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Joined: 28 Dec 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 19 Jan 2010
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12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

I found the quote:

"I have given orders to my Death Units to exterminate without mercy or pity, men, women, and children belonging to the Polish speaking race. It is only in this manner we can acquire the vital territory which we need. After all, who remembers the extermination of the Armenians?" - Adolf Hitler, 22 August 1939

Harry: I'm not trying to educate you. I just asking you questions. Then, you call me an idiot. That's not fair and it's wrong. It's not idiotic to discuss topics that I've brought up.

As for hijacking WWII history, I have to admit that I knew very little of the WWII history of the Pacific. WWII European Theater is very thoroughly studied in the US. The Pacific Theater is barely touched upon. Why? I'm not saying that this is true in other countries, but it's true here. Why?
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Oh, thank God you showed up, Yehudi. I can make sense of your posts and you do have the ability to educate. Thanks.

Don't forget: Hitler said, "We shall exterminate every Polish speaking person. After all, who today remembers the mass murder of the Armenians?"

That's not the exact quote. Give me a couple of minutes and get the exact quote, but anyway, I know what you're saying. The killing of Jews went on before the war. It actually partly led to war. Also, Hitler had it out for Poles Gypsies and so on.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

I think you're right, especially when you're talking to Sheeple like Harry. What I'm doing here is trying to overcome the destruction that the Sheeple have done to nice guys like Harry.

Harry, why am I an idiot? I honestly don't see that I've said anything wrong. Go back and read my posts again. I don't think I've said anything wrong.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

People will forget as it is natural...don't tell me you know all about the last 2000 years of human history world wide!

But even remembering it has never stopped another evil!

I know, and doesn't that suck?!
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

History IS much more complicated than we think. Of course, there were so many innocent Germans. I don't blame today's Germans or even most ofthe Germans of the 1940s. They were at the mercy of a mad man and his scumbag followers.

I know that history is forgotten. I'm saying that history can be kept alive such as with the case of the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. You can't let people forget. I know that the argument is that history repeats itself regardless of how hard you try. Look at Darfur. But, you have to remind the people out there that terrible things happened and try to stop at least some from repeating it.

I still want Harry to tell me just why I'm an idiot. Specifically, what did I say that was wrong?
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Actually, I didn't forget about the Chinese.

Anyway, you still haven't told me why I'm an idiot. What did I say that was wrong?

Harry, Harry, Harry, I have to leave the house in three hours. I'll have the computer on until then. PLEASE tell me why I'm an idiot. What have I said that's wrong?
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Did you also know that 7 million Christians suffered and were tortured and murdered?
Does anyone remember those 20 million Russians?

No, apparently no one remembers the 20 million Russians who were murdered. Again, that proves my point. If you don't continuously get the truth out there, people forget about mass murders such as the 20 million Russians who were murdered. If you ask any American how many people were killed in WWII, they'll say that 6 million Jews were killed. They're right. What they don't know is that 7 million Christians were also killed and 20 million Russians. Why don't they know? It's because the Christians and Russians (also Christian) do a crappy job of getting these stories out. They don't make movies, museums, books on a grand scale and so people don't know about all of this.

Harry: Why am I an idiot? What did I say that was so wrong?
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

nobody i think in his right mind would deny thats poles didnt suffer...but i dont think that any race on this planet suffered as much as the jews

Okay, it's just that some people don't even know that Gypsies, Poles, etc. suffered, too. This goes back to my earlier post: African Americans have told me that they suffered more than the Jews. Jews have told me that they suffered more than the AAs. It's like it's some kind of competition. I'm saying, let's not make it a competition. Let's agree that there was horrible suffering all around.


You know that 6 million Jews suffered, were tortured, were senselessly murdered. Did you also know that 7 million Christians suffered and were tortured and murdered?
Did you know that you are a fecking moron?

