Language /
Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]
To be honest, what drives me nuts is when Polish Americans start making all sorts of generalisations that they've heard based on a couple of conversations with people and what they've read in the press.
You are making generalisations about Polish-Americans all the time. Racist and derogatory generalisations. Even in totally unrelated threads.
Like this nonsense about Czech being "funny" - the guy doesn't speak Polish, how can he possibly know? It's just insulting to Poland
How is Czech being funny insulting to Poland?
I repeat it for the third time: let's take some test (that only a Polish person can answer correctly in a short period of time) and if I get better results than you, you disappear, crawling back into you troll cave.
I mean, if you read this forum, you'd think that Polish people were all racists. Yet - you hear very little racism from actual Poles on this forum
No, if somebody reads this forum he will find lots of hateful, libelous, polonophobic BS from you, Harry and other non-Poles. No real Polish person would ever write such stuff. That's why I want you out of here.
For what it's worth, Czech is very difficult to my ears - much more so than Ukrainian.
That's understandable cause you are Russian.