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Joined: 17 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 292 / In This Archive: 91
From: Pyongyang, DPRK
Speaks Polish?: Korean, Engrish
Interests: Spread ideas of North Korean glory and self sufficiency

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21 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Not much people is paying attention to that (here you can find everything):

what sucks is that even if they do build, they build poorly. how often do we hear on the news that "so and so stretch of road, opened for use two years ago, already has to be resurfaced due to shoddy construction...."???? the answer to that question is: often.

21 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

since when in Poland has it been practice for schoolchildren to receive dinners anyway?

didn't they recieve dinners under socialism, or at least he grade school kids? OK so it was runny spinnach and burnt (and therefore incredibly stinky) milk and rice soup, but it was free.
21 Jan 2010
Life / Lack of Spacial Acuity in Poland [69]

Lack of Spacial Acuity in Poland

so true, though it would be interesting to compare Poland with China. On a similiar note, folks raised in the USA might be frustrated here in Warsaw because in the states people don't walk around much...they all drive. Sidewalks are wider too. But agreed, Poles in Public often seem to have this duuuuhh expression on their faces when they are rushing about or otherwise that classis "anal retentive loose cannon in a hurry look out here I come" look.

Obviously in some countries sidewalk discipline is not a problem:
20 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Transfer of funds between Poland and Canada [5]

Theoretical question: what is the safest way to transfer cash from a Polish bank to a Canadian bank without getting hassled by the man? Looking to pay the least ammt of fees possble, maximum safety, and all that good stuff on sum of about PLN 80,000. These of course are not any kind of illegal funds by the way.
20 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

a clear ray of sanity emanating from one country: Poland.

that'll be the day. LOL
19 Jan 2010
Love / Polish guys who have never had girlfriends [71]

A lot of people seem to forget that Poles are for the most part Roman Catholic.

I don't think their catholicism makes them any more holy in their actions than the next batch of sinners. And since when does the catholic church keep Polish teens from screwing? The ones that can do it with pleasure. The ones that can't score might credit their bible thumping, but I would credit the fact that Polish dudes in general are goofy looking (note: common Polish male basketball-head haircut and those glasses they all wear) and couldn't get laid in Sweden.
11 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

Even here in Warsaw there's something special.

yeah, that special stink in the air.
9 Jan 2010
Work / Salary expectations in Poland [373]

rough example of Costs in Warsaw: about 1000 PLN for mortgage payment (obviously more per month if you rent a two room flat), about 100 PLN every few months for gas, same for electric, 45 every month for internet, PLN 78 monhly for transit card, plus give or take another 100 PLN for the random odd bill here and there. This means that for the basics of living I pay about 1200 zlotts, but if you rent a one room flat of average quality and location you will likely pay about 300-400 more per month. I'm guessing.

Food is obviously something I havent added, as some people are either gluttons or food snobs and they pay much more than I do, or they skimp on whatever they can and live off of the cheap nasty stuff, which means they pay less. Whenever I buy groceries for a few days in advance I seem to pay around 30-40 zlotts, but I generally stay away from the caviar isle. Orange juice (1L) costs about 5 pln, as does a bag of pasta.

As for wages it depends. I know people who earn about 1500-1700 per month, they are teachers or work in shops, or entry level jobs in various firms (mailroom or whatever).

I also know lots of freelancers who earn anywhere between 500 and 3000 PLN per month (occasionally more), it just depends on the quantity of work. This includes freelance teachers, translators, or graphic designers.

I also know some people who have cushy jobs which pay more (8000-15,000 PLN monthly), in many cases these jobs were arranged by influential friends, unless of course they really do involve some hot in-demand specialised field.
8 Jan 2010
News / 2009 Quality of Life Index: Poland behind Czech, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia.. [52]

Canadian. Number Eleven. Yay.

oh well. These are just numbers after all. After comparing Canada and the US up close and personal (extended visits to Canada, family in both places, living in the US for most of my life), I can't really see the major difference between the two on a day-to-day level. Maybe less visible poverty in Canada, if anything. Canada, i still like you.

