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Joined: 26 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jul 2011
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29 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

blahblah whine snivel nonsense

You already showed your hypocrisy when you admitted to enjoying the free market freedoms you do but would deny the very same to Poles.

No work of social criticism is complete without a drive-by shooting aimed at Walmart *rolling eyes*

Lol. Yep. Yet another thing the Left is in goosestep about.
29 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

Another big picture from a small town: there is a strip mall in my town with Walmart, and Sam's Club and a lot of vacancies.

I could tell similar tales about where I live. But then you turn around and next thing you know they're building yet another new strip mall shopping center because it must be in demand. They wouldn't risk the investment if it wasn't.

Things change, ebb and flow, the pendulum swings... If the free market is permitted to decide sooner or later it all equals out and balance is achieved.
28 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

It may help some areas in the short term for business goals but lets not get confused with the big picture here.

I'm not saying there might not be some adjustment period, maybe even it will hurt some people. But I am saying that it won't be as bad as some of the fear mongers make 'big bad mean Wal Mart' out to be. In the end they're just another company that has to compete or peeps will walk with their feet and take their dollars elsewhere. I think PP's testimony here is the best in this thread on this matter as she has seen first hand what WM did for her town. Big picture.
28 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

pretty brainwashed by the American propaganda- congratulation

So you're disputing this:
Seriously? I suspect unemployed poor Polish folks might disagree with your brainwashed propaganda.

Even crappy jobs are better than no jobs.

28 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

I'd doubt they'll pay more Wal-Mart pays almost nothing in the States so Poland wont get no better treatment.

Even crappy jobs are better than no jobs.

They should at least pay taxes

I'm sure they will pay and generate taxes on a number of levels...
28 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

Its the accumulative effect. In a word - monopolization

It's not a monop if others are free to compete against them.

products in Wal-Marts case food, the very thing we need to sustain our lives.

Well, I don't see this as so much of a concern. Much of WM's food is local/ regional (which will benefit Polish farmers) because they can't very well ship milk and bread and meat from China.

Maybe you should read Plastic Pole's posts testaments in this thread and see that a WM coming to an area oftentimes isn't the end of the world and actually helps the area as a whole.
28 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

if they can still stop them from coming in, they should try doing it. as someone pointed out, they already have big discount chains already.

Oh. So you want the free market freedoms you enjoy for yourself but would deny it to Poles. :s

Customers will shop where the prices are cheapest, period.

Right. Free market = good
28 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

so it's all about competing in a smart way.

There you have it, the free market at work in all its glorious glory! Other businesses are free to try and lure customers just as customers are free to shop where they choose.
28 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

I just quoted a study that says exactly the opposite

Lol. And you continue to ignore the real facts given by someone who is telling you first hand how WM has benefited her town. :s

If you are seeing the uglies, ItsAllAboutMe, it might be because you are shopping in a store that's in a slum?

Nah. She's just been brainwashed and always blindly spouts the Leftist line regardless of what reality tell us.
28 Jun 2011
News / Wal-Mart coming to Poland? [146]

The jobs at Walmart are the worst you can get, low pay, no benefits, it's the last resort for anyone.

You have been brainwashed by your Leftist Media which is always anti WM/ anti big biz/ anti rural whites.

Here's the truth about WalMart:

Actually, Wal Mart can create a HUGE amount of economic prosperity and my suburb is proof of that.

And any jobs in a community -even lower pay with fewer bennies- are better than no jobs.

Poland should look forward to WalMart coming.
28 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

I would not broadcast my opinions to the entire world.

Would you broadcast your sexuality from a parade float while scantly dressed and grinding on a man?
28 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

I also disapprove of the urban black criminal ghetto culture. Does this mean really I'm a closeted black? Lol...
27 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Once you pass the oral, you're in.



Made up word designed to project the problem as being the normal folks.
26 Jun 2011
Life / Forged parking ticket received in Poland [33]

Yes the title is wrong, should have just read forged parking ticked?? not sure how that happened?

I do. No doubt a busybody mod was meddling where there was no need, added the word 'received' where it didn't belong...

the Police only have a photo of the ticket from the window. They do not have the original. Will this make a difference.

