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Joined: 10 Oct 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Dec 2010
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From: usa
Speaks Polish?: cheehaw not much

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20 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Near zero loans are available at the Fed to 18 specific other private banks.

they have always lended to their friends at very low or 0%, so this is nothing new then.

I thought he meant I could get a zero interest loan.

some americana photos here: extras.denverpost.com/archive/captured.asp
20 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Hydrogen injection? Where does the hydrogen come from? Methonol/water injection from SNOW may be more practical. Remember water is Hydrogen.

yeah, it runs on water, pretty cool.

Borrowing money?

At zero per cent interest rates, now is the time to borrow money.

where are zero interest rates available?
20 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

They say being rich is cool.

without family or friends? it does sound pretty boring.

I think Howard Hughes had that problem. The curse of wealth. Always chasing money. Coming up with schemes to make more money.

to each his own I guess.

The rich peeps I know are cool as hell.

why are they rich? They had an extra hundred bucks to spend at the club tonight? or.. they own a castle in Brazil?
20 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

I just wanna effing retire as soon as possible so I can enjoy my life to the full extent and not end up to be so miserable and grumpy like you.

mostly I cannot figure out why you keep saying I am miserable.

you sound pretty miserable to me. desk jobs will do that to ya. Make you fat with that pasty complexion.. zitty and fat, maybe that is why you are miserable?

I've never had to steal, not once. Sad to hear that that is your life philosophy, stealing and killing. there's a lot of that around these days. but you know, what goes around comes around so maybe you'll get robbed soon too.

I think mostly, you do not like what I say about bankers.

yea, that would be it wouldnt it? You need people to borrow money to keep yer job, don'tcha?

and here I am telling people not to borrow money.. that is not good for you is it?


I'll tell you about my internet biz some other time. That's the biz I am closing right now.
19 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

blah blah blah, I’m so poor living on $1mill property. America sucks... Cheehaw, come on, put aside the Sliwowica and come to your senses.

you don't get it do you?

You don't have to be rich to live well. I own a car. Big deal. But I rent a king's view. Cheap. Anyone can do this, it's just a matter of where you want to live. If I had to survive in NYC, well, I don't make enough money anymore even to live squalor in the city.

Those really nice big homes in the suburbs, a lot of them are empty these days. They were built on promissory notes and speculation. Because americans in general aren't rich. They are foolish enough to think so though, like you.

Everytime I had a good job I reinvested a little bit back into myself and my work. Things accumulate over the years. Try it. Just don't borrow money to try get ahead, you have to do the footwork yourself.

After the Berlin wall came down, and Russia was going through major economic panic, I picked up thousands of dollars worth of artist's materials real cheap.. Russian distributors were dumping lots of stuff here. The colors are superb I am still using them.. you have to be there. I watch the markets, I don't own stock but i do know what to stock up on. And I take this stuff and I turn into a product I can sell downline for much more than the price of the materials. Truly I tell you anyone can do this utilizing whatever skills they've got. I started out with two $6 paint brushes and that is not a joke. Just don't borrow money!

nice garden too btw, the stores stink around here. that is a really big hard job the garden, but it saves me a couple thousand bucks, easily, in summer.

not rich, not by a long shot. It just looks that way. yes, reasonably happy. Sometimes there is no money coming in at all around here. It's always been like that, feast or famine. You complain too much yourself, Havok.
19 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

I am American and not at all rich. I barely got by and I never wasted or had credits. I rented flats and saved what I could. Most of the middle class is either like me or strung out on credit.

and that's true anyway. They teach kids to use credit and get them into the system with student loans. They get out of school.. I know one young woman with a 100K student loan debt, and she's not even a doctor, she's a music teacher. How she will ever pay that I have no idea. So she owes 100K in student loans and last year she even bought a house (good credit score). Now she owes 300K to the banks. 300K will actually require about 800-900K to repay. Think about that. I don't think she has. My bet is that she ends up in default and on the street within 5 years. And ARC, the poor flat tenant will have more than she does when all is said and done.

