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Posts by Matowy  

Joined: 4 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jul 2010
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Posts: Total: 293 / In This Archive: 190
From: United Kingdom.
Speaks Polish?: Only a little. Maybe 2% or so.
Interests: Few and far between.

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28 Jun 2010
History / Poland in the eyes of London - before WWII. [60]

Their blockade meant that Germany was starving, and supplies to troops were either thin or non-existent. By the end the Allies were fighting a starving and disease-ridden German army, not to mention the starving populace.
26 Jun 2010
Language / Can you recognise the nationality of foreign Polish speakers by their accent? [43]

now, i speak Polish. well, apparently. and Poles either think i am genuinely Polish - yes - or that I am Polish but at some point migrated to the UK and got vaguely Anglicised. They don't say I am English.

That happens to me too, even though my grammar, vocabulary and accent are all horrible. I think this is because Poles do not comprehend other people learning their insane language.
26 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Completely and utterly bored of discussing Islam, Muslims, whatever. I'm annoyed that I spend so much time discussing religion when I feel nothing but apathy for it. As far as I'm concerned, religion (all of it) is worthless and not worth my time. Not another second will I waste on it.

What is your political viewpoint by the way?

I do not have any. I try and stay away from politics because it is ridden with falsities, lies, inobjectivity, hidden agendas and corruption. I try and look at events happening today on how they will be viewed in the future, because in my experience people like to pretend that they are living in the time when it is ALL happening, that their time and their issues are the most important in history (most of this forum suffers from this syndrome). The lack of perspective involved is insane. Immigration is the ultimate classic, always at one time or another there's this great threat looming on the horizon. "The immigrants are coming here in great numbers, they erode our society from the inside out, they breed like vermin, they want to destroy our way of life, they want to take over our countries" - if only you realised just how much of a cliché this is, you wouldn't hold half of the views you hold now because it would be embarassing to be such a stereotype. A lot of these are usually used in reference to Jews, especially in the mid 20'th Century.

I should have pointed out that I meant the "difference". I stayed in Durham

So you haven't BEEN to Newcastle?

and it was a very nice place, just outside of Newcastle.

I agree, I like Durham too.

I guess there aren't too many immigrants there?

There are tons of Poles there, one of my Polish friends lives in County Durham.

But when I went to Birmingham, I could barely see any ethnic british people.

Uh-oh, getting a bit off topic. I specifically asked about Newcastle (Durham is fine too), because I know these areas quite well. I don't care about Birmingham. I have also been there, and I did not like it, but I will say that the neighbourhoods are a lot cleaner and safer than here.

Liverpool was bad, the shops all closed up with those metal fences, and Manchester wasn't much better.


Population: Ranked 5th
Total: 458,000
Density: 3,951 / km²
Ethnicity: 94.3% White
1.1% S.Asian
1.2% Afro-Carib.
1.2% Chinese
I bet this is evidence that even 2.3% of your selected hated minorities are enough to completely destroy a city? Of course it is, because you employ perfectly the usage of the No True Scotsman fallacy.

You don't see that here in Norway, or in Poland. England has long built an underclass of whites and they are living in poverty in their own country, thanks to the millions of 3rd world immigrants who come in and receive every benefit under the sun, effectively taking jobs and chances away from the indigenous population.

You are such a stereotype, it's not even funny. You're like the grumpy old man who blames all the woes of the world on immigrants. Liverpool is a certified **** hole, and not because of immigration. My county is also a **** hole, along with Liverpool it has some of the largest statistics of crime, drugs, teenage pregnancy, alcoholism, lack of education, violence, unemployment, benefit-theft and robbery in the country. Like Liverpool, it is also 95% white or more. FYI, your last sentence perfectly sums up how a lot of people felt when the Poles started coming here. The "Comin' over 'ere, takin' our jobs!" speech is a classic, and it applies to every immigrant, not just the non-white ones like it would in your little fantasy world.

