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Posts by DariuszTelka  

Joined: 4 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Dec 2010
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From: Norway
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19 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

Men seem to be more feminized, and our culture suffers for it.
At any rate, chemicals in our environment seem to disproportionately affect men.

And to help with that, we have the leftist, marxist, socialist, communist movements that really took off in the late 60's. They deliberately have terrorized our children from a young age. They filled up all the positions in education, media and community organizing. From the leftist kindergarden workers, to schoolteachers and journalists. All the propaganda they are feeding in liberal, leftist schoolbooks, where the dad is at home with his aprin vacuuming, while the mother is out working as a plumber, nicely displayed in colourful cartoons alongside pictures of poor african slaves and evil white people in history. All this to condition the children to accept the new way of thinking. Our children are programmed to resist their parents, their home, their society and "rebel". "Question your parents!", "You have rights too!". This conditioning is beaten in to the young and impressionable minds, until they reach university where it all comes out to fruition. Free sex, drugs, student activities that are completely opposite to what their parents supported and fought for, are promoted openly. "It's normal", they say. It's the next generation...

Germany has always been in the forefront on all the "revolutionary" movements. Just look at the violent and communist RAF, the sex-industry, mass immigration, gay and lesbian rights, the EU, the German left side was always first in line to whatever opposed the "normal" European traditional family values or anything worth keeping. (The nazis excluded). This rubbed off on the rest of the world, and the 68-generations all around, started burning their bra's, holding up pictures of massmurderers like Mao and Stalin in communist marches, saying that up is down, left is right and that we should set the world on fire. Their brethren in Europe and the U.S, followed them blindly. The people on the barricades back then, like the previous foreign minister in Germany, Joschka Fischer, attacked police when he was young, wearing a motorcycle helmet. Nonetheless he was elected into parliament, and today he lectures around the world at prestigious universities!

From Wikipedia;

"In 1967 he became active in the German student movement and left-wing movement". "He studied the works of Marx, Mao and Hegel and became a member of the militant group Revolutionärer Kampf (Revolutionary Struggle). Fischer was a leader in several street battles fought by the radical Putzgruppe (literally "cleaning squad", with the first syllable being interpreted as an acronym for Proletarische Union für Terror und Zerstörung, "Proletarian Union for Terror and Destruction") which physically attacked a number of police officers. Photos of one such battle in March 1973, which were later to haunt him, show him clubbing policeman Rainer Marx".


And today they have what they wanted back then. A world in on the brink of total economic collapse, religious wars, massive immigration, uncontrollable druguse, sex is ok either which way, wherever, with whomever or even with children....check out this link from "Der Spiegel";

"Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive".


And Poland and eastern-Europe are now ripe for the picking. They have included them into the EU, given them the taste of money, financing leaders who follow the EU line and who will in the end make Europe into an "American state-system", of states within one government rule. Making the homosexuals victims and putting them on the barricades is just one of these "steps", that need to be taken to defragmentize the population, take away the general populus' feeling of "belonging" in a homogenous state, where things are safe and natural. After some years, people start loosing their identity to their country and their people, and start looking at the piece of land they occupy as "just another place", just like all the others. "We're all one world".

They call it baby-steps. First it's immigration, then it's "free" sex and homosexuality, then it's the currency, then the borders...then one day people will wake up and find out that there is a new world out there. They put up "minorities" against eachother and stirr in the calm waters...what comes up is what we see today, as people are fighting eachother instead of accepting eachother. Whites are evil, blacks are victims of racism, jews are victims of anti-semitism, gays are oppressed, on and on it goes..find a victim, point out the scapegoat and start protests...put people against eachother...fuel hate...start "Anti-defamation League" and "Anti-racist"-organizations to fight imaginary enemies. "Don't you know you're oppressed?". "Fight back!". Gay parades are just a cog in the wheel of the sh*t-stirrers, and they should stop this anti-social behaviour.

Off topic for a small minute...(But it all ties together)

Just think about this for 2 minutes. Without the massive immigration to Europe that the left side has implemented in the last half-decade, there would be no hatelaws, no skinheads, no neo-nazis or white supremacists, no terror-attacks by muslims like the Madrid or London bombings, no arrests of people who WANTED to commit terrorist actions like the Madrid and London bombings, no hijab/burkha debates, no problems with religious intolerance - on both sides -, no stories about abductions, honour-killings, no race-riots that span over weeks destroying property for billions of Euro's, no police cars burning, no busses burning or ambulances being attacked by hundreds of people and needing police escorts just to save lives, no attacks on homosexuals by specifically ethnic groups, no attacks and murdes on Europeans who live in multicultual areas, no race-mixing which produces a new generation of confused and angry humans, with no real identity, no overcrowded prisons, no drug wars or underground prostitution rings, no welfare scams on the scale we see today, no funding of terrorist organizations in 3rd world countries from Europe, no ghettoes across Europe, no issues with people dying on the beaches of Spain and Italy coming in overcrowede boats, no AIDS/HIV epidemy, no bird-flu epidemy, no gangrapes of European women, no sharia police in out streets, no "rising" anti-semitism, no overstreched hospitals, schools or welfare systems, no funding for hundreds, if not thousands of humanitary organizations that make a living out of all these things - paid with our tax-money, no housing crisis, no overdose epidemics among youths that we read of every year, no problems with unofficial taxi's, no ethnic streetgangs shooting and killing eachother and innocent bystanders, no illegal restaurants selling rotten food or nightclubs that sell illegal liquir and drugs. This list can be made ten times longer, but I'll stop with what I've mentioned above. What would our media write about? What would this forum look like?

Back on topic...

Homosexuals are part of our human biology, they are born that way, and can like some posters here mentioned be "made" that way by food-products, chemicals and other forces like stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalance by their parents, especially the mother. They have now found the complex genes that decide the birthing of a heterosexual or homosexual child, and found out that both the father and mothers genes can contribute to this selection if one become on or the other. Just like twins and other "anomalies", they have multi-faceted possibilties to become like this. Why propagate this anomaly as something "oppressed"? Just be gay and live normally. Why stand on the rooftop and shout it out? Why produce specialized organizations, magazines, tv-shows, shops and have parades and all the other things that make them STAND OUT, instead of BLEND IN? Yes, you are kinda rare, congratulations, we all are, now move on...

17 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

Dariusz, I do actually like you, in a strange way, but you're here on a Friday too...what does say about you? You're married..Sorry but generally Friday is a night single hard working (usually more hours than our married couterparts do) stay in and have a glass of wine, generally you wont see people like Harry on here on Saturday!

I'm here, on a friday night, since I'm married, yes...and since my wife is giving birth in a week's time. And unfortunately, you are right, I didn't use to go out on friday's after I hit 30 either. Too tired. I was never into wine, though, but a couple of cans of beer, and light's out. Anyways, my point was, instead of writing 4000 messages in here, a person who I mostly see writing one-two-liners, mostly see bashing people, calling them all sorts of things, and too often bashing Poland/polish history/polish people...well, I just made an observation.

As for gay people who adopt..Well I know two gay guys who offer respite service to parents...

Hey, I've met "cool" gay people too. Not too many, but a few. The whole adoption thing, I mean, if they can't get a kid the "natural" way, they shouldn't have it. I mean, just the thought of a kid growing up with two dad's or two mom's, it just doesn't work for me. This does not apply to couples who are infertile. It's just my view. Sorry if it offends anyone...

Statistics are only valuable if they include the entire population. Else they will only be a snapshot of a current feeling in a group, not really usable therefore.

That excludes about 98% of all statistics that are made then? How are the polling companies going to survive if this is the standard? How much will it cost if you have to interview ALL the people every time you make a statistic? The consequenses of such an rigid standard will almost kill off all statistics. You seem a bit harsh, MareGaea.

So would you or wouldn't you?

It depends.

