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Posts by Honest George  

Joined: 12 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Feb 2010
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Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]


I noticed by your first post, but the thread is not false ( maybe you,ve taken it in the wrong context ).
I listed my experiences and therefore am asking a question. So its open to debate.
No offense intended.
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

a Pole running his own business abroad, unheard of!

Not at all, and good luck to them.

a little bit more

Okay, so all five are doing well.

By the way, I am not anti-Polish, quite the opposite.
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

we have Polish doctors and engineers in the UK..so, yes Polish quals are recognised

Who speak fluent English, and had to re-sit the appropriate English examinations. I concur.
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

Because Graduates of polish law know only POLISH LAW.

That was only an example, I should have picked another profession.
Otherwise your statement is good.

People with an universal set of skills such us IT workers can pretty easily find work everywhere.

Only if they are proficient in the chosen language.
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]


I could not agree more, and I often question why a lot of Polish people live and let live. I wish they would be more forceful, instead of letting the hierarchy walk all over them.
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

why didn't he inform the Central Anticorruption Bureau?

I guess some people are afraid and are just happy to be employed.

And I write about my Polish acquaintances & friends,

I,m not talking about your three acquaintances and two friends. Besides, go and see for yourself how some of them live and if in fact what they are telling you is true.
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

That's how it is everywhere. You're watching too much of "Expres Reporterów" or some other agony aunt style programmes.

Bit of truth in everything.

Where ?

acquaintance of mine works in ZUS, had to pay ????PLN after successful interview.

Polish qualifications are good/very good, and are starting to be recognozed outside of Poland.

Thats why graduates in law etc. are menial cleaners elsewhere in the EU.

my dear, little Georgie.

ow, you hussy ! haha.

Better the devil you know,

Not really, when you employ incompetents.
Only if 100 % sure of individual.

But apparently, Georgie knows better.

In a majority of cases.........YES.
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Work / Polish qualifications, what are they worth ? [137]

It seems Poles tend to be proud of their education,
but what worth have their qualifications, when.............

There is not enough jobs for people educated in the same fields as one another.

Employment is bought with bribes.

When there is a closed-shop. ( employment given to family/friends, regardless of qualifications ).

The qualifications are not recognized abroad.
Honest George   
24 Jan 2010
Law / Bureaucracy in Poland [53]

Magdalena: Absolutely no substance in your patriotic biased post.

The difference between UK and Polish bureaucracy is that in the UK you have competent employee,s.
In Poland you have family and close friends wormed into a closed-shop workplace.

One of many experiences I had, was on visiting a local tax office in PL. I posed a question to which I consider an answer should have been relatively easy to provide. After passing from one colleague to another, I suddenly realized I done the entire round, none the wiser.

I came to the conclusion that I was dealing with glorified telephone operators, as that seemed all they were capable of. ( reading between the lines, they could not even provide the callers with the information required.)

Educated with all the qualifications, but not for the right jobs.
Honest George   
22 Jan 2010
Law / Car Insurance costs in Poland. [24]

do you think a letter from my insurance company in ireland will make a difference?

If using one of the insurers like the Prudential or Commercial Union,

Should be honored, being all one European union.
Honest George   
22 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

A leading Polish expert on migration has told the BBC that it is simply not true that half the Polish migrants in the UK have returned home.

A recent report estimated that at least half the 1.5 million eastern European migrants who have come to the UK since 2004 have returned home.

Do not 'cut and paste' full pages of text.

100 words + URL.

Honest George   
22 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Poles working in the UK sent home an estimated £1.8billion last year.

Money Downing Street hoped might be ploughed into the British economy is instead financing a property and consumer boom in Poland.

The Polish Central Bank said the two million Poles who left home to work elsewhere in Europe sent home at least £3billion in 2007 via money orders and electronic financial transactions.
Honest George   
22 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

which is why they wanted your passport.

I,m not 100 % on this, but I heard of cases where photo-copies of your passport were acceptable. ( as its identifying who you are ).

