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Posts by Krynski  

Joined: 9 Nov 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 24 Apr 2011
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Posts: Total: 82 / In This Archive: 64
From: Polska, Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: I do
Interests: numerous (liczne)

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21 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Do Poles and EU Citizens exploit the British welfare state [129]

One more piece of Polonophobic hate from delusional American idiot calling himself (repulsively) "sledz"? What a hopeless racist cretin.

Facts seem to show it is the British who have been ripping off the Polish and other post-communist migrant workers. And now, after having exploited them to the full, they are kicking them out and attempting to talk into the world (and themselves) that they are doing it because the Poles have been ripping off the British. The top British politicians - Cameron and Miliband - seem to be using the Poles for their own ugly political ends, that is to flatter the voters, to divert the latter's attention from the real British issues (such as the Third World "multiculturalism"), to direct the British rabble's hate at convenient scapegoats, that is the Poles (and other "East Europeans", but the hate seems mostly to hit the Poles, because it is they who are most frequently mentioned by name in the English media). If one looks at the history of Britain one perhaps can find more examples of similar British behavior toward target groups. Didn't the British carry out pogroms of the colored soldiers who fought for Britain in WWI and after the war stayed there?
15 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / Think you're Polish (and live in the USA)? [161]

---- But the days of America's superpower status seem to be numbered. Maybe it'll be better for the world if America loses the status? Some good staff seems to be coming from America, but also huge masses of evil things.

Ever thought about going to and staying for good in Poland, Penn Boy?
13 Jan 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles living in the UK returning home or not? [63]

When the Poles stay in Britain, it's bad, and when they get the hell out of Britain it's also bad with isthate, right?

The Poles are damned if they do, and damned if they don't.

So the Poles allegedly flood "the jobs market" in Britain? When and where?

Ziemowit is right: all the Poles should get the hell out of Britain.

I think they should never return there, not even as tourists.

How many Poles have been beaten up and killed in Britain as a result of hate propaganda carried out by the psychopaths from the Daily Mail, Daily Express, the Sun, and similar filth?

This should not be forgotten and forgiven.
1 Dec 2010
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]

maybe because not all of the Germans were Nazis and that's why Nazi death camps is correct.

Do you mean calling the camps "Nazi camps" is correct because "not all of the Germans were Nazis"? Why? And what would be the rationale behind calling them "Polish camps"? Would it be that "all of the Poles were Poles"?

1 Dec 2010
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]

Victory in 'anti-Polish camps’ campaign in US

We'll see if they actually stop using these monstrously slanderous expressions. I am skeptical about it. It seems the expressions have been used purposely for some - very important to 'somebody' -political reasons, and in order to harass the Poles, and spread hate against them. The expressions are also a way of venting out Polonophobic hate - the same kind of Polonophobic hate as Harry and dupadomine spit out habitually on this forum.


He sure as hell looks like he's crazy

Have you read "An Eye for an Eye" by John Sack? If you haven't, you should - you'd see how crazy were his genocidal deeds.
1 Dec 2010
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]

No, it isn't.

Yes it is.

a) Those were, in fact, death camps. The evidence - the (exceptionally gruesome) mass killings of civilian prisoners, especially Silesians, by Jewish psychopaths, such as Morel.

b) They were Soviet-communist camps in that the people who ran them belonged to the Russian-ruled pseudo-Polish communist security forces. In spite of their wearing "Polish" uniforms, numerous members of those forces weren't ethnic Poles, for example, they were Jews. Under the Russian command they were brutally pacifying Poland, helping to install the pro-Soviet communist government in the place of the legitimate, and backed by the vast majority of Poles, pre-WWII Polish government. As a result of the WWII events, the latter was then based in London.

Well, you actually answered my question addressed to dupadomine - why? Do you crazily imagine you are him, or you actually are the psychopath? At the same time, you haven't replied to my comment relating to you, namely:

And why doesn't Harry the Polonophobe call them "German death camps"? Isn't the expression "Nazi death camps" - fabricated by the American and British post-WWII propaganda? - historically incorrect and misleading? If it is, why do you use it and thus lie, eh hate-monger?

