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Joined: 13 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 May 2010
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7 May 2010
News / Zloty exchange rates - is this just speculation? [87]

Poland in comparison has a booming economy, little state or personal debt and the one of the worlds most undervalued currencies.

You sound like a spokesperson for some financial company, true poles were not sucked into borrowing like there American friends, but you fail to understand that poles have a huge debt in the form of credit cards/loans etc, the government has also borrowed a lot which nobody wants to talk about, I don't think the zlote is undervalued it will always be accessed against the euro which is current loosing its confidence. Poland has a stable government which is good, but also a place for cheap labour, this is something that foreign investments companies love.. prepare for the zlote to further go south.
6 May 2010
News / Zloty exchange rates - is this just speculation? [87]

In my opinion anybody with Zloty funds should change into pounds asap, sit and wait theres around 20% to be made in probably less than four months.

hmm we have a prophet amongst us, good call...
25 Apr 2010
History / The Polish Blame Culture! [330]

Reluctantly on this Sunday with blue skies and warm fresh air I take pen to paper and just say that we need to remember, firstly there is still some unfinished business to attend to and secondly we remember to ensure that these events do not repeat themselves, I thought you were a lot smarter Amathyst, I now have my doubts!
19 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Thanks for all your comments on this issue Seanus, in a roundabout way I hear what you say and generally agree, its time people understand that no person is perfect and even great people have made mistakes, in the case of Kaczynski he held the interest of the Polish people at heart, continued to carry the banner of those great people before him who fought for a sovereign Poland who are buried at Wawel today.

There have been quite a lot of nasty comments about Kaczynski on this forum, from my neck of the woods, I have only heard positive comments that put him on the highest level.

I don't doubt that I would hear negative comments from old people who congregate in parks sharing bottles of cheap wine without the need of using glasses.

Undoubted Seanus you live in Poland not because it is perfect (and it is not) but because of the spirit of that great country, you are indeed a smart person.
16 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

i just disagree with the burial decision.. that is all..

I respect that, but the decision was obviously well thought out and not done in the spur of the moment, let me say that in time future generations will view this mans contribution in a very positive way, he was a true Pole. Lets be honest plk123 very few people like politicians, especially in Poland. Its time Poles learned to work with each other and bury there differences. I was amazed at comments made by the US vice president on the legacy of the President, he was indeed a great man, its a shame poles don't share the same sentiments.
16 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Seriously, please list 5 things which LK could have done to cement his righteous place in Wawel. I don't see 5 of sufficient merit.

Your missing the point Seanus, what 5 things have those people currently buried in Wawel castle done for Poland, some a lot, some nothing, the fact remains that the President served the country and died performing his duty, I have no problem him being buried in Wawel. All those people throwing mud at a dead man during this difficult time really amaze me, hearing people say he was not liked and people are only going thru the motions in showing sympathy is utter rubbish. Seanus you can add to your list the fact that Poles are never happy with anything, always want to argue about any decisions made, and love to divide, This would not have occurred in the US or GB etc, thats why people don't like doing business in Poland.
15 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

No, ba! Of course he spoke for Poland, that was his role. However, what does that have to do with the popular allegation of him overturning the decision of the pilot?

new to me, your joining the bandwagon of people trying to create doubt and suspicion about what occurred in this tragic moment.

Also, since when has being racist and homophobic been fair? Sorry, I took offence at many of his comments and he was out of line.

Lol, once again you read too many newspapers and listen to people who have no idea what there talking about.. Its taken me a long time to realise that what you read in the newspapers and see in the media is not gospel truth, maybe 30% is half accurate the rest is rubbish, its a wonder you have not picked this up?
15 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Don't want to stretch the friendship, but the President attended and spoke on behalf of the Polish people. You may want to explain who LK should not be buried in Wawel? The fact remains that he was President and died in the line of his duty full stop, no saying otherwise. You blokes are so biased that you can't see past the goal posts. Just read a few history books and you might think different.
15 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Saying the President died whilst in the line of duty is a little dramatic I think. He wasn't the only person to die in that plane crash and the nature of someone's death shouldn't be a criteria for being buried at Wawel. As another poster very eloquently put it, "would LK still be buried at Wawel if he died if a heart attack" ?

