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Joined: 4 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Aug 2011
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27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Weren't Germans compulsorily drafting even teenagers towards the end of the war as their man force was heavily depleted? As for not deserting wasn't death the punishment for deserters (like in the Red Army)?

Regardless, those were individuals, not Polish troops as you name them. Polish troops were only on one side in Africa, among Desert Rats.
27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Poles compulsorily included in German army (like Tusk's grandfather) don't exactly count as Polish troops.

So what was with the coup in 1919, what administration did you try to overthrow?

Lithuanian government which was not set in Vilnius. Period.

Macchiavelli would have been proud of Poland in 1919.

Maybe. It's not like Lithuania, Czech, Germany, USSR and Ukraine played it all fair, either.

You don't encounter your enemies on the foreign territory without permission. That is called invasion and Poland besides its failed coup d'etat attacked Lithuania a year later. Shame.

Shame for Lithuania that they entered the theatre of war and lost? Maybe, but they bet on the wrong horse and got what they deserved.
27 May 2011
Language / The usage and future of the special Polish letters: ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ż, ź (Polish language) [203]

I didn't judge his competence though, simply stated that he does an awful lot of spelling mistakes.

Somehow, I don't think I'm too off the mark:)

I saw several German people making attempts at learning Polish and let me say they weren't natural born geniuses LOL. Even their English is usually very wonky.

As to one of your earlier questions, 'ą' used to be nasal 'a', but transformed into nasal 'o' when the long vowels disappeared in Polish. Maybe you already know that, though.
27 May 2011
Language / The usage and future of the special Polish letters: ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ż, ź (Polish language) [203]

People use brackets for various reasons

Well it would be nice if you clearly stated why you wrote that what you wrote in the brackets and a) if you knew what wave interference was at the time of writing, b) you knew that it was not wave interference that actually caused the invisibility (or weaker visibility) of stars in urban areas.

So far everything looks like you look for sketchy and far-fetched sources just not to admit that you were wrong.

Nothing to admit. You accept one Caltech source (I have the book at home) but reject another.

There are Caltech sources and there are Caltech sources. I know Feynman's as well as the textbook's editors' contributions to physics, additionally the textbook is worldwide recommended and used tool for education on the first year of physics(-related) studies. OTOH the website you posted could be made by a freshman student.

Not trying to be a dick or noth'n' but I'm not sure you are in a position to judge my English skills

That's hilarious. You make a lot of spelling mistakes and when I pointed that out, you spin it that I shouldn't judge your English skills. The second excuse is even more amusing, since a) you should review your text before submitting (should take ~15 seconds), b) pretty much every piece of software checks spelling and underlines unknown vocabulary, which makes correcting even easier.

From a scientific point of view EVERYTHING around us is physical in nature (including lights), at least for the last 13.7B years.

Of course. But earlier on you stated you had no interest in scientific point of view.

OK, I'm out of this discussion and won't reply anymore, since it's pointless.
27 May 2011
Language / Need advice on how to improve Polish language skills [134]

Population of Poland + Russia = 180M
Population of the USA = 300M

Number of gold medalists 45:18

I added up Poland and Russia as the languages are ultimately similar in terms of grammar structures, declension etc. Unless you suggest that the probability of natural born geniuses is that much higher in Slavic countries, you can clearly see that the language does not slow down creativity or independent thinking.

There are things to improve in the education system, though.
27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

There was no Belarus republic. The only one i heard of was made by soviets when they invaded Lithuania

Go educate yourself, then go back here.

Those territories were Lithuania's

According to Lithuania and Lithuania only.
27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

If there were no administration, then what did goverment evacuated when soviets were aproaching Vilnius?

A bunch of lunatics? Pretty much trhoughout WW1 until November 1918 Vilnius was under German administration, in November 1918 the city was under Belarussian administration and fell into Soviet hands a month later.


The territory wasn't polish, it was captured from soviets. Lithuania was never an ally to soviet union. If you have any proof just state it, but don't throw empty words.

Simply, in September 1920 Lithuanian were together with soviets on the front that was purely Soviet in June 1920:

27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Lithuania declared full independence in february 16 1918, with Vilnius as its capital which was captured in january 5-6 1919 by soviets.

Except there wa no Lithuanian administration there, but whatever.

Poland simply ignored Lithuania's neutrality and broke through Lithuania's lines, thus entering foreign territory. Thats how polish-lithuanian war started.