Besides didn't Canada consistently receive the title of "Best Place to Live" again and again until recently?
8 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Differences in How Polish People Raise a Child and How Americans Raise a Child [149]

but many moms/grandmas cannot tolerate it when a child skips a meal because they simply are not hungry. It's a big issue between my mother-in-law and I.

also note that in Poland among the old school crowd food is considered punishment and not pleasure, so if you are a kid and hate sour cream, you will be force-fed the sour cream and if you cant keep it down, you will then be force-fed the sour cream along with the vomit that it came up with.
4 Jan 2010

in all honesty, how many americans do you know that have lived in poland for 20 years.

crap. touche.

have any of you ever considered that the Polish government doesn't WANT the borders to open in America for Polish citizens?.it would be devastating to Poland's economy and the well being of it's citizens.

well put, youre making good sense here! the wages in Poland have had to be low so that the old commies could collect their fat checks..
3 Jan 2010

Some are here 20 years or more and barely understand english.

LOL. I know Americans like this in Poland. Been here for ages and still don't know how to order a beer in a pub.

However, to add fuel to this fire, there was just a piece in the paper here in Warsaw about Poles and their attitude towards work, a few foreign managers working in PL commented how Poles love to make up rules but hate to follow them.
3 Jan 2010
News / Czech drug legalisation threatens Poland [111]

Have they done this to increase tourism...?

as if their country, especially Prague, has been short of tourists. Prague has long been over run by tourist hourdes, which is why drug dealers have had an easy time finding customers. As for Poland, you dont really get how it works do you? Poland has some of the stiffest penalties for drugs in Europe, at least on paper. This is convenient for the mafia, which is still quite active in Poland, and they capitilize on it. It is not unheard of for cops to be in cahoots with drug traffickers. In corrupt countries, having stiff penalties for drugs is an excellent way for the mafia to get rid of the competition. The police roll up some "independent" dealers while the mafia-sponsored dealers pay off cops to be able to do their thing.
20 Nov 2009
Life / Indian Stores In Warsaw [139]

Namaste's location in the old town in Warsaw is fantastic, large portions and not too expensive.
19 Nov 2009

The commission has officially changed the name of the EU's GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) programme to "Kopernikus," the German spelling of Copernicus, at the initiative of Commission Vice President Guenter Verheugen, a German. The Polish spelling is "Kopernik."

Argue all you want, but the German version simply has a cooler ring to it.
19 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

What about homos who want Lesbian nuns and homo priests in the Catholic Church?

that would certainly make mass more worth going to.
19 Nov 2009
News / What does Poland Import? [18]

machinery and transport equipment 38%, intermediate manufactured goods 21%, chemicals 14.8%, minerals, fuels, lubricants, and related materials 9.1% (2003)
16 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Slavija, not part of Muslimija.

where Slavinuia and Muslimja are is obviously a fluid concept, as are the borders of Poland. That's Europe for you. Powers grow, powers wane, and it is always the sheep-herding yokels who are caught in the crossfire, and then we have to listen to grandparents who lament the loss of this or that city to the "barbarians" from across the border....too bad.
16 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Christianity is part of european life which should be preserved.

tribes squabbling over land is a part of European life, that's the way it was and that's the way it will be. Muslims have been living in the Balkans for hundreds of years, for example. Like it or not they are here to stay.
16 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

but Poland survived and exist. because its something more than land. its a pride, its the language, its the religion, its the culture, its history, its identity ...

..and its the inbred inability to queue up in an orderly fashion.
16 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

this is europe build on christian foundations. our home.

actually Europe has pagan foundations, your ancestors were bare-assed worshippers of thunder and grain, lol
16 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

The European Court ruling does not require the Polish government to remove crosses from public places

so why the fuss? In DPKR we have portrait of Dear Leader Kim Il Jong and Great Leader Kim Il Sung in every classroom and in every home. Plus we wearing badge on lapels of the dear leader, everyone wears or go to reducation camp.
11 Nov 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

don't want POland to be like Germany: A place full of Muslims ,who have their own laws and hate the country.

you could come to wonderfuk Peoples Democratic Republic of North Korea where we have no such problems, immigrations of every aspect strict controlled! that is the way of the Juche.
10 Nov 2009
Work / I want to move to Poland (but of course we need to find a good job) [117]

with your skills you shoudn't have any problem finding a good job in Krakow(i think it's quite close to oswiecim).this is a big and fast developing city in southern poland with a great number of english,american , german and probably..spanish companies

though it doesnt hurt to know people as getting started on your own can be discouraging unless Lady Luck shines a light in your face. Many of the people I know have their jobs through family connections or through friends, although networking is a good thing to do everywhere, not just in Poland (but in PL in particular it is a necessity).