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Posts by s2good2  

Joined: 12 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Apr 2011
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 72 / In This Archive: 69
From: Highlands Ranch, Co
Speaks Polish?: Very Little can understand some more
Interests: Cooking, Flying, Motorcycles

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23 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Do you have a contact info for them?

Yes, roxolana.com and the number is (very nice people) 1.973.538.3888. They even send you pre-paid labels that you put on the box you are sending then it goes to New Jersey where they weigh your package and email you how much you owe. ? You can then pay online and it is shipped... Comes to about $ 1.00 dollar (US) Per Lb. plus $10.00 delivery charge (sent through UPS). Takes about 1 Month once it is received in New Jersey.

Shawn & Sylwia

(sent through UPS)

Should say in the US it is sent by UPS then by Ship to Poland (Just to clarify)
19 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Well... Owe too much on the car so, wer are selling it and getting a loan for the balance and just pay for that while we are gone. At least that is the plan.

take all the good quality stuff such as: dishes and pots and so on, otherwise you will be shopping for that in Poland forever

Yes! all are being packed in the 1 checked bag per person (we have three (that's 150lbs of households goods we can take with)) Already have sent over 200lbs ahead.

I sure we will be ok, just nervous, have never MOVED to another country before, visited but not moved. I have always loved new places and new things. I hope this will prove to be the same.
16 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

OMG! I can not believe how much "CRAP" you collect in 11 short years! we have packed the Garage and the basement For storage ! While we only have sent 4 box's to Poland so far...(178 lbs.) We have only 3 box's for storage! the rest is in the trash!!! or Garage Sale items (Crap we have not touched in over 6 months) Wow, and now it is time for the "BIG GARAGE SALE" just need good weather! Still have 1/2 the Crawl Space (basement storage) to go through! but making A LOT of progress! Still feel we do not have enough time but !!...we will do it ! The Storage Box (10' X 16' x 8') will arrive on March 15th and then we just have to load it and they will come back to get it and store it in a temperature controlled environment until we get back!. This is a MAJOR task and I did not know how MAJOR until now! Cant wait to get there but it is taking a lot of planning right now to make this happen ! Sorry if I am boring you all... just want to share what is happening right now as we go through the process of moving to another country!

Just get yourself a short stay apartment for a month and then, when you are on the ground, start the hunt for a place to live.

Good Info... Sylwia's Brother will be back on March 7th and will (in person) go find something for us. I have been told by many, we will get a better deal if we deal in person and that is exactly what her brother is going to do for us !! THANKS so much for all the info... please do not stop posting ! all is helpful !!

Shawn & Sylwia

Having the first of many garage sales today. Trying to get rid of the piles of stuff we have collected over the years.

On another topic.... We really do not need a car do we? we will be living close to the city center and as far as I have seen... the public transportation is pretty good. I am talking about everyday life, I do not think we will need one. If we want to go for a weekend trip somewhere we could always rent a car right ? or is this not standard practice there?
13 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Going back to the Old Country of Poland after more than 25 years! (from USA) [249]

I hadn't heard nor uttered a polish word in a very, very long time

Just curious, not intended negative, Why? Why would you not speak your native language at all? Are there no Poles where you are? My wife is Polish and we seek out Clubs,people, stores that are Polish in order to keep her and my son connected with her culture. My son is Bi-lingual and he is only allowed to speak Polish to his Mom and English to me (not a prison, Just want him to know his mom's culture and be able to communicate with his family in Poland) Sorry got a little off subject, so why?
13 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Packing, Packing, Shipping Shipping!!! :) Shipped 4 box's so far (large) just over 178 pounds. Throwing A LOT away (unbelievable how much crap you save over the years), Have a huge piles in the garage for a Garage sale! Still looking for a flat, finding this very hard to do over the net and phone. But we push on ! I feel we are not doing enough to make the March 29th deadline, But we will see !
10 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Another question... We will be renting a flat and We have two cats we are bringing with us! (they are family) I have only seen two or three Ads (for Flats) that said NO PETS! my wife , who has not been in Poland (living) in 12 years, says that no one will accept two cats! Is this true? well behaved and litter box trained (Indoor only)? Come on is it that different there? Pls let me know !

