 8 to a room to cut costs.
23 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

Invariably, you will find that the answer is no...Polish people do not embrace British culture. (James Bond is just pure drivel.) Eastern Europeans, unlike their American and UK counterparts listen generally to euro trash music and pop. This is not their fault. Blues/Rock/Jazz etc had its roots in America born of the Atlantic slave trade. UK bands like the stones, Beatles, Yardbirds and Cream took their material from early American music and transformed it.

Whilst we lived under capitalism which meant that if you didn't work you would not prosper, music was a release from the 'tyranny' of the conveyor belts and factories and it was also a way to get rich if you were good enough. Under communism, you did as you were told and you meekly obeyed. Your personalities and creative juices were stifled so you all grew up with absolutely no clue about what music was apart from the odd classical.

Who are your fave raves then Douglas? Spice Girls and Justin Bieber?
22 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Dying Polish woman in the uK whose last wish is to spend last few weeks back in Poland [50]

The thing that annoys me most about that story is that these men are so tuff when theyre abusing a woman driver, not the same story with men.

Yep, just like the US and UK armies are so tough when they invade foreign countries WB. What makes them so tough is that they know they have bigger, better, more destructive fire power than the army they are about to take on otherwise they wouldn't invade and kill, would they now?

Women now have so much power compared to their mothers and grandmothers and unfortunately the very fabric of society is being destroyed because of it. In South Africa in the nineties one woman was raped every 20 seconds simply because the men were so emasculated and it was the only way they could try and retain dignity and respect. That's just how we evolved like it or not.

It's all well and good being a bleeding heart Pip and I personally have no ill will towards anyone, least of all a dying woman but we live in a monetary system and if some foreigner comes here and takes my 'oxygen supply' away from me I will die. It's that simple. Gordon Brown famously said 'British jobs for British workers' and then lost his job because he called some woman a bigot who had the temerity to ask 'why are all these Poles here in my town' . She was really upset at the number of Eastern Europeans who had descended upon her neighborhood.
22 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Dying Polish woman in the uK whose last wish is to spend last few weeks back in Poland [50]

What we have here is a dying Polish woman living in Ireland who wants money to go back to Poland. Now it's not like me to be heartless and cynical but I lost a job to a Pole earlier this year and I have a Pole living on the top room of my house who has not worked for ten months.

My question is 'does the Pole who took my English teaching job give two figs about whether I live or die?' As far as she was concerned I could go and slowly rot. Also, when I was unemployed, the council do not pay full rents any more and I had to make up £200 each month towards my rent. Meanwhile the Pole at the top of the house gets full JSA. (His rent is paid for by his partner.)

These people come here and 'care not much' whether I live or die, so why now should we care about them?
20 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Dying Polish woman in the uK whose last wish is to spend last few weeks back in Poland [50]

I just don't get it. Hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of Poles 'live and work' in the UK and Ireland because I assume that Poland is such a dire and terrible place to live.

Is Poland a good place to die then? What makes it a better place to die than Ireland? Her relatives could go over to Ireland instead couldn't they?
20 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / I'm currently living with a Pole who has been claiming benefits in the UK [35]

the government has actually taken a bold step to strip a couple thousand of these scumbags of their canadian citizenship.

No such chance of our diseased politically correct, tree hugging government doing that here. They would be scared to death of losing votes
16 Oct 2012
Law / I am married to a Polish citizen. How can I get residency? [36]

I have a lot of respect for you sir wanting to live in Poland when 2 million Poles hot legged it via National Express to the UK as soon as the border gates opened. Why don't you come to the UK on holiday and arrange to hide inside a Polish lorry on the way back to Poland from London. He will accept $2 as payment. Then you can gain notoriety as the first white asylum seeker actually trying to enter Poland (as opposed to the 2 million who fled the country the minute the shackles were off.)

With your fame and celebrity status, the British media will invite you back over to pore over your story and Max Clifford will negotiate a million pound deal with the OK or You magazine. Then you can nip down the boozer on a Saturday night, attract a fine looking slapper with tattoos and promise her a life of luxury in Warsaw if she will only marry you.

It really will work.
15 Oct 2012
Travel / Polish or British passport (child traveling to Poland) [51]

I think a Polish Passport would be better for the child. When he/she is old enough to claim benefits, the ultra left, swivel eyed loonies will bend over backwards to make sure he/she receives all the luxuries denied to indigenous Brits.
13 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / I'm currently living with a Pole who has been claiming benefits in the UK [35]


Oxon - surely you can see the irony ?