That territory was Polish before the Soviet offensive. When Soviets were withdrawing Poles encountered Lithuanians in the regions previously, effectively Lithuania was a Soviet ally. The truth of the matter is, if Poland lost the Battle of Warsaw, Lithuania would be conquered soon after by Soviets within days. So not only Lithuania made an alliance with a state that wanted to capture them, they also tried to f*ck the country that effectively saved them. Luckily Vilnius went to the fatherland in 1922.

You are mistaken. 60% was before the start of ww2

58% according to the German census in 1916.
27 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

1)Vilnius(Wilno) had majority of jews and poles were second in number, while surrounding towns and villages had majority of lithuanians. Most of you either forget or convienently omit fact that at those times only 20% of population lived in cities.

Not true. Poles made 60% of all inhabitants of the region.

2)Claiming that Lithuania invaded and started "lithuanize" the Vilnius district is complete nonsense. When Lithuania decalred independence, Vilnius was it's capital. Poland took over the city only after Lithuania left the city and soviets took over.

Again, not true. In November 1918 Vilnius was claimed by newly formed Belarusian state, however shortlived that was (Soviets captured it next month, Poland in April 1919). There was no Lithuanian presence there until the end of August 1920, after Soviets lost the Battle of Warsaw.

3)Lithuania was neutral during Polish-Soviet war. The only "help" was that it allowed transit through territories which were slowly taken over from soviets by Lith-Sov peace treaty.

Not really, since Poland making counteroffensive in September encountered Lithuanian troops where they were previously pushed back by Soviets. That's effectively joining the war.
27 May 2011
Language / Need advice on how to improve Polish language skills [134]

we may be using only 10 percent of our brains...

I'm happy you put a link to support me, I'm somewhat unhappy that you put such a misleading title to the link.

Some of you have mentioned that Polish students don't score low as compared to, say, British students.

Seriously, just drop this theory.
26 May 2011
Language / Need advice on how to improve Polish language skills [134]

I'll answet to a page 1 post :)

To your point about sentence construction, I use Spanish or English to construct the sentence as sometimes one or the other is more analogous for a specific thought. I don't think I could ever figure out on my own how "brać" becomes "biorę" or "bierze"; or how "pies" becomes "psa".

Yes, it's very confusing, but keep in mind you encounter all such cases at the age 2-5 already and your mind remembers a lot of that stuff. Little children make a lot of mistakes - they're just constantly corrected until they get it right. Again, by the time when formal education starts they have problems only with a bunch of examples (eg. poszedłem and poszłem :))

It is amusing to see that you have mostly problems with noun declension as verb conjugation is also in Spanish and can also be quite irregular, yet I don't think you consider it something that slows children's progress down. Language is a tool that is used throughout a person's life and it's better to make the learning curve slightly higher, but keep it powerful, flexible and prone to subtleties that make our life and conversations often so interesting. :)

One example in Spanish that I'm sure you're aware of and is quite basic are verbs ser and estar - all other languages I know simply use one verb for it (PL - być, EN - to be, GE - sein, FR -e^tre) and so on. Every foreigner who study Spanish must wonder why they Spanish would complicate their life that way. Yet I'm sure for you it's very intuitive and you never make mistakes with that verb. Another interesting example, but one that would cause problems only to English speaking people is the words saber and conocer. English only use to know for it, so when they learn mainland European languages, they have to encounter some difficulties, at least initially. And so on and so on.

I'm sure you noticed that Polish doesn't have definite and indefinite articles - when we start studying Germanic or Roman languages, it's a HUGE barrier for us as the concept is totally alien.

Anyway, you have to practice, then practice and finally practice a little more. Also, at least attempt to think in Polish and don't mind that the sentences aren't correct initially - eventually you'll just "feel" the language. The beginnings are always the most frustrating when you study a language, when the sooner you jump into the deep water, the better!
26 May 2011
Language / Need advice on how to improve Polish language skills [134]

Thanks! I have more books and references on Polish grammar than I can count.

This is quite simple to explain. The expression "to jest/to są" always goes with mianownik, otherwise it always goes with narzędnik.

To jest mój nowy samochód.
Alfa Romeo jest moim nowym samochodem.

