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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 3335 / In This Archive: 1313
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Many and varied.

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9 Sep 2011
History / What do Poles owe to Russians? [193]

Germany made several olive branch offerings to the Poles, even up to the very last minutes before being forced to intervene militarily.

Wow we got a new neonazi to replace BratwurstBoy.
5 Sep 2011
History / 15.08.1920 - without Hungarians there would be no miracle at the Vistula - Poles remember [15]

However, I wouldn`t ascribe Polish victory to Hungarian help solely.

While it was the Poles fighting that achieved victory its a fact that without hungarian supplies there would be no victory, its an even less known fact that Hungarians offered to send a 100.000 strong core to support Poles but Czechs would not let them trough.
3 Sep 2011
Travel / My trip to Krakow and its ups and downs. [70]

No this isnt no trolling thread

Yes it is and you're a ******* troll merrily baiting people with your remarks and made up claims.

I think I'll avoid any 3rd world country from now on and stick to west Europe.

Not a troll eh?
3 Sep 2011
News / Polish Students Striking in Lithuania [80]

Both sides are being bastards to each other

How are Poles being bastards? Being anti-Polish again i see? Lithuania ignores signed agreements while Poland does not, its only Lithuanians fault that this situation arose.
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

What a pity Polish leaders at the time were so intent on retaliation and so blind!

Thats not so straightforward Pawian, Czechoslovakia actively worked with USSR and sheltered all ukrainian terrorists who asked for asylum, during the interbellum period Czechs did everything humanely possible to p*ss off Poland.

Today we like to discuss the possibility but the fact is Czechoslovakia and Poland back then where nothing short of enemies.
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

Actually Czech forces requested that Poland observed the terms of the interim agreement which Poland had signed.

Actually you're lying, no big suprise there, Czechs used polish sejm elections as an excuse to invade but hey we know you share Rabbits anti-Polish sentiments already.
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

I do find the glorious military successes of Mieszko I and Jan Sobieski interesting, but failing to mention them because I chose to discuss a couple of episodes in 20th century history does not make me anti-Polish.

The way you painted them yes, it does make you anti-Polish.

Czechs invaded polish territory twice, in 1919 when Poland was fighting Ukraine, Russia and Germany and again in 1945 and twice Czechoslovakia had to face the consequences.

You painted Poles as invaders deliberately to suit your anti-Polish sentiments, the situation was far more complex.

Czechoslovakia invaded polish territories in 1919 when polish armed forces were engaged elsewhere, despite the small scale of the conflict the interbellum Poland saw this as a stab in the back which quite frankly it was.

After 123 years Poland rises itself and with its own military might repels all who wanted to carve her up again and suddenly when all of her armed forces are elsewhere Poland finds itself assaulted without cause or provocation, the Czechoslovakian invasion cost both countries dearly as interbellum Poland would never treat with Czechs, in fact it was more than likely to go to war with them.

In 1938 Czechs probed the polish goverment for possibilities of military cooperation but Poles adamantly demanded Zaolzie or no talks would be engaged, the re-capturing of Zaolzie at the time Hitler annexed Czech part of Czechoslovakia while horribly timed was a result of a two decades old grudge, it was unreasonable of Czechs to expect no retaliation and its unreasonable of You to paint Poles as invaders, though you did it deliberately since you're prejudiced against Poland.
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

It was broad so I suggested narrowing it down.

You suggested narrowing it down to a completely different topic?:))))

You are welcome to withdraw your unnecessary comments about me.

I'm sorry you're an anti-polish troll who entered here with a bunch of biased remarks and tried to derail the thread, which part of my remarks is unclear?
29 Aug 2011
History / Has Poland ever participated in any big wars (except WW2)? [73]

Czech and Polish relations were around a regional border conflict, the fighting was local and small time (dont bother with wiki some moron edited it falsely) that you put Poles as aggressors ignoring the complexity of the issue and the fact that the thread requires big wars shows that you're nothing short of an anti-polish prick.

You're a troll, a lousy one too.

Lets list the big ones, i'm copying from wiki since i'm too lazy to write them myself, i'll put corrections where needed.


There's loads more too.
28 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

Where were ukrainian schools and universities for the past 500 years when they were NOT banned though? Of course Poland supressed Ukrainians during interbellum, their terrorist actions against polish people warranted such actions.

The point is Ukrainians never did develop a noteworthy culture of any sort and you can't blame that on the 19 years of supression when they did nothing for over 500 years.
25 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

A land with several large ethnic groups is multicultural.

Nope its multi-ethnical, a land with several cultures is multicultural.

Want examples?

Yes i do but seeing that you're an anti-polish neo-nazi with a long history of lying and dodging the burden of proof i expect you to do the same now.
25 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

No, it made it a multicultural land.

A multicultural land with polish majority, polish built cities, polish schools, polish univerisity, got any more fun ideas Palivec? Whats now western Ukraine wa until 1945 a polish land in every way imaginable.

Poles did the same in their "recovered territories".

No they did not, unlike neo-nazis like you who deny that western Ukraine was historically a polish land Poles never denied german heritage in Lower Silesia, Pomerania is iffy since it had quite often a polish majority.
25 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

I think you need maths lessons Sok - 1.5 million, plus 1.3 million, plus 400k = 3.2 million. There were (as you say) - nearly 3 million Poles - therefore - they weren't

No, to be specific they constituted 48.2% in 1928 (later it rose but i dont have access to any statistics) which makes them a majority of the population, the majority of the population since they were twice as large as any other group, thats called majority in any studies.

