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Posts by Plastic Pole52  

Joined: 18 Sep 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Sep 2010
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Plastic Pole52   
29 Sep 2010
Life / Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland [359]

You boys & girls will be better off if you do shopping in the US.pair of Levis $20-25,pair of Wranglers $8!!!(outlet)-20.Bought myself few nice Hillfiger shirts for $10 a piece.European cosmetics are cheaper than in Europe.How is that possible?
Plastic Pole52   
29 Sep 2010
Life / Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland [359]

a pair of new jeans in "brand" stores (like h&m, bershka) 80 - 120 zł

Well, last time I was in PL I walked by Wrangler store and they had a pair of jeans on display for 260PLN!!!Now,this is a foking ripp off.And same goes for other "brand" stuff like RL,Tommy etc.I mean who can afford to pay $90 for a pair of jeans?
Plastic Pole52   
24 Sep 2010
Life / How to Politely Refuse a Drink in Poland [72]

There seems to be a lot of confusion among the foraigners how to politely refuse a drink in Poland.I feel you guys since I myself hate vodka ( and I am a Pole) and can't do more than 2-3 shots without risking terrible conseqenses the next day(the only alcohol I can drink in large quatities without risking dying the next day is tequila).I went thru this many times and I can tell how to act at the Polish party. So here is how you do it.When first asked you say "Dziękuję nie piję".This will buy you some time though not much since they will not belive you just don't drink vodka.Soon you will be asked again to have a shot.Of course you still want to be polite so just repeat "Dziękuje nie pije".There will be a some nagging since everyone is a bit drunk already but in general soon you will be left alone.Not for long though.Few shots later someone will realize that your glass is empty and will become annoying trying to make you drinking.Remember that unlike you they indeed were drinking all that time so just say "Nie,nie naprawde nie pije".You will have to repeat it couple times since everyone is well drunk now but you should be fine.As the drinking continues and everyone become more or less trashed there will be someone pointing out the fact that you are the only one who is not drinking and will become very annoying trying to change it.Now,this time you DON'T say "Dziękuje nie pije" nor "Nie,nie pije" instead you say "NIE PIJE KURWA I CHUJ,ODPIERDOL SIE CZLOWIEKU." It works,good luck!
Plastic Pole52   
22 Sep 2010
History / What was better in Poland under communism? [67]

He he martial law.I remember on New Year eve my drunk father went out and brought home 2 soldiers.It was the first time I held AK 47 in my hands.
Plastic Pole52   
22 Sep 2010
History / What was better in Poland under communism? [67]

My parents also had private business and never had any idea to run away from PRL even though they traveled to western countries and could easily stay there.Ofc in 50ies it was not that sweet and you were oppressed if you wanted to be on your own,but it has changed in 70ies.You could run your own bussines but could hire no more than 15 workers.Calling PRL communist is kinda ignorant considering definition of communism.Only westerners call it communist but they have no clue what PRL was about.And hey, we did have western movies on public "communist" TV.
Plastic Pole52   
22 Sep 2010
History / What was better in Poland under communism? [67]

Get a life people.PRLwas NOT a communist country!Some people have had private bussineses and you could exchange złoty for USD or DM or bony PKO on the black market then go to Pewex or Baltona and buy whatever you needed to.I remember half a liter of Wyborowa was $1.50 in Pewex.My first computer (Atari 800 xl) was bought in pewex for $110 in 1986.You could buy western cars in Pol-Mot for "dewizy".And you could travel (if you had "dewizy"),sell stuff abroad, bring stuff to Poland and make money.There were 2 kinds of passports,1 valid only for socialist countries and the other for the rest of the world.I would NEVER leave Poland if it was still PRL. edit you were buying a "diesel" car and you never had problem with fuel.All you needed to do was to stop any trucker any he hooked you up with fuel.
Plastic Pole52   
22 Sep 2010
Life / Things we enjoyed as kids in Poland [140]

I enjoyed riding around with my father in his 85 Ford Granada.It was in 1987 and there were only 5 western cars in my town at that time.And now?Everyone has western car.Szkoda gadać.Za komuny było lepiej.
Plastic Pole52   
19 Sep 2010
Love / Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive? [179]

Relax,nobody here takes him seriously.After all he is a just a Greek.Now, what is Greece?A pile of freaking rocks and some ancient ruins,that's all.This goat herder should be greatfull they are about to get euros 1bilion handout from Poland (which I btw strongly oppose).They should be kicked out of EU and go back to goat herding which is what they do the best,aside from cheating and lying in their financial statements.
Plastic Pole52   
19 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

Priceless, coming from a Yank.

