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Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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4 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Nomad, you've actually made sense here :) Many people can see through the smokescreen of religion and build solid ties. Politics ruins so many things and it's little wonder that many politicians are loathed. How can so many misfits that don't represent the voice of the people get into such positions? Well, read the EU manual for an answer.
4 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

Well, they have to learn how to plea bargain, Ironside. A waivering of the visa requirement would have been a good start.

It is said in Poland that when Tusk was elected in Oct 2007, he was already thinking about the next election, LOL

Pressurising Russia would be strange. It was part of the deal that Russian scientists could inspect the shield. Poland is out of current missile range of Iran so where was the danger? Obama has been making noises about a substitute but we can see that his stalling means that there is no imminent danger. It takes a while to set up the apparatus.

Poland has to see that the War on Terror is a blatant extension of big business. In that respect, Obama is little better than McCain.
4 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

Oh, geopolitics played their part in a very central way. How bad they look now that they were prepared to install a shield in the name of future danger but it fell through. Everyone knows that there is no threat to Poland and their paranoia over the Iranian nuclear issue is gonna get a lot of people in trouble. Time to tone it down, Obama.

Exactly, to be safe from Russia. Although a bluff, Putin suggested that he would fire missiles from Kalingrad. Do you imagine those in the north of Poland would feel that safe? I don't. It was a pathetic mistake.

The establishment in Poland have very bad noses and need to define the Polish interest. No wonder they are criticised by the people.
4 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

But it's a major part of it. No offence but Poles really don't fully understand how Americans negotiate and go about business. Oh, come on. Why did you join NATO 11 years ago?

Should I make it even more simple? BOTH Kaczyński and Tusk liked the idea of the shield but, frankly speaking, didn't know their arses from their elbows over the deal. Protection from who/what? Iran? ROTFL. What, did the need for protection suddenly disappear? LOL Come on, Ironside, see it for what it was. Shady business based on an even shadier knowledge of science.
4 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Filios is right, those kinds of numbers can lead to hatred. Just imagine how you'd feel if you lost your family. Still, people have to move on.

Pink kava? Hmm...(scratches head)
4 Apr 2010
Food / Cheesecake sernik for Polish Easter? [14]

Semolina is a pudding of sorts, not such a great one at that. I used to hate it as a kid. Tapioca is much better :)

Frd is right, cheesecake is used all year round. I'm often treated to it in Zabrze when I'm at my wife's parents' place. It's not exclusive to Easter.
3 Apr 2010
News / Can Poland expect similar bomb attacks as in Moscow? [85]

First point, he should not be seizing territory given how big Russia is. There comes a time when you have to say 'hands off'.

Wasn't it the case that Belgrade distanced itself from Kosovo for too long? Many Serbs have commented that they felt neglected when Milosevic was at the helm.

Territory passes hands, Crow. It may be ancient Slavic land but I guarantee you that most Poles don't see it that way. If they did, even a few noises would have been made to restore it to its rightful owners. It was left to contestation through fighting.
3 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Yup, you know what I meant I take it so we are done :)

I know there are sources. I'm just saying that Hitler had other reasons than those.
3 Apr 2010
News / Can Poland expect similar bomb attacks as in Moscow? [85]

Crow, you are clearly privy to info that I am not. Putin knows the strategic importance of the Caucasus for oil pipelines and business projects. He wasn't doing it for any love of Slavija. For me, it was about Russian imperialism. His mistake was in allowing Chechens to build up their own identity so strongly that they would not let it go. Just imagine what would happen if Russia tried to take back the former CIS now.

Putin hasn't referred to Slavic roots to my knowledge.
3 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Aphro, it's about the principle of how you see yourself.

You can't just say that Hitler chose the Jews as scapegoats. For what? He knew who the real culprits were for unrest in the German populace. It wasn't the Jews.
3 Apr 2010
News / Can Poland expect similar bomb attacks as in Moscow? [85]

It seemed to be very relevant to Poland given that they were the target for investment.

Anyway, much will depend on how radical some groups become. Poland is but one of 42 NATO countries acting in the so-called War on Terror. They are well behind some other countries.
3 Apr 2010
News / Can Poland expect similar bomb attacks as in Moscow? [85]

SzwedwPolsce, please don't forget how America wages war. Look at the Iran-Iraq war, for example. They generally sided with Iraq but redressed the balance when Iran wasn't faring so well. The same with other groups. They aid a Sunni Islamic group called Jundullah to attack Shia Iran.

Crow is right, they are in bed with the Saudis and Pakistanis. They were allies in the War on Terror and many Americans I talked to were disgusted with that.

Poland must tread with caution and choose their friends carefully.
3 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

I don't think you annihilate a whole creed based on being a scapegoat, aphro, it goes well beyond that.

Yes but I don't say that I'm from England but am 100% Scottish ;) ;)
3 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

I'd like to say you are right but I know that it just isn't the case. There undoubtedly was some but I like your sentiment of trying to bridge gaps.

Leave it to people who can see beyond politics and look to the natural bonds between people. By all accounts, there should be Scottish-Serbian animosity due to political decisions but there is more overlap than we know and we must look to commonalities.

There are many good Germans that speak out against the war and also NATO's meddling. I don't judge as a nation. It's often coincidental for me where sb is from. NEVER let politics ruin potentially cohesive ties.
3 Apr 2010
Life / Polish "Mall Girl" Culture? [125]

And I was like, and he was like, and they were like tends to be the way the conversation goes. I guess I notice the way youngsters shop because my style is so different. I avoid those overpriced outlets like the plague.
3 Apr 2010
Life / Polish "Mall Girl" Culture? [125]

I wasn't in Scotland long enough to reexperience such types but I had to listen to young girls on the bus down to Edinburgh and they wouldn't stop gibbering about what they had bought or were gonna buy.

It's the same here, self-centred little princesses whose only world is theirs. I hope life teaches them to grow up.
3 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Aphrodisiac, you are from Poland yet 100% Ukrainian?

Why did Hitler kill so many Jews? They were a potential threat with their communistic leanings and insistence on their own way of living.
3 Apr 2010
Life / Polish "Mall Girl" Culture? [125]

Plenty of mall girls on the go. They are the same everywhere, they just speak a different language but the language of shopping is the same.

Spending money they don't really have ;)
3 Apr 2010
Food / Lazanki recipe request please.... [12]

£azanki is quite simple. I had it the other day from a quality shop on the market square.

I love the pasta, a little softer than al dente and very versatile. Ham or bacon can be used. Soft ham is really nice. The mixed is interlaced with cabbage and has pimentos too. Bay leaves can be added for extra taste.
3 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

We don't count reasoning, Filios :)

Poland doesn't fully understand American business ethics and motives. Furthermore, they feel inclined towards that which they think will give them protection.
3 Apr 2010
History / Lord Conway's rule and Poland in 1772 [35]

Well, much later, Churchill suggested the same. He was seen as anti-Semitic and somewhat of a Polonophobe.

Let's just be happy that a country can attach its own worth to itself :)
3 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

A great post, sht. I don't like Poland being made out to be the scapegoat when they did their part in their own way. You are citing rational sources, others just lash out through emotion.
2 Apr 2010
Travel / Why some travelers hate Poland? [45]

I rate the Polish trains reasonably highly. I've had to wait on more than one occasion, yes, but they do what they have to do. I have some yardsticks as the Scottish trains are pretty good and the Japanese ones, well, do I need to comment?

PKP Intercity is a nice way to travel. I should really go somewhere in Poland as the only international trip I have planned for this year is August back to Scotland. Maybe up to Poznań or to a local area near Żywiec. I love the scenery near Żywiec.