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Joined: 14 Feb 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Jun 2014
Threads: Total: 65 / In This Archive: 36
Posts: Total: 188 / In This Archive: 88
From: Poland, Krakow
Speaks Polish?: Mowię trochę po polsku, but I want to learn more

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21 Dec 2012
Life / Electrical wiring in Poland - color codes [23]

I would like to install a wall lamp (kinkiet) in my bathroom, but I have never done any electrical wiring in Poland before - what are the color codes of the in-wall wiring used here? I see 3 colors - black, blue, and white (could be light grey). My lamp has brown, blue and green/yellow wires.

I'm guessing that the white wire from the wall is ground and will be connected to the green/yellow wire on my lamp, but I wanted to check before proceeding. Logic seems to indicate that brown will be connected to black and blue to blue - am I wrong?

Thanks for any and all constructive input!
6 Sep 2012
Food / Pinto beans in Poland [17]

I found canned black beans today at Carrefour - this shop typically carries a nice variety of foods from around the world. They also had refried beans and refried black beans.

Each can was around 6-7 zł - I don't know how that compares to prices at Alma or Kuchnie Swiata. I am still hoping to find dry beans, so the search continues...
6 Sep 2012
Food / Favorite Pierogarnia in Krakow [5]

What is your favorite pierogarnia in Krakow? Mine is a little shop close to Nowy Kleparz, just north of Aleja on ul. Sląska (see map below). They have wonderful krokiety (my favorite - mushroom and cheese) as well as good naleśniki and gołąbki. There was another near Starowiślna, but I recently discovered that they have closed shop. They prepared great mielony as well as a fried apple cake that was delicious. I'm sorry to see them go out of business.

I hope some of you fellow Krakovians can give the rest of us some good advice on where to buy tasty Polish food. Smacznego!

https://www.google.com/maps?q=%C5%9Al%C4%85ska+2,+Krak%C3%B3w,+Polska& hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=50.073847,19.933684&spn=0.009282,0.01869&sll=50.07523 7,19.93216&sspn=0.009282,0.01869&hnear=%C5%9Al%C4%85ska+2,+Krak%C3%B3w ,+ma%C5%82opolskie,+Poland&t=m&z=16
4 Sep 2012
Food / Pinto beans in Poland [17]


Black beans in Krakow

Where can I find black beans in Krakow? I prefer dry beans, but canned are also acceptable. I scoured Stary Kleparz and Hala Targowa today to no avail. Thanks to any and all constructive input!
5 Jul 2012
Food / Which type of sausage in Poland is closest to an American kielbasa? [23]

Hey Poles in America - no doubt you have tasted what Americans call Polish sausage. I'm curious - from which type of kielbasa do you think ours was derived? I realize that this might be sacrilege, but I miss the taste of an American Polish sausage and would like to find something close here in Poland.

My best guess is Śląska, but I haven't tried all the varieties here. Any opinions?
27 Apr 2012
Law / Does anyone here know how to fill in a PIT/ZG form (earnings in Poland)? [5]

Merged: PIT (Poland tax) instructions in English

Can anyone direct me to online English instructions regarding PIT? My tax information is very easy, so I am using my 2010 PIT as a template - most everything makes sense, but I'm not sure where to deduct ZUS 53 (I didn't pay this in 2010 since my business was still within the initial 2-year grace period).

Thanks for any and all constructive input.
23 Apr 2012
Food / Butcher Shops in Krakow with Good Beef [11]

I found polęwica at Tesco for 89 zł/kg - I prepared it on Sunday, and it was pretty good. However, it wasn't as tasty as a frozen imported steak I had last year. My Polish friend bought it for me, so I don't know where he got it (and he has since forgotten). So I will ask again - where can I buy frozen imported steaks in Krakow?

Also, why is beef tenderloin called "polęwica" and pork tenderloin called "polęwiczka"? Logic seems to dictate that "polęwiczka" would be a tenderloin from a calf - am I wrong? :-)
20 Apr 2012
Food / Butcher Shops in Krakow with Good Beef [11]

Can anyone recommend a good butcher shop in Krakow? Specifically, a butcher shop with good cuts of beef? I want to prepare steak this weekend - perhaps a ribeye or porterhouse.

If this is too tall an order, then how about a place to buy frozen steaks? Perhaps some imported meat - any suggestions? Thanks for all constructive input...
8 Feb 2012
Life / Question about hot water in Poland and the use of water heaters? [52]

The concept of large district heating plants is going to be a very "hot" topic in Poland over the next 10-15 years by my reckoning.

Can you be more specific? Why?

Also - is the energy from Skawina sent to south Krakow via water or steam? I assume that there is a maximum number of homes/blocks that can be serviced in this manner - what are those upper limits? And what are the limits in regards to distance? Since only the south part of Krakow is serviced by Skawina, I am assuming that other parts of the city are too far away - is this correct?
3 Feb 2012
Life / Question about hot water in Poland and the use of water heaters? [52]

Merged: Heat and Hot Water in Southern Krakow

This cold spell has me wondering about how the heating works in the southern part of Krakow. My flat receives heat and hot water somehow from a plant in Skawina, so no water heater is necessary. Is this a common method of heating in Poland? I have seen other flats around town with water heaters, so not everyone receives their heat in this manner - why not?