Thank you for your input!
8 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

WOW !! ok the tickets have been purchased and we now have the date ! March 29th, 2011 we head out to out new life ! please wish us the best and please do not stop posting about poland and things I will need to know! it is so helpful !

Like why do some charge rent and (going to spell this wrong) "Wysokość czynszu" and some do not? If I want to teach English, do I NEED the TELF? or anything else you can think of!

Thanks to all of you to help make our decision. I will be updating more as we go through the process and the move !

Shawn & Sylwia
4 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

it takes more than motivation to come to Poland. you gotta know in your heart that this is the right decision and if you're full of fear, your heart's not in it.

My heart is in it but still scared. I wont re-type it here but go look at the forum titled $ 3000.00- 4000.00 per month etc and you will see my reasons.

4 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

Good luck in moving:)

Thank you so much!! I am soooooooo scared leaving "Everything" behind and moving to a country I know so little about (visited 3 times and have ton a ton of research) but not the same as living there ! but PF has helped a ton. If you have not viewed yet I have a thread in PF under everyday life, 3000-4000 a month. Take a min to look and see what's going on. ANY help would be Appreciated! thanks again your thread has also been very helpful !

4 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

It can be a good temporary work for you while you stay in Poland for a year or two.

Please do tell, this is in an area I was not thinking of. please more details, If you can?

I was thinking of teaching "conversational" English when I get there Husband and wife thing. Advertising .... Husband and Wife team, She Native Polish, Him Native American to teach Conversational English. Take your base English to the next level and feel comfortable speaking English on your next business trip or vacation!

Not sure that will be the exact ad but something close. Sure to be "cleaned" up a bit before posted!.

Does anyone know... We were going to wait until June to move because my son is in school..... but Her Dad is not doing well and we do not know if he is going to make it until June. In America I can take my son out of school at any time and move to another state and put him back in school mid term. Is the same possible in Poland? can he continue mid term there? or will he have to re-take 1st grade?
4 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]


Thanks for the reply! one other thing. While reading the "entire" thread I noted that you said you had problems with your packages you sent to Poland in customs. My question, since I am moving there, Why was there problems? when I send box's to Poland (to my wife's mom) the packages are just delivered. no customs, no problems. Why were yours stuck in customs? I ask because I do not want to have the same problems. Starting to send box's now so when I get there in 2-3 months they will be waiting at my mother in-laws flat for us. Thanx for the info! Love the blog! Really is helping a "stupid" American that is moving to Gdynia! :)
3 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]


May I ask you if you work for a company teaching English to your students or do you do it by yourself? If by yourself, where did you get your students? what type of marketing did you do?

1 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

you don't have to be boy genius to work out that a lifestyle on 12000zl approx 4000US$ per month would have to be pretty good if the average Pole earns 3500zl...

DO NOT LIVE IN POLAND SO THEREFORE I DO NOT KNOW !! no boy genius! HAVE NO CLUE hence the question!

I have not attacked you, I have just made a valid point.

Yes you did attack me! if you live in Poland you have no idea of what "the quality of living is in America"

Don't tell me that if you say something crititical of the US you are anti american

No, not necessarily, But in the context you put forward you were VERY ANTI AMERICAN!!

the truth is that the average Pole has a better quality of life than that of the average American..
If America didn't have any credit they would be a third world country.
Americans have stuffed up there own country and now they want to stuff up Poland.

How would you know "the quality of life here in the states ?"& what is "stuffed up "..Really? If you live here you are against your own words. If you do not .. Well then you have no clue!

You !! only! everyone else, please help with the original context of this forum, But you, please leave me alone! you are an angry, American hating person that is hell bound on proving your point... NOT interested

My God I am just trying to provide for my family and make sure we will not be a bruden on our family or the Polish Gov.. and He/she has to lash out like that !! THIS IS WHAT I WAS TOLD ABOUT! Angry Polish people!

I am not cowering to him/her but I will say that I am not going to lower myself to that place! I will no longer answer what he/she has to say !

why do you even care? :-) This forum is full of jerks, you'll get used to it after a while.

