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Joined: 26 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 73 / In This Archive: 68

Speaks Polish?: a bit

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21 Jun 2011
History / Controversial Chapters: Polish-German history texbook [8]

Fighting about words!

Good initiative. It should have been done long time ago.

Students graduating from German schools are illiterate when it comes to Eastern Europe

I once met a German teenager interested in WWII who mistook Warsaw Uprising with the defence of Polish post office in Gdańsk.
18 Jun 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

To be honest, what drives me nuts is when Polish Americans start making all sorts of generalisations that they've heard based on a couple of conversations with people and what they've read in the press.

You are making generalisations about Polish-Americans all the time. Racist and derogatory generalisations. Even in totally unrelated threads.

Like this nonsense about Czech being "funny" - the guy doesn't speak Polish, how can he possibly know? It's just insulting to Poland

How is Czech being funny insulting to Poland?
I repeat it for the third time: let's take some test (that only a Polish person can answer correctly in a short period of time) and if I get better results than you, you disappear, crawling back into you troll cave.

I mean, if you read this forum, you'd think that Polish people were all racists. Yet - you hear very little racism from actual Poles on this forum

No, if somebody reads this forum he will find lots of hateful, libelous, polonophobic BS from you, Harry and other non-Poles. No real Polish person would ever write such stuff. That's why I want you out of here.

For what it's worth, Czech is very difficult to my ears - much more so than Ukrainian.

That's understandable cause you are Russian.
18 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

The only reason for not having a bank account is tax evasion.

There are many. Gumishu told you one. I add the second: to stop supporting greedy bankers, who try so hard to disguise various fees.
17 Jun 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

I find it stranger that a non-Polish speaker tries to comment on such a thing.

Seriously man, you don't speak Polish, so you've got absolutely no clue how Czech sounds.

I told you once and repeat it here for more people to see: I'm willing to take a Polish language, Polish literature and Polish history test and if my results are better than yours - you get the f**k out of this forum, crawling back into your hole. Why do you hide the fact that you are Russian?
17 Jun 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

I personally find the Polish myth of the "childishness" of Czech extremely offensive and patronising. It's like a whole nation is patted on the head and told to go outside and play while the adults have a serious conversation. ;-/

That analogy is funny too ;) Seriously, it's strange that you have such strong feelings about it, when you know that Poles don't have bad intentions here. And they won't suddenly stop laughing at Czech language just because you find it offensive.
17 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Unlike most people on this forum, I'm a Pole, living in Poland, so my opinion is actually worth something to you.
Basically the more homosexual men out there, the better for me, since it means more women are available.
Problem with Poland is that the most visible gay movement comprises of idiots who show their fat asses in pink lingerie on some parades. Understandably, many people get into active defense mode after seeing that kind of events.
16 Jun 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

a year later my friend and the girl from Poland have broke up, here so, and you tell "friendly", it's not their fault that he is Russian?

If we aimed for any kind of equilibrium here, your Russian friend should have been shot or sentenced to 10 years of Gulag.
15 Jun 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

o yes that must be why when the warsaw riots started the russains stood outside the city and waited

You mean Warsaw Uprising.
In 1794 they didn't wait but murdered in cold blood some 20 000 Polish civilians in the Praga district, before completing the destruction of Polish state. Very likeable people.
15 Jun 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

How much do you know RobertLee to form opinions like yours? What are your personal impressions from your stays in the Czech Republic?

These are not my opinions. Just Polish people I talked to. I remember them because it was shocking to me, clearly contrary to what Poles would expect.

I also talked to a Brazilian girl who used to live in Prague and had the misfortune of having a "Russian look" and working as a waitress. The stay in Prague was very traumatic for her. In the end she got beaten up by a security guard for no reason and decided to leave Czech Republic.

I just had one day of a recreational stay in Czech Republic: I ordered some dish with a Polish name in a restaurant and they brought me something totally unexpected - I believe I ordered "krokiety" and and they brought me something like "kluski".
15 Jun 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

Besides for all it is worth, in some ways thanks to that sound of the language Czechs are actaully perceived in Poland as a nice people with a great sense of humor..

And then many come to Czech republic and are shocked to discover that Czechs are actually not as friendly or worse, they are very rude towards Poles.
15 Jun 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

1. This thread isn't about the similarity of Czech and Polish (although you made it so;). It is about how Czech language APPEARS to average Pole, specifically that it seems like baby talk.

2. I fully accept your arguments that Czech language is in fact much more different from Polish than it seems like. However, you still place it second, after Slovak. So me saying in another thread that "Czech is the closest language to Polish" is not a terrible mistake. Note the difference between "being the closest language to Polish from all Slavic languages" and "being very similar to Polish". I never claimed the latter.

3. No, I don't mean you when talking about resident polonophobes.
15 Jun 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

I don't know why some of you jumped on the guy so hard.

Probably because this forum is full of polonophobes (don't let the Polish sounding nicks fool you), who constantly look for opportunity to accuse and offend Polish people. As polonophobes they must have thought this thread is an attack on Czech people.
15 Jun 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

Please, tell us which foreign language is closer to Polish than Czech?
(BTW that the same words have different meanings in Polish and Czech still implies more similarity than when different words have different meanings, like in Polish and some non Slavic language)
14 Jun 2011
Language / Czech language sounds like baby talk to most Poles. Similarities? [222]

You seem to be making the typical foreigner mistake

I once heard people saying that Poles are nowhere "u siebie", Poland included, so yes, I might be a foreigner :D
You seem to be more interested in my command of Polish than my Polish literature teacher.