I lived on the lower east of Manhattan for 12 years myself. One apt I lived in for a few years even had a real tenement bathroom, a big bathtub right in the middle of the kitchen! To get myself into college, I won a scholarship (had to work for that when most other high schoolers were partying). I went to art school. After college I joined up with a few guy friends and we started renovating and painting lofts down in Soho, for people we knew. We were pretty social so we did get to know people. we made business cards and handed them out. we worked like dogs. By the time we parted ways in the late 80's we were doing real well, working mainly along Central Park South and the upper east side. I handled the painting. We only did business with wealthy clients who were not interested in cheap labor. Now these people are wealthy. Extreme even, some of the places I've seen. Maybe they were spending a lot of credit too, I have no idea but I was always paid in cash, great for me.

anyone can still do that and I'm sure even in Poland if you do good work you will find clients to support you and buy your stuff.

The queen of England controls 60%, maybe more, of the world's geographic area. England, and the brits, are actually the wealthiest people in the world in that respect. albeit, it is theft of the rest of the world but no one likes to discuss that. You could look there for rich people, that's where I would start, with the rothchilds and windsors..

Mexico has more millionaires (or is it billionaires) than the USA so maybe Mexico is another place to look.

America only has big mortgages and lots of people paying the bankers, many of whom have homes in Switzerland...
19 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Hydrogen? You'll need a high compression engine. That is you need different pistons or shave some material off the heads or block or both (race car stuff). Get a junk car, rebuild the engine for high compression, enlarge the fuel injectors for ethanol, high performance plugs and use E-85. Add a turbocharger. That's the closest you'll get to hydrogen.

First off, I don't want a junk car. I don't even want to fiddle around with a junk car because I won't drive a junk car anymore. That's ok to haul firewood but I was no longer able to deliver paintings into really nice neighborhoods without getting odd looks. There's more to a vehicle than just the engine, right? I want to be happy with the finished product and be done when I'm done. So I picked up a nice SUV, an Envoy, with a great body and real smooth.. a 30K vehicle (looks super), I got it used for 7800 bucks since in this economy the past couple years, if you go in with cash you can negotiate some really good bargains. I thought to mess around with this kit (probably will wait till spring now), it does a hydrogen injection into the fuel/air mix, and then hopefully in a couple years, if technology allows, pull the entire engine and reseat something else in there. That's the plan anyway. The last truck I had, I kept it 18 years, did maintenance/minor work on it myself and only took it to it a mechanic for major stuff a couple times over that 18 years ( an old car mechanic friend gave me fix-it lessons many years ago). That was a junk vehicle by the time I was done with it, I was glad to get rid of it for a newer, safer, better looking model. It would have cost me close to 7800 bucks to really revamp that old truck. Maybe I'm dreaming, but it seems to me that so many people are working on this technology, within a few years time I will probably be able to just buy something I can more or less just drop in as a replacement engine for a couple thousand bucks maybe even less. if you hear of anything like that, something I could (more or less) just drop in, definitely let me know. I hear what you are saying but shaving the head etc is not my thing.

that's perfectly fine if you have no intentions of ever buying a new car or living in anything other than a rented place of residence.

I have never owned a 'new' car. Why would I buy a new car when I can get a good used vehicle for half the price or less? A good used vehicle a few years old suits me just fine.

You can buy a house (or car or anything) without a good credit score. The car you should pay cash for. If you cannot cover the house fully with cash, you'll need about 20-25k in cash as a down payment and rarely will anyone turn you away with that much cash.

I cut the credit card up about 15 years ago now. It's the best thing I ever did. It took me a full 3-5 years to regain what felt like a 'balance' to me.. that is, to begin to have enough cash to start doing things again (work and save!) but once I was on the other side of that I have never looked back (and I did it as a single parent btw, with no handouts, no welfare.. there were a couple rough spots). I would not ever go back to the credit card lifestyle.. it's too expensive. I actually have quite a bit more now than I did back then and everything is paid for. When you use credit, by the time your stuff is paid for, you've paid at least twice for it and it's old already. This does not make sense to me. I owned a house in florida but sold that.. we moved up to the mountains here, we do rent (do not own this property) but right now, considering the foreclosure mess I am real glad about that too. We live here on a million dollar (at least) piece of property, I could never afford this even with great credit. So we rent. I haven't got any complaints. There are ways to invest money other than real estate, real estate is not a very good investment right now (my op anyway).
18 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Ron Paul wants to go back to the Gold Standard which would massively restrict our money supply. We (Americans) need to make sure that money circulates until we get our manufacturing back.

