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Posts by Crnogorac3  

Joined: 21 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 27 May 2024
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 668 / In This Archive: 202
From: Cetinje, Crna Gora

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15 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

The Nazis were evil and had to be stopped,


And the Communists who killed even more people were not? For nations of East Europe the Bolshevik menace was perceived as the bigger threat.

The young Churchill charged through imperial atrocities, defending each in turn. When concentration camps were built in South Africa, for white Boers


In reference to the link you previously posted:


Many people are not aware that even before the Nazis it was the British who created concentration camps, look what they did in South Africa to the poor unfortunate Boers!

12 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Britain and France had an obligation under the defensive treaty in case someone attacks Poland to step in. If Nazis and Soviets both invaded Poland at the same time, then how come supposedly Polish allies Britain and France didn't declare war on the Soviet Union as well, why only declare war on Germany? This is the mistery.

This is what I tried to explain to dolnoslask, that so-called Polish allies gave false assurances to Poland.
12 Jan 2018
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]


Interesting observation by dr. William Pierce about the WWII situation in Poland.

If Britain and France had a defense pact with Poland and were its true allies then how come when Poland was invaded from two sides, they only declared war against Nazi Germany but didn't fire a single shot at the direction of the Soviet Union which occupied the eastern half of Poland?
11 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]


Is there no one to have a comment on this kind of typical fraud and false "testimony on the holocaust" and "Jewish suffering". It is a book that has earned millions, written by a Belgian who falsely presented herself as a Jewess (because it is obviously a guarantee of success and earnings) and which is completely invented.

From this example, it is remarkable to see what a business the "holocaust" has become. And what an extraordinary source of income for all sorts of fraudsters and charlatans.

I suggest that in this thread we try to gather more of such examples of proven false testimonies about the so-called "holocaust" and so at least to some people open their eyes on that question. Certainly there are other such or similar cases.
11 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

link? source?


Unmasked "holocaust victim". One down, many more to go.
10 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

That's not much to boast about, given the situation in other Slavic-speaking territories...

Well since you mention it, in this book I found a statistic with regards to Jews in Poland. Which I believe says a lot.


Paragraph 3, Page 64.

O prostituciji i trgovini belim robljem
- Od 1884. do 1935. godine u (nekadašnjim) austrijskim i ruskim dijelovima Poljske bila su pokrenuta 163 kaznena procesa pod optužbom za trgovinu djevojkama s ukupno 997 optuženih. Od tih 997 optuženih 988 su bili Židovi. U istom periodu donesena je 123.641 prijava za svodništvo, a među privedenima je bilo 121.689 Židova. Od 57 zakonom zabranjenih pornografskih izdanja (od 1922. do 1937. godine) 48 je pripadalo Židovima, a od 411 osoba pritvorenih zbog širenja pornografije, 369 su bili Židovi... (very interesting stats).
9 Jan 2018
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

It is intense Jewish hatred towards all non-Jews that in turn causes non-Jews to hate Jews.

2 Jan 2018
News / Jesus Christ is Now Officially the King of Poland [164]

Poles HATE Russians.

I am not dumb, mostly, I understand why Poles, Finns, Romanians or Hungarians do not like the Russians (although that's not generally the rule), but I really can not understand the Serbians or say Bulgarians who are Russophobes. There is no any logic there.

In Serbia, of course, the media is in total darkness and it propagates the EU ringing on all the bells and in every way for the past 17 years, so it is clear that some mentally less stable people began to believe in those stories. If they had been telling them that there was a Santa Claus for 17 years, they would probably believe it. However, I still think that the majority of those who hate the Russians are of non-Serbian origin, i.e. members of minority groups or from mixed and often titoist families.
1 Jan 2018
Love / What do Polish guys think of Asian girls? [50]

Why did you guys force me on to sin? :(
Well, I am a Christian and this Lucy Liu I looked at with lust. In the Bible the following is written:

"But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
Matthew 5:28

25 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / I'm so confused where to settle down - UK or Poland? Advice please. [21]

I love Poland as it's my homeland

In times like these I often remember a nostalgic patriotic song "Stay Here" full of patriotic pride and longing for homeland by Aleksa Šantić a Serbian poet.


Ostajte ovdje!... Sunce tuđeg neba
Neće vas grijat k'o što ovo grije;
Grki su tamo zalogaji hljeba
Gdje svoga nema i gdje brata nije.



