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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 19666 / In This Archive: 8616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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5 Apr 2010
News / Official language of EU (is not Polish) [119]

Given that EU nationals are to be furnished with copies of documentation in their own language, plus the language of the country they are in, we should be happy that there are only really 3 EU languages. French, German and English.
5 Apr 2010
Travel / Krakow a safe and friendly city for foreigners? Read this! [161]

Krakówians are growing more and more frustrated at foreigners and with good reason. Stag parties are hardly renowned for being orderly and I've heard from those who have had their stag do's there. Very little respect, they are away from home and see fit to trash parts. They don't care much for Poles and the place, they told me.

I can't condone that kind of attitude but it's not like Brits don't have to put up with the ills of free movement. Some towns in GB have undergone radical overhauls, often for the worse.

Kraków is generally safe and there are plenty of police on the go.
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Emotional rants and raves with little relevance. Please try and stay on topic. Nomad, you even ranted about oil above and then said 'ok, returning to (the) topic'.

Your sidetracking is offensive to those that suffered major losses in the war. Many still hold to the fact that Germans voted Hitler in and are thus responsible for all his evil deeds. I don't think that way but some Poles are still furious.

Ksysia, what are you trying to prove with such a thread title? I've heard the hatred with my own ears and it exists. Many Poles don't forgive and forget that quickly.
5 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Anglican bishops protest as nurse is banned from wearing cross [13]

Health and safety is a big thing in the UK and has been from the HASAWA of 1974 (I think 74).

I don't think it was a religious thing. People sport football tops so why can't crosses be used, especially in a hospital?
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Nomad, I think you are trying to convince yourself. Good luck with that :)

Report back to me when those survivors fill you in with their experiences. I'll even buy you a barrel of oil as a Brit if they confirm your conclusions.

I'm from the oil capital of Europe and have worked in the oil&gas industry. We know a thing or two about motives in different spheres.
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Nomad, you are away with the fairies. I'm not denying any of the allegations against successive British governments. You are missing the whole point of the central reasons for hatred. I've outlined them above and I'm not going to do so ad nauseam.

There was hatred and for very good reasons. NOT connected with oil and that's the end of story!!
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Look, I'm not denying that profiteering from oil was a major part of Britain's approach. It has been for a very long time and is to this day. Do you really think, in your wildest imagination, that Poles that exacted revenge killings after the war and applauded Dresden were thinking about oil? I've already outlined the reasons for hatred and you are still gibbering on about a minor issue that barely even figured in Hitler's mind.

Go and read Mein Kampf and listen to some accounts of survivors of the war. Then tell me it's about oil, LOL.
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

They didn't make Germany busy with the Jews at all. Hitler's motives were not connected with oil either. He saw the Jews as corrupt and manipulative, trying to subjugate people and refusing to integrate properly. Sorry but I just don't buy into your rants.

Certain phenomena exist in parallel and your correlations are tenuous at best. Hatred comes from losing families, forcing oppressive conditions on people and denying dignity and liberty to people in their own land. Brutality too plays its part.

To those furious people, oil was NOT at the forefront of their minds. No offence but you know next to nothing about Silesia. Write more and you'll just prove it to me even more.
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Britain's pursuit of oil has very little to do with what the SS did in Poland, nomad. It was a question of ideology, first and foremost. The Nazi machine were hellbent on destroying Jews and Britain's oil dealings really come nowhere near being as relevant as the anger that Poles felt when the Germans rounded them up and lowered their status in their own country.

Drafting Britain into the equation is an in vain attempt to deflect the focus away from the Nazis presence on the streets of Poland, beating up Poles and forcing them to work under their conditions. You don't think the razing of Warsaw to the ground aroused fury amongst Poles? You have a shady understanding of the background of the world wars.
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Hehehe, it's very basic and is more for secondary school students. Still, it's educational nonetheless and keeps it factual. Better than some exaggerated account by a biased author.
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Again, that goes back to British selfishness and we all know how Hitler built himself up but that still doesn't explain the hatred between Poles and Germans.

Hitler Jews and Genocide on Youtube should help him out. I'm watching it now.
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

I'm fully aware what the Soviets did, nomad. What did Britain have to do with the Silesian question, for example? What did Britain have to do with Poland having Jews and Himmler's SS Einzatgrupen going there? Your posts answer nothing in this regard.
5 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Hitler held a far more radical vision of how the Jews exploited and tried to make everyone be like them. He also felt that they disrespected purely white races and he couldn't accept that. His views were shared by some Poles but his actions, as we know, were OTT and his problem-solving skills were in need of some work.

I guess that Poles understand what the SS and Wehrmacht were trying to do but were confused as to why many Poles were targetted for harsh treatment.