I think, at the moment, people are persuaded to think the 'gold standard' has vanished. But it clearly has not, this is just more federal reserve deception. At the very top, the bankers do not trade currencies, they demand payment in gold. The common denominator of ALL currencies worldwide is still.. gold... In the final analysis, all currencies are still measured against the price of gold. North Dakota has a state bank, they lend only their own money. they are the only state in the nation to do so (far as I know) and they are likewise the only state in the nation to experience real job growth in the past year. Because they don't pay interest to the Federal Reserve (which is a private multi-national corporation), they pay it back to themselves, not strangers.. It would be quite simple enough to follow their example.

I did buy a little hydrogen kit thingy, haven't been quite brave enough to hook it up.. heh. I'll get to it eventually.

They will be ending extended unemployment benefits next month. we'll see just how rich America is then.

Yea credit score..Phuck credit score

I have a zero credit score. Really. zero. Because I don't borrow money. I like it, I don't have to worry about identity theft via credit card fraud.
18 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Next time you take a drive to your local supermarket in your automobile on asphalt roads, thank the fed.

Gosh if things were really that simple we'd be in good shape.

Road projects are usually handled by the states, just for your information. Every now and then you'll see a 'stimulus' program concerning road projects but generally roads are the states affair.

You can have your supermarket and your junk food, I have no response for that since it assumes we only eat big agra processed food out of the big agra grocery, which is not true here.

Now, those military style checkpoints you see them setting up here and there, those are Federal projects. The TSA is a federal agency but your DOT's are state agencies paid for with state tax dollars.. I'd prefer not to pay for those TSA and HSA projects.

A Federal bill is on the table today as a matter of fact, S510 I believe is the proper name. Look it up. This bill will suit you just fine as a simple supermarket consumer. As for the rest of the country, the people who do things for themselves and don't look for handouts, most say they will simply shoot any federal agents that trespass on their property trying to enforce such an idiotic bill.

I don't think the bill will pass but I must say your support of the Federal govt and it's relations is rather darkly amusing. You know, in North Korea, women just like you who don't want to make waves live in stalls and mate once a year to make babies for the state. Maybe you should do some research on what's going on here and elsewhere.

Personally, I refuse to support their agenda since they (the powers that be) would do exactly the same thing here if they were able. Once upon a time proud Americans hung American flags in front of their houses. Now, in a lot of places in the USA, if you hang an American flag in front of your house you get a citation, a ticket, a fine. Did you know that? It's true. Seems rather silly of me to support a government that is schizophrenic to such a degree that it kicks it's own self in the behind for existing. Who are these people? If you want to work and sweat and even bleed to support their militarization that's up to you. Maybe you'll get an end stall as reward.
18 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

too hasty and extreme.

hasty my butt. It's been ruining the country for 100 years now. Slurping off the profits of the people to build their military machine so they can continue robbing us, that's what I see.

My family all came here around 1900. They were not paid to come here, they did not receive aid of any kind. They worked and they prospered on their own.

Tell me please, who are all these other people who need so much help and economic assistance to do what a few pollacks were able to do with only their bare hands a hundred years ago?
18 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

I truly believe Ron Paul and others like him could save the country by eliminating the Federal reserve and starting up a national banking system that prints it's own money instead of borrowing it from rthe Fed. there is absolutely no good reason for the USA to borrow money when it can print it itself. we do not need the Federal Reserve to print our money then sell it back to us at interest. That is the complexity of our economic system, because we have this behemoth Fed in the middle since 1913. How and why the Federal Reserve even got into that position is very questionable.

I have a book here titled 'The Creature from Jekyll Island'. It explains the Fed pretty well.

