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Joined: 20 Feb 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 71 / In This Archive: 67
From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: Troche
Interests: Photography, History, Reading, Movies, Music etc

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26 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Why can't unemployed Polish people on benefits just leave UK and go home please? [240]

Oxon, just reading your comments above makes me realize perhaps man is no so different from monkey after all

"'My territory-go away! Not wanted! not wanted!"

Polish people who up until 2004 would have had a hard time trying to pin exactly where UK was on the map. Pure and utter rubbish. The Polish system of education is as good or better than much of Europe, including the UK who seem insistent on dumbing down A -levels, and indeed Ireland who are doing likewise with the Leaving Certificate.

Now, as soon as there is a call up where do you think your average Pole scrounger will be . Poles don't join armies, they don't box, they don't play rugby. they are not noted much for doing anything that is physical. Again, another vile outburst of pure bullshit. But par for the course with your posts I'm afraid. There was Poles in Iraq, there's Poles in Afghanistan and Christ knows they fought hard enough in WWII. As for not being noted for doing anything physical, I am, as you so quaintly put it, astounded at your level of ignorance. Even a quick trip on wiki would have educated you somewhat but I guess that's beyond you. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sport_in_Poland

And hey we all seen last week how great British boxing is eh? Two of them scrapping like children after the fight. A fight it must be pointed out against an Eastern European who hammered both of them.

What is wrong with you people. If I didn't understand your communist background, I would swear you were all sub-human.. Again it's hard believe anyone with a modicum of intelligence would write something like this, but hey, I guess you BNP keyboard warriors think you are some kind of medieval knights on a crusuade against the barbarians. In reality you're a nobody whose beliefs are outdated and whose xenophobia belongs firmly in the past.

Just stand very close to those you suspect (and they are easy to spot) and whisper in the woman's ear 'get the f*** out my country you effen bleep,bleep. Men might react in which you may have to pull off an actors innocent shock, horror pose ....women on the other hand those that bear the children that the NHS deliver, will become worried and pressurize their man to leave fearing worse reprisals which will endanger them when they are on their own. Brave man aren't you? A real class act. Though typically anyone who feels the need to spout such rubbish is a physical coward, seeking safety in numbers like a pack of wild dogs (and with about as much common sense). On your own you wouldn't have the balls to even dream of saying such a thing. You just lie there at night, idly dreaming of such fantasies before waking in the morning, cringing at even the thoughts of it.

If, as you claim, you can't get a job because of those damn Poles (you complain if they work, you complain if they're on welfare, nice one) it's no wonder as how your mind works is a sickening example of narrow mindedness. Who would want to employ such a person?
26 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

Was talking to my 'mot' last night about it. She did indeed need a letter signed by the GP for the purposes of child benefit (PPS number right of child, confirmation he has seen it and that the child is taking part in vaccination program)

And yeah am a culchie, see no shame in being from the countryside or indeed looking abroad for opportunities. Keeping on open mind isn't the evil you seem to think it.
25 Feb 2012
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

You do know taste differs across different nations? Hell I like Polish bread, doesn't make it any better or worse than others in Europe. To each their own.
25 Feb 2012
Life / Childcare / Creche in Poland - typical cost? [15]

Quick question, how much is childcare typically in Poland or what are the availability of creches like in general?

Appreciate it can vary region to region (will be based in Lodz)
25 Feb 2012
Law / Buying a car from Poland - any site where you can check history of a car? [15]

Quick question, is there any site where you can check history of a car ie if stolen, previously crashed etc etc

Similar to motorcheck.ie - appreciate this may be more difficult in PL as unlike Ireland registration plates are not static and change upon ownership

25 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

Anti-fraud checks
EU/EEA citizens and Swiss national covered by EU Regulations are required to certify every 4 months that they continue to work in this State.

Unsure what form of certification this is, but does curtail abuse by people who have emigrated.

As for residency, it is over ruled by workplace to a certain extent ie a father works in Ireland with a wife and child in Poland. Poland must pay the benefit as per their own internal scales however the Irish state is eligible for 'topping up' the benefit to bring it in line with Irish rates.

Again as the father in this case is contributing to state coffers, don't see a problem with this one.

@ Harry I believe i will be eligible for tax in both, Ireland 'real time ' and then having to submit annual return to Polish tax authorities in 2013 for 2012. Pretty certain I'll get screwed by either side but such is life everywhere with tax
25 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

Nope revoke, because I am moving within my company from Dublin to Warsaw, I will be employed under my Irish contract until year end, paying tax in Ireland. This has an impact on where benefit will be paid and can lead to delays, hence my research.