16 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

What are your views on Adolf Hitler??

Not that it has anything to do with this thread, but if I could, he would never have gotten out of his beerstube in Munich alive. The same goes for Stalin. Good enough? The nazi empire made way for the liberal left to completely destroy the european world and way of living. Communism and slavery for half a century in the east, excess immigration and the debauchery we have today in the west. The new world order couldn't have written it better. Myself, I'm in favour of lesser government, more individual freedom. Socialism needs to be killed off, along with the most greedy version of capitalism.

You wouldn't put your kid in a Toyota?

Not if the statistics show that they are potentially a death threat, no. Did you check the link?

Damn right I wouldn't: if I ever reached the state in which I thought that the fruit of your loins was attractive, I'd kill myself.

Can't stop the personal insults, can we Harry. That's ok, I'll have to get used to I guess.

Although I am very much looking forward to the day that your son comes home and says "Dad, this is Mohammed. We're in love and getting married."

At least I'm married, and have the possibility to have a son. Instead of posting well over 4000 posts in here you should be out there, Harry, making friends, finding someone, instead of spending a friday evening alone by your computer trying to come up with funny insults.

But just to go along with your "amusing" thought, if he would do that, he would find himself out of the will...nothing more drastic than that..what if your son (If you manage to get out and actually find a girl and somehow magically impregnate her), came home with a nazi-skinhead-homophobic girl and said; we're getting married at the Berechtesgarten! And we want the priest to read from Mein Kampf, wearing an Hermann Goering replica uniform during the ceremony, while you shout anti-semitic obscenities at the guests. About the same level of probability, but nonetheless, what would you do, Harry?

16 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

Yes, but one can still argue that homosexuals are overrepresented in paedophelia in contrast to the straight population by numbers. It's called statistics. Where would we be without these "fun" facts? What would sports be without it?

"Individuals attracted to males usually prefer slightly older boys between the ages of 10 and 13 years.3,5 Heterosexual pedophiles, in self-report studies, have on average abused 5.2 children and committed an average of 34 sexual acts vs homosexual pedophiles who have on average abused 10.7 children and committed an average of 52 acts.15 Bisexual offenders have on average abused 27.3 children and committed more than 120 acts."

So the point is, if you KNOW that someone is homosexual, you KNOW that he has a greater chance of molesting a child than a heterosexual man. Even though there are clearly more heterosexual men out there, 35% of all paedophiles are homosexual. These numbers just don't go away.


"Most cars aren't potential death traps on the highway", "Yes, but would you buy a toyota nontheless?".


Just like the Toyota cars that can become your last ride. It might happen, it might not. Do you want to take the chance? Are you gonna say; "Yes, but overall, most Toyota's don't have these faults". Are you gonna put your kid in one and take the chance? Unfortunately, you can't put paedophiles in for a tuneup, one can only lock them away.

How high or how low of a chance of something does it have to be, before it should be public knowledge and something people should be aware of? I don't personally care if you are homo or straight, if you touch my kid, you will probably not survive it. I don't hate homosexuals, I just know the statistics and facts.

16 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

You ignore most of mine, I just return the favour. Mixing facts with personal insults is your favourtie game, Harry. I have never said I condone catholicism, or that I'm a supporter of it. So how can I defend it? And I believe that priests SHOULD marry. For heavens sake, what is more natural than a man and woman living toghether? Only a unnatural religion will ban that. So, Harry. I don't believe priests who are forced to live a life in celibacy should be alone with boys. And I believe that married priests would be a better solution for the catholic church.

So 65% of paedophiles are straight. Ban the perverts!

Straight people constitute 98% of the population, while homosexuals "only" constitute 2%, even you have to see that the numbers don't add up in the favour of the homosexuals, when 35% of the pedophiles are homosexual.

And Harry, please stop the personal bashing. (I've asked this of you many times). This is a debate forum, not your family holiday gathering.

16 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / The secret Polish gay men in the U.K [133]

and just needs time to catch up with the rest. If we help her as much as we can, it will go quicker.

Catch up with what? Poland has a functioning economy, schools, roads, shops, etc. Violent crime is low compared to the west. How is catching up to that going to improve anything?

Do you mean catch up to things like gay parades, gangrapes by 3rd world people, islam and potential terrorists, increase in sexual transmitted diseases like AIDS/HIV, break up of the family, kids on drugs, a welfare system that is totally abused, then I don't really wish this on anyone.

Work hard, work well, stay sober, both from alcohol and drugs, keep the family intact, let the gay be gay in their own house, do not allow foreign religions to get a foothold, maintain a homogenous society. This will save Poland from what is destroying the west.

Poland has everything she needs for now. Importing the stuff that DOESN'T work in the west would not be a positive thing.

16 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

"an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child prnography and violence. "Abel's data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls."

"But in terms of numbers of children abused per offender, homosexuals abuse with far greater frequency; and boys, research shows, are the much-preferred target".

"In 1995 the homosexual magazine "Guide" said, "We can be proud that the gay movement has been home to the few voices who have had the courage to say out loud that children are naturally sexual" and "deserve the right to sexual expression with whoever they choose. ..." The article went on to say: "Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children's sexuality ... we must do it for the children's sake."

"A 1988 study detailed in Baldwin's report found that most pedophiles even consider themselves to be "gay." According to the study, "Archives of Sexual Behavior," some 86 percent of pedophiles described themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Also, the study found, the number of teenage male prostitutes who identify as homosexuals has risen from 10 percent to 60 percent in the past 15 years".


"An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the CDC's estimate Monday that in the United States AIDS is fifty times more prevalent among men who have sex with men ('MSM') than the rest of the population. Dr. Amy Lansky revealed this statistic during a plenary session at the 2009 HIV Prevention Conference in Atlanta.

The CDC had already revealed last year that approximately 53% of the estimated 56,300 new HIV cases in 2006 were in homosexual men, with the African American population being particularly affected".


All I'm saying is, just be informed. I don't judge homosexuals as long as they don't bother me with it. Like gay parades, openly kissing in front of me and such behaviour. The fact that they are overrepresented in AIDS, HIV, other blood related diseases, sexual diseases, anal cancers and pedophelia should be known. Why hide the facts? If you go to the forest you don't eat the red mushroom with the white dots, you don't pick up the spider with the white cross on it, you don't swim in waters with strong currents. And you don't let a homosexual man babysit your 8 year old son. Common sense + understanding statistics = survival.

15 Jul 2010
Life / POLISH YOUTH compared to the youth in other Western countries? [57]

How would you compare Polish youth these days to say youth in other western EU states and even N. America?

The only thing that I can remember right now is how people look, especially the guys. I went to a football match in Bialystok a couple of months ago, and I wish I never put gel in my hair. I stood out like a pig in a hen house. I've never seen so many shaven heads/short cut hair at one time since my time in the army. Thank god I wore my adidas track suit. If you go to any western football game you will see guys with short/medium/long/mohawks whatever.

The girls dress differently as well. The girls all dressed up nice in white pants, long hair (many coloured their hair, much more so than here in Norway), more focus on makeup. Here in Norway girls usually just have a casual style...it seems they just put on whatever was available when they went out. Makeup only on saturdays. But this was also the impression I got from Lithuania, Latvia and other eastern states. I would see many more girls/women in tight pants, nice jackets and high heels than here in Oslo. My norwegian friends all agree. I would often see a girl all made up, looking like getting ready for the disco, on a wednesday at 12 in the daytime and the guy just looked like a thug. Sorry to say it, but that was my first impression. I couldn't have picked out those guys in a lineup if my life depended on it.

15 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives

I have come to the conclusion that gay people are gay from birth. So all the pastors and healing centers for gays can just shut their doors now and save their money. I believe gays should be allowed to be gay, to have a partner and enjoy freedom and and the rights that comes with that. Except from adoption.