However, just because we need to eliminate the Federal Reserve (which we definitely need to do), that doesn't mean it will happen. Even though we need to do it. The reason it may not happen is because of all those welfare recipients, public pensions, corporate welfare and foreign aid. They all insist on receiving their checks even when there is no money to pay them.. and currently the only solution is to print money for them to spend, and hope and pray no one says anything about that.

very complex, the welfare state. dumping 40 million people from food stamps wouldn't look real good for a country that is promising israel another billion bucks over the next few months..
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

How about buying a more efficient car for starters?

I might sell this one in a couple years if technology improves and they do a better job at the factory. Unless I can convert it.

But for now I prefer reliability. It gets real icy here in winter and a good car is required. The roads here run along cliffs and ravines. i haul a lot of firewood too. a cute little car with great milage isn't going to cut it.. a 4 cylinder lasts only a couple years on these hills. Besides I already have a ford coupe too. I just never drive it. It's not reliable in winter and it's clunky all the time. I lend that vehicle to neighbors in need and the kid is also learning to drive with that vehicle. Gets decent milage but rough to travel long distances in. that car definitely will not make it up Ski Mountain Road in January.

There's a reason for everything.

The IMF hasn't loaned anything to the US.

The IMF lends to European nations.. that's is how Greece got into major trouble and now Ireland is about to crash too.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Dunno, the world is loaning them money at the moment...I guess they'll continue to do that.

it's not really 'the world' doing the lending, it's the Federal Reserve and IMF. And they actually have no money to lend so they just print it and pretend nothing's up.

I've heard talk that certain economists expect the dollar to fall pretty rapidly over just the next year.

Mostly, on the home front, you've got all the military, the public workers, (city employees, govt employees, the prez, the cops, etc) and these people need to be paid and there is no real money to pay them. look at California giving out vouchers instead of paychecks. So they are printing up all this money to be able to hand a check to those people. and then, there are all these retired public employees with very generous pensions who expect the govt (we the people) to support them till they die. it all adds up. So they print money to cover expenses and try to maintain their standards of living. They can't do this for very long. Maybe a year or two at most.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

what will the world do when all of us middle class american taxpayers finally exit the system and sit here waiting for handouts from them.

tsk tsk. it's happening though, even if by accident. It's going to hurt a lot of people but it needs to be done. That'll leave the very wealthy and people like me who do business with the very wealthy. and the rest, who knows what will become of them. They only exist because there's a supermarket on the corner and momma got food stamps.

the govt cannot just print money out of thin air to pay everyone off forever.

I fly frequently and no one x-rayed me at the airport yet. Does this happen to you?

I rarely fly, I have just been listening to it all week on the radio, it's all they talk about these days.

i have a real nice car have no doubt, I drive. Gas hogs though, those pretty SUV's. I am looking into converting to hydrogen or something. The price of gas might keep me home.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Great Americans do, rather than complain. Anyway, if you were so great, why did you visit a cheap dentist?

Actually, i have decided I should stop doing so much and complain more.

that's a good reason to shut the biz too. I am tired of helping people for now. Really tired. A lot of them are too stupid to help anyway.

indeed, I am going to really take the whole next year off. I'll paint some paintings.

The second dentist was a cheapy.. only because i had spent so much at the first dentist. The second dentist said he could fix the first guy's work.

The really really cheap dentist though, the one that required cash only (no medicaid or whatever) was a good dentist. I said 'please just pull the tooth' and he did pull the tooth. I think I visited 6 or seven dentists trying to finally just get that dang tooth pulled. I was told repeatedly 'we don't pull teeth' It's amazing. dentists don't pull teeth anymore. they prefer to give you painkillers and keep you coming back. the consultations weren't free either btw.

Probably I just normally do so much more and make so much more money than you that my definition of cheap and your definition of cheap are two very different things.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

People should pay their taxes though.

Why? To pay for back scatter scanners at the airports, abortions for countless black teenagers, wars in Afghanistan, six figure pensions for public employees?

btw Hey are you hot?

you know what? all a chick has to do these days is fly somewhere with a guy. If there's an issue with his junk they'll see it on the x-ray machine and insist on doing a pat grope down. If they have to really work to find anything down there, it'll be obvious.