To jest górnik.
On jest górnikiem.
26 May 2011
Language / Need advice on how to improve Polish language skills [134]

Your approach is your biggest mistake. You constantly look for analogies between languages you speak and Polish. Now you way of constructing sentences is:
abstract idea -> formulating it in Spanish(?) -> trying to translate it into Polish
Whereas it should be
abstract idea -> trying to formulate it in Polish

Because you focus on learning new grammar structures and try to look analogous structures in other languages, Polish grammar rules seem unnecessarily complicated and you don't see the benefits of it, ie. huge flexibility in its use. For example, order of various logical parts in a sentence can be totally random and the sentence has still the same meaning. Let's take a look at a simple English sentence:

A cook bakes cookies.
You can't really mess around with the order of words as the sentence would lost its sense. OTOH in Polish all the following sentences mean the same!

Kucharz piecze ciastka.
Ciastka piecze kucharz.
Ciastka kucharz piecze.
Kucharz ciastka piecze.
Piecze kucharz ciastka.
Piecze ciastka kucharz.
The last two are quite awkward and the first one is the most common, but they are still all understandable and might appear in daily conversations - while for you the noun declension requires a lot of effort, for a native Polish speaker it's his/her second nature and even if he/she makes a mistake, he/she instantly realizes it and corrects it (it just sounds off). For you Polish declension is only a huge complication, for a Polish speaker rigid sentence structures in other languages can be seen as such.

Germans simplified the orthography a little bit (which is by far the worst in English), however they didn't change much else. A language is a process, not something that you can change at hand by law. A child has no prior experience with other languages and speaks and hears a couple of thousands of sentences a day - naturally the language is learnt quickly and does not interfere with creativity etc.

The next issue comes up in English also but I think *a lot* more frequently in Polish.

In fact, quite the opposite. Misspellings are mostly of aesthetical nature, you can be still perfectly understood.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

I don't know about what happened in Vilnius, but in Lviv the Polish barbarians murdered civilians, looted the stores and stole whatever they could. The Lithuanians didn't want to risk it on their lands.

There were pretty much no Lithuanians in Vilnius. It wasn't their land, either.

Then why did you fight? According to your logic the fight is not necessary when the city is yours.

We wouldn't had Lithuania agreed on plebiscite.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

The city was Polish and no such incidents occurred.

Do you wish to claim that in October 1920 Lithuania was not recognised as a country or that the government of Lithuania was not recognised as legitimate? More importantly, can you prove either of those claims? I somehow very much doubt it.

I was talking about Bolsheviks, the only side that recognized Lithuania's rights to Vilnius in August 1920. As Poland did not recognize Bolshevik government until November 1920, your claims that Lithuania entered Lithuanian territory on August 27th is wrong. They were occupying ethnically Polish land until Żeligowski kicked them out.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

No idea. Was that territory agreed to be Poland? Oh, no, it wasn't.
But Poland most certainly did invade what it had agreed to be Lithuania.

With whom? A party not recognized by the international community as legitimate government of any country?
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

The correct answer is, of course, 'yes' but it is one which you will hear from few Poles.

Why did Lithuania enter Polish territory on August 27th, 1920?
24 May 2011
Language / The usage and future of the special Polish letters: ą, ć, ę, ł, ń, ó, ś, ż, ź (Polish language) [203]

You original wording:

To use the astronomical example above; good luck finding Venus on a clear night sky in Manhattan, NY. Too much light pollution (interference).

The way you put interference in brackets would suggest that interference causes Venus not to visible. People use brackets to give more specific explanations that aren't relevant to the main issue, not to throw even more general and incorrect statements, so instead of admitting that you had no idea what interference is, you start personal insults. How typical. Anyway, if you want a reliable source on the matter, I recommend Caltech's "The Feynman's lectures on physics" vol. 2

While your English is undoubtedly very good, you still lack the polish and and experience with some of more nuanced and off the beaten track expressions.

You surely do a lot of misspellings for an expert, I thought this was another one of them. I never saw "effect" used as a verb (or saw it only on message boards) and my American friend once told me how their teacher were bashing them for misspelling effect/affect back in middle school.

It seems that your ego interferes with the common sense and the topic of this thread.

The original wording clearly suggests the physical phenomenom.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

So you accept that the massacre of Poles was fine and just so that they could win back their city?? If it was Polish before then when did it legitimately become Lithuanian?

So you attacked an independent state in the form of Lithuania?

What massacre? It became legitimately Soviet after WW2, because Soviets won the damn war and they were dictating everything.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Should Lithuania presently have the right to govern Vilnius?