But a study has shown that;

"While no more than 2% of male adults are homosexual, some studies indicate that approximately 35% of pedophiles are homosexual."

9. K. Freund et al., Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 10 (Fall 1984): 197.


"Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis, according to a new study.

"Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture," wrote Steve Baldwin in, "Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement," soon to be published by the Regent University Law Review".

"The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering," said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pûrnography and violence. "Abel's data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls."


Now this has to be addressed and become known. I will also hope as gays get their "freedom" and "rights", that they will stop the gay parades and the extreme showing off that they unfortunately are prone to. I don't go around with a t-shirt saying; "I'm heterosexual" or demand special treatment. They are A MINORITY, and have to accept this and play accordingly. If I wear a Polish national shirt in a German bar, I know I will make people angry. I will sit quietly in my corner and accept that I'm the odd man out. The same goes for gays and lesbians. You are not mainstream, deal with it, live with it, and there will be no problems.

13 Jul 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

Murder is murder, nothing less and nothing more ergo war cannot be murder although can encompass a many murders ....

I do agree on that viewpoint. If somebody invades your home and you kill him/her, it's not "murder", but "self-defence". If someone invades your country, and you kill them, it's not "murder", but "self-defence". Of course, this is logical. But if you go somewhere and kill people over a imaginary and false pretence..then it's murder. The US troops killing people/soldiers/jihadists in Iraq is murder. Why? Because Iraq has not invaded the US. And besides, the US helped build Iraq to what it was when it invaded it. Double stupidity.

If iraqi suicide bombers attacked the US, then attacking Iraq would be somewhat accepted, in one form or another. But occupying a whole country for decades...no.

13 Jul 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

About 1.366.350 Iraqi civilians got murdered already, and about 16.373 American soldiers were killed in action.

Those are fekking insane numbers! When I read about how many german and russian soldier died at Stalingrad and Hiroshima...or any other major war period...it just doesn't even hit home. "2.5 million soliders dead", "500 000 killed in one blast". The numbers are just to staggering. Just imagine your own school class from childhood...about 25 kids..I always felt that that was alot of kids when I sat there...now compare that to the number you told about Iraqis killed...that would be 5 AND A HALF THOUSAND classrooms full of kids!! Just dead, killed, shot, bombed, murdered in the last years. Just imagne lining them one after another. When I watch Man United play infront of 80 000 people...it's staggering...the stadium is packed...then imagine 17 PACKED STADIUMS full of dead people...just from ONE country, from ONE conflict. When I look out of my livingroom window, and see the boats pass by, so quietly, listen to the birds, life is so still so peaceful....it's incredible to think about that only 5-6 hours away by plane, millions have died in just a few years time. War fekking sucks, and war is murder! If anybody says differently, they should stop playing war-games on their computer and actually travel down there and see it for themselves.

I believe that the US should pull the fekk out, as with all the other countries. This is a war over resources not "democracy". The Rothschilds, the Warburgs and the Rockefellers have for a too long of a time financed all the misery, death and war our planet can take.

I used to love watching documentaries about wars and real footage...but somehow, somewhere, I just stopped. I sold all my VHS tapes, deleted all my downloads and never ever watch any youtube clips or anything graphic from warzones if I know people are being hurt or killed. It just kills me inside to watch these things. I know they exist, I know they happen, but it doesn't mean I will watch it. If I didn't stop it then, I would probably be a regular at the shrink's office on medication. But imagine todays kids...the new generations, who watch these videoes, who watch the news and see people being blown to pieces. What does it do to their heads? To their emotions? We're gonna have generations of people who are getting post traumatic stress syndrome, without even going to war! Because they've seen 10 000 real murders before they're 30.

I believe that people should stay where they belong, in their natural habitat, not travel half way around the globe and start ethnic conflicts. It's both the people's and the governments faults that this has been allowed to happen. It's not natural, in such a short period of time, in such great numbers. Borders should not be drawn on a map in a office, but by the people themselves. The middle east and Africa are great examples of that. But Europe has it's own problems with borders and wars, so it's not exclusive to the rest of the world. I sound like Ghandi here, but I believe that dialogue and the will of the people should rule. Having one world governements, like the US and UN are trying to implement will only bring hate and conflicts. If the arabs want to have islam and their way of life, then let them. If we want to have our way of life, then let us. But don't mix us and think things are gonna be hunky-dory. We are too different for that. Just look at the conflicts in the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia to see the result.

12 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

I saw germanys team on friday against Uruguay, they fielded 5, yes, that's FIVE non-ethnic german players in their squad. And the french and dutch are right up there with them. But somehow the countries closer to Africa seem to have the least of the africans...like Spain, Greece or Italy who are exclusively white. When I think back, Olisadebe on the polish squad was a frikkin insult, and I'd rather Poland NEVER qualify than seeing some africans running around with a polish eagle on their chest celebrating a goal in the world cup.

There are of course different looking poles, depending where you come from in Poland/your geographical background. The same goes for any country of a certain size. Here in Norway, the people from the north are easily distinguished from the southern people. Down south you can easily find blond/brown eyed people, while up north you will find darker haired/blue eyed people. Anyone have any views on the different groups/looks that exists in Poland or the history about them? It would be interesting to know some more facts about the different peoples of Poland!

Here's a link...I know...I know, all you politically correct people out there, this is you happy day, you get me linked with this supremacist site, but hey, there's more truth in this site than in any of the liberal, left-wing newssites I ALSO read daily combined. Besides it's not the views of the people operating it I'm going for here, but the links and graphics on that specific page. What you take with you, not what they spout. I read both left and rightwing newssites to better get a overlook.


The thread is called "Maps of Europe", and you must check all the pages on the thread as there are dozens of cool and interesting maps of all kinds of facts about religion, people and borders.

10 Jul 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

What is written on a piece of paper, does not actually necessarily mean that it is so. This is a complex historical piece to debate, and I have mixed feelings about Poland coming under the communist spell after WW2. On one hand I'm sad that the Allies did not stop the Soviet war-machine from taking over half of Europe, just years after going to war with Germany to stop them from doing the same thing. To exchange one evil with another, while loosing millions of lives doing it, seems illogical. Would't nazi-Germany be easier to deal with than the Soviet Union? Didn't Churchill after the war say these words; “I will not pretend that if I had to choose between communism and fascism, I would choose communism. I hope not to be called upon to survive in the world of a government of either of those dispensations.” On the other hand, Poland does not look like France, England or Holland, full of "western values", like prisons that resemble hotels, gangrapes, millions of 3rd world people, mosques in every city and so on. Poland under communism was maybe the lesser of two evils, if you look at it today. In 1945, for the people of Poland, it was surely not.

As for taking words and papers at face value, well, ask the residents of DDR, "Deutsche Demokratische Republik", just how "Democratic", their elections, their media, their freedom of movement was. How about the "Democratic Republic of Congo"? Or "Peoples Republic of China". I don't see the "People", being represented too much there. How about our laws that state that rapists and murderers should be locked away for long periods, but somehow get early released or are being leniently treated only to come out and do harm again, even thought the law stipulates that they should be in jail for a long time! "But it's in the law!"...The truth is something completely different. As was the "Yalta-agreement".

From Wikipedia (I know Harry will be happy now);

"Poland was the first item on the Soviet agenda. Stalin stated that "[f]or the Soviet government, the question of Poland was one of honor" and security because Poland had served as a historical corridor for forces attempting to invade Russia.[6] In addition, Stalin stated regarding history that "because the Russians had greatly sinned against Poland", "the Soviet government was trying to atone for those sins."[6] Stalin concluded that "Poland must be strong" and that "the Soviet Union is interested in the creation of a mighty, free and independent Poland." Accordingly, Stalin stipulated that Polish government-in-exile demands were not negotiable: the Soviet Union would keep the territory of eastern Poland they had already annexed in 1939, and Poland was to be compensated for that by extending its Western borders at the expense of Germany. Comporting with his prior statement, Stalin promised free elections in Poland despite the Soviet sponsored provisional government recently installed by him in Polish territories occupied by the Red Army".