Bet you have that problem a lot.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

You're very patriotic, aren't you? Your country is ******, and all you can think about is how to avoid paying taxes?

darn right.

a good American keeps their money nearby and a gun close at hand. Feeding the enemy has never been good policy for any nation.

I am the type of american that helped make america great. You are so jealous you reek.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

I'm pretty sure that I pay more in taxes than you

It's probably debatable. But paying lots of taxes is nothing to be proud of. It usually just means you're stupid.

sorry to be so blunt.. but your attitude requires it.

you know what though.. i am closing my business because of a strong possibility of hostile changes to the tax law in regard to small businesses.

I am going to take the next whole year off. Do things I have been planning on doing but haven't had time for.

while you are at work to pay off your credits cards, remember me, I'll be lazing by the river in my kayak.

I am real sure you are closer to kenny than me. much closer.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

What is it?Give me the numbers or shut up.

gimme gimme gimme. do you ever quit? What is it? lazy fingers? can't spell? different internet than I am using? Oh right, i am an american so you automatically say 'gimme'.

Official relations between Washington and Warsaw began to improve after the Jaruzelski government's 1986 general amnesty released all political prisoners. By early 1987, the administration of Ronald W. Reagan lifted all economic sanctions and restored Poland's most-favored-nation trading status. Vice President George H.W. Bush visited Warsaw the following October and promised United States support for debt rescheduling in return for the Polish government's pledge to respect human rights. In 1988, however, the United States decided to withhold economic aid until Poland reestablished political pluralism.

17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Uh, the US gave to the wrong people and borrowed from the wrong people

indeed, like dumping a billion dollars into the Polish economy. But that's nothing.. Israel is REALLY expensive.

Mandatory spending (SS, Medicare, interest) eats up ALL tax revenue generated in the US.

actually, I think most of it these days just goes to the debt. they are talking about raiding SS to cover the debt at this very monent. Doubtful you'll see any of it after that coffer is robbed.

I always also keep in mind that there are numerous Russians in Poland today who masquerade as Poles. so a lot of conversations here do not truly reflect Polish ideas or ideals, but rather the opinions often reflect those who robbed the rich Poles half a century ago.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Your misery comes long before mine.

Since I am a payer of economic aid packages to Poland and Israel and everyone else, and not a recipient, my relief comes once your hands are out of my pocket and you go back to figuring your own way out of your own ditch without help from rich americans like me.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Far as I am concerned even.. you can forget about America's national debt. We paid it all a long time ago.. we paid it to Israel, and Egypt.. Poland and Russia.. Japan.. America has paid the entire world for decades.

We owe no one anything. The world owes us. It's your turn to step up to the plate.

No big deal, Poland has universal health care. Thankfully, just like America, it doesn't fund pointless "detox" programmes made up by some quack.

You need to build your own missile defense system too. Because if americans have to pay for that as well, and support it for who knows how many years, more jerks like you will turn up espousing the superiority of Poland's free medical system while you leave your american benefactors dying in the ditch.

Like I said, I have issues with my tax dollars going to foreign interests who do not have my best interests at heart. People just like you have helped me and many more Americans establish that view.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Just stop buying $hit that you obviously can't afford and you're going to be fine. btw Get a job with a better insurance plan.

buying stuff I cannot afford? where have I ever discussed my 'stuff'?

I have zero debt honey, and I don't wait for handouts. I've been sick a few times in my lifetime (the above experience being 1 time) and I have always paid the doctor with cash without complaining. I even paid the $hitty dentists.

My money was good but their work stank. Not really a fair trade considering how much dentists charge these days. The crown they made didn't even fit not to mention they ordered the wrong type of crown altogether and then expected ,e to pay for that too. i didn't though. I told them they were welcome to sue me for their error and see if they succeeded.

Truthfully, I've found that if I simply stay away from doctors and dentists, and also keep my car away from too many mechanics, life is pretty good here. But only because I opted out of your welfare system many years ago and cut up the credit cards at the same time.

