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Posts by Meowmeow  

Joined: 6 Jun 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
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19 May 2011
Life / IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole? [201]

I think Immigration would be good for Poland. Nigerian people would bring financial reform to the country, yummy food and and mixed babies with a nice tan. Some asian people would bring their hard work ethics, corner shops, chinese and curry restaurants. Some middle eastern people to bring some religious morals back into the country. It's a win win situation.
19 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

No British guy would call himself "british". They are consider themselves as English, Scots etc. The only "british" people in the UK are pakis. Just a funny thought.

Wow some nice racism going on here ^^^^^. Maybe you are too thick to figure out some britsh people have different parts of their family coming for different parts of scotland, england, wales e.t.c
18 May 2011
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Being british nearly all my friends hate polish people but won't say it to their faces. Something about polish polish stealing their jobs and abusing the benefit system.

I on the other hand love polish people. They so good at going down and making me happy + sex :)
18 May 2011
Love / Do Polish men like to sleep with other men? [79]

I think a lot of polish men are homophobic because the secretly crave cock. I have seen a lot of them living together and having suspicious parties at night (making suspicious noises). A lot of polish men like to wear tight trousers as if to advertise their buttocks to a prospective suitor.

I think a lot of gay polish men have come to ruin the u.k. Are you one of those men who is from poland and like to bend over whenever you see another male, or are you a straight polish man ( whose in denial) and how do you feel about these sinners.
18 Jul 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

Loving the racism on here. I, myself am British and i can tell you that most British want to stop Poles from coming into the country but can't cause of the E.U free travel. So when you busy insulting black and muslim people, just remember that if you live in the U.K you not wanted there.
18 Jul 2010
News / Should Poland Remove Visa Restrictions? [285]

After some of the comments I have read on here........ Hitler and the Nazi would be proud of some of you...It sounds like some of you, would start up death camps to get rid of Black people and Muslims.

I say, if someone is hard working and pays the taxes and doesn't commit crime let them in the country whatever colour they are....
17 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Well if someone is told from a young age something is wrong, you grow up to believe it. And this hate has been passed on from generations mainly from christianity... It has nothing to do with laws but mainly religion.

Like some Polish people who have racist views, in a way it isn't their fault. Most have been taught from a young age that black or darker skin has negatives that come with it.

But when most people get to have black or gay friends, they see there is nothing wrong with it. Just Ignorance....

But ignorance is bliss to some people.. makes them feel important
17 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

And the sources indicate that average ratio of sodomites in population oscillates around 5%...it's good that we didn't started conversation about paedophiles thought.

Rubbish most studies show 1 in 10 men are gay... And this doesn't include bisexual men mostly who have wife and girlfriends....

Being gay is normal, even there are gay animals. What you going to say, that Satan has possessed them?

Some of you people need to stop living in the 1800's. Just like people will hate you for being Polish, and will find reasons to back up why it is good to hate polish people... You do the same with gay people... So Don't complain when someone is being racist to you cause your polish and not British. Cause you are dishing out prejudice...it's only right you get it back...
17 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

Most of you homophobic people on here were taught that being Gay is wrong in church ...cause thats where it all comes from... Not once did Jesus say being gay was wrong... And the Irony is that Most of Poland is Catholic. And the Catholic priests are the ones always molesting boys...hardly any other men do that.. Just the priests who tell you gay is wrong. Paedophiles are mostly straight, and mostly are someone the child knows in the family.
16 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

To bring Poland in with the "Times". I recommend shipping 1 million very camp gay people, + 1 million Nigerians to Poland. :D
15 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Every Human should have equal rights, as long as someone isn't hurting themselves or others. People speaking as if gay people are a sub human species, thoughts like those is what caused the holocaust, Rwanda e.t.c

Religion has done so much damage to society and caused so much hate instead of harmony...
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

wow.... this is turning into find a date thread.

Well to some of the comments. I think personally people saying gay people don't need anymore rights, only say that if you are gay, cause I think that's pretty biased.

And i am not saying gay people should be walking down the street camp, in pink thongs, with a dildo in one hand, and the other waving at someone down the street. Just, I think people should be out and proud of themselves :)

And even lesbians too...maybe with long blonde hair and looking sexy:)
14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Hmmmm I know cause my friend who is polish point them out cause he knows them. Just saying alot of gay polish men have come to the U.k No reason to get upset. Every country has gay people please don't feel I insulted your country.

Plus read this article from The Guardian Newspaper:

Polish gay rights groups claim thousands of homosexuals have fled the country to escape increasing persecution.
Robert Biedron, 27, the head of the Polish Foundation Against Homophobia, said that 'huge numbers' of Polish gays had left the country following the rise to power of the right-wing government. He said: 'It is incredible. The Polish gay community has just left because of the climate of fear and persecution.

14 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

Just noticed there are so many gay polish men in London. But unlike most camp gay men....most Polish gay men are very straight acting. I have a friend who is polish, who is gay and many of his polish friends are gay too... Quite often I noticed them in groups doing there shopping checking men out.

First of all I am happy they feel comfortable in the U.K. Cause I know in Poland being gay is something most people thinks needs to be cured and are bullied by the authorities. Thousands have left Poland and have found new homes. But still seem to live very secret gay lives quietly, why?

Are you a gay polish man, and how do you feel about being Gay in the U.K, or are you a straight polish person and how do you feel about these polish men, who are gay and left your country to feel more free to live their lives?
6 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism [259]

Hmmmmmm.... I wanted to laugh when you said British people are racist. I am mixed race
black/white and the only racism I have received in the past few years has been from Polish men.

Britain is one of the most multi-cultural countries in Europe. When it comes to British people, if you don't integrate, maybe kiss a bit of ass, you won't fit in no matter what colour you are, especially if you are considered from a poor country or "third world".

Every country has racism but it is far less here.

The thing that puzzles me is, Poland has gone through horrible phases like World War 2 and death camps. Even receiving racism from British cause of the employment situation. You would think because of this they would be more accepting of people's differences. But most seem to be Homophobic and have racist views.

I understand that back in Poland it is very mono-cultured but I just think Polish people living abroad need to accept the bigger world out there in order to fit in more.
6 Jun 2010
Love / English girl. Do Polish men afraid to show their feelings or they are just not comfortable in UK? [84]

To me a lot of Polish live in my area. They keep to themselves at any cost. Personally they seem outgoing, so they can't be shy. It's either, they feel uncomfortable around British people cause many local British see them as having taken potentials jobs ( another story, another thread) Or they are just stuck up?

Kinda sad considering Polish people look like fun, funny people. They need to start opening up more...