So you call genuine German camps "Nazi camps", but you call in fact soviet-communist camps "Polish camps"? Why? Because you pathologiclly hate the Poles and try to hurt them as hard as you can, right? If so, well, Harry, I fuk you and your hate. Take care of yourself, because hate is bad for your health.... Or better don't take care - hate on.

1 Dec 2010
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]

The Polonophobic racist dupadomine is showing his true colors again? On what grounds do you allege Bolle is "anti-semitic" and call him "racist"? Isn't it true that Jews, such as Solomon Morel and Lola Potok, ran soviet-communist concentration or death camps in post-WWII Poland? Doesn't John Sack's book "An Eye for an Eye" give facts on the subject?

Nazi death camps

And why doesn't Harry the Polonophobe call them "German death camps"? Isn't the expression "Nazi death camps" - fabricated by the American and British post-WWII propaganda? - historically incorrect and misleading? If it is, why do you use it and thus lie, eh hate-monger?

27 Nov 2010
Work / Information about jobs for Indian students in Poland [286]

I am an Indian coming to Poland

--- Rajesh, don't take seriously the scribblings by a type calling himself dupondomine, or something of this sort. He seems to be a British who himself resides in Poland, but he tries to scare you away from Poland. Does he do it because he hates Indians? Come on up, rajesh, and bring along some mouth-waterin curry recipes for us.

20 Nov 2010
News / Will many Poles migrate to Germany in May 2011 (after opening labor market)? [157]

It seems to be better for the Poles to work in Germany than in the increasingly Polonophobic UK - now a country in a deep economic crisis. And UK is increasingly Polonophobic above all because of the long-lasting and unceasing hate propaganda against the Poles from the media hate-mongers, notably those from the media for the so-called lower classes, such as the Daily Mail and the Daily Express. But also other, allegedly more decent and sophisticated media in UK, have been participating in the onslaught against the Poles. The hate propaganda against the Poles in UK has been going on with complete impunity, with practically NO ONE defending the Poles. Doesn't it say something, for instance, about the UK "human rights" organizations? Also the Tory party, including Cameron, has made some nasty remarks about or allusions to the Poles, hasn't it? The hate propaganda from the Polonophobic media psychopaths in the UK seems to be the main cause of the negative attitude of the British towards the Poles, and connected with it numerous beatings and killings of the Poles, not to mention lesser harassment. I've never heard about such beatings and killings in Germany, where, for example, the local farmers seem to highly appreciate Polish migrant workers, some of the farmers reportedly admitting that without the Polish workers the German agriculture would be much worse off. But I wish above all the Poles could stay and work in Poland. I wish they first of all could leave the UK en masse, giving away the menial and exploitive "jobs" they toil on to somebody else, e.g. the Third World migrants (if even the latter would like to take them).
15 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

Anyway, try not to take things so seriously,

You mean he shouldn't feel hurt by the racist in its nature insult? Why shouldn't he do that? By the way, isn't it you, convex, who stated Americans don't know much about Poland? Isn't the "joke" in question one more proof that, after all, Americans know something about Poland? What is it they mostly know about Poland, and mostly who provides the kind of knowledge about Poland to them?

13 Nov 2010
News / Composer Henryk Gorecki has died. [28]

isn't it what music is all about?

What do you mean by the "it"? :)

and that's great!

Do you mean the fact I can't imagine what I would feel if I didn't know the title and lyrics is great? Why? You're a funny chic. :)

who and what question?

What do you mean by the "who"? What "question"? For example:

Do you mean its "climate" is that of the said capitulation? In what way?

Let me quess your Zodiac sign. Would it be Pisces?
13 Nov 2010
News / Composer Henryk Gorecki has died. [28]

Do you mean whether I can imagine what I would feel if I didn't know the title and the lyrics? If yes, then my answer is: no. But why are you asking this question? By the way, if I remember it right, the first time I listened to the symphony I didn't know its title, nor could make out the lyrics.

You still haven't answered directly and pertinently my questions from my previous posts.
13 Nov 2010
News / Composer Henryk Gorecki has died. [28]

because of its climate... and he named his work... you're free to interpret it as you wish... music is awesome that way...