No ...I cannot see what the heck you are wittering on about. I left London to escape the mass wave of immigration only to be confronted with the same problem in the far north of Scotland. What irony are you talking about?
12 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / I'm currently living with a Pole who has been claiming benefits in the UK [35]


Which one is correct?

This was Danny Alexander who said this to my face. Don't you see.? We have millions here who are unemployed yet Alexander said the fish factories would close because if it were not for the Poles no one would work there. Can you not see the hypocrisy and absurdity of this situation?
12 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / I'm currently living with a Pole who has been claiming benefits in the UK [35]

Work or dole, they can't win with you, can they?

No, they shouldn't be here working in a country with over three million unemployed or claiming welfare. The only people who benefit from them are unscrupulous small business owners and landlords. We don't need them here....they should not be here. It's really that simple.
12 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / I'm currently living with a Pole who has been claiming benefits in the UK [35]

'arry....The whole dynamics of this country has changed drastically over the last thirty years. There are no steel works, shipbuilding, textiles anymore. Britain is a financial and service orientated economy. The majority of people don't want to leave their limited education institutions only to have to lounge about aimlessly from day to day.

I'm actually with you in a way. Please watch that Question time programme from last night and watch how BBC Marxist ideology overrules the panel's ability to answer her question. In case you are wondering why the Jimmy Saville story is such big news...it's because last week 2 Muslims were jailed for 18 and 14 years respectively and the JS story was released at this particular time to cover all this up.
12 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / I'm currently living with a Pole who has been claiming benefits in the UK [35]

Me despise people because of their nationality? So maybe that was a bit strong. What I can say however is that I despise our sub Marxist politicians who let this carnage happen in our society which was already warped by our class system.

As usual, the brainless ones put it all down to a lack of sex or of being dumped by a Pole or whatever. London was once a great city to come back to. So diverse and cosmopolitan ....a couple of Spaniards here an Italian there, a few Arabs sitting over there, a noisy group of French youngsters on a school trip over there etc etc.

Now it's full of people from Eastern Europe and Poland scrounging of the state if they are not scamming the ATM's and emptying people's bank accounts.....yes folks I was a victim. And it's not just London. All over Britain people are being invaded. Don't forget how Gordon Brown was ousted from his position. He called a woman who ran up to him complaining about all the Poles and he called her a bigot with his microphone still on.

We have to get out of the EU. I just cannot believe that people up and leave to experience a new life and end up sitting in rooms on benefits. I lived all over Southern Africa, Singapore and Germany and I would never , ever have had the gall to approach their governments for a hand out.
12 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / I'm currently living with a Pole who has been claiming benefits in the UK [35]

Oxon,why do you have such animosity toward Poles?

It's a tough question but I'll explain as best as I can. I love travelling and I love visiting different countries and experiencing the different sights, sounds, smells etc. I love people who embrace their ancestral history and value their culture making the best of what has been thrown at them in a capitalist global society ruled by the IMF and the World Bank. They didn't ask for that monetary shit, but they have to adapt or die.

I despise Poles more than the Asians and Africans who whinge about being killed if they are sent back home . At least they have a valid reason for trying to fuck the system. Corporate imperialism has a lot to answer for and Britain, instead of importing all the human debris could instead export all the good ,like education and health care at a far lower cost. That would never do because the uneducated and malnourished population would gain strength and start making demands.

Eastern Europeans however have no such dilemma. They are economic migrants intent solely on making more money than what they were making in Poland. They don't give a shit that they take away people's jobs and reduce the bargaining power of workers. Our politicians are to blame admittedly. They take over flats designed for two people and invite all their friends over for 6 months ending up with 22 people. I was a neighbor to this.

I retreated to Inverness two years ago for a few months only to find teams of Polish marching up and down the town centre and when I spoke to the local politician about it (Danny Alexander) , he said , 'if it wasn't for them all the fish factories would have to close.'