Sure sounds like it. It would matter here in the states anyway.
26 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

'Equality parades are moving along like triumphant marches. That is not how discriminated people look. Homosexuals are not fighting for equal rights, they are after everything,'

So very true. It's not about rights. They want to be flamboyant and broadcast their perversion. Disgusting.
26 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

A subject that you have demonstrated time and time again that you know an awful lot about.

Once again the gay activist is ready with the implication that critics are themselves gay. Using gay as a slur, as an insult, in this way is hypocritically despicable. Or, perhaps the accuser truly suspects his accusee is a closeted gay. In which case, however unlikely, the jerk is merely attempting to publicly out a fellow homo. Which isn't very nice either.

Militant activists are despicable people.
26 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

you can disapprove homosexuality on the same basis, on which you can disapprove rain, snow, or gravity. It simply exists. No amount of your disapproval will change that.

No one is denying it exists. It exists as surely as cancer, AIDS or other mental illnesses exist.

Are you saying that homosexuality does not exist, only homosexual behavior? That's kinda retarded. That would mean that all humans are heterosexual and some of those heterosexuals exhibit exclusively homosexual behavior, right?

More or less.

homosexual identity. A culturally rich and important part of the nation.

Lol. No. Just no. No matter how many times you say it.

That's kinda retarded.

What have you been smoking?

Gays are so nasty. Btw, it's not PC these days to call someone a retard.
25 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

What about this part? No Polish here:

And by the way, this is the Gay Pride week in Chicago and we are having a ball! The weather rocks, the music is on, and the party begins!

25 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

How on earth would you of all people know what is normal.

I ask the same of you.

anything at all about the topic: homosexuality in Polish culture.

You still going on about that? I notice you didn't whine at your gay buddy up there for posting about gay activities in Chicago.

Militant gay hypocrite.
25 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Find cure for homophobia and

Again, the normal folks who disapprove are not the ones with the problem that needs to be cured.
25 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Be gay, see if I care. But when you go all ugly angry militant about it expect to hear about it.
25 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

You're entitled to your views, however weird.

Back attcha. I'm not the one with the mental illness.

you don't know anything about the topic of this thread. Buzz off and stop trolling.

You keep trying to use this not for any reason but in attempt to silence me. If I was saying things you wanted to hear you certainly wouldn't be trying this, now wouldja. Liberal tyranny; silence all opposing views.

You're like a gay Nazi. You would have my kind exterminated if you could, if that's what it took in order to advance your cause. Such hatred is hardly worthy of sympathy and is borne of self hatred.
25 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

You pretend you think it is.

You pretend it isn't.

Experts disagree.

Experts lie. They changed the designation not based on any science but on social sympathy.

do you know about homosexuality in Polish culture?

I know that it is a mental illness the world over.
25 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

So what exactly do you know about homosexiuality

I know that it is a mental illness that they try to pass off as perfectly normal and force others to accept this warped view, all to make themselves feel better about their defective selves. Being a mental illness, gay is something to pity. But all pity goes out the window when one of the sick peeps goes all angry militant about it. They hurt their cause far more than they help it. But ya can't explain this to the mentally ill.
25 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

But we should not forget how much the feminism movement did for women rights.

That doesn't make it right.

Without them, it's back to the burkha

OMG. Nah, not shrill at all...

without the parades, ...., it's back to ruined lives and jail sentences


homosexuality is natural


If some people are offended by public displays of affection it is their complexes and hang-ups.

Only in Crazy Backwards Gay Liberal World are the normal people the ones with the problem.

intelligent liberal people


Jonny is a militant, shove-it-in-everyone's-face parader fer sure.
25 Jun 2011
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

The Hilter movement was a runoff of a 19th century Left-wing Marxist Socialist anti-Christian Greenpeace movement!

Sure. The Leftists of today are like the Nazis of yestercentury.
24 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

The real gay people I know are friendly, helpful and discrete about their sex-lives.

Me too. But it's the offensive ones I described that seem to serve as their spokespeople. The decent ones hate the militant ones as much as everyone else does.
24 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

others are just too expansive, blunt (looking for the right word but hopefully you'll get what I mean).

Arrogant. Uppity. Hateful. Bullies. Flamboyant. Exhibitionists...