Does anyone know the details of how this system works? Is hot water transported along the pipe and distributed to the various blocks of flats, or do they send steam through the pipe and use it to heat water from Krakow? Is there one large "plant" or several small ones where the water is heated and distributed? And what is the maximum distance that is considered efficient? Obviously, heat is lost during transport, so how far away is too far?

This system is absolutely foreign to an American like me, so I am curious how it works. Perhaps someone knows of a website or map that can help me understand how it works. Thanks for any and all constructive input!
1 Feb 2012
News / Bills introduced in American Congress to lift visa requirements for Poland [5]

Modernizing the US Visa Waiver Programme will strengthen our national security and enhance international relationships with important allies like Poland, who have been denied visa-free travel because of an outdated regime," said Representative Mike Quigley (Dem) who introduced The Visa Waiver Enhanced Security and Reform Act to Congress yesterday.

This certainly caught me off guard - is it possible that one of these bills might actually pass? Since President Obama wants it, I can't imagine Republicans allowing it to become a reality...certainly not in an election year.
25 Jan 2012
Food / Semolina in Poland (kasza manna?) [4]

The bag I bought clearly says "kasza semolina" - when I compare it to kasza manna, it is more yellowish in color. I do not believe that they are the same...
24 Jan 2012
Food / Semolina in Poland (kasza manna?) [4]

I found a recipe that called for semolina - unfortunately, the closest I could find was kasza semolina at a local health food store (surprisingly, neither Alma nor Bomi seem to carry it). So I bought it and tried it in my recipe - unfortunately, it didn't turn out like it was supposed to. My dish (roman gnocchi) was much less solid than the photos and description indicated.

Is kasza semolina different somehow from semolina? And what about semolina flour? Are these things so diametrically different that they can't be used interchangeably? If so, where can I find semolina and semolina flour in Krakow? Thanks for any and all constructive input!
22 Jan 2012
Food / Types of CHEESE in Poland [150]

Oops - typo. I meant Harzer cheese. Thanks for pointing that out (and for the links).
22 Jan 2012
Food / Types of CHEESE in Poland [150]

[Moved from]: Ser harceński - what is it?

Out of curiosity, I just picked up a small package of ser harceński (Narzer cheese). It is a German cheese that has a rather strange taste. Does anyone have experience with this type of cheese? How do you serve it or eat it? Thanks!
15 Jan 2012
Food / Pastel de nata in Krakow [5]

Does anyone know a bakery in Krakow that makes pastel de nata? They are also known as Portuguese custard tarts. I've never tried them, but I'd like to - they look delicious! Thanks...
8 Jan 2012
Food / Swiss Cheese in Poland [14]

There's a very cheap Lithuanian version of Parmesan called Dziugas which is in my opinion better than a cheap Parmesan

I finally finished the Parmesan cheese I had on hand and was able to crack open the Dziugas cheese today - it is wonderful! My roomie concurs. Thanks for the recommendation, Jonny!!!
6 Jan 2012
Life / What is wrong with Poznan? [197]

I've got no ******* time for any of them.

This statement is obviously untrue since you spend an inordinate amount of time ranting about "them" in this thread.

Delphian, I think you owe us Americans an apology :)

Seems like you stepped in it regarding the American bashing, considering the original poster is from Canada. Like AntV, this American is waiting for an apology - however, I won't hold my breath. Guys like you are far-too-common on the internet - making outlandish statements based on prejudice and hatred yet NEVER owning up to the mistakes you make.

You are obviously dissatisfied with your life - please stop punishing us forum members for your unhappiness.
30 Dec 2011
Life / Where to recycle stuff in Krakow? [5]

Merged: Recycling skillets in Krakow

I have several skillets that need to be replaced because the Teflon has started to chip away after several years of usage. I would like to recycle them here in Krakow, but I'm not exactly sure where I can do this. I could remove the handles and toss them into our plastic/metal recycling bin, but I'm not sure how the Teflon coating might affect their potential recyclability (is this even a word???). Any suggestions? Thanks!
27 Dec 2011
Food / Hip flasks in Poland [7]

I saw flasks at Lidl today - not sure of the quality or price, but it might be worth checking out...
23 Dec 2011

I experienced my first Okocim Porter tonight - I can absolutely state that I prefer Guinness. I have never been a fan of mocne beers in Poland - I don't like tasting the alcohol in beers. It seems all I can taste is the alcohol in Okocim Porter. It was my first and last...
20 Dec 2011
Food / Swiss Cheese in Poland [14]

There's a very cheap Lithuanian version of Parmesan called Dziugas which is in my opinion better than a cheap Parmesan

I picked some up today at Auchan - looking forward to tasting it. Thanks for the suggestion.

Gruyere is worth every zloty when you're making french onion soup. Nothing else comes close.

I'm a novice at preparing FO soup - perhaps when I master the recipe, I'll splurge for gruyere per your suggestion.
19 Dec 2011
Food / Swiss Cheese in Poland [14]

Thanks fellas - I'm using it to top french onion soup, so do you have any opinions about which type would work best? I imagine both would be acceptable, but I'm trying to be as authentic as possible without shelling out big bucks for gruyere.
19 Dec 2011
Food / Swiss Cheese in Poland [14]

What is the name in Poland for the cheese that Americans know as Swiss? I have seen two types that look and taste quite similar - ementaler and mlekdamer - are either of these the Polish equivalent?

I Googled "mlekdamer" and came up with virtually nothing - any ideas what the English name might be for this cheese? Thanks!