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Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]
Do you people (and give a straight answerffor once) favour:
-- the flood of fake and counterfeit (mostly 'Made in China' but not exclusively)? products flooding the world market ?
-- composers, artists, film directors , actors and other creative people being deprived of their rightful royalties and effectviely have their intellectual property stolen?
-- having an 'anything goes' approach to the Internet where anonymous individuals can engage in libel with impunity (they couldn't get away with that on radio, TV or the press!) ,show how to construct bombs with household porducts, promtoe terrorism, run hate sites, glamourise incest, paedophilia and zoophilia as well as many other socially despicable activities?
-- turning hackers who jeopardise the national security of countries by disabling defence and other sensitive official sites hailed as heroes and saviours?
ACTA has admittedly not been publicly consulted and mayl contain various snags and loopholes. But the ratificaton process is an extended one and all the kinks should get ironed out eventually. If not, it will not be accepted by the EP or national parliaments, so why the big stink?!