No bad thing, just a curious side note to history that they weren't a majority in that area.

Yes they were, relative to any other population whom they outnumbered 2:1 which combined with the fact that such demographics prevailed for the past 300 years made it a very polish land in every respect, historic, cultural and demographic.

Depends on what view you take.

How about you take a polish view for a second.

Poland comes to Ukraine, builds roads, bridges, schools, universities, brings an army that stabilizes the region that was the european equivalent of the warring Africa, for 400+ years Poles develop the region, everything thats built is built by Poles or commissioned by Poles, then after 400+ years the ukrainian minority decides that the land and all polish property on it should belong to them because their distant ancestors had a bunch of castles in the area almost half a millenium ago.

They walk in shoes made by polish factories, their water, heating, food and schools are there only because of Poles, they themselves contributed nothing for half a millenium yet the land is theirs because of what?
24 Aug 2011
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

the term was ever a false premise - and it is not ancient by any means - I guess it originated somewhere in the nineteenth century

Not at all, the term Małopolska was used since XV century.

that's why I said the name is misleading

By 1940 Poles were a majority in every single city (upwards of 70% population) and more than 90% of all elites for more than 400 years so i daresay the name is not misleading.

Also yes the Poles were a numerical majority in Małopolska Wschodnia at nearly 3 milion people as compared to 1.5 milion Ukrainians, 1.3 milion Ruthenians (Belarussians/Russians at this point) and some 400k Jews, that makes Poles more than 50% of total population and more than twice as large as any other group.
25 Jul 2011
History / Why is the Battle of Grunwald celebrated more than the Battle of Lubiszewo? [29]

The knights of the TO were crusaders who acted on behalf of the pope and HRE against heathens.

Novgorodians were Christian, the same goes for Poles, your point being?

The TO just turned against Poland when Lithuania and Poland were united and the TO faced a far more powerful enemy in a good strategic position which wanted to retake former Polish land

TO was fighting wars of agression against Poland for over a century by then.

The story is a bit more complicated than "evil proto-Nazis want to destroy peaceful Poland".

Nope its actually just that, Teutonic Knights came and started exterminating Christian and Pagan alike to carve out a country for themselves.
24 Jul 2011
History / Why is the Battle of Grunwald celebrated more than the Battle of Lubiszewo? [29]

And what were the intentions of the Teutons

Conquer, enslave, exterminate which they did, Pomorania lost more than 50% of its population, more than 90% of its urban population, they were more methodical than Chyngis Khan.

In what way RP was better than them?

RP did not exterminate Ukraine.

and for their pseudo-Christianity erazed ancient cultures in the Eastern regions just like the Conquistadors in the South America.

What culture did Poland erase? Ukraine was a barbaric wasteland, depopulated in the wake of the Mongol invasions and domestic infighting, virtually the only city in the entire Ukraine was Kiev.

If there was no Grunwald and the two just kept pissing each other off, we might have enjoyed the spots of the preserved antiquity today. I think this was one of the worst sides of Christianity, if it can be called as such.

If there was no Grunwald the Teutons would eventually conquer Lithuania, besiege Poland from three sides and destroy it, then they would have another go at Novgorod, this time with and an army ten or twenty times larger and do what they always did, burn the city and kill off all its inhabitants (they did it to Poles in Gdańsk and in many other cities), then they would do the sam to Kiev and then to Moscow.

Having exterminated all the urban hubs of Ruthenia they'd be masters of the entire Eastern Europe as far as Moscow.

IF you read a bit of history of Poland and its satelites as well as of Livonia you'd know that Teutonic Order was unusual in the fact that it exterminated as well as conquered.
24 Jul 2011
History / Why is the Battle of Grunwald celebrated more than the Battle of Lubiszewo? [29]

If you knew anything about history you'd know that TO was the richest and most powerfull state in Europe, its standing army was 12.000 strong, no country, not even HRE could boast such a force, Poland was the only kingdom with enough and modern enough troops to provide equal opposition so yeah TO would have conquered everything all the way to Moscow, even their weak proxies the Livonians were capable of providing a serious threat (Lake Peipus) so indeed Poland saved everything east of its border from the medieval version of the Nazis.
16 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Uh, what expenses will a 18-19 year old private have, apart from rent?

Family? Girlfriends? Also professionals with 10 years of service dont get much more so your question is fairly useless.

'm also wondering how many 18-19 year old privates will actually have families to raise.


Unless of course, you're suggesting that Poland is somehow unique and entering the army at the lowest level is common for people in their mid 20's.

20-25 years.
16 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

You're joking right? Ever tried to raise a family for 1800PLN? Because the 2500 is nominal pay before you deduct taxes, with 1800 you still have to deduct living expenses and you're left with nothing.
16 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Privates receive 2500 PLN plus various premiums, all in all between 2500 and 2800 PLN.

If you're out of an officer school as a Junior Lieutanant you're receive 3400 PLN, generals receive around 15.000 PLN.
15 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Ah, somebody off the internet. Perhaps you'll post his name, job title and the combination to his office safe :-))

Not at all, they all got pictures of themselves in uniform on Nasza-Klasa, you're a clown buddy and caught lying you were unable to save your face:)