Yes, how nice of Stalin to let Poland have "free elections"...because like Harry said, "It's says so in the Yalta agreement". Don't bother to actually check if it actually happened.. But then Harry swallows everthing that the winners have written since the war. And if anybody disagrees with him they are instantly branded liars AND whatever he feels like calling people here at PF that particular day. Harry's "gift" is that he is a "nobody". In the sense that he has no loyalty to any country or people. He doesn't have to defend anything, he can just point fingers, ramble on about some wikipedia entry he found and call people liars. If you call him australian, he says no, call him English, the same thing. He claims to be able to get 7 passports, so he effectively has protected himself from any attack based on his own background, while being in the position to say stuff like; "Typical polish!". Those are the words of a coward. Harry; why don't you give us the list of the countries that you claim will give you a passport, and we can then go through them and all the good and the bad they have to answer for? And then constantly bash you for them! Doesn't that sound fair? Or will that make it harder for you to debate and be the "king"?

I am thankful for all the help the British goverment gave to Poland. But the story behind the whole Yalta agreement will probably never get out. A drunk Churchill, a weak Roosevelt and a mega-lo-maniac like Stalin cutting up Europe to serve their hidden agendas? The real people of Europe never had a say, but big corporations, the bankiers, the people behind the curtains like the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, now they knew AND had the power to control. And they did, while the "three stooges" sat in their chairs posing for the media, saying "The war is over"!

8 Jul 2010
Real Estate / Relocating in Poland - what's the best area? [56]

That park was twice as beautiful one year ago.

I know, they were redoing the park, but you could still see the splendour. I will most likely go there one more time and the see it fully done! :-)

It wasn't that I wasn't expecting anything, because every polish town I've been too have had nice sqares, old-style architecture and those things. But to see a town, so far out, away from most other "hot-spots" in Poland, and still have all the things it had to offer pleasantly surprised me. I'm happy that Poland has the capacity to produce such nice cities and keep them up, which again gives me the problem, where to settle? If there was only a handful of cities/areas that really could give you a full life it would be easier, but Poland has dozens of them..."even", Bialystok... ;-)

4 Jul 2010
Real Estate / Relocating in Poland - what's the best area? [56]

Whats your criteria? Income? Enviroment?

I just went to Bialystok with some friends from Norway, and even "out there", the town square was beatifully done, with cafè's, restaurants and nice architecture. The small pubs that you found on every street were really cool to just hang out with, on your way to the next one! The park infront of the castle was amazing and in the evenings the town square came to life with kielbasa stands, beerstands and live music. I was in heaven.

But I'm having a bit of a canundrum, as I was gonna move into my house in Mikolow in a couple of years, but since it's so costly to renovate it and I won't get a loan to fix it up, (living in Norway), I'm selling it, in order to invest the money in a finished house. Then I started to look around, what if we went somewhere else? Where is the best place to live, if not in Mikolow (Or Bielsko) What about fresh air, proximity to a nice town, roads, history, lakes, mountains...I should never have done this. This has led to a real headache! I could throw a dart at the map of Poland, and wherever it hits, you'll find a nice city, nice streets, castles, rivers, lakes, stunning nature, either the south, east, west or north, they all have something that you want to experience. And I barely even heard of the town Torq posted pictures from, Slupsk, and from the pictures he posted, one just wants to go there right away, and see it for oneself. When I went to Bialystok, we stopped in Warszawa for a day, thinking it was gonna be another big, smelly major city. We went through the "old city" and the streets surrounding it...I mean, we walked for a whole hour, and all I could see was magnificent buildings, beautiful cobbled streets, town squares filled with flower shops, restaurants, hidden bars under the streets.. My friends were blown away, and so was I. We almost had it to ourselves, there were literally no one out at midnight, even though it was a friday. The lights, the feeling, the architecture, it just blew us away.

So now I'm just looking at the map going, where the hell is the BEST place to live??? Even Warszawa looked nice! Right now I'm looking at the tri-city area, where I met my wife, we don't have any family there, but the closeness to the sea, the fresh air, the beautiful cities of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot...you have Torun close by, the lakes...It looks perfect. I even found a property development agency that sent me information about small "villages" being built around golf-courses and near lakes. About 700 000 zloty for a fully built house in a brand new area. But then someone says; "Jelenia Gora!", and I go there to look...god damn it, it looks nice... On one side, I'm really happy that Poland has all these magnificent areas and cities, but at the other hand, it makes it even harder to pick one...

People here just say; "My city!"...but could you maybe please elaborate why you think/believe your city/area is the best? And maybe even show some pictures, like Torq did, if you have them?? This thread would be the best one so far....

And I know many polish people say, yes, it's nice, but it's so hard, the income is low, the prices are high, work is hard to come by..but if you look away from that for a moment, and just look at the area itself, from a viewpoint of architecture, nature, closeness to other cities, activities during the seasons, family life....

4 Jul 2010
Travel / Hometown / Vacation pictures Poland [201]

I am at loss for words, Torq. I understand you're proud of your city! If I can just compare it to Norway, it has to be...well, we have nature and no architecture to match it...but being in a town that nice as yours is more important, because you're not out in the forest every day, but you are in your town...so being surrounded by the architecture you just posted, I can already sense will give you a higher quality of life. Oslo is a dung-hole compared to it, and the few nice buildings that resemble the ones you posted are usually squeezed in between some 50's-60's modern cement block-type buildings that should never have seen the light of day. How they allowed that to happen I don't know, but thank god Polish cities are so old, that they managed to build everything in the same era. Imagine some ugly modern cement blocks next to any of the beautiful old style houses you posted...it just kills it. (I know you have super-ugly blocks and areas in Poland too, but the old towns can't be ruined at least).

30 Jun 2010
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

I wonder how much the polish government paid CNN for this obvious propaganda documentary! Poles saving jews? Risking their lives in the process? Have I been duped into believing that poles were jew-killers? Did they actually risk their lives to save jews? This is outrageous. Posters like Harry and his friends on this forum have for many months now told us that the poles were just as bad as the nazis, in some instances, even worse! And they call everyone debating them on this for idiots, haters, liars and anti-semites! They claim that poles put thousands of jews into barns and burned them, that they aided the nazis to their hiding-places and pointed them out wherever they could. In some instances the nazis didn't even have to lift their guns, as the poles killed the jews for them!

How can this documentary be true? This must be devastating for the Harry and the polish-hate-foundation on this forum...

28 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Being racist to a black person is much worse than being racist to a white person! Didn't yo know that? Because the blacks are always "poor", "from a tough background", "oppressed", and the like. No white have ever been that! We all were born with a silver spoon up our behind and blessed with our skincolour! But I know from experience that the non-whites are ten times more racist that we could ever imagine. They don't really even sugarcoat anything when they start. I've heard somalis and vietnamese argue, and the pakistanis against the turks. The language was horrible. And just look at the caste-system among pakistanis and indians. Imagine if we still had that thing going on here in Europe? What caste would 3rd world immigrants be then? We "whites" get blasted for even looking at blacks funny, but a immigrant from Africa can scream insults and racial words at a white person and people just shrug their shoulders. Because we are so "priviledged", we should accept it. Besides, he/she was just frustrated because of all the racism he/she has to endour in our societies. But as the immigrantion population increases people have noticed this, and on several debate forums in Norway people have said, "hey, this is a two-way street!". Several norwegians have accused immigrants of racism against them, and that has made alot of PC liberal journalists scratch their heads, and the courtsystems struggeling for proper use of the hate-laws. The immigrants can't be racist against the whites...can they? Can we actually use the hate-laws AGAINST immigrants?