What you're displaying here is lack of knowledge about how the UK is structured, which is why I emphasize again that you have no place making judgements for the whole of Europe. If you had even the slightest bit of curiosity or objectivity, you'd know that working class towns like Liverpool and such have always been poverty hot-spots, and likely always will be. Living in one such place, I can say for certain that it's because the local population is lazy and unwilling to take responsibility for anything, largely because of how easy it is to claim benefits. Most towns in the north of England (and maybe Scotland?) are like this, and you're the first person I've ever heard of to blame it on the small % of immigrants. God help you if you ever go to Glasgow.

You're extremely sad, seeing things in only terms of black and white, often literally.

You might have noticed the "race-riots" going on in your country? In Oldham, Bradford, Birmingham and others? What about the EDL, the English Defence League who are stirring up the establishment with their demonstrations against muslim racism every week now? I've even seen non-muslim immigrants from Pakistan among them. Wow, things are progressing....how do you explain that?

I don't watch the news, I have heard of no "race riots".

Well, it may be alien to the poles in Britain, since they come from a homogenous country, where 96% of the people believe in the same faith. You call all football hooligans stupid, but I can't call all muslims terrorists?

Football hooligans are a group characterized and defined by their generation of violence, Muslims have "all" been terrorists for... what, about 5 years now? Whenever it was that 9/11 took place. That's why I won't take this stupidity seriously, because if every Muslim was a terrorist then there would have been signs pre-dating 9/11. It's purely because of the hype and media surrounding that event and the ones after which influenced the now common viewpoint. I bet if I asked you when you started holding these views, if you were honest you would reply that it was after 9/11 that you acquired them. I think you would just lie anyway, so I won't bother to ask. I don't intend on being some media drone like you, which is why I reject the most common views in favour of examination instead, and why I don't pay attention to TV, radio or internet news

Now turn this around and exchange "The Poles" with "The blacks" in the above statement...and post it somewhere public. (Wait for the police to come and arrest you).

False. It's recorded historically that Britain did, in fact, NEED immigration to stimulate the workforce and economy. This is a fact, one that you can't manipulate it to your liking. The Poles were most definitely an unnecessary addition to the workforce. You think 2+ million of them coming over is good? What about that "immigrants steal jobs from the local inhabitants" speech you just gave? Most definitely a lot of British people were unhappy with the Poles coming here in such numbers, and it shows, even on this forum.
26 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Yawn, terrorism in London is quite common. Since you love links so much, try this one: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_in_London

Since there's an overwhelming amount of attacks from the IRA, this is clear evidence that Irish and Catholic people are inherently evil and violent.

We can play this game forever, this is the last time I point out your faulty generalization logic.

I'm not trying to convince you or lecture you at anything, Matowy, so relax. But there is evidence out there, that life is not how you seem to look at it.

I don't dispute that you are well-travelled. I do think you're lying or exaggerating, but I have no proof of that. I know other highly experienced people who have travelled the world as much as you allegedly have, they love it because they get to experience new and different places and leaving their boring home life behind. You, apparently, are still living in some Arab ghetto in Bergen or Oslo and take it and your prejudices with you wherever you go, so you filter your alleged experiences through the tiny lens that your upbringing gave you. As I say, I doubt you have even travelled many places, and I 100% think you're lying.

I'll call your bluff as well; what did you see in Newcastle that enforced your views? I've grown up in Newcastle large parts of my life and have much family there, and I'll be interested to see what you come up with.

If poles come to England and get a bit "culture-shocked", that's natural, when you know that they probably haven't even seen, less likely talked to a non-european in their whole life. And I don't think they are too impressed with what they encounter, even though it might be "exciting", and "new", the first few months. But after a while, I think if you talk to them, they will all agree that this is not a society they will want to import back home in Poland.

Tell that to millions who are staying here.

Your reply to my post was typical left-wing liberal blah-blah, you just talk until people fall asleep, without actually giving any information, experience or relevant facts.