Stay here! ... The sun of strangers' sky
Won't warm you like this one does
Bitter are the bites of bread over there
Where there's no one close and no brother.

21 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]


Napoleon Bonaparte once said that official history is bunk. Winners write the history.

George Orwell said:"He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past."

Polish students are being taught the version of history that had been adopted from the Viennese-Berlin school.

"Official history" is distorted, many historical events have been misrepresented with only the correct dates provided and even they too in some cases have been not accurate. Slavs are among the few nations that have unfortunately allowed others to write their history.
5 Nov 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

Joseph Breen - American Movie Censor & Irish Catholic Activist


Jewish Hollywood and the Futility of Half Measures


by Clement Pulaski
5 Nov 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

So many of the men in Hollywood being accused of sexual harassment and assault, like Harvey Weinstein, are Jewish.

Harvey Weinstein, Brett Ratner, Arthur Freed (real name: Arthur Grossman), Harry Cohn, Buddy Adler... etc. all in order, not only are rapists, they are rather interestingly of origin all to one - Jewish.

Wasn't Roman Polanski's father Jewish too ?

Roman Polanski (real name: Rajmund Liebling) both his parents were Jewish. His father's real name was Ryszard Liebling.
2 Nov 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

us legal system is pretty corrupt. if you get a misdemeanor or even a minor felony you can get it easily lowered to different charge, as long as you can pay the huge fees and convince the judge


Patricia Douglas vs. Hollywood


When Patricia Douglas was raped by an MGM salesman at a 1937 studio party, the 20-year-old dancer filed charges, taking on Hollywood's most powerful institution. Today, as Douglas breaks a 65-year silence, the author exposes the perjury, bribes, and smear tactics used to destroy her.


The Horrifying History of the Hollywood 'Casting Couch'


Hollywood has always been ruled by abusers, predators and rapists, and these stories prove it.
2 Nov 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]


Brett Ratner accused of sexual harassment by 6 women, including Olivia Munn
By Chris Jancelewicz - Senior National Online Reporter, Entertainment Global News


Six women accuse filmmaker Brett Ratner of sexual harassment or misconduct

In a January interview with Variety, Ratner said Evans, Toback and Roman Polanski, who was convicted of having unlawful sex with a minor in 1977, were among his "closest friends."

The Weinstein case was just the tip of the iceberg.
18 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


I want to say the following - if you are familiar with the works of Niccolo Machiavelli, then you know what he was talking about for nations/states without a foundation, he said (paraphrase): that all nations / states that were created in a hurry, overnight, without solid foundations, that they will disappear, because they do not have a solid foundation, a support on which to build their identity and culture, which is created for centuries, for millennia. And that everything that was created unnaturally, will not survive in this world.

Approximately he was speaking like that, you realized the essence of hope...


Thus, in this way were made up fictitious nations of the type - the croats, some kind of bosniaks, macedonians, montenegrins... all in unnatural ways, and they serve only as an ace in the sleeve, which they bring out from time to time.

How / when was created eg Albania?
A typical example, the shiptars NEVER had a state until 1912, when the Italians were desperately craving for our Adriatic coast, so they needed someone to stand between the warm sea and us - ie. Orthodox Christians.

The same thing with the croats - when did the croats have a state?
For a thousand years they have been without a state, only in 1991 they got it, and stories about some croatian-hungarian alliance... these are stories for young children...

You have one people - Serbian and one big country, that is, Greater Serbia that should exist, but no - it is easier to divide the country into 5-6 states, one to convert into Catholicism and the other to Islam and from time to time, give these people weapons in hand to fight among themselves ... This is how things go. The 90's being a typical example!

What kind of relationship does it have with Ukraine, someone will ask??
Well, it does, it's because they're also an ace in the sleeve!
This nation was created in a communist kitchen, when the Russians were occupied and for a while after the fall of the Berlin Wall they were left to sleep... to recently awaken them, that is, they threw that ace from the sleeves to the geopolitical table, pushed the unfortunate people and the poor into this war - and they had been fattening them for years / decades as they did with the croats... and there you have a problem.