In the news it's always "Suspicion of racial hatred", or "Police will look into racial words used by immigrants against whites". Even though witnesses and victims clearly heard racist words being used against whites. But will the immigrants actually get sentenced for it? The future will tell...

Some people in here like to label me, and others, as racists and nazis, but I don't ever use derogatory words or actually say racist things. I have my opinion, and as long as I don't cross the line, I believe we should be able to discuss immigration, religion and other "hot" topics, without the "your're a racist" card that some here love to pull out of their sleeves. You know who you are.

When poles critizise immigrants in England, then why does it have to be racism? Why does skincolour always have to be only reason to critizise anyone, can't their actions alone be enough? That it happens that more than usual of the perpetrators of certain crimes have a different skin-colour than us or a different religion, may be conincidental, but the PC crowd immidiately only sees skincolour and shout "racist!". But I thought race didn't exist? So how can it be "racism"?

It's tiresome, because it gives the immigrants a "get out of jail card", that they use for all it's worth. "Someone cut infront of me in traffic, he has to be a racist!", "I didn't get the job I wanted, the company is racist!", "I couldn't get into the nightclub, they're racist!", "The girl didn't want to dance with me, she's a racist!", "I didn't get the grade I wanted by the teacher, he's a racist!". EVERYTHING that happens to their disfavour is somehow concealed, but racist, because it can't be that things didn't go their way for any other reason than their skin-colour or religion. I wonder what we "whiteys", have that even resembles that...nothing really. So if anybody cut's infront of us in traffic, or doesn't let us in into the nightclub or want to date us....we have to deal with it. And I think the immigrants should start doing that too. Racism has been overhyped, overused and become the pink elephant in the room...and we know that pink elephants don't really exist. Maybe a long time ago, but in today's "progressive" societies of Europe, it's become outdated. It's time we moved on.

In closing, the anti-racist center of Norway, lacking real racism to work on in Norway, just came out with a study to justify their existence, namley, and hold on to your hats...."That all norwegians are secretly racists!". We just don't know it, but deep down in every one of us, pinky white norwegians, there exists a racist. And we should all look into ourselves and accept it. Now, how can you argue with people who hold such views? It's impossible. By that standard, we are all potential serial-killers too and god knows what else we could be! What a scary thought! And after dozens of years of PC brain conditioning in movies, magazines, plays, schools and the press, norwegians actually think that this could be right...and then the professional anti-racists can sit back in their government subsidiced headquarters and smile, while they found a way to still exist.

27 Jun 2010
History / Christian Crusaders and Teutonic order in Poland [11]

Wow, those were harsh words..maybe someone here want to elaborate on that theory...anyways, two "primitive" sets of people fighting it out, led to Europe being secure for another 1000 years. And how have we developed, contrary to the arab nations? We have space exploration, heart transplants and advanced civilizations, built on christianity and atheism. The Arab/African people have ruins, dirt roads and no science - living under islam. So, as primitive and thieving "we" were, I'm glad the ottomans or arabs didn't conquer us, cause I don't think we would be happy if Poland/Germany/Norway looked like Turkey/Syria/Egypt today.

But, now we are opening our doors for them....they will mirror their societies here...and I don't really want that. I like my freedom, thank you.

27 Jun 2010
History / Christian Crusaders and Teutonic order in Poland [11]

Again, this is the typical answer, well, "we did it to them"! Yes, A THOUSAND YEARS AGO! So, we're just gonna roll over and say; Ok, we deserve it? It's payback time? Hell no!

The crusaders protected us against the muslims. They were OUR forefathers. They didn't conquer the muslim lands to stay there. It was a defensive war. When the war was over they went home. The muslims came here to OCCUPY and CONQUER! They were expanding, like Hitler and Stalin. They slaughtered and enslaved millions of us for hundreds of years, just read about the history of our southern countries like Greece, Spain, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Read about Kosovo and Balkan. Read about the brave soldiers of our history who stopped the muslim hordes in Vienna in 1529;


Teutonic order;


"The Order of the Teutonic Knights of St. Mary's Hospital in Jerusalem [1] (Official names: Latin: Ordo domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, German: Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens in Jerusalem), or for short the Teutonic Order (Today: German Order), is a German Roman Catholic religious order. It was formed to aid Catholics on their pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to establish hospitals to care for the sick and injured".

The Ottomans;


"An imperial monarchy, the Empire remained a major expansionist power until the Battle of Vienna in 1683, which marked the end of Ottoman expansion into Europe".

The Teuonic order protected, built and enriched our civilization. Yes, they were in wars with their european brothers, but they did not represent an evil like islam. Life under them or any other european ruler would not change the lives of the people that much. In the end it helped build Europe to what we have today. It was brother against brother war. Why do I have to tell you this?? The muslims killed, levelled and subjugated everyone, leaving nothing of value. Did they aspire to science, building beatiful castles and advancing in art, poetry and democray? Did they bring prosperity to the areas they settled? No. Did the christians? Yes. I remind you that this is in COMPARISON, Teutonic/Crusaders vs Ottoman.

My my my, you are a very scared little boy, are you?

Yes, on behalf of my parents, my wife and child. Your family too, MareGaea. What happens if I/you can't protect them anymore? The society today is so PC that sending rapists and violators to jail is almost seen as "breaching their rights". Who will protect your wife when she is being raped by 5 muslims? You? You will probably just say; "Oh, it's just cultural difference, I have to accept this". There was actually a case like that a couple of years ago, when a anti-racist lost his son in a unprovocted gang-attack by muslims. He forgave the murderes and said it's the evil racist white society who made the attackers kill his son. I believe you are in that bracket of thinking MareGaea.

Of course they weren't a pinch better. But according to Dariusz that's ok as they belong to "US" and the Islam belongs to "THEM". And "WE" are always the good guys and "THEY" are always the bad guys. At least in Dariusz' world.

Yes, MareGaea, that is true! (Read history!).

M-G (wonders what would happen if Dariusz finds himself one evil day in a Muslim neighbourhood surrounded by all Muslims - my guess would be he'd shyt in his pants)

I did live in a muslim neighbourhood, for many years of my life. Violence, killings, drugs, crime and muslim religious intolerance was unfortunately part of my life, as it is to millions of europeans today. I was the only white kid on my football team, we were the only norwegian family in our building, today the schools in the area are a 100% non-norwegian. I did not pee my pants, but it was not pleasant. So, your argument is?

Here's a couple of links of how muslims behave in Europe. How would we be treated if we went to Turkey, Pakistan or Iran and acted the same way?

Growing fears over Muslim prison gangs

White Females Pimped Out By Muslim Asian Gangs


Racist Muslim Gang Attack White British Teenager


Muslim gang attacking french students at Paris rally

Now, please find me the same kind of links involving christian poles doing this in England. Or any other country they have come to. According to you people, they're just as bad!

MareGaea, you really personify the "new" generation of PC slave. You defend any evil, nomatter how horrendous it is, because, as it said in your history-book in school, we were evil once too! You swallowed all the lies that your schooling system gave you, and all the pictures of colourful hands together just gives you a lump in the throat, doesn't it? Well, wake up, sunshine, allah is here, and unless you convert, he's gonna seperate your head from your body. Then it's too late to "pee in your pants".

27 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Completely and utterly bored of discussing Islam, Muslims, whatever. I'm annoyed that I spend so much time discussing religion when I feel nothing but apathy for it. As far as I'm concerned, religion (all of it) is worthless and not worth my time. Not another second will I waste on it.

I don't disagree with you on this one. Religion has been the foremost aggressor in our recorded history. And the way it enslaves people and keep them from "living in the now", is sad. The only reason I fight against islam is because it's not merely a relgion, but mostly a political force, disguised as religion. If the muslims just kept to themselves as other religions do, working hard, people, including me, wouldn't really care. But when they keep on pushing and pushing, people are gonna say, "Hey, that's enough!". Nobody cares about the Sihks or the buddhists or the hundreds of different branches of christianity...they are all there, but at the same time, they stay under the radar. Islam is like a earthquake that won't stop trembling.

