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Posts by Marek11111  

Joined: 6 Aug 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Mar 2014
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 807 / In This Archive: 571
From: earth
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: history

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6 Sep 2013
News / Poland Confiscates Half Of Private Pension Funds To Cut Sovereign Debt Load [4]

"1.Government has too much debt to issue more debt
2.Government nationalizes private pension funds making their debt holdings an "asset" and commingles with other public assets
3.New confiscated assets net out sovereign debt liability, lowering the debt/GDP ratio
4.Debt/GDP drops below threshold, government can issue more sovereign debt"


now is that what is in store for every privet pension plan around the world, are we here to kiss our 401k plans goodbye?
28 Aug 2013
News / More cars in Poland than America? [29]

there are more horse drown carriage in Poland then in the U.S.
maybe having good roads be better statistic to brag
10 Jul 2013
History / How come Poles like Russians but not Germans? [216]

How come Poles like Russians but not Germans?
because Poles and Russians like vodka and Germans like beer, personally I like Mexicans as I like tequila
6 Jul 2013
News / Polish Dreamliners grounded again!? [27]

we are able to protect ourselves from our enemies, so protect us from our friends.

you mean - who needs enemies with friends like U.S.
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

Remember, you are badmouthing the one most Poles regard as the greatest Pole in history

I do not care if he is Pole, wrong is wrong period. you can search for it on line about his knowledge of child molestation while cardinal in Poland.
4 Jul 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

great we will have a saint a person accused of harboring child molesters while cardinal in Poland and while a Pope in charge of a church affairs, it will be a dark mark in Polish history.
9 Jun 2013
History / How do Poles feel about what the French did during the first few stages of WWII? [30]

However it seemed that Poles tend to show their fury to British rather than French, why?

it is the British who used Poland to focus German aggression towards Poland, British used Polish soldiers to fight for their interests and after war they collected payment for every bullet and every provision issued to Polish army from gold in Canadian bank.

British negotiated with Stalin and decided Polish fate without notifying Polish government in England. Poland had the fourth largest army fighting on allied side much bigger then French army and British insisted that the French will have permanent membership in U.N. disregarding Poland and the fate of Polish soldiers that save their Anglo-Saxons a s s e s. To summarized French had no say in fate of Poland after ww2 but British had and they used Poland and they betray all the Polish soldiers that fought for them, and I do not understand why Poland would join the evil colonial power NATO.
8 Jun 2013
UK, Ireland / Scots better than Poles? [41]

history around the world by majority is written by Anglo-Saxon disregarding to all other cultures and do not forget who wrote the history books.
25 May 2013
News / Adolf Hitler is still a citizen of Szczecin [15]

who gives a ..... about this, Hitler did not received this from any Pole after war and why Poland would care about Nazi honorary citizenship.
2 Apr 2013
Real Estate / Is it possible for a bank to prevent you from selling your apartment at a logical price? [17]

1. The man can sell his apartment simply by going to the bank and declaring his intention to sell it at market price and pay the difference which will pay off the mortgage as originally

if that is the case bank would not stand in way as they would get all the money lend to borrower.

2. The man and the bank can attempt to re-negotiate the loan for lower value or (bank's second choice)

that means bank will lose assets on the books so it it no started for the any bank.

3. If the bank was silly enough to NOT have the man personally liable for the loan but only has security through a lien or chattel arrangement, then the man can say okay and give them the property. Then walk away and never look back

that is probably what needs to happen but bank can take the person to court, the property will be in foreclosure for years, bank will sit on it till the price will rise to 300k.

as i said banks will not take a lose willingly it has to be force.
2 Apr 2013
Real Estate / Is it possible for a bank to prevent you from selling your apartment at a logical price? [17]

it is the story of banks having assets on their books worth x amount but in reality is worth much less but as far as bank is concern is worth x and that shows they have more assets then liabilities so the bank is solvent and the executives can get bigger compensation but the reality is that the financial system is on verge of collapse and yes bank can dictate the amount of money you can list the apartment for, special if you do a short sale.
23 Mar 2013
Law / Bank accounts taxed by up to 10%. Can it happen in Poland? [150]

"Russian economist grandson
Posted on March 21, 2013 by John Irving| 10 Comments
An elderly resident of Pathos in Cyprus has been doing something odd for the past few weeks. Every Friday she goes to the bank and withdraws all of her money, then returns it on Monday. When asked why she gave the following statement to bank employees:

"My son is an economist in Russia and he has been telling me, if something happens with the Cypriot banks, it will happened on the weekend. He told me to withdraw the money every Friday."

She was laughed at by the bank employees, but now unlike most of the country she has access to her money while the banks in Cyprus stay closed until at least Tuesday of next week. While the Cypriot legislature did not pass a bill that would have taken between 6.75% and 10% of bank deposits, who knows what desperate politicians will do now to get their fix of financial aid from the IMF. At least one person won't be affected, thanks to a caring grandson."

22 Mar 2013
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

"For what the Germans owe us one trillion U.S. dollars"

I say the England and France owns Poland that money for giving Poland false sense of security and bating Germans to start war and U.S. for selling out Poland to Soviets.
22 Mar 2013
Law / Bank accounts taxed by up to 10%. Can it happen in Poland? [150]

I am of the opinion Cyprus should default on their bonds deal,

it is not people that made the deals is the bankers, Island showed what to do, they jail bankers and now they are highest growing country.
20 Mar 2013
Law / Bank accounts taxed by up to 10%. Can it happen in Poland? [150]

It has the potential to end the entire Worlds banking sector, this could easily trigger a world wide bank run (people withdrawing their savings) epidemic. I'm surprised some of the bigger global players haven't put a stop to it already.

why you think they are moving to digital money? they could not control money in your sock.
26 Feb 2013
Law / Zloty climbs as ratings agency upgrades Poland [34]

just in case you did not know we are in currency wars, every major country is devalue their currency to make their export cheaper, my prediction is Poland finance ministry knows it and they will print or devalue their money as everyone else.
23 Feb 2013
Law / The Euro, is it a good idea for Poland? [66]

Well Poles could vote to leave the EU.

Poland needs to leave E.U. and leave N.A.T.O. , Poland needs to establish central Europe coalition and economical freedom by uniting Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech, Hungary, Moldavia, Rumania.