So.. if it seems that issues like this irritate me, it's only because I know for sure that life without government assistance is a much better life yet I am forced to pay to subsidize corporations and foreign interests who do not have my best interests at heart.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Sounds like someone overreacted and ended up paying a small fortune because of hysteria. Funnily enough, I'm not surprised the American Medical Association put him out of business if he was charging 8000 dollars for a "detox" that wasn't required.

You are a doctor too now I see. I envision you in chemotherapy 10 years from now.. your hair falling out, your bones showing through your skin.... have fun.

Well, in DelMarVa we have something called TLC for people with low income.Once you get enrolled you pay $40 a visit for dentist and $20 a visit all other doctors.

and those dentists will insist that if they fill a cavity, you must accept mercury amalgam.

try them, call around, you'll see, that they will never allow you a white filling with those programs. the works is cheap as $hit and dangerous too. Children even die in the chairs of dentists that max out the medicare programs by doing lots of unnecessary work.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

You are not being very nice.Don't you have insurance?

I'm nice enough.

Dental insurance does not exist for most people. It'll get you a bit of a reduction on your bill here and there but that's about it. Just a reality check for ya there. Full dental coverage is very expensive. I think you can expect a minimum 300/month for good dental coverage. Where will our $13/hr employee find that money? She could move to a country that gets American subsidies and probably get her health care for free, sure. but here in America, because she is rich, she has to pay for everything. It's amazing you didn't know that.

Last time I went to a cheap dentist the experience nearly killed me. They dentist ground a mercury amalgam (old silver filling) down in my mouth to do a crown and I ended up with really high levels of mercury in my blood and then it cost me about 7000-8000 bucks with another doctor to detox. Luckily, the good doctor's prices were reasonable. The ADA dentist was horrible. The alternative med doc was superb. The AMA has put him out of business by now. He questioned their regulations concerning things like mercury amalgam in dentistry. They are quite fond of mercury amalgam in Poland by the way.

Thanks for your advice but I do think it's bad advice.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Exactly.Making $13/h I was taking home $421/week.You won't live in a mansion but it's enough to have a decent living and even put few $$$ aside every month.

I truly hope you get a nasty toothache and a big $$ dentist bill.

Then talk me about how much $$$ you stashed away this year.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

$13/hr is what, like $1700 take home (not including the rebate check at the end of the year...). Maybe time to cut a bit of that spending?

you must be kidding. if the lady is driving to work everyday she'll need $20.00-40.00 per week simply for gas alone.

and then let's hope and pray the car keeps running and doesn't ever need any work.

I guess you are the kind of guy that figures once you've bought a pair of socks they'll last you a lifetime.

well, the USA is pretty much bankrupt as it is so the handouts from rich america will have to stop soon. As it is they are readying to simply print money to continue their agendas and pay their pensions to themselves. This way, all the welfare and public payroll recipients (including overseas recipients of american dollars) will still get their dollars. freshly printed and worth less by the hour. God bless ya with all that, literally, free and rather funny money.

I wonder what the world will do without all those free american dollars, we'll find out soon I guess. maybe they will get to work. History tells us the worst of them will probably try to rob, rape and pillage their neighbors instead. time will tell.

and just think, it all came about because americans are rich and and the world coveted their dollars.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

All over the world, people think Americans are rich. Even in the USA, certain groups of people also like to think (white) Americans are all rich.

It's important that they convince themselves of this, even if it's erroneous. That is how the dollar is stolen, via taxes, from impoverished americans who can barely feed and clothe their kids by well-to-do israelis and poles and everyone else with a hand out waiting for a handout from the USA.

If they knew that a huge percentage of (white) Americans live in poverty they might feel a twinge of conscience, so they continue to convince themselves and try to convince others that all americans are rich.

Obama and his wife and their spending sprees are excellent examples of the 'entitlement' mentality.

Here's the truth. when you get a loaf of bread for free, someone else did not get it. When you get that loaf of bread for free and did not even work a few minutes for it, yet the person whose bread you took worked all day, quite possibly for minimum wage, and cannot feed his own kids very well. He worked, but you ate the bread for free while you sat on your butt. His kids are hungry and you have the day off. You are such a good person.

There it is, that's the truth. It didn't feel good, did it? That's why people lie to themselves and tell each other americans are rich.