The fact remains that the President was killed whilst performing his duties as President, he was democratically elected by the majority of people and died a loved leader, Wawel is a place where people are buried who supported their country in a traditional catholic faith for a better Poland, Kaczynski will go down as a great political leader who wanted a true independent Poland, not a Russian or US State.

I'd rather see Lech Walesa be buried there (when he's dead of course) as at least he was a Polish and international icon in his day.

What sort of nonsense is this, it shows how poles have been corrupted in there thinking, it may emerge one day that this man just feathered his own nest, looked after his own interest and his old communist mates, come on spiritus you can do better than this!

Don't insult the spirit of Wawel, it is a sacred place.
15 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Wawel is where Polish kings, queens and heroes are laid to their rest and I find the decision wholly inappropriate

Your thinking is narrow and misguided, Spiritus you ommited to say that the Polish President died whilst President and in the line of duty, he was a President and a hero the majority of people, you comments are just seen meant to stir up trouble, leave it alone and show respect for a elected President, thank you.
12 Apr 2010
News / Will todays tragedy effect the economy of Poland? [34]

Its time to buy up a bit of zloty, me thinks.

if you like to loose your money, then buy up zloties now, I am of the view that the zlote will loose value slightly as buyers are not certain how current events will effect the direction of the Polish government, a guess only, the US dollar will reach 3 zlote in the short term only. If in fact the business sector see the old government as a obstacle to creating a capitalistic environment then the zlote will rise.
3 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

A bit harsh, but I can understand where your coming from, One thing about Poland its everyone for himself, and if you see a opportunity to cheat or steal, its open season. Just look at the people who claim to have a disability and get a pension, ( a high proportion of them work) Tell a Polish person his home is worth a million zlote and he believes you, then tell him its worth less and you have a enemy. I think the communist system started all this?
3 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

.Its very hard these days to be polish patriot and live in PL ,unless you blind and daef ofc.

The young generation thanks to all the rubbish TV and films from the United States will certainly change Poland for the worse, add on the British/Irish influence its time for many poles who can to pack bags, for those patriotic Poles who would love their country to be part of the United States, please have a cold shower, as the United States only defends those who are of commercial interest.

At any rate that's what Poles wanted when they joined the EU! Free dollars was too much to refuse, when money runs out the real problems will start.
29 Mar 2010
Real Estate / How are Poland's properties priced? [51]

BubbaWoo: yes, you muppet

it takes one to know one. you have preached so much nonsense, it is time you have come clean and apologized.
27 Mar 2010
Real Estate / How are Poland's properties priced? [51]

I think it is a bit sharp for people from the U.S., Ireland, England etc... whose housing prices have just been completely and utterly bust to be poking fun at a relatively, let me repeat "relativity", stable priced market here in Poland

Its great to see a bit of common sense return to this topic, lets face it the the real estate boom crashed in the US was caused by the banks and the reason why property prices increased in Poland was due to foreign buyers and of course a limited amount of Poles returning and cashed up, buying at a inflated price, the majority of Poles cannot enter the real estate market and this is also the case in many other countries in the world. Greedy land lords are no greedier in Poland than any where else in the world. I'm sure many a land lord could give you stories of bad non paying tenants etc. I don't think renting out properties is a good way to make money.
27 Mar 2010
Real Estate / How are Poland's properties priced? [51]

BubbaWoo: PLK (glad youre doing good) hits the nail on the head when he says that property prices are based on greed. thats the long and short of it.

lol, what has happened??? you have changed your colors, are you not the same person who was telling us of a property boom in Poland?.
26 Mar 2010
Real Estate / How are Poland's properties priced? [51]

I purchased a apartment, and can honestly say that it has NOT gone up in the last 3 years, in fact if I were forced to sell quickly I would have to reduce my price by about 30%. The fact remains more than obvious now is that buying real estate in Poland (unless to live in yourself) is a bad investment decision, no capital gain, poor rental returns and lots of maintenance. The problem was brought about by real estate cowboys telling people of a Polish housing boom, Its interesting to note that these one day wonders no longer post on this forum, they have either packed there bags and returned home or living off scraps in railway rest rooms. Ireland is in deep recession, and if you add on Spain, Greece, Portugal, hmmm Poland may be next!!!!
25 Mar 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

Which is very cheap no matter how you look at it, in my opinion.

