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Joined: 13 Aug 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Oct 2011
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 136 / In This Archive: 113

Speaks Polish?: tak

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30 Sep 2011
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

The British public were not happy with the treatment of Poland. Indeed some twenty odd MP's resigned over the issue, I've not heard of such mass resignations since.

If that's true, I'd like to know the names of those men. They should be remembered here in Poland.
Instead all Poles hear about is scumbags like PWEI, who don't hesitate disgracing the memory of murdered, tortured and persecuted Polish patriots.
30 Sep 2011
News / SPECIAL REPORT: The Brits who left the UK for a life in Poland [28]

Most of the people the 'journalist' spoke to have a vested interest in more Brits coming to Poland.

You on the other hand obviously have no interest in other Brits coming to Poland because every one of them is a competition for you. The times when one could earn a lot with just English language knowledge are gone, there are many guys like you in Poland now, so here you are, bitter as hell, trying to discourage anyone from coming here in order to salvage whatever is left from your business.
29 Sep 2011
Language / Need Polish phrase for a Polish party I am attending [3]

I have not seen you for ages, you look great Monika
Wieki temu cię nie widziałam, świetnie wyglądasz.

How does it feel being 25 now?
Jak się czujesz mając 25 lat?

I started a new job last week, but its quite boring
Tydzień temu zaczęłam nową pracę, ale jest raczej nudna.

I work with my school friend and my boss is a **** explicit
Pracuje razem z przyjacielem ze szkoły, a mój szef jest (?)

I promise I am not going to get too drunk tonight!
Przysięgam, że się nie upiję dzisiejszego wieczora!

I am going to Poland next summer with Adam again
Następnego lata jadę znowu do Polski z Adamem.

I really liked Poland, I would like to live there but I don't think there would be any job for me
Naprawdę lubię Polskę, chciałabym tam żyć, ale nie sądzę, że byłaby tam dla mnie praca.

mmmmm, this tastes really good (about a drink)
mmmmm, to naprawdę dobrze smakuje.

I love your clothes
Strasznie podobają mi się twoje ciuchy.

you are so skinny now! I need to go on a diet!
Jesteś teraz taka chuda! Muszę przejść na dietę!

Please can I have another drink?
Czy mogłabym dostać jeszcze jednego drinka?

Where are we going next?
Gdzie teraz pójdziemy?
29 Sep 2011
News / 300 art treasures found in Polish garden shed! [11]

Perhaps because they were missing from galleries and private collections...

Which items from those 300 were missing and from which galleries and private collections?
Maybe I can send police to your house so that they can take away your belongings to investigate whether they are not stolen or not? In the meantime we could call you thief in the press.
29 Sep 2011
News / 300 art treasures found in Polish garden shed! [11]

They call the guy a thief because he had a garden shed full of art treasures that didn't belong to him

How did they not belong to him? The police took the collection from him because "it seems very valuable", not because they have any evidence he stole anything.
29 Sep 2011
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Britain was a democratic state, before, during and after the war, wasn't it? British people surely could express their views on political matters in public? In fact, that's what they did in 1920 - when British workers threatened a general strike to ensure that no help would be send to Poland, which was fighting the Red Army.

So I was wondering if there were any manifestations of protest against handing of Poland to Stalin (in which process British government took active part)? After all, Poland was Britain's faithful ally and British public surely would feel bad about such outcome of events? Brits must have been pissed off at their own government in 1939 already, when it manouvered Poland into war with Germany, while failing to provide any promised aid. It must have made them look untrustworthy.

Maybe at least someone can point me to some articles in British democratic press from years 1945-1946, which focus on the fate of Poland and the role British government played in it?
29 Sep 2011
News / 300 art treasures found in Polish garden shed! [11]

They call the guy thief because he is a bricklayer and doesn't belong to the establishment. They didn't write that his daughter went to the police to report that someone was stealing from that collection while her father was unable to move.
24 Sep 2011
News / Polish national lotto lottery (today 20 000 000 PLN to win) [16]

Isn't that a matter of public knowledge?

It is quite vague (sport and culture).
Anyway, we have huge jackpot - 50 000 000. Almost 21 000 000 coupons were purchased. I expect the lottery to be one the leading topics of conversations until Wednesday.
24 Sep 2011
History / Do any Poles miss the Communist era? [35]

Gov't officials and other upper management positions.

I'm afraid they did very well under new system.