A lot of these are usually used in reference to Jews, especially in the mid 20'th Century.

Previously immigration in big waves were of european descent, the first two-three generations might have had trouble, but after a while it all melted together. The 3rd worlders, specifically fronted by the muslims have been here for what now, 5-6-7 generations, and the divide is just getting bigger! They are not integrating more, but actually less! This will in the end up in civil war. The poles that move to England, will after 10-20 years assimilate, get english names and adopt their new countries culture. Maybe bring a couple of things with them, like food, or some traditions, but all in all....no change. They will be swallowed up by the indigenous population of brits, and live in harmony with them. Like what happened in the US, where folks from all countries of Europe came and built the greatest nation that ever was. Poles, english, irish, swedes, germans and what not. It was the quilt of many colours....of EUROPE. Today, the 3rd world quilt of many colours just don't work, as the fabric is too different. Islam vs christianity just can't co-exist.

FYI, your last sentence perfectly sums up how a lot of people felt when the Poles started coming here. The "Comin' over 'ere, takin' our jobs!"

That's why I mentioned that England has built a new type of white underclass. Did they have to import millions of non-christian, 3rd worlders ON TOP OF THAT? Where is the logic in that? Oh, I have a leak on my roof, let's flood the basement as well...England would have gotten out the "we need more labour" crisis just fine, without the short-term goal of importing millions of unskilled, non-christians to their country. And what has the long-term effect been? Just look at the crime-statistics, the immigration policies and the cost of it (Which Denmark actually did last year, and low-and-behold found out that is going in the negative). The poor white underclass that has now developed in Britain, need the government money, not the millions of 3rd worlders that are on welfare, and have NOT built up and deserved it, like the forefathers of the europeans. This is a tricky political question, but I say, europeans first. If we can't take care of our own, then we should not take care of others either! Back you go! (10 000 years of settlement gives us that right, versus 40 years of political treachery).

I don't watch the news, I have heard of no "race riots".

So that's why you seem so out of contact with what's happening in Europe? Race riots have also occured in Paris, Marseille, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels, Oslo...all over Europe! Matowy, you need to start watching the news, or at least go into some of these areas for yourself and see what is happening. Attacking poles for coming to your country is for you to do! Hey, maybe you're right, maybe they are taking your jobs and leeching of your welfare system, but they are not even close to what the muslims are doing. Not even by a billion lightyears.

Since you're not watching the news, I found some links for you, well spread around in Europe, so you don't think I'm just harping on about Norway, Poland and England. It's the same story all over the place;













I still am waiting for the "Polish race riots in England"...although they constitute for a large portion of the current immgration into your country...hmm...why is that? Is it because they actually adapt to your society? That they go to work everyday, that they don't gangrape your women and children, or that they don't shoot eachother on public streets, or demand catholic churces to be built everywhere? That they don't keep their women hidden behind burkas and keep them locked up 24/7 at home, even after tens of years of staying in that country? There is a big difference between european immigration and 3rd world/muslim immigration.

Muslim terrorists have been around for much longer that 9/11. More like the 6th century, when this aggressive evil, disguised as a religion started out. Read about the battle of Vienna, how they took Constantinople, and held Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece and Spain. How they kidnapped slaves from unprotected european settlements and abused them because they were not muslims, and therfore lawful to abuse. (read the Surah in the Quran in my previous post). How they treated non-muslims in their areas, making them pay special taxes just to live amongs them. The history is long and full of examples that I do not have to give you, if you just knew your history! And opened a newspaper once in a while. I've been fighting against this crazy immigration policy since the 80's, LONG before 9/11. I was hounded at school for being the only one against 3rd world immigration, when it was still "common knowledge" that immigration was "good" for our counties. We know different today.

Most definitely a lot of British people were unhappy with the Poles coming here in such numbers, and it shows, even on this forum.

Recorded by whom? The same establishment that are behind this mess? Of course they will write this. But the future history books will say it was a big mistake. After the civil war has ended, and we, the indiginous population of Europe, hopefully, have won. If the poles are so "unnecessary", then why are they all working there then? They would'nt have come if there were no jobs? Why are there hundreds of thousands of poles in Norway then? They are not sitting on the streets begging for money, like the gypsies do. Nor do they participate in great crime...hmm..what are they doing...oh yes, they are WORKING!! Paying taxes and helping your life improve, unlike your favourites, the muslims, who stick their asses up 5 times a day, and occupy all the doctor's offices and welfare lines. If you could just find me the unemployment statistics for poles vs muslims/3rd worlders. That would be an interesting read.

26 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Yawn, terrorism in London is quite common.

Well, from that rather insightful list I find out that the 7/7 bombers killed TWICE as many in ONE BOMB, than all the IRA bombs PUT TOGETHER, in the last 100 YEARS. I think that qualifies them to stand out a bit more. The IRA are now almost finished, but the muslims have just started....who do you prefer? And if you're arguing like that..then it's ok to import violent muslims to Europe, because we already have bombers and madmen here from before...this is a classic insane statement from the left side. What is your political viewpoint by the way? (Just to ask you, since it obviously irritated you that I took for granted that you lean to the left side based on your comments here in this thread).

I should have pointed out that I meant the "difference". I stayed in Durham, and it was a very nice place, just outside of Newcastle. I guess there aren't too many immigrants there? But when I went to Birmingham, I could barely see any ethnic british people. Liverpool was bad, the shops all closed up with those metal fences, and Manchester wasn't much better. You don't see that here in Norway, or in Poland. England has long built an underclass of whites and they are living in poverty in their own country, thanks to the millions of 3rd world immigrants who come in and receive every benefit under the sun, effectively taking jobs and chances away from the indigenous population. You might have noticed the "race-riots" going on in your country? In Oldham, Bradford, Birmingham and others? What about the EDL, the English Defence League who are stirring up the establishment with their demonstrations against muslim racism every week now? I've even seen non-muslim immigrants from Pakistan among them. Wow, things are progressing....how do you explain that?

They aren't deported because they have legal rights to be here, and have no more obligation to follow the law here than they did back home

Well, it may be alien to the poles in Britain, since they come from a homogenous country, where 96% of the people believe in the same faith. You call all football hooligans stupid, but I can't call all muslims terrorists? Why, I'm just using your argument technique, but as always, you want to control the words and who can say what and where. Typical LEFTIST of you, Matowy! When a big portion of the people act the same way, dress the same way, talk the same way and feel the same way, we're allowed to "profile" them. You do it in all aspects of life! Like "housewives", or "homosexuals", or "football hooligans". Based on their actions and history, you can expect and anticipate certain patterns of behaviours. It's done by marketing companies, the police and many other entities in our socities. Muslims stick out by being involved in things like; "Inter-marrying", "honour-killings", "wife-beatings", "acid-attacks", "welfare-fraud" and other nice things that enriches our european culture.

The Poles were an unnecessary addition to the UK, unlike in the 60's when we needed blacks and Asians to come and stimulate our workforce and economy. The Poles were unnecessary and unwanted, but were allowed in anyway out of sheer kindness. All other EU countries have placed limitations on Eastern European immigration.

Now turn this around and exchange "The Poles" with "The blacks" in the above statement...and post it somewhere public. (Wait for the police to come and arrest you).