Oh, hello there again kettle. Irony is where you keep trying to label me as being constantly insulting, yet you yourself attempt to label me with all sorts of your own prejudices. If you are curious about my political or ideological views, then you have a keyboard with which to type. Use this "?" key and form a question. If you can't find that key, then feel free to keep trying to build your straw man with these silly "You're a leftist !!!" rants.

As for the criminal poles in Britain, I say, get the f*ck out!

They aren't deported because they have legal rights to be here, and have no more obligation to follow the law here than they did back home. In terms of criminal offences, they are treated just like everyone else, which is how it should be. This may be an alien concept to many Poles, but in the UK we try not to catagorize people based solely on one aspect of them. That means that each person is treated as an individual, regardless of their ethnicity or religion. If we were still stuck in the 1800's thinking that a person is only the sum total of their ethncity or culture, then this country wouldn't be so great as to allow millions of Poles to flood our shores. The Poles were an unnecessary addition to the UK, unlike in the 60's when we needed blacks and Asians to come and stimulate our workforce and economy. The Poles were unnecessary and unwanted, but were allowed in anyway out of sheer kindness. All other EU countries have placed limitations on Eastern European immigration.

What do the muslims do, besides opening corner stores, receiving benefits on their 8 children and beating their wifes(plural). In Norway we have hundreds of thousands of poles. They work hard and are appreciated. We also have hundreds of thousands of muslims. Guess who's in the newspapers for violent crime, welfare scams, rapes, shootings, drugs and failing to "intergrate"?

If they do all of that, then why do you label them as "Muslims" and not just as an immigrant group? It's strange to catagorize a criminal generation by a religion, that's like attributing racism of Poles to Catholicism. I already know the answer; like I said already, you're trying to justify your own experiences by applying it to the rest of Europe. Not all of Europe has the same type of immigrants as you do in Norway, so you try and link them all together using something as weak as religion. Not only that, but you yourself are an immigrant, and so your criticism of immigration as a whole would be hypocritical, and you know it. I can tell you again that your prejudices do not apply to the rest of Europe. "Muslims" here are not especially known for doing tons of crime. Quite frankly, it's just more evidence of your lack of objectivity and bigotry that you're trying to link crime with a religion. There's no evidence for that at all, unless you can find the passages in the Quran that definitely say "Thou shalt cause gang violence, thou shalt scam, though shalt rape, thou shalt do drugs and shoot people". I would try and find you statistics for "Muslim" crime in the UK, but I don't think anyone in my country is stupid enough to embark on such an irrelevant study. The best I could do was find the GDP input from Pakistani's in Britain (the largest contributor to the Muslim population), and it's completely in proportion. I do see an increasing number of Arabs in my town though, but I don't know where they work, if at all.

Just a norwegian newspaper link here about Somali immigrants.

I have no experience with Somalians, and I'm not going to form an opinion based on newspaper articles. Unfortunately it's a difficult position for the Norwegian government. I can see what you're trying to do though, and I'm going to point it out. Just this once you are going to refer to Somalians only, and then apply their lack of employment attributes to all Muslims, so that you can hate both the Somalians and the Arabs in the laziest way possible. Have some dignity.

EDIT: I did a bit of googling, and came up with these:

Not one reference to "Muslims" at all, not even to Arabs, Turks, or the constant Pakistan-India immigration. If anything, the general consensus is that inter-European immigration is more of an issue. So much for your fantasies.
26 Jun 2010
History / Poland in the eyes of London - before WWII. [60]

I think he overestimated your naval power

As well he should have, as it's what starved Germany into submission during the First Word War.
25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

We obviously are on two different planets.

Thanks, kettle. Stick to actual proper discussion as opposed to this silly "You're insulting me, boo hoo!" nonsense that you're putting on.

And by all means, do proceed to make assumptions about my background to try and build a straw man argument. It won't work, of course, but maybe it's an effective coping mechanism for you.

That sentence fails on so many levels.

VERY nice. Specify a hypothetical, then when a realistic and sensible solution to tha hypothetical is given, alter the parameters of the hypothetical so that the previously proposed solution no longer applies, and THEN declare how impractical and silly the previous solution was. Don't waste my time.

