USA, Canada /
Do you speak English? Have you lived in America? New LOVE/HATE list......... [144]
do you really think the right to bear arms is a good idea and worthy of place on the "greatest document ever written"?
Yes.. and gun violence no matter how much your BBC would like to convince you otherwise is not that widespread in the US. There's a lot of things said about the US designed to make the average European feel snug in his bed at night. "At least I'm not in the US where all the bad guys live". Lol, Let me tell you I have never witnessed a robbery .. let alone an actual shooting. I've been to Detroit , Chicago (extensively), Miami, DC, LA.. and of course, New York. Still have never witnessed gun violence first hand. It's more or less relegated to the ghettos, drug dealers killing each other, the mafia turf wars , .. and of course Hollywood movie lots.
Would I like to see guns a little less easy to obtain, yes I would. Maybe a mandatory course on safety.. background checks to see if somebody has a mental illness.. sure I would. But the fact that you can defend your house, family or person against an attack is a simple basic right everyone should have. Many a shivering soon to be cadaver in the Soviet gulags probably wished he and his neighbors had a few pistols and rifles around at some juncture.