Plenty of people miss communism and they don't even know about it - they expect to be given lifetime employment at some factory like it were their birthright and they will go on the streets protesting when their "zakład" goes bankrupt.
24 Sep 2011
News / Damien Perquis Football player granted Polish citizenship insulted by the PIS ? [30]

are you allowed to take part in the parliamentary election if you are not holdin Polish citizenship - I ask out of curiousity not out of spite

No he cannot, immigrants fortunately aren't allowed to vote in the parliamentary elections. But it's good to know who he would vote for if he could - this way I know exactly which party I should not vote for.
22 Sep 2011
News / Polish national lotto lottery (today 20 000 000 PLN to win) [16]

I also bought it a few times and never won anything :D It would be silly to expect a win, but it never stopped me from mentally picturing how I would spend the money ;)

Anyway, this Saturday it will be 35 000 000, and from my estimations it looks like over 13 000 000 people bought the lottery ticket last time. What bothers me is where do the earnings end up going.
22 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

If Poles are more classy, sane, moral, responsible etc. than the westerners (which I am not sure about) then it's certainly not because of communism. Communists killed and destroyed the best Poles and it had to have consequences.
22 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

Does the OP really think these photographs are unacceptable because a Pole took them, but they would be OK if a Welshman had? If so then that is a shameful double standard.

I would call that racism.
22 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

It didn't take long for you to start talking about antisemitism, did it? Is there any thread in which you won't mention Jews and antisemitism? Because surely a thread about British drunks in Cardiff is as good as any to talk about antisemitism.
21 Sep 2011
Travel / The worst months for bike riding in Poland? [8]

Which months of a year you can not enjoy bike riding in Poland?,, I mean because of the weather.

December, January, February for sure not, unless you are very hardcore.
November and March - you better have appropriate clothing.
20 Sep 2011
News / Poland Parliament elections in October 2011 [944]

Merged: Polish parliamentary elections 2011 will take place and will be cancelled

The marginal party Nowa Prawica (New Right) had submitted the required documents to the election commission on time. The election commision registered their candidate lists for 20 districts but failed to register the remaining list, which prevents Nowa Prawica from having candidates in all of Poland. Nowa Prawica protested but today the Highest Court decided that the protest is "too early" since the law strangely allows such protests to be submitted only after the elections. Since Nowa Prawica has a strong case (they had no influence on the way the election commission works) the most likely outcome is that the elections will have to be repeated.
20 Sep 2011
News / Polish national lotto lottery (today 20 000 000 PLN to win) [16]

The chances of guessing 6 out of 49 numbers is about 1 to over 13 million. That means that if approximately one third of the whole population of Poland buys the coupon, only one person among those 13 million should be lucky enough to win.

That's right. Due to the low probability very few people would bother with it, but the jackpot is progressive - if nobody wins for a couple of drawings then we have situation like today, which looks very tempting for your average Jan Kowalski.

There is no way whatsoever to improve your chances of winning by employing statistics, so studying and applying past statistics is a waste of time.

You are right that it is impractical but the law of large numbers is still valid, even if you can't quantify it.

So if you call these winners "lucky people", be aware of the other side of the coin, the one which lotteries do not tend to advertise.

Those stories are really interesting from psychological perspective :) But you sound like winning a lottery is the worst thing that can happen to a man :) If you have a few mil to spare - I will be happy to prove you wrong :)

Unfortunately I haven't ever heard about the fate of any Polish lotto millionaire. Probably the first thing they do is disappear :)

It's 25 000 000 PLN already. From my estimation it looks like over 9 million Poles bought the lottery ticket last time and it will be more tomorrow.
20 Sep 2011
News / Polish national lotto lottery (today 20 000 000 PLN to win) [16]

It has been such a huge part of reality that it deserves a mention. And today the jackpot is 20 000 000 PLN, so whoever guesses the 6 numbers will get 18 mln (10% tax) provided that he doesn't have to share the winnings with other lucky people. The highest winning ever was 24 636 124 PLN from April 2010.

There are also other kinds of lotteries from Totalizator Sportowy but the classical pick 6 numbers out of 49 is perhaps the most popular due to the high winnings possible. Although they are probably quite low in comparison to western european lotteries?

I will always remember my grandma who would buy her coupon every week on Saturday for 1 PLN :) Now the price is 3 PLN :(
But don't worry, Polish Lotto is not Bulgarian Lotto, where you have the same numbers within one week :D
If someone wants to employ statistics to improve his chances he can visit wygryw.pl or one of many other sites dedicated to lotto :)
18 Sep 2011
Language / Word usage: wybierać and wykręcić [12]

jestem zmierszany kiedy dostaję te situacja, rozumiem oba znaczy 'dial'. czy mogesz wyjaśniać ich stosuj poprosze.

To jest dla mnie niejasne. Rozumiem, że oba znaczą "dial", ale czy mógłbyś wyjaśnić ich stosowanie?
18 Sep 2011
Language / Word usage: wybierać and wykręcić [12]

Wykręcić comes from the word kręcić which means spin and so it originated when phones had this wheel thing to choose the number - at least I think so :)

There is also an idiom "wykręcić komuś numer" which I would translate as "do something which is unexpected and rather unpleasant for somebody else".

It sounds a bit strange when you use "wykręcić" refering to mobile phone.
Wybierać simply means choose and is ok to use for all kinds of phones.
17 Sep 2011
History / Poland Lithuania - current relations [124]

Poland is the sole reason why Lithuania today even exists.

Yep, without Poland they would end up just like Prusowie.