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Posts by mira  

Joined: 28 Jan 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 20 Mar 2010
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24 Dec 2009
Genealogy / Is the Surname Yang Polish? [14]

Not Polish for sure. I'd agree with krysia that it might be a jewish surname.
24 Dec 2009
Food / What's on YOUR Wigilia table? [20]

typical dishes served at your home on Wigilia

I can't do without pierogi, however, it's the second dish I have, just after zupa grzybowa. I know that there are as many people who have zupa grzybowa (mushroom soup) on Wigilia as those who have barszcz czerwony (beetroot soup).

Herring variations (either in oil or cream, or I don't even know...) are a must, though I wouldn't touch it :)
Ohh, and, of course, last but not least, cabbage with pea.
22 Dec 2009
News / Freezing weather in Poland, 42 people dead in winter freeze... and no-one cares? [140]

umm...my basketball team?what are you on about?
I do feel sorry for SOME of them since I can understand that different things can happen to a person and you don't choose to be homeless. However, many of those people have a problem with alcohol and, when I read Amathyst's post it makes me laugh "You don't choose to be an alcoholic".Nahh, of course you don't, vodka just pours into your mouth without you being aware of it.ha. ha.

I'm not for helping those people until they decide to help themselves first.
20 Dec 2009


My mate told me a few days ago, that her friend got a holiday visa to the U.S. Unfortunatelly people responsible for "letting people in" to America simply told that person:No, you're not welcome here( I'm sorry but I don't know how it works to be honest), and he had to go home. Paid a lot for plane tickets and this was the end of his trip to the U.S.

So now he's always applying for a working visa, since holiday visa for Poles means sh*t to Americans.
20 Dec 2009
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]

I hear the Winters are brutal down there.

Yeah...they are very brutal for a few days.Just like at the moment.It's -12 C in my city and it has been like this for the past four days.But it's getting warmer starting on Tues.

It really depends, because sometimes here can be a 0 Degrees temperature almost through whole winter.
16 Dec 2009
Love / Insultive opinions about Polish girls... [139]

Or that we dress like ******

because some of us, polish girls dress like *****. it's undeniable. shall i provide some pictures to support my statement?
also, some of us are gold diggers, would other polish girls deny it? i'm not speaking about myself though, because if i was like that, i wouldn't probably admit that "those people" are right.but yes, they are.
15 Dec 2009
News / What Poland can't do right [113]

I'd agree on polish bread.and maybe hairdressers.
and that's it.
I'm not sure about polish girls though, since there are also many of them who are actually ugly.or can' dress properly. but i guess it happens in every country;)

there's a lot that poland cant do well, starting with economy...hopefully one day our government will sort it out.
as for fish, milk and other stuff...where did you get this opinion from?
i also agree with one person who stated that "we" can't build roads.because "we"can't and i'm not sure whether one day we'll learn how to do it fast and efficiently.

as for krystal's post-lmao! I don't know where you learnt that polish girls work for playoboy and later become unemployed.or don't wear underwear.i can assure you that i DO wear underwear as well as my girlfriends.

what's more,

Polish ladies do not act like ladies, they get so drunk and passed out on roads or sidewalk in pulbic place.

i've seen so many british girls doing that, however not many from my country!
dear krystal, i'm waiting for another post of yours where i can find out from more about polish women.I'm sure your dislike towards them is well-grounded:)
28 Nov 2009
Love / How many Polish men are Violent how much is domestic abuse reported. [129]

Polish men who I know don't beat their women, so I reckon it's not that common as you all say. What's more, to me, it's not about your nationality, but the person you are.

I've already had a few bfs, and maybe they weren't perfect gentlemen, but they would never hit me.
9 Mar 2009
Love / Nice Polish women photos [329]

yes, but maybe you could put some pictures of Polish women who are actually wearing some clothes?:)
9 Mar 2009
Love / Different Attitudes of women born in Poland towards relationships? [20]

I think it's more or less the same in every country.Also, for some,a ralationship may be more important than friendship and for others it's the other way round. You should never generalise:)

Each person is different.Maybe you should talk with her about how she feels and what does she expect from you?
It's the easiest way to find out.