As for benefit being paid based on where the primary earner works, I for one don't have a problem with that as they are contributing to state coffers and paying rent, buying food locally, thus contributing go the economy as a whole.

I take greater issue with the local scumbags for whom benefit has become a way of life, or single mothers who take advantage of the system to pay little or no rent for them and a boyfriend who officially doesn't exist. Immigration may be something that needs to be looked at but it's far down the chain. Abuse of social welfare by locals is far more of a drain on the economy as is a bloated, inefficient civil service and the fact banking executives who helped cause the crisis are still free and sitting on assets moved offshore. Never mind the xenophobic fear of being exploited about foreigners, it's local issues which have cost us dearly as a country. Hell, it may be unlawful-pc but I'm willing to wager socialnwelfare abuse by Irish Travellers is a greater problem..

Hmm you do know there's millions of Irish and English who have emigrated to work elsewhere over past 100 years? Who also have 'taken' jobs off locals and who avail of social welfare in those countries? And define indigenous
24 Feb 2012

I've done it. Didn't like it but when given choice between dole and living in other parents or listening to some fit shout abuse down the phone at me yet have my own place, only one choice really. Only stayed as long as had to but don't regret it. A job is a job, you don't have to love it
24 Feb 2012
Food / Decent Polish Ale or Lager? [27]

Cheers Harry. For a country that drinks as much as we do, the choice of beers in a typical Irish pub is very limited so should be interesting.
24 Feb 2012
Food / Decent Polish Ale or Lager? [27]

Have been curious about the honey beer. Have tried Krupnik and liked it but unsure about how it'd go with beer...
24 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

If both parents and child are not domiciled in the country, child benefit is not payable in Ireland but the EU country where you are residing.

"Residence of the Child

The child must be ordinarily resident in the State. This requirement is deemed to be satisfied in cases of:

members of the Irish Defence Forces or the Irish Civil Service serving abroad,
volunteer development workers, or
persons temporarily employed abroad by an Irish employer and paying Irish social insurance contributions."

"If you are an EU/EEA citizen or a Swiss national and work in a country covered by EU Regulations, the country you work in usually pays Child Benefit even if your family is living in another country."
24 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Unemployed Poles in Ireland : a crash course in milking the system [323]

That's not actually true Oxon. Trust me, as an Irish person emigrating in the autumn, and as someone who has paid tens of thousands in tax over the past ten years, I've looked into it.

There's very strict rules with regards paying out Child Welfare. It's gotten even stricter of late into the bargain.
24 Feb 2012

The example you have given is hardly a job where they can hardly be exploited for two pounds an hour therefore there is a deeper reason ie unwilling to work for a certain rate of pay, didn't sell themselves well in the interview or frankly weren't as reliable.

I work in large multinational company in Dublin. About one third of employees are foreign. Not because they are cheaper, but because they are better than the locals whlo applied and didn't a job. Where is the problem with that? Should a company employee staff of a lesser standard simply because they are local? What business would last long in that scenario?

Likewise what's stopping Brits get jobs ahead of foreigners? What's the exact reasons? They work for less? OK then why are wage expectations so high for locals? They have the same options as immigrants.

It's a sad fact that in the UK (as here) that immigrants did and do jobs the locals are too damn lazy to do. Unemployment is a problem in both places as are those parasites who live off Social Welfare by choice. The overwhelming majority of these are locals however. Personally would like to see major initiatives in this are ie back to work schemes or cutting those off who can't be arsed to look for a job (local and immigrant alike)
24 Feb 2012
Genealogy / Being ashamed of Polish ancestry? [156]

Have yet to come across a Pole who is ashamed of being Polish. Have met alot who are ashamed of certain elements of Polish life (Politics, Radio Maria, the neverending red tape etc)..but not of being Polish. Quite a difference..
24 Feb 2012

You both know that mass migration and immigration is a constant? Neolithic, Celt, Picts, Saxons, Jutes, Angles, Romans, Normans etc etc all arrived in your country at various times bringing their own culture, values, language and impacting the native economy in their own way. Nothing is static, everything is always in flux.

Of course you're paying for the sins of your fathers in a way, as the comedian Tommy Tiernan put it, its a bit rich for a nation to complain about immigration when by and large the immigrants have been coming from countries they invaded or exploited in the past. Karma is a *****..
23 Feb 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Know more you apparently if you think it was well planned. Started relatively well but rapidly descended into farce.

As for 17pdrs. , how many had they on the ground? Nowhere nearly enough.