Yes, very much so.Lithuanians have been living there for almost 70 years, ancient history doesn't matter.

Germany, through the auspices of the EU, invests a huge amount in Polish cities. They also have historical claims to places like Gdańsk. Should it be restored to its former name of Danzig?

If you go by "who was there first should rule there forever" than Germany can have no claims over Gdańsk.

Listen, there was no Polish or Lithuanian state prior to 1918 and everything was reset at that time (otherwise you should argue that 1914 borders should remain unchanged). The dominating doctrine at the time was self-determination* and if the inhabitants of Vilnius wanted to be a part of Poland, then they should be and Lithuanian government was the occupant no matter how you slice it. Here's what happened in 1918-1920 period:

November 1918 - Belarus claims Vilnius and surroundings
December 1919 - Soviets conquer Vilnius
January 1919 - the local Poles try to fight Soviets back
April 1919 - Polish army's offensive is successful
June 1920 - Soviets launch an offensive, reconquer
15-20 August 1920 - Poland kicks Russians' butts
27th August 1920 - Soviets withdraw from Vilnius and hand it over to Lithuanians, effectively Lithuanians help Russians to shorten the front and give military support as Poland regains territories lost in June

September 1920 - Soviets lose yet another battle, Poland tries to negotiate with Lithuania to no success
October 1920 - in order to minimize to the bloodshed, Poland signs a treaty with Lithuania to keep their guard down, launches offensive the next day.

Really, Lithuania tried to f*ck Poland but lost at their own game. If Vilnius was Lithuanian, they shouldn't have entered the battlefield, simple as that. As they did enter the battlefield, they should have expected we would fight for it.

*didn't stop Britain from crushing Irish uprising in 1916.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Pointless question as we wouldn't allow that many Chinese into our territory in the first place. Poles had been tha majority in Wilno and surroundings since XVIIIth century, maybe even earlier.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Scots have lived in Poland for centuries but do we claim Poznań or Kraków as ours? You are basing your argument on the Commonwealth, yes? So what if Brits, through having the Queen as their own, decided to call Brisbane or Sydney British? Would that be ok?

So Poland was an occupier in your eyes, gumishu? You think Iraq should be American?

Are 60% of Poznań's population Scottish? Are 60% of Iraq's population American?

Other than the Polish-German Non-Aggression Pact and the Soviet–Polish Non-Aggression Pact, can you name a treaty which involved Poland and was broken by the other party?

Pretty much every invasion on Polish territory throughout centuries. And why do we have to list breaking of treaties against Poland only?
And your suggested alliance, while beautiful in principle, couldn't have worked. Germany would still overwhelm us.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Where should the Lithuanians have gone to? To Poland and ask Poland to give Lithuania back to Lithuanians?
It was Polish who became the occupants of part of Lithuania, not only Wilno. Perhaps a Free City of Wilno could be possible but we know the fates of the Freistadt Danzig, don't we.

Wilno wasn't Lithuanian at the time, that the thing. It only became Lithuanian because Lithuania entered the battlefield between Poland and Russia. If you enter any battlefield (and aid one of the sides), you shouldn't expect to be immune to fire!

So they had their own state, Poles came in as guests and then what? They tried to take over the land? So, according to your logic, Koala, Kosovo should be Albanian, is that right?

Poles didn't come as guests, they had lived there for centuries. I don't know about Kosovo, is that what people over there want? They're not a part of Serbia or Albania in any case.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Lithuanians were a Baltic tribe/nation who had their own state and Vilnius was the capital of Lithuania in XIVth-XVIIIth century. At the beginning of the XXth century, Vilnius was inhabited mostly by Polish population.
24 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Although the western borders were proposed by, er, the Polish prime minister in exile.

It was supposed to be a Polish occupation zone initially though. Everything was ultimately decided by Stalin, what we wanted didn't really matter.

You mean they should not have thought that Poles were honourable people who would not break their word after signing an international treaty? Pity the Poles proved the Lithuanians wrong in thinking that. Just as they proved the Czechs wrong and proved the Ukrainians wrong and proved the Slovaks wrong....

Pretty much all countries broke treaties at some point. If this is supposed Poland's biggest blunder, than we are indeed saints compared to our genocidal neighbours.

Where does the word Lithuania come from and when was it first a country known as such? Was Vilnius always Polish?

Vilnius was Lithuanian at some point, but became gradually polonized during Polish-Lithuanian union.