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Posts by HatefulBunch397  

Joined: 5 Nov 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 29 Apr 2009
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24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Well if you want to be anti semitic it's your perogative. But it's you and not everyone so whatever.
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

There are 797 threads on this particular branch of the forums, please find us two antisemitic threads or shut up.

They don't represent all of us, just certain extremists. Not all polish have a problem with Jews or Israel, for that matter. Just let the record show this.
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

No i dont, personally i havent seen one anti-semitic thread, no sorry i saw one by i think Warsaw8, but you're implying that there's multiple threads that are explicitly anti-semitic so i'm calling you on that, please link us to those anti-semitic threads, or are you making stuff up maybe?

Threads and posts both.
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Please dont ignore my question, which threads here on PF are anti-semitic?

You know as well as I which ones are...
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

You also brainwashed that any criticism of Jews is antisemitic.

UM EXCUSE ME??? Did you read what I posted about MADOFF? What about Rabbi Aviner????? I am objective...
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

What image am I presenting? I am making Americans look bad?

It's the Polish ethnic group that looks bad as a whole based on some of the threads and posts in the politics and history part of PF. Yes, I'm American but my grandparents emigrated to the US from Europe and some of them are Polish. So you see, it's not just about Poles in Poland. It's about us Polonia in the US and where ever else too. We just need to get the word out the antisemitism doesn't represent us all, just a few extremists posting on a forum. Get that point across and all should be fine :)
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

You need to relax and enjoy the label that the Jews pin on you - You were born a Polish antisemite.

Not true. I've known jews who didn't label me an antisemite. After reading some of the posts on PF they might change their minds. Some of the threads and posts are just proving what jews who think we are born anti semites believe: Poles are anti semites. Poles are nazi collaborators. Poles are guilty. Repeating the same info over and over just makes us look guilty as hell too.
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

I'm in the US and the image you are presenting is a stupid one. You are making us look bad when you post the same trite BS. You look like you are covering your ass. It makes you look guilty as hell tho you don't seem to care.

It just makes the Polish look bad and I want to say to any objective observer reading this, don't pay attention to the anti semetic tripe it doesn't represent all Polish.
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Yes, but most people don't know to what extent it wasn't just Jews. When you have upwards of half the population who perished that weren't Jews, there is a significant underrepresentation of this fact in most media and academic sources.

You'd be surprised at what people are capable of knowing. They know more than you'd think. Most of what you see on sites like this are people stirring the pot, as they say. Using history as a means to an end, to upset people, try to manipulate them into feeling anger or guilt. In other words, it's a bunch of bs. We all know what happened and we all know there aint a damn thing anyone can do about the past so why go on and on?
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

It is mostly represented as 6 million Jews, and a few others.

Nope. It's not. People know nowadays it wasn't just jews. Especially if they read posts on PF. It's the same thing over and over. How many times does one need to post the same information?
24 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

What do you people have against the Polish??? You keep posting this stuff over and over on the Polish forum. Why do you do it??????

Is you goal to piss people off so they hate Polish everywhere?

Yes we know Poles rescued Jews. We know three million Jews died. We know three million Poles died. Why do some of you posters continuously stir trouble?
23 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Oh please, I've been to college. I studied Candide. Everyone with half a brain knows Candide is an anti semetic book. Quit lying about everything. Face reality and quit trying to make everything worse. You trying to prove the title of this thread is true? Poles really do hate jews? You are doing a good job of trying to prove it, eh?
21 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Honestly, Seanus, do you think people who want to learn more about Poland and Polish culture might be alienated by some of what they read, even though it's calmed down a bit. People who just want to know more might leave with the wrong impression...
21 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Jews are just another group to bash here, not part of the Borg.

lol I hope you aren't saying this is a hate site, Seanus, that would suck if you are.
20 Mar 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

i must say that the level of hatred for Jews displayed on this website is a horrible way to show one's Polish identity. this website conveys the impression that Poles still hate Jews. there is an expression that if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck and walks like a duck.... nonetheless, what is being done here is a disgrace to the Republic of Poland


Some of you from Poland need to realize you are NOT the only POLES. There are people of Polish descent all over the world with names that instantly are recognizable as POLISH and ALL of us do not share your anti semetism and that is EXACTLY the impression some of your posts leave. It's one of heartless disregard and cold blooded antisemetism. YES I understand you have complaints but for the consideration of us could you please phrase them in ways that are a bit more sensitive to the suffering of others, all others, including Polish people who live other places besides Poland? The way you express yourselves effects us as well when people read what you say and judge us all by that standard, thus discriminating against us based on biases and prejiduces one might develop while reading posts that occur on forums that bear the word POLISH such as this one. Please be considerate.

Thank you.
19 Jan 2009
Life / Calendar of Polish Name Days [36]

My Great Grandfather was born on February 14th and named after St Valentine.
31 Dec 2008
Genealogy / Any Polish Tatars here? [95]

They typically look atypical. Tatars were quite a mixed bunch.

I've read Vladimir Lenin came (partially) from Tartars and looks a bit like one.
29 Dec 2008
Life / Bollywood in Poland [32]

If I had access to Bollywood films on cable I would watch them all the time. I like the sets, clothing, dancing and singing, but I need subtitles because I do not speak or understand hindi. One of my fave films is "Guru".
27 Dec 2008
News / Polish-American soldier and his wife murdered by four marines [163]

That is so weird Marines murdering another marine like that and robbery being the motive plus a sexual assault. It's very out of the ordinary. I would call it suspicious to say the least.

Okay, Joe Pilsudsky, what do jews have to do with this particular thread? NOTHING!!! You are off topic!

Pietrzak, 24, was born in Poland, raised in Bensonhurst, and joined the Marines in 2003. Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak, 26, was black and from the San Diego area

Where do you get the idea his mother's part hispanic?
8 Nov 2008

So why do you think you've got some right to lecture us what we should think ?

Why do you think you got some right to keep everyone out of your country and keep Copernicus all to yourself?
8 Nov 2008

Why must you mistrust someone just because they are Cosmopolitian, Bratwurst Boy. You stated you don't care to live that way, and that's fine, but others like it and have no problem with it.
8 Nov 2008

I never understood the nationalistic pov. Wouldn't it be better if everyone abandoned this antiquated way of thinking and just went where they wanted without any pretense? Everyone would be happier and much better off.

The Copernican ideal inspires me: Cosmopolitan, learned type of individual.
8 Nov 2008

You cannot apply your modern, nationalistic mentality to the Copernican era. You cannot successfully apply your thinking to Copernicus because he existed at a time when people generally didn't think like you do. You could humble yourselves some and learn a thing or two.

You will just have to share Copernicus with others, like it or not, just like the rest of the world learns to share. You need to learn to share.
6 Nov 2008
History / History of European and Poland's anti-semitism [192]

I typed "European" and I inquired about what this forum represents. Thanks for answering.
It seems like this forum attracts many psychologically unbalanced types. It's a terrible shame.
6 Nov 2008

OMG I cannot believe you Euros!! Has their been racial tensions in the US???? In the past???? YES! Do people react the same as the people on this forum, for the most part? NO.

I certainly hope you guys do not represent Europeans because if you do, it's a real shame!
Even if you don't, it's still a shame because some who might not know better would read this craziness and think you do.

Most people in the US don't obsess on every little thing, every minute difference. True, there are bigots in the US. But not this extreme.

You Euros are way too extreme about this sort of thing. Seriously. Get over yourselves!