Oh, come on, Harry. Don't be mean. I'm just trying to make sense of it all. Just how am I a moron? By telling the truth. I guess you really are one of the Sheeple. There's hope for you, though. I'm here for you, brother. Let me help you.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

You know that 6 million Jews suffered, were tortured, were senselessly murdered. Did you also know that 7 million Christians suffered and were tortured and murdered?
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

O.k., gottcha, I really do understand where you're coming from, but are you saying that no Poles, Gypsies or Czechs or other suffered? I'm saying that 6 million Jews were brutally tortured and murdered. I'm also saying that the same happened of 7 million Christians.

What I'm trying to get at is, oh, I just don't know how to make this any clearer, . . . Do you believe that no one else suffered? That's what I'm getting at.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

No, I haven't been. I hope to go someday. So, you're saying that no Gypsies, Czechs, Poles or anyone else suffered?
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

No, I want a Polish version of the Polish and Jewish and Gypsy (etcetera) Holocaust.

This is my point exactly. I hope you get what I'm saying here. You have the Jewish version of what happened. No, wait, you have differing Jewish versions of what happened. One version is that many different peoples suffered. The other version, the Sheeple version, is that only Jews suffered and ALL Poles are the scum of the earth.

Therefore, I agree with you here: I want the whole truth out, not separate versions which are not completely truthful.
To Yehudi:

you're an anti-semite if you so much as question them

*There's nothing antisemitic about questioning the Jewish narrative.*

Right, there's nothing wrong with it, but some people act as though there is something wrong with questioning.

*What's antisemitic is perpetuating stereotypes like this...*

Since the Jewish version is not interested in truth and justice but rather its greed driven. Their only concern is how much compensation they can ask for.

We Jews won't be satisfied till you give us our pound of christian flesh.

Yes, I know. I don't like this stereotype, either. What pisses me off about Thug is that he/she makes a sweeping statement. What I mean is this: There are (as I've said) Jews who celebrate and thank Poles for what they did to protect Jews. Then, you have the Sheeple who just seem to want to hate. It's to those people whom Thug should address his remarks. He doesn't, though. He make a sweeping statement and that statement is played out on Jewish websites, no the Sheeple websites, where they say, "You see? I TOLD you that all Poles are anti-semetic!" It's not true, but it takes one jackass like Thug to ruin things for ME (and all other good Poles)>
12 Jan 2010
Food / POLISH RECIPES! [287]

Need recipe for chocolate fig pie

Damn, that sounds sooooooo good. Does anyone have a recipe for it?
11 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Sheep + People = sheeple. People who act like sheep (simple minded, easily led, don't think for themselves, allow others to think for them and so they're easily swayed) are now referred to as sheeple.


11 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Since the Jewish version is not interested in truth and justice but rather its greed driven. Their only concern is how much compensation they can ask for.

There are Jews who know how much the Poles helped them. Then, there are the Jews who are Sheeple. I was hoping that Harry wasn't one of them. These Sheeple believe that they are the only people who suffered. The good people don't believe that; they know that we all suffered. Don't confuse good people with Sheeple. Yes, I've come across Sheeple who, if you innocently question something, immediately believe you must be an anti-semite. It seems like there are people who want to believe that only they suffered. I've had African Americans tell me that they suffered more than the Jews. I've had Jews tell me that they suffered more than African Americans. Why can't we all agree that we've all suffered and leave it at that? Why does it have to be a competition?
11 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

No, I want a Polish version of the Polish and Jewish and Gypsy (etcetera) Holocaust. Is that wrong of me to want? I want the WHOLE story, do you see? Don't you agree?

There are Jews who know how much the Poles helped them. Then, there are the Sheeple who simply want to hate. Those Sheeple want to hate Poles and others and they want to believe that only they suffered. It's not true. We all suffered. There are Jews who know this, but they're beaten down by the Sheeple. Don't confuse the two. Yes, to the Sheeple (not to the good people), you're an anti-semite if you so much as question them. This is why you need your own museums, your own forum for the truth to come out.

No, I don't want a Polish version of the Jewish Holocaust. I want a Polish version of the Polish and Jewish and Gypsy (etcetera) Holocaust. Am I wrong to want that?
11 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Okay, but you're missing my point. This is a very important point, so I'd like to make it again. I guess I'm just jealous of places like the Holocaust Museum and other places and people who get the truth out. Somehow Poles just 'hope' that people will know the truth. Well, they won't. You have to teach it to them just as the Jews teach the world about what happened to them. I admire what they've done, but I'm also jealous. The Poles could collect lots of information, too, and educate the world, but they don't. You feel your neighbor might not feel comfortable. Well, I understand, but I'm sure Jews didn't feel comfortable talking about how they suffered, yet they did tell their stories to educate the world. Why do the Poles not do this, also?