This statement has to be the most idiotic statement of the year. Congratulations, Matowy! The poles actually come TO WORK! The blacks and asians have not contributed half of what the poles have, even though they've been in your country for 10 times the amount of time. Now why is that? I hear the same argument here in Norway, "Oh, they come to take the jobs we don't want to do!". Wait a minute, who drove taxi's, buses and trams, who washed our toilets and offices, who worked in our factories and in low-income jobs before they came? Oh, that's right. WE DID! But our treacherour governments simultaneously started importing millions of uneducated, unskilled, unintegrationable folks from half around the globe! Instead of looking eastwards, or even to other countries closer to ours...have you read the statement from the UK government where it's told that it was all a plan to make them stay in power?! It was a deliberate plan to import 3rd worlder, because they overwhelmingly vote centrist/left! Nobody want's to be a taxi driver, because you would be the only ethnic englishman there! The same goes for the other occupations! You want to work where you belong, where you have someone to talk to on your break! Not with 18 muslims, two sikhs, one chinese and you! Of course you're not gonna apply for a job there!

If they do all of that, then why do you label them as "Muslims" and not just as an immigrant group? It's strange to catagorize a criminal generation by a religion, that's like attributing racism of Poles to Catholicism.

Because being muslim is completely different from being Catholic! Islam controls every aspect of your life, from you get up, your 5 prayers a day, what you eat, what your wear, who you wed, where you worship, and WHEN you pray, eat, wed and worship! It is a political evil, disguised as religion. You might argue that for catholicism too, but it's no where NEAR islam. Not by a million years. In catholicism you don't have stoning, acid attacks, burkas, circumcition of young girls, arrainged marriages with underaged girls etc.

There's no evidence for that at all, unless you can find the passages in the Quran that definitely say "Thou shalt cause gang violence, thou shalt scam, though shalt rape, thou shalt do drugs and shoot people". I would try and find you statistics for "Muslim" crime in the UK, but I don't think anyone in my country is stupid enough to embark on such an irrelevant study.

Here's a couple of websites that show what the so called holy book tells your pets what to do;

Oh oh! Here are all your anwers Matowy. Someone ACTUALLY DID THE STUDY!! How stupid are they??!?!

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home." (Surah 9:73)

"And when the sacred months are passed, kill those who join other gods with God wherever ye shall find them; and seize them, besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush: but if they shall convert, and observe prayer, and pay the obligatory alms, then let them go their way, for God is Gracious, Merciful." (Sura 9:5)

"Allah is not bound by any contract or treaty with non-Muslims, nor is His Apostle." (Sura 9:3:)

You obviously feel that the muslims are being "singled out", and for a good reason. They are the least integrated group of people on our continent. Their religion has made sure of that. Only when they rid themselves of it, like we did here with the christianity of the middle ages (where islam belongs), can we possibly see some improvement in their behaviour and contribution to our culture. Until then...they haven't really accomplished anything. The poles that went to the US helped build it to a superpower. Today, the 3rd world people are helping making the US a chinese outpost with no future. England are well on their way after them...as always.

Thanks for the links, they were informative! But if you look at them, 3rd worlders, even as "few" as they still are, are so overrepresented on all these statistics! You would maybe expect a few europeans on that list, considering the short distance and the EU.

I'll give you one last link; be sure to check out the videos a bit down on the site;



p.s. Do you know that playing chess is forbidden in islam? (Sahih Muslim - Book 028, Number 5612: Buraida reported on the authority of his father that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: He who played chess is like one who dyed his hand with the flesh and blood of swine).
26 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Attempted edit: Please say something original in your next post. I have said all I can, and I am by now tired of these discussions.


What "violent muslims"? Specific examples please. Which Islamic organizations in Europe are dedicated to creating "tough third world" muslims with the intention of... just being violent?

Read a little on this site;


"Four bombers killed themselves and 52 others in attacks on the London public transit system on July 7, 2005 , followed by an almost identical but failed attack two weeks later. Last month Metropolitan Police Commissioner Ian Blair said that at least three "serious conspiracies" had been disrupted in the previous 12 months. Then this week, police said they thwarted a plot to blow up as many as 10 airliners flying from Britain to the United States that could have killed thousands".[/i]


I could give you a thousand more links, but you have google too, don't you.

I'm not trying to convince you or lecture you at anything, Matowy, so relax. But there is evidence out there, that life is not how you seem to look at it. I don't know why you seem to ignore facts and real life experiences. You presume that I know little about Europe, although I've travelled through Europe by train (Inter-rail) at least 6 times, from Norway to Spain. I've been to the US, Asia and even Africa! So give me a break, and don't talk about things you don't know about. And I've also been to England at least 10 times, and seen cities like Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle and the like. I see the difference, I see the cultures, I don't just sit here and insult people, like you do. Bring something to the table, or move to another thread!

If poles come to England and get a bit "culture-shocked", that's natural, when you know that they probably haven't even seen, less likely talked to a non-european in their whole life. And I don't think they are too impressed with what they encounter, even though it might be "exciting", and "new", the first few months. But after a while, I think if you talk to them, they will all agree that this is not a society they will want to import back home in Poland.

Your reply to my post was typical left-wing liberal blah-blah, you just talk until people fall asleep, without actually giving any information, experience or relevant facts. You just say, "That's how it is". Then I throw some facts back at you, and you dismiss it as "racist". That sadly is the reality and state of our politicians as well. You would be a perfect candidate for a social liberal post in your community, where you would shake hands with all the immigrants and tell them that "they built Britain", and how "valuable" their contributions to your society is. While at the same time schools, old peoples homes and roads are going down the drain. Not to mention the rising crime levels, drugs, rapes and other nice things that multiplied ten-folds since the 60's. (There are statistics to prove this too!).

As for the criminal poles in Britain, I say, get the f*ck out! Just deport them instantly, and hit them with heavy fines. They can rot in a polish jail! I have no feelings for people who go to another country, are welcomed, given rights and a possibility to start a better life, just to break the laws there. But the poles, given their numbers, don't even compare to the third world muslims when it comes to crimes. And they actually do valuable work, like construction, engineering and agricultural work. What do the muslims do, besides opening corner stores, receiving benefits on their 8 children and beating their wifes(plural). In Norway we have hundreds of thousands of poles. They work hard and are appreciated. We also have hundreds of thousands of muslims. Guess who's in the newspapers for violent crime, welfare scams, rapes, shootings, drugs and failing to "intergrate"?

Just a norwegian newspaper link here about Somali immigrants. Out of a 100 that went on a work-program....a whopping 6 of them got a job! This program cost the tax-payers over 1 million euros...now compare that to the poles that come and work in Norway and England..how many enter these work programs..if any at all...how many actually manage to find work? Close to a 100%? So, if they bring som "ancient" racism with them, when they see this, well, that's just reality for you.

"Job project gives meager result for somalis";


Anyway, good luck!
25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

We obviously are on two different planets. That doesn't necessary have to be a bad thing, but if you continue to just slag people off, and talk down to them...well...let's just say I've encountered "debaters" like you before. You have no answers, just insults, and it fits very well in with the PC crowd. If you have no argument, then just attack the person.

I don't know how you can claim what you do in your post, but obviously you attending some university full of left-wing professors and student-clubs somewhere has alienated you from reality.

Basic knowledge of self defence is all that is needed.

That sentence fails on so many levels. Are you going to "karate-kid" 5 thugs? If you know how they act, how they think and where they come from, your chances of surviving increases by about 100%. Getting a black belt in karate class will not help you that much. It's more about psychology than actual physical contact. (You would know this if you actually experienced it Matowy....).

Who says that my logic has to be your logic? Who's being arrogant now? I believe what I do, and state so here. You state what you believe, plus insults. That shows that you are nothing but a second hand, pompeous, wanna-be intellectual who thinks he's above whatever the "riff-raff" is doing. That is SO LEFTIST of you!

And here we have you trying to shoehorn your ideology into this. What do third worlders have to do with this? If you want people to be more tough then that's one thing, but bringing immigration into it is another sign of your lack of objectivity.