Czech is together with Slovak and Sorbic a West Slavonic language

You forgot to add Polish to this list.
14 Jun 2011
Life / The day Poland ran out of artists. [40]

I still remember "the artist" Rafał Betlejewski vandalising walls with his slogan "Jew, I miss you". Later on, he concluded in an interview in Gazeta Wyborcza that Polish police is antisemitic cause they detained him for vandalism.

I guess we should have sent him to Western European cities with an art project / sabotage mission. He would spray pro-Jewish slogans on their walls and if they complained, that would be a solid proof that they are vicious antisemites.
14 Jun 2011
Language / You & The Polish Language: Just in One Sentence [11]

The Polish language is ???

The most difficult language I know. Both in terms of grammar and pronunciation Foreigners told me it sounds like the noise from an old analog radio or the noise you make when walking over dry leaves in autumn. Poles admire any foreigner who learned their language.

You may compare it with other Slavic languages

The Czech language is the most similar to Polish, however it sounds like "child talk" to Poles.
14 Jun 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

Not exactly.

Germans planned to exterminate all Polish elite members, all and sundry.

In 1945 and later, Soviets exterminated those who were openly against communism, mainly AK patriots.

False, their goals were pretty much similar from the very beginning:
13 Jun 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

The Russians also exterminated Polish elite.
The Russians also took over Poland.

Interestingly, Timothy Snyder in his book "Bloodlands" stated that the most persecuted ethnic group in the second half of 1930s, were not German Jews, but Poles living in the Soviet Union - 600 000 of them.
13 Jun 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

Nope...Rydz-Smigly in March 1939

The last known German who tried to suggest such things was Erika Steinbach. Your German compatriots concluded she is nuts.
13 Jun 2011
Life / How many Jewish people live in Poland? [145]

Repeated in the church in Poland? Are you paranoid?

He is.
Last time I had to attend a catholic mass in Poland (funeral), the priest said something about "our brothers Jews". The pries who taught us "religion" at primary school, spoke very highly of Jews as well. They were disconnected from reality probably.
13 Jun 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

Hitler didnt like Jews or Slavs (especially Poles) he would attack Russia and then probably Poland (speculation but certainly possible).

He did accept the help of Croatians.
The alliance was in fact proposed, problem is, Hitler would like to move Poland eastwards, somewhere east of Dnieper probably, cause for him it wasn't just about freeing the world of Bolsheviks, it was about Lebensraum, land and resources.

I always thought Poles had only plans for Berlin....in a week or so...

Too much reading of Volkischer Beobachter?
13 Jun 2011
History / WW2 - The other side. What USSR, also that the Polish government has made not to admit WW2 [45]

If have something to add you are most welcome...

Soviet Union under Stalin was an evil empire. It was guilty of genocide of millions of people of many nationalities, Russian included, long before the war started. Making pacts with Stalin and believing in his good intentions was pure stupidity with tragic consequences. Actually the only pacts that made sense were the likes of Molotov-Ribbentrop, when you expected to break them anyway.
13 Jun 2011
Life / How many Jewish people live in Poland? [145]

In addition, Bzibzioh, if no more than THREE (3) Jews were murdered by post-War Europeans, that's already three too many, let's please not argue stats, ok? It's not about the numbers, but the ideology that led to whole thing in the first place!

Now tell me please how many non-Jewish Poles were killed in years 1945-1956 in Poland. And by the way, can you check what was the percentage of Jews employed in Polish communist oppression apparatus?
13 Jun 2011
Life / How many Jewish people live in Poland? [145]

I'd say that while the educated people couldn't care less about Jews (imaginary or real) - the uneducated classes have a huge, bitter grudge against them. As far as I can tell, it seems to be handed down within families.

Did your family hand it down to you? Or do you belong to the "educated class"?
Only a half-wit can have such ideas.
From my experience 99% of Poles couldn't care less about Jews one way or the other, but various Jewish circles are nevertheless dead set bent on reminding Poles about their existence. Even when US president comes to Poland, a big chunk of his visit is about Jews. When The Guardian did a series of articles about Poland recently, guess what, they did a feature about Jewish life. From time to time Polish media report articles on Jewish sites claiming that Poles were the guards at Auschwitz. Recently, Poland was represented at an art festival by a Jewish artist, who made a project about... Jews in Poland. There is the infamous Gross. And so on and so forth.

To sum up, the average Polish person living in Poland keeps hearing about Jews more often than he would like to, much more than let's say about the French or Mexicans, and usually it is about Jews wanting something from him or accusing him of some bad things.
13 Jun 2011
Life / How many Jewish people live in Poland? [145]

Our 'favorite' guys at the ADL have this to say

"We are not surprised to find that a high percentage of the respondents hold negative views of Jews, given each country's history of animus towards Jews. However, we are hopeful that, along with their other EU partners, they will take the necessary steps to make anti-Semitism unacceptable in their societies."

LOL, I wonder what those steps might be. I was sure that "not liking" Jews and being open about it is already a punishable offence.