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Posts by szkotja2007  

Joined: 29 Dec 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Jul 2013
Threads: Total: 27 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 1498 / In This Archive: 296
From: Scotland

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26 Oct 2012
UK, Ireland / Do the poles like British culture [127]

Throughout this thread British culture is equated to English culture, the two have been used interchangeably. My point is that they are not.
26 Oct 2012
Food / Polish roast pigeon anyone? [17]

If so, how prepared?

Roasted, sliced with black pudding and a little bacon.

Are the city pigeons so abundant in many places edible?

Nah, too small.

That is, is cathcing, killing, cooking and eating them legally allowed?


Secondly, can they be carriers of disease?

30 Sep 2011
Love / Your feedback on office sex (situation from Poland) [37]

The information is now company gossip.

Will also be gossip of your customers.

1. Terminate contract of contractor.

Nah, he will rightly sue the arse of you.

2. Inform employee her lover has a wife and child.

Why ?

3. Find a reason to let both of them go.

See 1 above.

4. Ignore.

Not an option.

5. Sit down with both of them ( accompanied by someone from personnel ). Explain that their behaviour has become company gossip. Ask them to confirm this.

Explain that this poses a risk to the organisation ( reputation, integrity etc ) and that if this risk is realised further action may ensue.

Lets everyone know where they stand and lets the gossipers know that their gossip has consequences and they will need to be accountable for what they are sayin.
1 Apr 2011
Life / "Whiskification" of Poland? [32]

Here is my tuppenceworth on the Whiskies mentioned in the thread so far. -

Talisker - Best Whisky mentioned in the thread so far.
Glenmorangie - nice 12 year old
Johnny Walker - blue, green, black are quite drinkable - stay away from the red.
Haig - I have a 40 year old bottle of this I keep at my mothers - just in case I get drunk and get tempted to open it.

Black & White/White horse - OK but not my taste.
Bells/Grouse - I only buy these to give out at Hogmany while keeping the good stuff to myself.
VAT 69 - There is a reason this is for the export market.

Jamieson - I quite like it.
Jack Daniels - Overpriced and too sweet.

As I write this I'm drinking Cognac and Coke.
1 Apr 2011
Life / "Whiskification" of Poland? [32]

Johnny Walker, White Horse, Haig, Black & White - All produced in Scotland, definately not Anglo - Saxon.
24 Feb 2011
Law / A father (foreigner) of a Polish child. How to protect my/daughter's rights? [19]

Should I get any kind of written agreement (involving lawers)


The current monthly amount is 1200 PLN

About 15% of your wage would be average.
If you want to pay more, put the extra in a savings account for her ( under your name ) for when she is older.

Good luck !
19 Feb 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Language under threat at Glasgow Uni [4]

Sandra White's motion S3M-07961 condemning Gla Uni cuts has also been supported by MSPs Bill Wilson, Kenneth Gibson, Bob Doris and Rob Gibson - all SNP

Any of the unionist parties supporting this ?
26 Jan 2011
News / 2010 Year of Chopin (and his Dark Hallucinations) [13]

Synaesthesia can occur in complex partial or cluster type seizure activity and can usually be a precursor to seizure activity.

Having said that........sitting in an opium den and getting totally wasted could also cause vivid hallucinations ......or creative genius.................take your pick !
23 Nov 2010
Life / Mental health problem or one of the grieving stages? Death and denial in Poland. [93]

We all have mental health.

Sometimes we have mental well being, sometimes we have mental health problems.

Sometimes a mental health problem can develop into mental illness.

Hard for anyone to say without talking to her but I would say she needs to talk to a professional - good luck.
9 Nov 2010
News / Giant Jesus Rising in Świebodzin ( Tallest in world ) [323]

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:

Exodus 20:4
2 Nov 2010
Language / Paddy, Jock and Taffy; origin and translation to Polish [27]

ow insulting these are pretty much depends on context and who's saying it

I would go along with that, outside of the army "Jock" isn't widely used, unless the guy is called Jock.

What's the derogotory term for the English?

Alka Seltzers, FEBs, Sassenachs etc etc
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

I m just wondering why some people get offended by it - maybe its a case of "protesting too much " - maybe they are questioning their own sexuality ?
28 Aug 2010
Life / Any treatment centres for homos in Poland? [455]

I am heterosexual, I am comfortable with that.

I do not have a problem with other peoples sexual persuasion.

Some people have a problem with homosexuality - why ?
24 Aug 2010
History / Poland - Scotland, the untold story... [75]

he Scots had over 12 self-governing 'brotherhoods' in different cities in Poland during 17th century

Sounds interesting - any links ?

I have read about Czarmerz.
21 Aug 2010
History / WW2 hypothesis - if France And England weren't so timid, wimpy and scared of Hitler... [34]

The legion condor was Luftwaffe...this chain of events is really farfetched! ;

The Luftwaffe contingent of the Condor Legion developed bombing skills, flight formations etc in the skies of Spain.
There was a ground contingent of the Condor Legion too.

What did the Condors have to do with Guderian?

More von Thoma than Guderain.
Three Panzer companies were provided to fascist Franco.
Guderian assessed their effectiveness and later von Thoma developed techniques used in the invasion of Poland.

The Blitzkreig was pioneered in Spain.