Do you mean its "climate" is that of the said capitulation? In what way? Do you mean one can interpret the title of the symphony as one wishes?
13 Nov 2010
News / Composer Henryk Gorecki has died. [28]


Thank you for the info, but its content has already been known to me. Do you suggest the info answers my question to hague1cmaeron? How?
13 Nov 2010
News / Composer Henryk Gorecki has died. [28]

I think he is best known for this piece

Do you mean Gorecki's symphony relates to the capitulation of the Jewish ghetto inhabitants in the German-occupied Warsaw? In what way?
12 Nov 2010
Life / What do you like about Poland? [100]

Obviously there are a lot of things people don't like about Polish people and Poland

Who are the people who don't like a lot of things about Polish people? What are the alleged numerous things they dislike?
11 Nov 2010
News / Praising Poland can be dangerous [45]

Also personal attacks are against the forum rules.

And are racist slurs, such as "dumb Polacks", for this forum rules? Is the censorship of posts written by Poles trying to speak against the hate-spreading psychopaths, such as the Scottish one here, for the forum rules? It seems to me this forum is a medium designed to spread Polonophobic hate and racism. Who is its owner? I hear it's an American? What is his name?
11 Nov 2010
News / Praising Poland can be dangerous [45]

Helsinki is the the geographical East of Western Europe

What do you mean by that? If geographically Poland is in "Eastern Europe", aren't e.g. Finland and Norway in Eastern Europe too, or perhaps in North-Eastern Europe?

Latvia and Estonia somehow sneaked to the West of the EE,

And what do you mean by that? Do you mean that Latvia and Estonia are in "Western Europe", that they "somehow" moved there? Exactly how?

Czech republic earned the place

And what do you mean by that? What place did the CzR earn and exactly how?

Oh, Lithuania, right. Extreme East of the EE

Do you mean that Latvia and Estonia are in "Western Europe" but their close neighbour - one of the fellow Baltic states - Lithuania is in the "extreme" Eastern Europe? How would that be possible?

but this might be my nationalistic bias.

Or perhaps it is something else? By the way what nationalistic bias would that be - what are you?
11 Nov 2010
News / America's Tea Party like Poland's Solidarnosc? [59]

"America's Tea Party like Poland's Soldiarnosc?" (sic) asketh "Polonius3".

It appears the answer may be "yes" if the word "Soldiarnosc" is changed to "Solidarnosc". Anyone curious why?

Solidarność was socialistic.

That is untrue. Solidarnosc was neither "socialistic" nor "socialist" nor "capitalist", but, in fact, a dazzling mix of various and diverse ideas and approaches, including socialist and capitalist ones. Lech Walesa himself dreamed of future Poland as "another Japan", didn't he? And weren't many in Solidarnosc almost fanatically pro-American? Didn't they admire President Reagan, Mrs Thatcher (the latter isn't, of course, American)?

11 Nov 2010
News / Praising Poland can be dangerous [45]

Central Europe suggests that Europe stretches far more East than the Bug River.

Doesn't Europe stretch beyond the Bug? Why not?
10 Nov 2010
News / Praising Poland can be dangerous [45]

"Praising Poland can be dangerous" sez "Polonius3"! I've read his post carefully, but haven't found any proof that "praising Poland can be dangerous" in it. And does "Polonius3" mean that it's wrong of some people to disagree with other people's statements? Does he perhaps mean that to disagree with statements by folks writing in the Economist is an unthinkable sacrilege? Why specifically would it be so very wrong and sacrilegious?

Are there also "Polonius 1" and "Polonius2"? If so, imagine what ideas of what is dangerous and wrong they can have....
10 Nov 2010
Travel / The World's Sexiest Cities: San Francisco, Paris, Warsaw... [28]

Me russian? nooooo

You? maybe ;)

So you're not a muscovite? From the info on your profile I assumed you are. Did you lie there? If so, maybe you are a muscovite after all? So what are you, and what do you mean by "our wonderfull capital" (sic)?