What "violent muslims"? Specific examples please. Which Islamic organizations in Europe are dedicated to creating "tough third world" muslims with the intention of... just being violent? If anything, I think it's clear your views are influenced by a few experiences you've had. Probably you've been attacked by some Arab kids, in your unfortunately undeveloped mental state you somehow attribute this to them being Muslims (???) so you can paint a picture of a Europe-wide threat in which your experiences and conclusions drawn are justified. Well no, get real and grow the **** up. Maybe you've been unlucky at times, but deal with it. Learn to think as well, because as I keep stating, your lack of proper application of logic is disheartening.

I agree that Western European kids tend to be soft, but that's such a different matter. In any case there's nothing to be done about it, it's their choice.

I don't think this would happen in Poland.

Again, what does this have to do with a religious group or immigration? I was under the impression (at least here in the UK) that Muslims do not enter night clubs because they do not consume alcohol.

If they want to live life, feel alive, being with friends and follow football as is done in eastern Europe, what's wrong with that?

Absolutely nothing. In fact most people do that through natural social impulse. What you're failing to mention is that football hooligans are specifically named so because of their tendency to initiate pointless violence, which breaks the law.

I have no doubt that football games are atmospheric, and I do not care one bit. This discussion is not about football.

Ok, you're clearly not getting the point. The bouncer is German, the troublemaker is turkish, he is wildly aggressive and attacks verbally and with his bodylanguage. If you are tough and trained, like the 5 times world champion kick-boxer doorman, you will not be afraid.

Oh my god, you just blew my mind. Thet tall, thin, loud-mouthed unthreatening guy is Turkish - Turkish people are largely Muslim - therefore MUSLIMS LIKE TO CAUSE VIOLENCE !!! Your logic makes perfect sense.

Oh, and also, because the bouncer is German - Germany invaded Poland and killed millions of Jews, Slavs and Romani - therefore Michael Kuhr is an EVIL NAZI SLAV-HATING RACIST !!! Thanks for bestowing me with your logic, now the world makes perfect sense in its simplicity.

Sarcasm aside, the Turkish guy is completely non-threatening and not even "macho". I'm sure there are better examples out there, but this one is just pointless. It's exactly what it looks like on the surface; a rude and dumb kid trying to get into a club, the bouncer turns him away in the midst of verbal abuse. It's pretty standard, I don't see what pattern there is supposed to be in this.

I'm seeing the pattern here, whenever you encounter immigration going smoothly (which it usually does), you feel the need to label the circumstances "PC". It's a very common, and boring, tactic among your type. You think you're the only person in the world with experience, and everyone else just reads newspapers? Nie, sorry friend, the world is more complicated than you give it credit. For the record, very little violence in the UK is due to immigration. My town is one of the worst in the UK, and it's 99% white. I don't feel threatened or intimidated when in an immigrant neighbourhood at all, there are even a few Turks and Arabs here. The most dangerous neighbourhoods are the ones that are 100% white, due to gang violence, alcohol, drugs, etc. Instead of being a bigoted moron, I don't attribute ethnic or religious factors to this, because there's no point and no relevance. I'm sorry you grew up in some urban nightmare in a metropolitan Norwegian city, I can't say I envy you, but you simply don't factor into your conclusions that your experiences are very limited and do not speak for the whole of Europe. Be as anti-Turk-Arab-Muslim-Immigrant as you want in your hometown or Norway, since that is where your experience and relevance is, but it's clear you know nothing about how immigration works in the rest of Europe. Certainly not the United Kingdom.

They know zero about the real life, and if they know anything, they hide it. Just like they did here in Norway the other day, when a norwegian youth got beaten by 15 immigrants in Oslo. It eventually came out who did it and who the victim was. But the media just said, "Youths, victim" in their reports, deliberately avoiding the facts.