Yeah I suppose so..

When I checked, I found something outside the city for 1 370 000 zl. Considering that this is in a rural area, I don't think it is necessarly that cheap. If you were to buy something decent, the price would certainly be somewhat competitive. Also, don't forget that these prices have been lowered because of the global economc crisis.

Yeah that may be the asking price, but I wonder how long homes are on the market before they are sold and what price are they actually sold for, and more interesting what percentage of Poles are able to purchase such a property? I don't think too may people are in a position to afford a 1 million zlote loan? I still maintain that most Poles earn poor income and most of this goes to paying living and entertainment bills or am I missing something?
16 Mar 2010
News / Zloty exchange rates - is this just speculation? [87]

I don't think the Polish currency is the currency of the future, it never was nor will be, I don't think Poland with a population of 38 million people will influence the world economic market, the US and Zlote has always fluctuated, in the summer time the dollar goes down due to more tourist dollars in the country and in winter it goes up, It will continue to be between 2.4 to 3zl per dollar.
15 Mar 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

I know a guy who built a small two story wooden house in POland 6 months ago.It cost him 75000 Euro.(4 rooms). Thats still a huge amount of money in a country with such small wages.

Smart person, the place will probally be on the market for 800,000 zlote, the banks lend money to citizens building at the rate that every square metre of building cost 2000zl!

Lets get serious, people complain of low wages but one of my friend gas bill for dec/jan was in excess of 1700zl. (apartment about 80sqm)

I wonder how people pay for heating during winter, nothing ceases to amaze me when it comes to wages/cost in Poland.
14 Mar 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

Probably because a worker on minimum wage that does such a thing is not only going to find himself in trouble with the law, but also likely to find a few tougher thugs on his tail. Who are the police going to side with, the minimum wage worker, or the rich businessman?

I'm not one for violence, but when you see a business man pays somebody a low wage and then fails to pay on time saying he was no money, that person is a scum. One wonders why the government and solidarity don't step in. The price of homes in Poland are a joke, but if you build yourself it so much cheaper.
10 Mar 2010
Law / The 'Secret' of Poland's Economic Success [83]

Its nice to see people speak of Poland economic success, and three cheers for the rank and file but could somebody explain this article, something does not add up,

Hundreds of billions lacking for pensions8th March 2010

The government will have to assist the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) in paying out pensions in the coming years, the institution has announced. Over the next five years, ZUS might require as much as zł.350 billion.

ZUS added that the worst possible scenario would see the government forking out as much as zł.83 billion a year. Just three years ago, the institution announced that it would require a maximum of zł.184 billion in funds for the 2008-2012 period. (RG)

Source: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

From Warsaw Business Journal
4 Mar 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

I'm also not sure why people seem to think that living in a small flat is somehow symbolic of Poland being backwards - do you really think most people in London are living in mansions?

not all people live in a small flat and a lot of people living in Poland are living in better, bigger and better homes than those in GB, I suppose the bottom line is that some poles are very well off, but most struggle, I don't think somebody is going to employ a pensioner...!!, doing what may I suggest.
3 Mar 2010
Work / Average monthly salary in Poland is around 1000 PLN (few hundred bucks). [387]

average net salaries are between 1500 and 3000 zlotys per month

You would think that people who seem to know everything on this forum would be able to provide accurate information about wages in poland, my friend is a truck driver clears 950zl a month but gets a cash bonus if he works overtime. I know a person who works as a teller in a bank gets 1600zl gross per month. I know that age pensioners get around 850 zl a month.
28 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

I agree Poles should return to Poland and make it a great country rather than work in western Europe for minimum wage.

What sort of nonsense talk is this, are we going to start a slinging match between the Poles and the Brits, if I accepted your argument I could say all Brits and people from Ireland should return home and make there country more better, come on get a life will you Orzelbialy.