CIA: Undermining and Nazifying Ukraine Since 1953




Russia must return Kiev, if it wants to once and for all time pacify & keep its house backyard in order, because don't you forget it, it's not the first time that the West has something to stirrup and churn at their door, remember the Teutonic Knights, the Polish-Lithuanian Union, Sweden...

Russia had a terrible pain for decades to throw them out of their backyard, thanks God for Alexander Nevsky and Peter the Great being there.

Today, Russia needs an Orthodox tsar of such a weld, is it Putin?? I could say anything about him, but that's not a topic now, he did some good things, some are not - I am most displeased with him for not diversifying the Russian economy...

So - Ukrainians are just an ace from the sleeve, as well as all fictional nations, which from time to time serve in their dirty games.
16 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

You fail to understand that Germany restrains itself deliberately when it comes to military power.

In 1999 Germany violated its own constitution which states that German military cannot be used in operations outside NATO territory. It was not approved by the UN Security Council. This was an illegal criminal act of aggression and Germany participated in it.


Not a single soldier of Yugoslavia was fighting on NATO member state territory or was a threat.
16 Oct 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

Harvey Weinstein

From A-list stars to budding actresses: The women who accuse Harvey Weinstein of rape and sexual harassment during his two decade reign of terror in Hollywood


15 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]


I understand what you wanted to say, but the difference is in that we first led an almost decade long war against the Judeo-West and their horsemen the so-called "croats"/balije/shiptars. However, the Ukrops at the nod of that same Judeo-West and without any resistance, were on their knees led by the example of their Ustashe brethren.

We were being bombarded, waged a war for almost ten years, a puppet government was brought to us by a foreign sponsored color revolution that has been ruining us for almost two decades, yet we are still standing better off than the Ukrops, who (without bombing of the whole country, without heavy sanctions, without trade embargoes etc.) have one ten times worse standard from us.
15 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

Compare it to Serbia or Ukraine, both outside the EU - I doubt you have visited either of them

Do not compare a country that was satanized in the media, bombarded and ultimately occupied with the Ukrops, who from the beginning had full American support.


Our army in '99 neither kneeled nor was kissing the American flag even though we were alone against the world's greatest superpower.
11 Oct 2017
News / Americans try to defame Poland yet again. [93]


Joker I live in Europe and I've seen it, as have millions of Americans as the show was aired on CBS-TV.
11 Oct 2017
News / Americans try to defame Poland yet again. [93]




This is how the American public is being subconsciously brainwashed.
10 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Ukraine no longer exists!!
This is one completely ruined, destroyed state... burnt land and there is nothing else there. I give her 2-3 years of life, i.e. in such a form as it is, for a maximum of 5 years, afterwards it disappears from the map of Europe, or will remain in some shortened form.

Russians will enter Kiev! That is to say, the greatest scope that they can reach and they will not go further towards Poland. The least the Russians will get in this war is an entity within the state, i.e. as Republika Srpska in BiH, however, I still think that Russia will go to Kiev.

NATO alliance is rotting, their military expenditures are over 600 billion $, all the wars they started, none have ended - Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan they have been smoked in Syria, Poles, Czechs, Slovakians are awakening, there are also Hungarians, a bunch of problems... They have no more room to cover these costs and they will either have to disappear, or sacrifice one of their spheres of interests - at the expense of the east, i.e. Russia.

1. Sphere of interest - the Baltics, Ukraine,
2. Sphere of interest - Turkey, the Middle East,
3. Sphere of interest - the Balkans.

I think that the first will be Ukraine, (as I wrote above - the conquest, ie the return of Kiev), then the Baltics, the annexation of Belarus. Thus, Russia will step up a step forward and it's good, for us Orthodox Christians, that's good.

People are dumb, blind, naive, they believe in pictures from the battlefield and thus interpret a conflict, :) so they think that there is an ideological conflict as it was in WW2...

I can only laugh at it. It's about geopolitics, that is, the attempt of the West - NATO to reach the Urals.
This was the goal of Napoleon, Hitler, the capture of the Urals and Siberia, the richest part of the planet Earth - ores, diamonds, gold, generally precious metals, oil, gas... But they will not succeed!!

They were not successful to go to the east of Ukraine, they pushed that unfortunate poor people into war, as well as the Ustashe and Balije against Serbs, and the saddest thing Poles think is that fascists are fighting - the communists, who are TOTALLY IRRELEVANT in the whole story...