And whenever Polish immigrants commit a crime in the UK, do the newspapers scream about the fact that they're an immigrant? No they don't. Sometimes they give a name, sometimes they don't, but it rarely happens that they will say "Some Poles comitted X crimes". They will say "People", "Youths" or whatever, because usually the immigrant label is irrelevant. Trust me, an easy case can be made for the Poles in the UK being violent and confrontational, all the traits you apply to the "Muslims", but how do you think it works in reality? I can make a well-evidenced case for the Poles being nothing but evil, violent, money-sucking criminals in the UK, and I can make a well-evidenced case for them being polite hard workers, and great for the local economy. The point is that I can spin it any way I please, which is exactly what you're doing. Taking your small, limited experiences and trying to validate them by drawing wild conclusions based on carefully selected evidence. You base nothing on facts, only your emotions. And yet you talk about being a "man", pft...

It's 1984 all over again. And you seem to live in this life, where the streets don't exist, only the cantina at your university or your coffee shop, where you sit on you mac and sip your latte, telling people like me that "You're dumb"....keep on doing this, Matowy, it only backfires on yourself, and makes you look like the ignorant and pompeous..

Make more ad hominem attempts, it really helps you.

Attempted edit: Please say something original in your next post. I have said all I can, and I am by now tired of these discussions.
25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Even dumber are people who actually write what you just wrote. You show that you have no clue about football or the culture within it.

No, I know enough about it. I know that the football culture is primitive, for simple-minded people. No good comes from it, it is just a step back in mans evolutionary timeline.

And you have nothing to answer me with...besides insults...so what does that say about you?

I am not insulting you, I think that you should know that your views are absolutely moronic. The paths of logic you follow would appear almost alien if they weren't so simplistic. It takes a special kind of stupidity to think that football hooliganism is the way forward.

I speak from experience, as I've followed a football team for many years and have learned about group thinking and how one reacts when confronted either verbally or physically. I've been scared shitless, and felt the adrenaline rush when being outnumbered and facing serious injury. It has taught me important things.

No it hasn't, you derived from it what twisted lessons you could possibly try based on your ideology.

I feel this is important in todays society, where you will face these emotions not only on the terraces, but in the streets of european cities.

Basic knowledge of self defence is all that is needed. Football culture is entrenched in creating violence; it is not based defence, not even a little. What you're basically saying is that you want more violence.

Poland having a big hooligan scene are better prepared to meet this reality

This is one example of the stupidity which you display. Again, not an insult, your logic is just terrible, and it's clear you have 0 objectivity about the things you claim to know a lot about. This makes all your alleged experiences worthless, because you don't have the objectivity or intelligence to analyze them and reach sensible and realistic conclusions. A person with normal brain functions would, for example, know that these hooligans are a part of the problem of violence, they aren't some defence league. They're called hooligans for a reason; because they're stupid and violent.

than some metro-sexualized youths in western Europe, when they meet highly macho 3rd world people.

And here we have you trying to shoehorn your ideology into this. What do third worlders have to do with this? If you want people to be more tough then that's one thing, but bringing immigration into it is another sign of your lack of objectivity.

This is one example you can look at;

Completely irrelevant to the discussion. It's some bouncer doing his job. Relevance?

football tribalism and the future of our countries.

It's an oxymoron, and it's amazing that you can't see that. "Tribalism" and "Future" do not belong anywhere in the same sentence. Tribalism is detrimental to development, it takes exquisite feats of denial to think otherwise.
25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

So, go on Polish football hooligans, keep training, working out, fighting and get the feeling of brotherhood...it's gonna save your asses when the day comes.

This has to rank pretty high on the list of dumbest things you've said. Everyone may be willing to play Emperor's New Clothes with you indefinitely, but make no mistake; you are by far one of the dumbest people possible. If it weren't for your Norwegian background your English probably wouldn't be so deceptively eloquent, and your real self would show more often.

even though they had given me a rather expensive education within intelligence

An expensive education maybe, you do have an air of arrogance and pompousness about you, but it takes real intelligence to be able to use that education. Without a doubt, pissing diamonds down a toilet is less wasteful than trying to educate you on anything that requires logic or objectivity. People like you never learn to think with their brains, only their primitive urges.
25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I had to laugh at the post claiming British people are tolerant and open-minded.