Nomad, you are off on a rant again. I asked you what that had to do with the topic. Britain is known to be a selfish country and objective Brits would accept that. However, what has that got to do with the thread?
4 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

I suggest that some heed the messages of Dariusz. His warnings are not pie-in-the-sky emotional outbursts, they are rational and well thought through for the most part. Although not their fault, the Jews brought the Nazis to Poland. Hitler may have been off his rocker towards the end of his life but he knew what he was doing in the Final Solution. Any dictator feels that they have to crush threats and that's just what he did.
4 Apr 2010
Life / Are people in Poland 'made' to give money to their parents? [25]

This is more of a Dutch thing, helping your olds out when they get to that age. At least that was what I read when I studied Law.

In Poland? I don't think so. There is no obligation, maybe just expectation for some.
4 Apr 2010
Travel / Mosques in Krakow? [131]

It would be out of place in Kraków, though. It just isn't their way.
4 Apr 2010
Work / Teach English or Swedish in Poland [16]

Hi there, LIDL. She's not available on Gadu-Gadu but she should be in the near future. For privacy reasons, I can't give out her number without permission.
4 Apr 2010
Work / Teach English or Swedish in Poland [16]

Oh, that would depend on where you want to teach, I think. I guess there would be more demand from those that can quickly up and leave for Sweden. Sweden was one of those countries that opened its doors to Poles so you have some chance of picking up classes. I could contact an old co-teacher of mine that is into Sweden and Swedish language too. Like you, she is fluent in English, is a native Pole and is learning Swedish.
4 Apr 2010
Work / Teach English or Swedish in Poland [16]

Absolutely, Lidl. You seem to have a very useful blend of skills, much more so than many 'teachers' that come here.

Simply get in touch with a school and they will likely offer you a phone interview if they are interested. It's as easy as that really.

I wish you all the best. A pedagogy student should find an opening no problem.
4 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

PapaSquat, LOL. DiddlySquat could also be a good title for him.

Poland identifies America with safety. It makes sense to go with the most powerful but they were playing with fire with that shield.
4 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

Right, that's it, you are Spud from now on ;)

Please go and buy Sikorski some vaseline, he's running out.

Poland made its bed and now has to lie in it. Can anyone please tell me, what is Obama doing to make up for the loss of the shield? Nothing as Poland is not a priority for him.
4 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

Ok, the Potatoe it is :)

Poland needs to be furnished with a copy of the original PNAC documentation. They will start to learn a few things there. Sikorski's quest for President should have taken a major dent when he signed that shield agreement. He bent over backwards on that one. I'd like to interview him on this point. I can only imagine that the justification was to make Poland more secure. If that was such an urgent concern, why hasn't anyone followed through? Poland is full of self-serving morons that will lead Poland astray.
4 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

That's a pretty good way of looking at it, Potatoe. Pandering in the way that they did was a circus show. Tusk's speech in English was funny, he was sweating bullets. Condo Rice, a friend? He really slipped up there. That woman makes snakes look harmless.
4 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

Well, some care for those traditions, PLAT. If you are happy with who you are then you can explore other roots too.

What do you share with America? It is a country that is going downhill and can pull you into conflicts that Poland has nothing to do with. I'm very respectful of how Poles honour their traditions and they don't need to be pulled into traps. People here survive through being rugged and thrifty, I don't see why those greedy politicians don't take a leaf out of their book. Oh, those puppet strings, sorry.
4 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

Well, there are plenty so-called tyrants and dictators that believed in communism. Pol-Pot, Milosevic, Lusashenko and Stalin spring to mind. There are others. Hitler wasn't a communist, though. He had a more radical vision.

Hitler had a lot of anger from his childhood and the Jews represented a stubborn and ideological threat. They were used to success, sth he felt that he was denied. They were also too much into their own way, a way that Hitler couldn't stomach.

Where is Jewland on the map? Nowhere, exactly. Israel is not an exclusively Jewish country. The displacement of Jews was inevitable and Hitler couldn't accept that Germany would have its fair share of them, living in their own particular and non-conformist ways. He needed people to follow his vision.
4 Apr 2010
History / Actually, there never was any Polish-German hatred [149]

Poland and Germany are being led by Britain? What? Britain rejecting Sharia Law was the only option, nomad. It acknowledges the moderate element and caters for the local Muslim populations.

Germany and Poland can take their own positions. Britain had little to do with that.
4 Apr 2010
History / Why will Poland always be the puppet of America? [159]

I think even Eisenhower had similar pressures. The arms firms were still on the go then and they were active in pushing the US into Vietnam. He was a little before that but America had just asserted itself as the major power after WWII.

Plus, the Fed also worked on him but he was popular.