Thank you ! I am now seeing that ... Well not everybody here is "Happy" with Americans. Oh well what to do ? Problem for them is... I am still coming to Poland and it is ONLY for my wife and son.. well and for grandpa ! ...who knows might like it and stay ! lol
1 Feb 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

average wages in Poland approx 3500zl

How? Rent for 3 bedroom flat is 2500 to 3000zl Those prices were posted here earlier by people that live IN Poland !

Americans think their S..t don't stink

This is the poor attitude I worry about!!!! I am merely trying to plan for the future! I do not live there and I do not know what the economy is like ! how dare you tell me that "I do not think my Sh!t does not stink!? I had questions and asked! I thought that was what this forum was for!

Until you, EVERYONE has been very helpful and VERY Nice.... What happened to you to make you so ANGRY and so against America? What ever it is ...Please do NOT take it out on me. I did nothing to require such an attack.

Americans have stuffed up there own country and now they want to stuff up Poland

By the way, Not stuffing up Poland! I am leaving the only life I know for my Wife and son so they can be with her Sick Father!
31 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Wow ! just packed the first box the ship to Poland and 3 for storage. Sold the 2nd living room Sofa and Love Seat as well as the Cocktail table and the two end tables. Very empty and very mind sobering of what we are doing! It is now real and against MY mother wishes we are now "set in stone" we are going ! (a little scared <-- me)
29 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

I sure hope what you all said is true!! I am looking forward with guided eyes. We are now trying to find a flat and we are looking into a storage unit for the things we are not taking or selling off.

Looking to have a BIG garage sale in the coming months to get rid of a lot of junk we have collected. Still can not figure out a good solution for the car that we owe too much on. Told her what you all said.."should sell the car for as much as possible and take a loan out for the rest" (cheaper) but she says "NO!"

I know this is a bad time (too late) to mention... but I am allergic to sea food ! and I know they eat a lot of it... and it is cheaper than BEEF or any other meat. Will I be able to get around this? (I know I will have to) but will I be able to find meat somewhere cheaper? hahaha where to shop for the best price in Gdynia? In America, I know where to get best deals!!! how to figure that out there? Maybe just time?

Again (for the 100th time) Thank you all for the input!

Shawn & Sylwia (And Lukas)
28 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Thank you ! I will relish in my new family (had them for awhile but not able to "Talk" to them.) Now, maybe after I learn their language , I will (Maybe) become part of her family. My son will benefit the most! (I think) and my wife will be able to rest her heart ... that she "did" the right thing! Thank you all ! and please do not stop posting! I WANT TO LEARN AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE AS I CAN ABOUT POLAND! thanks
25 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]


These are great sites ! Thank you !

OK, It looks like we are going to go! Starting looking for flats in Gdynia and Storage units here in Colorado. Now, I am starting to get nervous after all the negative things she has been telling me. Now that I know we can financially make it there I need to know the truths about living in the Tri-Cities. Good and bad. Are American's really targeted after dark there? Is heating water really that expensive? and... Really... electricity is so expensive that I should turn my computer off in between uses ? ETC..... She said she is trying to give me the worst case... so I do not expect to much ! She has been back to Poland 4 times in the last 12 years BUT she has not "lived" there in 12 years. I suspect things have changed A LOT since she has lived there... Your thoughts?
24 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / I sent a package from Wisconsin, US, to Warsaw. 3 weeks and still not delivered? [14]

I use USPS and ship to Gydnia frequently (from US, CO.), NEVER have had a problem. My flat rates get there with 7 days (longest). Sorry to hear your have problems. But if you shipped flat rate, International, You should have a tracking number. The info on tracking is delayed a bit once it leaves the US but will appear on the tracking site eventually.
22 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Wow! A lot of good information! Thank you soooooooo much ! I will be looking into starting something there if we go (she still has not made up her mind and it is driving me crazy!) If we are going we need to start planning NOW!

Again, thanks for the info. Please ALL opinions from Many are wanted and appreciated


How do I look for Flats In Gdynia? (Morska Area) I can not find anything online except for Luxury "getaways" renting fully furnished Flats by the week. Is there a web site that actually list flats for rent by the month? (unfurnished).
20 Jan 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

We are currently are renting! So, no income from that but also no worries of having to sell either. My problem, we have a car that we owe about 22,000.00 (upside down a bit) what to do with that? really do not want to make the $ 400.00 a month payment while gone. Ideas???