Losses were heavy on all sides, have not disputed that fact, if anything tallies with my point it was a disaster, mainly due to Monty's inability to fight anything other than a set piece battle, poor communication with the Brits and the US command in advance of the entire operation and the underestimating of the forces opposing them. The Allies fought bravely, a factbi've never disputed so save your rant about your ancestors. Some of mine fought on the Allied side as well in both wars but as that's not relevant to the discussion, like yours, why bring them up (I'm Irish not sure if you copped)

If you'd bothered do to read my posts in your entirety you might understand the points made, if not happy to pm them using smaller words and bullet points.

And imagine that.....Poles who wanted to fight in Warsaw...hmm who would have thunk it
23 Feb 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Source for failing to turn back? Yet to come across it in any of the books have read on it so would be good to read up on that element. It's true some were forced to turn back due to a mixture of bad weather and unexpected Luftwaffe activity.

And yes, the heavy losses by the Poles and indeed the entire mission was largely due to Monty's ego ( he admitted afterwards himself he had been over optimistic). Hell, senior Allied commanders had ignored warnings that many of their comms units had proven faulty in the run up to the battle while also blissfully ignoring warnings from their meteorological services that sunspot activity was expected which would further hamper communications. They sent in lightly armed paratroopers with inadequate if any anti-Armour weaponry into a firefight where there was every possibility of encountering Tigers etc. All this while completely underestimating the fighting ability of the Wehrmacht and SS forces in the region. So yeah, would say that Allied High Command had a bigger part to play. It was a complete and utter disaster which helped contribute to the war dragging on into 1945.
23 Feb 2012
History / A little reminder for those Brits that ***** about Poles [143]

Actually Harry Polish were heavily involved in Market Garden and suffered badly, coming under intense German fire as they landed. To make a difficult situation worse, unfortunately the RAF messed up when dropping the Polish supplied leaving them in a perilous position. Ultimately they were forced to retreat suffering between 20-25 per cent casualties. They took even more when being forced to row across the Rhine under heavy fire when a combined British / Polish engineer element failed to put in place a temp bridge. Despite taking serious losses the Polish brigade eventually managed to get 200 men across to reinforce the 1st airborne.

The Polish commander, Gen Sosabowski subsequently volunteered the Polish Brigade for an all out assault on German positions but was turned down. Instead the Poles shielded the 1st airborne as they retreated, yet again suffering heavy losses as a result. By the end of the operation, Polish units had suffered 30-50 per cent losses, the majority due to poor planning by Allied High Command. Disgracefully, Monty was to push much of the blame on Sosabowski for the failure for Market Garden, despite the fact the general was one of the few who pointed out the critical risks entailed prior to the which whole thing going badly wrong. Not quite sure where you get your facts but worth revisiting. Market Garden was a farce, largely due to Monty's over inflated ego.

Happy to pm list of books etc on the subject
23 Feb 2012

Language barriers exist elsewhere too however while poorer is perhaps not the right classification, rather standard of living. Is the standard of life better on dole in the UK than working abroad? Plus if millions of UK citizens are indeed working abroad what's the difference between that and others going to the UK?

Same questions are being asked here in Ireland so it's a topical question
23 Feb 2012
Life / Is Poland a poor country? [578]

Milky the 1 in 5 is inaccurate by the way ;) but agree frikkiew is a Nazi. Well, could call him many things really but Nazi is about right. How anyone who supports the BNP can claim to talk about dignity is beyond me.

Am building a house just outside Lodz at the minute. Big enough as I never thought to convert square meters to the square feet I am more familiar with! Mortgage as percentage of salary is much lower than it would have been in Ireland. Worth noting though that our house is surrounded by bloody mansions that put many of the affluent regions of Dublin to shame, so there's definitely money here somewhere :D

The thing I've noticed here is the contrast between the wealthy and the poor in Poland, often side by side. Looking at Lodz its got a gigantic modern shopping centre Manufactura where the prices were enough to make me cough, certainly no cheaper than Ireland for most things and indeed more expensive for many. Massive carpark full of newish cars outside it yet ten minutes walk away you can find yourself in streets where apartments are boarded up or look ready to collapse yet people are still living there. It's making big strides though, must be said.

Poland's problem from an export side is that external economies are weak therefore demand is weak. Unsure if internal demand will be enough to keep everything ticking over

23 Feb 2012

What is it about the English that makes people think we want them? *amused* shitloads of ex-pats in Ireland and Spain etc where they helped drive house prices up for the locals.

As for taking all the jobs, as has been said, they largely took jobs the locals were too lazy to take when times were good. Somebody had to do them, so why not the Poles? Now that your economy has gone to he'll, suddenly this becomes a problem eh?

Thank god your average English person are as decent a people as you can find and despise the BNP. Otherwise I think we'd be happy to see England leave Europe too.....preferably for somewhere off the coast of the Antarctic?