I wouldn't describe it as tolerance or open-mindedness, people are just starting to care less and less about ethnicity. With some places having huge multi-ethnic populations, such as London, people growing up and living there are desensitized to the shock of such a diverse society. It's not a conscious effort, it's just apathy, albeit the best kind. I remember at school we only had one black student in every thousand (and of course no black teachers) but the black students were never thought of as different or discriminated against, even the ones that came directly from Africa. They're so good at integrating that they're culturally indistuingishable from the native white British population. Nobody even bats an eye if someone dates a black person, even though it is a rare sight, but nobody sees anything wrong with it. Asians, on the other hand, are quite racist. The stubbornness of religion + the Indian caste system makes the Pakistani Asians horrible at assimilating. Inter-racial, even inter-caste, relationships are a big deal to them. It's really entirely their own problem.
25 Jun 2010
Love / Love without chemistry? (Asian in love with a Polish woman) [195]

I'm only in it for the sex...clear and simple.

What? You could settle down with someone on the basis of sex alone? How could you find someone attractive indefinitely? I thought that sexual desire had a tendency to get bored...
25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I find it kind of funny as a matter of fact, that so much of the stuff we can read, historically, things that were written in the mid and late 1800's. when Great Britain was a major influence on the 'intellectual' world.. but these works are mainly the work of the privileged classes and their cohorts.

Pretty much all of the literature from that era was written by the upper classes. It's only until the World War that the class lines begin to blur, and the upper classes would openly mingle with the lower and write about the experience. In a way it was a shared experience, they both experienced the same things in the war, but only the upper classes were able to write about it (the lower too, as by this time education had picked up, but it was mostly just letters and diaries).
25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Somewhat on topic: I've seen a small community of what appear to be dark-skinned South Asians in my town, and I assumed them to be Asian and thought nothing of it. Then I heard them all speaking in a (somewhat strange) Polish dialect, interacting with the wider Polish community, and even walking around with Polish translators. I don't know how they fit in to Poland's ethnic/cultural monogomy, but I was amazed to find that such people could come from Poland.

For reference, I still don't know how they fit in with Poland. They might be gypsies, but they look more like first generation Indians as opposed to a distant generation. One of the women who caught my eye a few times has the really distinguishable Polka eye shape, though.
24 Jun 2010
Love / Love without chemistry? (Asian in love with a Polish woman) [195]

I think there're two types of relationships. The Heart type: chemistry, emotion and feelings. The Brain type: reasonings, will that relationship bring about what you need, make you feel secure, less worry, helpful to your kids.

Have you never heard of sexual relationships? Some people are together purely to have sex.

So how is your muslim arab boyfriend treating you?

Sad trolling attempt. You didn't even try to be subtle.
24 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Right, because tolerance logically leads to a complete and absolute take-over, as it always has done. Like when Poland tolerated all the Jews, Poland went from Catholic to Jewish overnight. I can see that you have historical facts and realities on your side of the argument.
23 Jun 2010
Language / Difference between Polska & Polsce? [26]

it's similar to spanish or italian in some of the way it works

Pure nonsense. Spanish and Italian are as easy as taking a piss compared to Polish.
22 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

I will say it again, these women who marry men for money are filth.

Then you are ignorant of history, because it's only very recently (in historical terms) that women gained the rights to working, property, inheritance and voting. Up until about a hundred and so years ago, women had none of these things, and marrying into status and money was not only the norm, but also highly sought after. Much, much more sought after than marrying for love, which was largely just a fantasy. And the country was much more religious back then too. So much for your sanctity of marriage. Women still do that today as well, it's just somewhat more subtle (and I use the term loosely). It's a fact that men with money and posessions that show off their status become unrealistically more attractive, just as women with a figure that's ideal for carrying babies are more attractive.
21 Jun 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

One has to be really blind to claim Turks are European. Yes, yes, you didn't do it, but some people still believe Turks are Europeans in denial.

