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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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22 Mar 2010
Language / Anybody speak Ślunzok? [9]

Gwara is the dialect, Pol3. A Ślązak is a man from Silesia and a woman is Ślązaczka. There is a Gwara thread that I created some time ago but it may have fallen off the bottom of the list.

Nope, it's there. Type in Gwara to the Search box and you'll find it.
22 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Hence the words 'in their eyes', Sok. I didn't say it was my personal opinion, I merely stated that Hitler fomented that and played on their sentiments. Many Germans were livid after WWI.

BB is the man that you want to debate with as he believes that Silesia should have remained German.
22 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Germany wanted a man who could avenge the travesty of justice that was the League of Nations and the Treaty of Versailles (in their eyes anyway). In the eyes of Germans, Jewry = Communists. They didn't want that.
22 Mar 2010
Travel / Poland from a Persian Tourist's Perspective [269]

From what I have seen and read, he is right, Darius. What he didn't tell you was that access routes to many hospitals are blocked and pregnant Palestinian women often aren't allowed through checkpoints to get vital care.

Yehudi, you come across as fair and as sb who wants to paint the picture as it is but is there any part of you that can criticise the IDF as disproportionate? You know, it's a fundamental concern of international law.

Do you also pay heed to international mediation efforts or do you feel that they are a form of incursion into internal Israeli affairs?
21 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

I just hope that no pretexts are used by Israel to do anything silly. There are certainly plenty of potential pretexts where certain powers could have instigated some action against them.

What was the outcome of that passport fiasco earlier this month (or last month?)? They offended British intel with that one. Even the BBC are neutral at best towards Israel. Many writers show restraint but many will grow tired if the right-wing hawks in the Knesset up-the-ante.

However, we all know that all the 'right' leaders are in the 'right' places. Brown, Merkel and Sarkozy blow out the rhetoric and nothing concrete will be done. Tusk isn't much better!
21 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

It'd be a war of highly dubious allegiances. I don't like the inept stance of the ME Quartet but at least it brings the big powers together rather than create even more divisions.

I'm just wondering what the one step too far will be. They have committed human rights atrocities, broken international law countless times and are assuming Iran to be guilty before proven innocent. Netanyahu heads up a hardline party in Likud. If they can have nukes, why can't Iran? Iran is an oppressive regime, yes, but their Supreme Leader (NOT Ahmedinejad) doesn't want nukes.
21 Mar 2010
History / Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map! [198]

It's a repeat of Iraq. I've also seen a video of American mercenaries killing randomly on the highways outside Baghdad. Sickening!

Israel is gonna get caught out sooner or later.
21 Mar 2010
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

Is an Indian/Polish relationship possible? Sure it is. My student has an Indian boyfriend but he works in Scotland. I wish he would come here and set up shop.
21 Mar 2010
UK, Ireland / English teenager refused service at Polish shop [87]

Many Brits think that way too, vor. British employers are generally happy with the output of immigrants.

The article is just designed to stoke up bad feelings. An underage person should not be served alcohol, period!
21 Mar 2010
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

I will also teach a Polish teacher of English CPE in due course. We can alternate between languages but she prefers English.
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

No need for waiving, Andy, he doesn't need a visa ;0 ;)

Andy, get with the program. Delph and I live here and we know what we had to do. Quote me Rule 23 para 42 sub para (13) all you wish but the reality in the offices is different.
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

Also, NI contributions are deducted in their entirety. ZUS was a 3-in-1 transfer but, after seeing Millennium's webpage change, it is 4-in-1. I make health, social security and workfund payments to ZUS. Information is available in Informator.

Andy, you are full of funny rules that Poland doesn't enforce.
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

I agree. It's an extra form of ID which you can use for transactions but REGON and NIP suffice. Nobody bothers and Polish employers don't stress that requirement. They just want money ASAP.
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

Andy, quit the wiser crap. Delph knows the procedure. You don't need a PESEL. Up to 7 days, what nonsense! I didn't do it for 3 years, yes, 3 years and I still set up my own company without any hassle. Some checking you have here, a bit like qualifications which aren't checked either but you keep your bureaucratic babies for show. Some useless organisations here.

ZUS don't care about my income. What they do care about is me having my own interest and that I'm in my 3rd year of it, therefore I pay 840PLN and not 330PLN. You are speaking out of your arse.

You are speaking to a guy who has been through it and studied Law for 5 years so, mam prośba o trochę szacunku :)

4 days is too short. I had 90 days in Japan to set up my gaikokujin torukoushou (foreigners' card). They enforce it, Poland didn't in many cases.

Delph, if I could correct you for a moment (or qualify what you said). I had a 6-month residence pass but then extended it through til the end of 2012. I have 2 bits of paper. So, from Oct 2007 to Dec 2012. It isn't strictly the case that only one certificate is needed. As long as you cumulatively make up the 5 years, it's fine. A settled intention to stay helps too.
21 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

'And I suffer premonitions, confirm suspicions, of the holocaust to come' (Two Suns in the Sunset, The Final Cut).

Hitler had more than premonitions.
21 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

That wouldn't stand up in a court of law. Hitler was not insane in his early days in power, he knew what he was doing and it IS evil to plot genocide, whatever way you look at it. Law draws the dichotomy between 'in cold blood' and when riled. Hitler calculated his killings, they weren't on the spur of the moment. The Final Solution implies forethought and malice aforethought is basically the key component of murder (with mens rea). Murder is not evil??????

Coldly rational, please define that as you see it and please provide examples. Thanks!

Diminished responsibility came in the later years, Sok. His fellow officers spotted it, much in the same way as Tory Cabinet members spotted Thatcher being tipped over. Insanity is described in Scotland as 'the total alienation of reason'. In England by the McNaughton rules. Choose your standard and see if Hitler fit the bill. Diminished resposibility merely reduces the sentence but culpability is still there. He knew what he was doing!

I'm aware of the devious nature of Russian politicians though not to your level :) I have to qualify what I say. We need a counterbalance to American hegemony and he provides it, esp in concert with the Shanghai group. Generally, he's just a self-interested man!

Anyway, Hitler. He didn't like the business ethic of Jews. He felt that they were everywhere and had a hand in everything. I surmise that part of his behaviour was exactly because he didn't get his own way, being forced to sweep snow and, more infuriating for him, was rejected entry to art school. It's easy for us to say that he overreacted but he felt passionately about it.
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

Passing out on vodka already? ;) ;)

Come out, OP, enlighten us. Why was Poland crushed so quickly? Your pilots did a sterling job in Britain so what happened on the home front? Inferior equipment? Lack of preparedness? Piłsudski said it all in his memoirs, his fears for his brethren. Shame that you revered the guy without heeding his messages.
21 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Well, that squares it. Saying Hitler was not evil is arguably worse (easily) than saying Putin is a good leader and decent man. I'm not a fan of Putin but, objectively, he knows how to use his power and he knows the game.

Hitler, though not actively involved in the killings, drew up the blueprint. He was filled with hatred and evil from an early age. Putin doesn't speak with the evil venom that he did!
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

Yes, it was a collective effort, as is the case for most inventions (e.g 2 Englishmen invented Dolly but we get the credit. Berners Lee wasn't working alone. Delegation etc). Still, consensus credit is consensus credit. It's for humanity anyway :) :) :)

Back to the thread, I can confirm that, frd. My grandad loved to wheel out anecdotes over tea and biscuits. It's just a shame that Poland didn't have anything like Spitfires! What happened to that formidable arsenal of 1933 that Poles often speak of? How was it overcome so quickly?