Love /
Aliments and abortion (I was married to a Polish guy) [64]
I am a man. A Polish man. And I should show some solidarity to him, right?
But I can't. Even if I try. He is a bloody bastard. He doesn't deserve to be called a man.
I am ashamed that he is one of my own kind.
Dump him. Don't believe he would change. Don't wait for the things to get worse.
It would never get better.
He is far beyond any help.
Obviously - You are for him just a "trophy wife". Exotic, Asian toy.
This is not the way that woman shall be treated. And now - when
the child is on the way and things are getting serious - he does not want to get
serious and be a father of a family.
Don't run away. I see that all you can think of is to get back to your family.
You are protected under Polish law and you don't have to run away.
I don't know if you speak any Polish - but believe me - there is a translator
of every language in Poland. Get legal help.
And don't be ashamed. The shame, the whole shame is on his side.
Not yours.
Even now - on Polish Forums - you show nothing but the loyalty to him.
I would understand if you would curse him in public - but you don't. You are still
trying to be a good, faithful wife. Please accept my deepest respects.
But you have to think about your child.