Well if they're potential candidates for the E.U, then they have to be at least partly European. And if they do enter the E.U, then they will be European.
21 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

And face it, for a woman this is the easiest way of making money. Some do it because they simply like sex and make out of their hobby their work, so to say.

Maybe that's a Netherlands thing, but it does not happen here, nor in many other places.

No, that's your interpretation of it. Probably infused with religious moral ethics.

No, that's how it is in reality. I have several family members in the Police who deal with prostitutes on a daily basis, and prostitution hot-spots are not hard to come across, nor is it difficult to ascertain the personal habits of such prostitutes. They don't look like sharp businesswomen to me.
21 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

So for something to be comparable to prostitution it only has to be an unorthodox service? So selling marijuana is comparable to being paid to have someones dick jammed repeatedly in your vagina, mouth or anus, having them release semen inside your body at the risk of pregnancy and contracting diseases, and then using the money "earned" to buy cocaine and snort yourself into a coma? Yeah, I see the parallels.

Of course. You seem to forget that half of the prostitutes, if not the biggest group are doing it simply for the money, to get a better lifestyle.

That's one way of putting it. A more accurate portrayal is that their lifestyle is so bad already that prostitution can't possibly make it any worse.

but most actually do it because the either like sex, want a better life or have it as a main income.

??? That sounds more like escorts. I have never met or heard of a prostitute who was totally clear and OK with her lifestyle. Drugs are involved most of the time.
21 Jun 2010
Love / Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands? [418]

Are you sure? If the third worlders the Polish women so much love are actually richer than Polish men, then I feel sorry for your country's economy...

You know even third world countries have rich people in them? My friends from Warszawa seem to spend 500% more than me on frivolous things.
21 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Isn't that the case with any ppl of any nationality that lives in the US or in Canada?

They WISH they were real Dutch or whatever, so they over-exaggerate their "heritage" in a pathetic attempt to make themselves seem more exotic and interesting, which is the case with these "Polish"-Americans. It's a phenomena of desperation.
21 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

They do it only to get better and they satisfy a need in exchange for money.

No, completely wrong. Prostitutes are not business-minded, they do their "jobs" because of desperation, usually to fuel drug addictions, and there is often an organization at work that is actively exploiting them. Men who simply must **** something can just go on the pull, it's not that difficult.

And no, these Slavic brides are not doing anywhere near the same thing. At no point is it mentioned, indicated or hinted at that they engage in sexual relations with their artificial husbands. In fact it's a common occurance in these marriages that the husband and bride see very little of eachother and only do the absolute minimum to make their marriage look genuine. All they're actually doing is signing a contract and going through a ceremony. Easy money, I can't blame them for doing it. It's the system that's broken, and anyone is going to exploit it given the motivation.
21 Jun 2010
History / Poland in the eyes of London - before WWII. [60]

britain went to war because they were concerned with the growth of german power disrupting the balance of power in europe.

Correct. I'm amazed that people can even consider anything other than this. It was a power struggle, nothing more. Trying to ascribe good intentions to it is disrespectful to the whole war.
21 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

there's nothing wrong with prostitutes, where ever they are! They earn an honest living.

You're simply retarded, I find it amazing you can even switch on a computer. You just don't have any real life experience whatsoever, nobody can be this naive.

Nothing to do with my personal life.... which is almost perfect..

You're an unemployed early-to-mid-20's child who either lives with her parents, or some other family. In the event that you do have a partner, then you live with them and offer very little in the way of financial contribution aside from your regular housewife duties. You may think you're all ambiguous, but no, you're pretty easy to read. Nobody is as bitter, nor as stupid, as you are and describes their personal life as "perfect"... unless the phrase "ignorance is bliss" holds especially true meaning for you. In any case, nobody here is fooled by some foul-mouthed kura domowa whose parents/partner allows her too much time on the internet and not enough time outside participating in things that would teach her about the world, let alone the country, in which she lives.