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Joined: 3 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 7
Posts: Total: 43 / In This Archive: 35

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11 Oct 2011
Life / Are Polish people so chaotic and disorganized like Germans say? [89]

YES, the germans are right

Poland has the worse bureaucracy I have ever experienced. The bureaucrats are that kind of people who enjoy (and they really do) to make other people's life miserable. A simple bureaucratic procedure can take AGES. This creates a lot of frustration among the normal people who deal with the inefficient polish bureaucracy. I want to add, that that bureaucracy stops poland to develop in many ways. Instead of making something productive, a huge part of your work and effort goes into useless and bad organized bureaucracy. In many cases when international companies deal with this patetic bureaucracy they better get out of the country and take their investments with them.

The polish road system is under-under-developed. They have been building highways recently ONLY because the EU is funding. Otherwise, there won't be highways. The polish highways are the only ones in the world which need reparation before they are opend to the public. This is because the construction workers, steal some of the asfalt they use and sell it to get some money out of it. In the long term those highways are much more expensive. For instance, in the highway from katowice to krakow , (which is always under reparation) there are 2 places where you need to pay highway fee. This is 8 zl in each. Which means that a trip from katowice to krakow and back makes 32 zl ONLY in highway only for 60 km. This is the most expensive highway in europe. If we look to the other countries in which they have a vignette, and a developed highway system, it is by far much more cheaper to use the highways. The inefficency in polish administration does not take into account the salaries that need to be paid to those useless people working, charging the highways fees PLUS the lost-time of stoping in queue for paying. In winter, it can take you half an hour time just to wait in queue until you are able to pay. This example shows that apparently common sense does not exist among polish administration.

The germans also have a stereotype of the poles of stealing, damaging cars for no reason. FULLY TRUTH. From my experience, they scratch your car just for fun and jump on it. I should had heard the germans.

There are many other examples that show poland to be a mess. The more I know the poles, the more I am convinced that this country will never develop due to their mentality of f*cking each other. Until that mentality does not chage (which could take 2 generations at least) Poland will never prosper.
9 Oct 2011
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

Many Russians have Mongolian features, not Poles esse

Poles also, but in a much lesser extent. I have seen them
9 Oct 2011
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

To the one who started this thread

and why the f*ck do you care about what some gringos say? (I say gringo instead of the misused american word to call people of the united states since America is a continent and not a country)

They are the morons not you, so get over it and never care about the gringos.

and by the way, many Poles have some mongolian features on them.
8 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

The kurwa boys don't need to be from a specific country. They only need to fulfill some of the requirments.

- frustrated
- aggressive
- alcoholic
- an inferiority complex
- damage cars for no reason
- mental disorder
- to be from a former communist country

The guy in the video fulfills the kurwa boy profile independently that apparently according to the video description he is from Russia. However the surroundings look very polish anyway. People who act like this, damage the reputation of Poland.

once again more vandalism...

Where I live, I have observed that recently people throw eggs to the cars. Fortunately my car has not been ''attacked'' yet, but other people cars were, all of them polish. Including someone I know (polish)

This is really quite annoying !
8 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

This is what I call a kurwa boy in action


by the way, I was speaking with the lady, which takes care of the building, the ''portierka'' and she was mentioning me that a LOT of people around here have similar problems with vandalism in the cars. Some, including her, has gotten flat tires. And the reason? , ANYONE, it is just a hoby for those kurwa boys. Seriously, those b*stards have a mental disease.
5 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

Poland has the highest road death rate in EU. This is not only to the bad condition of the roads, but to the bad driving manners polish drivers also, which is more a cultural thing. A safer car will obviously decrease your likelihood to get seriously injured in case of an accident.

I have driven enough in polish roads, I know how the kurwa boys drive, so I would prefer not to be inside a small fiat. On the other hand, it is truth, a small fiat won't get vandalized as a descent car by those frustrated post-communist-bolchevist kurwa boys.

4 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]


Cinquecento is a very common car in Poland. The biggest problem with it is that it offers no safety whatsoever in case of an accident. And safety in a car is highly important specially while having a lot of maniac drivers around.... like in Poland

4 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

you seem to be one of those kurwa boys, so it is useless to argue with you. I pity you.
4 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

to pawian

foreign provocation?

yes of course, a foreginer owns a car in Poland and that is enough provocation for some poles to vandalize it.

I have never said all Poles are like that. One Pole helped me to buy the car, one Pole helped me to find a place where it can get fixed. But unfortunately there are that small procent of poles which vandalize cars for no reason. As I mentioned before also some cars of Poles get vandalized but the likelihood of your car to get vandalized is much higher if you are a foreinger. This seems to be independently if the foreigner is european/asian/african etc... the fact that a foreginer owns a nicer car than other Poles do, is enough reason for some of those kurwa boys to do bullsh*t. Sometimes the car doesn't even need to be nice. After those incidents, I have been observing more carefully other cars and a LOT have deep scratches and in some of them , people have jumped on the roof as well. This only shows the inferiority complex of those b*stards
3 Oct 2011
Polonia / What similarities would you say there are between Poles and Mexicans? [132]

I'm originally from Latin America but have lived in several western european countries and Poland. While living in Scandinavia, some Poles told me that in mentality and humor they are much more closer to mexicans than to scandinavians.

Some similarities which come quickly to my mind

- catholics
- conservative (family values are still important in both cultures)
- very similar humor
- drive like crazy and aggresively ,
3 Sep 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

Hi all!

I'm new on this forum. I am a foreginer from a latin american country with southern european appearance. I had lived in 3 western european countries abd now in Poland. I have bought a car, thats an old Mercedes w202 1996. The thing is that I have been experienced vandalism. Firstly, they took away the mercedes star. I thought, it might have been a drunk guy, so no problem I put a new one. 2 weeks after the first incident, someone fully scratched the car on both sides. I started to park the car in another place ( I was parking the car next to a student house) and I didn't have problems for around 2 months. Until one day, I just parked the car again next to a student house, and once agian It got vandalized. Someone jumped on the roof !!!

Now I have to put a camara and only park the car where I can film it. So, I cannot move the car during the working days, because if I won't get an available parking place where I can film it , then It could get vandalized once again.

There are some nice poles who have told me, that when their parents buy a car, it often gets also vandalized.

So, what do you think guys? This **** me really off, I have no problems with anyone here and I was starting to ''love'' this country, until this happend 3 times. Sometimes I think there were those ''kurwa boys'' which are all the time drunk outside the building, which have a huge inferiority complex. All the time complain about no having money, no having a job etc, and blame someone else but they don't look to themselves first that they only are drunk.

There is someone jealous around and I have no idea who he is

By the way.... In Germany, Poland has a very bad reputation regarding vandalism/damage on cars. Many people in Germany told me about this, but I thought it wouldn't be any problem since I would have polish registration. So it seems it is a common behaviour among the ''kurwa boys''.

why do you think this is like that? ,