Have you read the title of this thread? It's not my "ideology", it's REALITY. It's about racism, Europe and Poland. I say, the more a people are ready for violence and force, as we are seeing everyday in our cities, the easier it will be for us to stop it. A big part of the Polish male youths are ready to take on the violent muslims, thanks to the football scene. Most of the western youth, unfortunately are not. Just go into any nightclub in a western city and see all the guys with "man-bags", sunglasses, colourful shirts and hair-gel...and then walk into a nightclub in eastern-Europe. You will instantly see the difference. Who do you think will be controlled easier? Who will be easier to rob, put in their place or beaten up? Have you been in a nightclub in Europe, if a group of muslims or 3rd world immigrants walk in? Have you seen what happens to the atmosphere and the tension that immidiately comes with them? Why do you think immigrant groups are always refused entrance at nightclubs? By immigrant bouncers! I saw a whole group of boys being bullied by one guy in a nightclub one time last year. He wasn't even bigger than them, he just knew how to control the situation. It was horrible to watch. I don't think this would happen in Poland.

I also went to a game in Bialystok a couple of months ago against Ruch Chorzow, and I have to tell you, it was a pretty fearsome experience. 95% were young, short haired, sunseed(!) eating men. If they ever would meet any of my gang, we would get beaten soundly. What goes for "tough" here in the west, is not that tough at all....but why am I telling you this, you are sitting on your high horse, telling people they are dumb, uneducated and have no logic if they don't agree with you. If they want to live life, feel alive, being with friends and follow football as is done in eastern Europe, what's wrong with that? Would it be better if they were pussies? Try reading some books like on this list;


Alot of them will tell you about successfull businessmen, familymen, policmen, lawyers and even doctors going to games every week, feeling the adrenaline, feeling alive. I don't think you've ever done that, if you say the things you say. Or you're just wired differently than the rest of us.

Completely irrelevant to the discussion. It's some bouncer doing his job. Relevance?

Ok, you're clearly not getting the point. The bouncer is German, the troublemaker is turkish, he is wildly aggressive and attacks verbally and with his bodylanguage. If you are tough and trained, like the 5 times world champion kick-boxer doorman, you will not be afraid. If polish youth experience fear, aggression and intimidation, they will be better suited for future experiences involving these things! But if all they know is karate from their local club, they're doomed...this thug acts like this because he has gotten away with it in Germany, a country pacified by PC media and the thought police, he spits on the German wimpy males...but suddenly he encounters one that stands up to him, and leaves whimpering away. Again, this would not happen in Poland either, becasue the bouncers are hard-asses and tough guys! In Norway I would say 75% of all the bouncers in Oslo are foreign. There's a reason for that.

I can only tell you my experiences, my life and my world. This will as you bashed me for, make me have "0 objectivity". What is this, a book club? My worldview obviously differs from yours. And since you live in the U.K, you have been brainwashed by the PC media, schooling system and newspapers. They know zero about the real life, and if they know anything, they hide it. Just like they did here in Norway the other day, when a norwegian youth got beaten by 15 immigrants in Oslo. It eventually came out who did it and who the victim was. But the media just said, "Youths, victim" in their reports, deliberately avoiding the facts. It's 1984 all over again. And you seem to live in this life, where the streets don't exist, only the cantina at your university or your coffee shop, where you sit on you mac and sip your latte, telling people like me that "You're dumb"....keep on doing this, Matowy, it only backfires on yourself, and makes you look like the ignorant and pompeous..

I don't know, I feel like talking to deaf ears here Matowy...

25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Even dumber are people who actually write what you just wrote. You show that you have no clue about football or the culture within it. And you have nothing to answer me with...besides insults...so what does that say about you? I speak from experience, as I've followed a football team for many years and have learned about group thinking and how one reacts when confronted either verbally or physically. I've been scared shitless, and felt the adrenaline rush when being outnumbered and facing serious injury. It has taught me important things. I feel this is important in todays society, where you will face these emotions not only on the terraces, but in the streets of european cities. Poland having a big hooligan scene are better prepared to meet this reality than some metro-sexualized youths in western Europe, when they meet highly macho 3rd world people. Just look around on youtube. This is one example you can look at;


An expensive education maybe, you do have an air of arrogance and pompousness about you, but it takes real intelligence to be able to use that education. Without a doubt, pissing diamonds down a toilet is less wasteful than trying to educate you on anything that requires logic or objectivity. People like you never learn to think with their brains, only their primitive urges.

Sorry for sounding arrogant. I don't try to. You're the only one (maybe one more in here has mentioned it) that have called me arrogant. Tell me your story then. Or your vision. I'm actually interested to hear it. On whatever topic you feel I fail. In this case, football tribalism and the future of our countries. Cause just venting like you just did doesn't make you poster of the week either.

25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

when I signed up for the forces I had to under go an indepth security check purely for having a father born in Dublin

This happened to me too in the norwegian army. I was serving in the beginning of the 90's and the wall had just come down. My father was a polish citizen, and even though they had given me a rather expensive education within intelligence, I was mowing the lawn outside the norwegian military headquarters for 2 months before I got to have my clearance that I was not a communist or that my father was.

Europe was a more divided country back then, but your background has to be one of the more extreme ones. I don't think any conflict in Europe comes close to that of the English/Irish one. Too bad it still is alive today. I don't want this to happen in Poland with any minority, as it is repeating itself with the muslims all over western Europe. We are creating future civil war!

25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I used to not like it either, because I thought we should be together in peace in a monocultural society, but the more I saw Europe fill up with non-europeans from the 3rd world, I thought, hey wait a minute, this is boot-camp! This is where our young, eager and brave boys get their aggression out. They are playing war and using tactics, exercising to be in great shape for hand to hand combat, they are feeling adrenaline rush and bonding with other poles at their age! They are staying sharp and focused as well as maintaining a level of awarness. So when the day comes that the blacks discover Poland/Poland get's a western style welfare system, they are ready for them.

In the rest of Europe, like in Scandinavia, although many are real tough and well trained, we are too few, and the PC brainwashing has subdued the rest, and made sports into a family thing. Macho is out, and staying home with the kid and washing the dishes is seen as "modern", while being out with the boys and being a man is "racist" or "stupid".

So, go on Polish football hooligans, keep training, working out, fighting and get the feeling of brotherhood...it's gonna save your asses when the day comes.

24 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Looks like the slaves have become the masters here;


Poland doesn't need this, and after watching a couple of hundred of videoes like this...you don't have to be an "uneducated" polish person to be against multiculturalism.

21 Jun 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

I actually posted another place in here that I understand Israel and having to deal with Arabs like they do. Who knows even Poland, if situated where Israel is today, would have done the same thing as the Israelis do. I am not a fan of the Arab culture, the way they interpret Islam there or how they go about with sending rockets, suicide bombings and the like.

The Arab/Israeli conflict has so many layers it's almost impossible to understand it without doing a PhD on it. But, and there is always a big but..

What if the US put up unmanned machine gun posts on the Mexico border, or if Germany/Poland did it to each other...wow, can you imagine the outrage? The countless TV shows, newspaper articles and demonstrations? Have you seen the "fence" between Israel and Gaza and the US/Mexico one, and compared them? More people get killed, kidnapped and mutilated on the latter border every year than on the first one...still..no unmanned machine gun posts there...not even that much police...just some farmers with guns driving up and down, trying to protect their cattle and property.

The "problem" Israel has is that they are playing the victim card in the western world, which they successfully do, while they act like Nazis to the Arabs. How can they win if they keep on doing this? They can't. More and more people, at least here in Norway, have now become against Israel, while there for only 15-20 years ago were more support for them. (Might have to do with the enormous influx of Muslims to Norway in the same period).

Israel need to stop whatever they are doing and think through their policies and come up with something new. Because when the day comes that the president of the US is named Jorge Garcia and Europe has stopped caring, the soon-to-be majority of Arabs in Israel will rise up. And then we can start talking about a real holocaust of the jews. And you can't nuke your own country....(There I got this thread back on track!).