I have absolutely nothing in common with Poles. London 15 years ago always had a smattering of Kiwis, Australians, South Africans etc who came here just to earn a few bucks to travel and to see where their grandparents lived. They came here for fun and to travel. Eastern Europeans come here solely to profit at my expense. They prostitute themselves to the corporate companies . They are not stupid. They know exactly what they are doing.
12 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / I'm currently living with a Pole who has been claiming benefits in the UK [35]

It's that kind of reply that spurs me on Grzegorz. I actually have a Pole living in the top flat of my house and his benefit letters arrive once a month or so. I don't blame him (or you) . Poland must be a hell hole compared to the UK for people to behave so unashamedly without scruples. Oh ,I forgot, you have pride in being Polish. All this welfare money keeping you alive affords you the privilege of being able to say 'I'm proud to be Polish'

I will post his details in time for all of you to write to him (thereby exposing myself I guess). One must do what one can for one's country.
12 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / I'm currently living with a Pole who has been claiming benefits in the UK [35]

About twenty minutes into the programme which was focusing on the question of benefit cuts to people under twenty five years old, one member of the audience stated ' why should so many young people suffer when her parents and other relations worked hard all their lives for this country. She went on to say that thousands of Eastern Europeans come over here and seemingly have no problem claiming benefits here in the UK'? (I am currently living with a Pole who has been claiming benefits for nine months now.)

Watch how the panel respond. They don't! They actually just ignore the question and skilfully digress leaving the woman without any answer. BBC iplayer will reveal more about this rampant disease called political correctness if you can stomach it.

12 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

I have only ever personally ever met one person who voted to join what was then the Common Market, everyone now says they all voted"No". Funny old world.

Out of 'everyone' in the country which would have been about 50 million or so around the time they were voting for the Common Market (or not) you only met one who voted for?

Who's everyone avalon? Your clique within your bowls club which would amount to how many.. 6?

Nobody forces anybody to believe propaganda.

Now if you would care to ask all the media, TV programme makers, property developers, advertisers, football club promoters, insurance companies, mortgage brokers, educators and everyone else who will slit their grandmothers throat for more profit that question ....you would be patted on the head and laughed out the door.

You just get worse.
11 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

If there is one thing that really hacks me off Milky, its people who have no idea what they are talking about....people who google stuff that they have never heard of and look for an opposing synopsis and pick one out that makes them look that they know what they are talking about. The reason i know that you did that is because aficionados

of Dylan have been debating for decades the meaning to his songs. Desolation row was especially intriguing because so many people derived so many interpretations. There was a university debate over this song once. You have proved yourself a fool Milky. don't ever acknowledge me again or next time I may lay into you.

Now at midnight all the agents
And the superhuman crew
Come out and round up everyone
That knows more than they do

Then they bring them to the factory
Where the heart attack machine
Is strapped across their shoulders
And then the kerosene

Is brought down from the castles
By insurance men who go
Check to see that no one is escaping
To desolation row

You just edited your post and put in those lyrics whilst I was talking. You are not very clever are you?
11 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

The British have only got what they voted for.

Absolutely 100% wrong. i don't know where you are from. When Labour got in in 1997 they did so on the back of their reputation for being the party of the working people. What they did was dilute the nation and reduce the bargaining power of the workers by flooding the country with immigrants from Asia, Africa and Poland. It was the biggest betrayal of the electorate ever and multiculturalism along with bottled water are recognized as the two giant hoaxes of the century.
11 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

Er, you left out bit about taxes funding the terminally lazy and stupid who are incapable of getting a job and have no interest in getting one either; in short, people like your good self.

I seem to have had my last post deleted. If you cant take it etc etc...roz etc.

The welfare system was created to keep the proletariat alive long enough to allow them to be thankful for having the opportunity to join armies. Thats why it should only be nationals who should receive this. Those who are a bit brighter could re join the system and keep paying the establishment so either way it is a win, win. Britain was once a colonial power 'arry but I'm guessing that you know this and the sure fire way of remaining a power was to keep us all just above Desolation Row. Listen to Bob Dylan...he will explain it better.
11 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

Deflecting? Why would anybody even attempt to deflect such product of deranged personality?
Above is just a clear display of dark side of the British or rather English culture. Namely a miserable ****.

At a wild guess here Ironside, you sound like you are writing from a nice comfortable middle class perspective looking on to manicured lawn whilst sipping a nice Port. I can't believe that you share public transport, live in a council tower block with screaming immigrants, confront drug addicts or share a house with a couple of Romanians ATM scamsters.

HH is writing about issues that infiltrate in his life and the only way to release some anger without getting locked up is by venting his frustrations on a forum where no one will get hurt. Are you the director of some big corporate entity perhaps where you don't actually set eyes on the people you kill and manage to keep a nice safe distance away from all the carnage and human debris? Just a guess.