I am not a Yank.I am being constantly told by Americans that now I am an American.I don't object since they just try to be nice but I am a gd Pole and always will be.

Sore loser.


US must be full of crap then.

True in the sense that they are (I am generalizing now)just too proud only of being born in the US but same goes for other nations too.
Plastic Pole52   
19 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Polish nationality? Which of the following (if any) determine being Polish. [231]

To be really Polish you gotta look it, speak it, think the way a Pole does.

How does a Pole look like?Elaborate please.
What is the way a Pole thinks?Do you reallly think 38 milions Poles look and think the same way?Now that's silly (to don't say dumb).

Too much pride makes people sick.

To much national pride is simply cheesy.

Can't have been too proud of the rendition of the SSB last night at KSW 14, LOL. That was priceless!

The fight was fixed.And even if it wasn't the only person who can be proud is Pudzian.I am so sick of Poles saying for example "WE beat the Turks at Vienna".WTF?None of them have been there at that time nor took a part in the battle.Besides how can someone be proud to be Polish,Dutch,American or whatever else?What kind of accomplishment it is?They must have nothing else to be proud of so tho they stick to this silly national pride like flies to a piece of crap.
Plastic Pole52   
19 Sep 2010
Polonia / What About The Poles In The Netherlands? [102]

It seems like slavery is alive and well in the old Europe.

Now it's all clear to me.Those working for slave wages are not Poles.You guys bash the wrong people.They are Australians pretending to be Poles.Now seriously ,I highly doubt what she says is true.It's hard for me to imagine anybody from Australia or even "poor" Poland would be working for Euro 3.21/h.I personally know 2 guys working in NL and one makes euro14/h (driver,delivers some cookies to the stores ,5 years on the job),the other one makes euro12/h (cutting grass on some high end golf course, he says Clarence Seedorf plays there,3 years on the job).Both wages are before taxes and accomodation.Neither is employed thru work agency (they already did their time for agencies and now are employed directly).Still, working thru agencies they claim they were making euros7-8/h (before tax and accomodation).Both speak ok English and some Dutch.

And besides, I don't believe that in Australia low level work like that will pay 20 bucks after tax.

Neither do I.
Plastic Pole52   
18 Sep 2010
Po polsku / Tragedia jezykowa, czyli "stay on topic" LOL. [95]

Debili w Polsce niestety nie brakuje.Dlatego (między innymi) nie przepadam za ojczyzną.Nie wiem co Ci brachu doradzić.Ja bym z punktu powiedział żeby się odpierdolił(do chamstwa musisz po chamsku bo inaczej nie rozumieją).A ja też mieszkałem w POZ, nawet jeszcze mam mieszkanie na Grunwaldzie.Chodziłeś może do "Starego Kina"?Mój dobry kumpel "Baca" stał tam za barem.Pozdro.
Plastic Pole52   
18 Sep 2010
Po polsku / Tragedia jezykowa, czyli "stay on topic" LOL. [95]

A kto tutaj jest Angolem?
Ja jestem.

Nie może być.Żeby każdy Polak władał taką polszczyzną.Mnie bardzo irytuje "pijar" w odniesieniu do PR.Żenada poprostu.
Plastic Pole52   
18 Sep 2010
History / Lwów, Wilno ... kresy - Poland have lost enormoust part of our heritage... [389]

Maybe we could make a trade :)

We could do that.We could make a deal with Russia.They take the east we take the west.Sounds fair to me.

Today, nay, you may keep it, its small price to pay to keep you stay away, but do not fukk with Poles still living there or we'll change our mind.

Poles did it once in 1921 and I am sure we can take it back now ,we just need to grow some balls.They again opress Poles living there so maybe it is the time to give them another ultimatum like in 1938?