I'm not crazy about false friends, either. However, I hold hope that some sheeple can have their minds pried open and then they can be true friends. It's not easy getting through to sheeple. They want to hate. They want to believe falsehoods. You can get through to some people, though.

I don't speak Polish, but my grandparents did. Unfortunately, they died before I was born. Dad is in his 80s, but still can understand and converse a little in Polish. We speak English, but we love our Polish culture.
11 Jan 2010
Love / Polish boyfriend coming to visit [52]

They got married a few years later, and last year I went to visit them in Ireland after seven years had passed! I was nervous, but it was a wonderful reunion and I feel that they are happy and right for each other. The love I had is still there, but with no trace of romance.

That was very unselfish of you. Bravo.
11 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

You should tape him because it's NOT common knowledge in countries other than Poland. That's the problem. If you want people to know the truth and not the lies, you must put the truth out there. Tape him and post the tape here and everywhere so that we all (not just the people of Poland) know these truths.

Harry's a xenophobe, but that's not his fault. He's part of the Sheeple - the people who believe lies because they're mindlessly following the leader, the people who desperately want believe lies and who want to hate. Do you want Harry to continue to believe lies or do you want to educate him and the rest of the world?

What the Holocaust or any museum has to do with this is (once more) getting the truth out. You know the truth. Harry and most of the world don't know the truth. If you want them to know the truth, if you want Harry to be our friend instead of our enemy, educate him and all people.
11 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

If you could talk to one of my neighbours, he would tell you exactly how his father
and many other Kashubians "volunteered" for the German army
(that's, of course,
if you were interested in truth, instead of spreading your polonophobic lies and
claiming that it's all for the greater good of Poland).

Crap, I was hoping Harry was a true friend. Sad to hear he's not.

You MUST video tape your neighbor and send the video to the Polish Museum in Philadelphia as well as any other Museum. Submit it to PBS for a documentary, too. The Holocaust Museum in DC might also be able to add it to an exhibit there. I haven't been to the one in DC (will do some day), but I'm hoping it's fair to the Poles.
4 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Define? How about "took part in Nazi war crimes and/or crimes against humanity"? All three of the Poles I named above did just that and there are more

Yes, Harry, but the other millions and millions of Poles don't have blood on their hands and Hollywood doesn't tell their stories. Actually, The Pianist did. It showed Poles who risked their lives and some who lost their lives trying to protect Jews.

My point is that Poles hate those scumbag Poles who worked with the Nazis. Poles love the Poles who created the underground and fought against the Nazis. The Sheeple who watch Hollywood movies will believe that every Pole was cooperating with the Nazis. This just isn't true. Why not say, "There were bad Poles (the ones on your 'list') and there were good Poles who risked everything to help Jews and fight against the Nazis. I know Jews who do this and they don't like Jews and others who believe everything that they see in a movie.
4 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Boy, you are so right here. You may not know this, but most Jews outside Poland also are not haters. It's the few haters who are the loudest. I know lots of Jews who can't stand the Hater-Jews - the Jews who stir the pot and try to make everyone guilty. They try to find guilt in everyone except themselves. Believe me - the Jews that I know can't stand those hater-Jews (Jews who indiscriminately hate). They're embarassed by them. Sadly, those haters have Sheeple followers. You're right, most Jews in Poland are not the Sheeple followers who believe ugly propoganda. Yeah, how many museums have anything about communist crimes? I blame the decendants of those who suffered from the communists. If the Jews can establish moving museums and exhibits about what happened to them, why can't the Poles and anyone who suffered under communism do the same? They can, but they simply don't. Why?
3 Jan 2010

Calendars in FRANCE (as well as many other European nations) do the same. The first day is Monday, the last day is Sunday. This isn't unique to Poland.