Just curious how the Polish police would deal with such a situation.
Honest George   
21 Jan 2010
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

i m not trolling but i was looking in ebay for some things and the seller was from poland so there is no way i will buy anything

the people who do buy for this pirates are crazy!!!!!

Are you paranoid ?

Whats that got to do with " do Polish people steal alot "

So hey everyone in the world, if you see a seller anywhere that happens to be from Poland, boycott them because " espastica " has a complex.
Honest George   
21 Jan 2010
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

That`s f****** shite situation to be in and partially I could understand where you`re coming for.

Unfortunately all foreigners will be tarred with the same brush, because of those few lazy b,s as you put it.

Many Poles in the UK, who migrated after ww2, and their offspring, now live with their heads hung low, for the shame that has been brought upon them by these few.

Acquaintances of mine have had it put to them, as, " your families coming here and ruining everything blah blah "........ They are not even related, but still they are victimized.

Having a Polish surname is now a stigma in British society.
Honest George   
21 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

As for schoolchildren not getting dinners - since when in Poland has it been practice for schoolchildren to receive dinners anyway?

This applies to the poorer classes, so has been common practice for some time.
Sorry I didn,t mention this before, but I did not realize just the fortunate few use PF.
Honest George   
21 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Its not just one issue I have seen, but many, otherwise I would not generalize. ( I,m a little too old for that ).

I also would like to stipulate that although I speak and understand the Polish language, I do not write, and have trouble reading it. Hence, when people here ask for links and statistics to back up my statements, I am not in the best position to comply.

However, I will endeavor.
Honest George   
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

That brain you say you have, you'd get a lot of money for it as it seems to have never been used.

Pour yourself a wee dram of whiskey fellow and stop getting so worked up over nothing.

Truce; I,m not here to argue or wind you up. Calm down.
Honest George   
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

gets a bee in his bonnet

I am sure it has happened but I have not heard of it happening any more than in the U.K. for an example.
Plus this guy is just taking the mickey at this stage, he said something, can't back it up and is being a immature and condescending, which there is no need for

And I,m supposed to be the one who gets a bee in his bonnet ?
Honest George   
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

This isn't a forum only for "those who speak brilliant english with no mistakes" so bugger off and go somewhere else with this school ground level talk.

Look at my post before telling me where to go. I was referring to " bollocks ".
Doh, Homer !
or is it Bart ?
Honest George   
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

This brain you say you have, can it not find links to your claim?

Do you believe everything you read my friend ?

Does it have to be written ?

Does it have to be cast in stone ?

I assure you of my sincerity, but think.

THINK for yourself.
Honest George   
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

And if it is so widely known, it should be no problem for you to source it.

I have eyes,ears and a brain like most people.
So I go amongst them, see and listen, then I use my brain.

Thats my source.
Maybe to convince you, I believe you would like me to produce a petition too.
Honest George   
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]


These were but examples, try reading news papers and speaking to higher intellectuals, maybe then your views may change. If not, it may at least improve your vocabulary.
Honest George   
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]


Apart from the daily news channels, try watching " Magazyn ekspresu reporterow ", Tuesday 21.45.
" Sprawa dla reportera ", Thursday 21.00. And you will see and hear what is happening with your current affairs.
Honest George   
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Where on earth have people not been paid for 6 months?

Watch the Polish news channels, its not fiction.

And in *every* country, public services scream about not having enough cash.

There are children not getting school dinners, hospitals on the brink of bankruptcy. It,s hardly the same as screaming about not having ENOUGH money. Theres NO money. So staff, ie. doctors and nurses are working without being paid.

Which Poland are you people looking at ?
Honest George   
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Why is it then, that a day does not go by and all you hear in the Polish news, is that schools, hospitals and other public services are strapped for cash ?

People not having been paid for 6 months, or even up to a year.

Yes, MANY people are starving and suffering to make ends meet, just for the sake of a government creating a FALSE economy.

Great economy is that.

Watch this space.......... all good things come to an end.