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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 980 / In This Archive: 576
Posts: Total: 12275 / In This Archive: 6848
From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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7 Feb 2012
Life / Can most people in Poland speak Russian? [43]

Western Ukrainians tend to be are fiercely patriotic and prefer Ukrainian. It is the Russified eastern Ukrainians, President Yanukovych included, who are partial to Russian.

Re Poland, I recall and old PRL-era joke. A father sees all 4s and 5s (very goods and excellents) on his young son's report paper, then notices a 2 (failing grade) next to Russian and remarks: 'Tak trzymać synku!' (Keep up the good work, son)..
5 Feb 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

One can split hairs and argue whether the cart comes before or after the horse, but the fact remains that we all pay through the nose for unstable pathological households and the kids suffer the most.
5 Feb 2012
Genealogy / Looking for Pontus relatives [10]

A ponton in Polish is a pontoon in English. There is no-one in Poland at present using Ponton as a surname.
5 Feb 2012
USA, Canada / Poles in Buffalo, NY [16]

Check out: classicbuffalo.com/WNYPolonia.htm
5 Feb 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

No-one is saying that ALL married couplses and ALL religious people are good. But statistics shows that the konkubinaty (shack-up relationships) on average produce more home instability, substance abuse, domestic violence, crime and other pathological situations than stable families comprising married parents and their children. Do you really believe that the pathologies widespread amongst Afro-Americans are totally unrelated to the fact that more than 80% come from households comprising unwed motehrs and a changing string of passing-through boyfriends?
5 Feb 2012
Genealogy / Duplaga, Data surnames [67]

Du Plage suggests that the French noun plage (beach) is masculine which it isn't. It is feminine hence De la Plage or De Plage are possible. Of course, some mukh-up may have occurred over the generations?!
4 Feb 2012
Genealogy / Looking for Pontus relatives [10]

PONTUS: interesting surname, more common before the war in the eastern broerlands; possibly from Pontus (Latin name for an ancient Greek sea-god) or Latin word for bridge pons (gen. pontis).
4 Feb 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Tusk has backed down saying he no longer intends the submit the ACTA treaty for ratification and may scrub it entirely. The street has carried the day, and the cheapies who have no regard for copyrights or trademarks will be able to keep downloading their music, films and prn free of charge and with impunity.
31 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Jordanowski name [5]

JORDANOWSKI: root-word biblical River Jordan; topo nick from several Polish localities called Jordanów, Jordanowo, Jordanki, etc.
28 Jan 2012
Po polsku / ACTA, anti-ACTA - kto ma rację? [5]

Skoro wielotysięczne tłumy demonstrantów protestujących przeciwko ACTA przetoczyły się ulicami polskich miast, musi to być sprawa, którą żyją przynajmniej niektórzy Polacy. Co o tym sądzicie?. Jedni mówią, że cybergnoje udzieliły rządowi lekcji pokory a nawet, że tuskiści ulegli szantażowi..

Tusk się ugiął (pezestrraszył młodego elektoratu?) i oznajmił, że nie poda paktu ACTA do ratyfikacji a może w ogóle go odrzuci.
Wydaje się, że wygrali sknerusie. którzy w czterech literach mają prawa autorskie, bo wola ściągać darmową muzyczkę i pronole.Ulica górą!
26 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Do you people (and give a straight answerffor once) favour:
-- the flood of fake and counterfeit (mostly 'Made in China' but not exclusively)? products flooding the world market ?
-- composers, artists, film directors , actors and other creative people being deprived of their rightful royalties and effectviely have their intellectual property stolen?
-- having an 'anything goes' approach to the Internet where anonymous individuals can engage in libel with impunity (they couldn't get away with that on radio, TV or the press!) ,show how to construct bombs with household porducts, promtoe terrorism, run hate sites, glamourise incest, paedophilia and zoophilia as well as many other socially despicable activities?

-- turning hackers who jeopardise the national security of countries by disabling defence and other sensitive official sites hailed as heroes and saviours?

ACTA has admittedly not been publicly consulted and mayl contain various snags and loopholes. But the ratificaton process is an extended one and all the kinks should get ironed out eventually. If not, it will not be accepted by the EP or national parliaments, so why the big stink?!
26 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Tens of thousands of brown shirts demonstrated across Germany in the early 1930s. Did that make them right?
One should judge a govt or party by its merits and not be blindly partisan. In this case the PO and govt have done something right for a change. And more power to them!
26 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Poland has signed the ACTA agreement, all the noisy street demos by adventure-seeking hooligans notwithstanding. I'd wager most of them are oot on the streets just to raise a rumpus and have as much in common with intelletucal-property theft, piracy or anti-counterfeiting (most probably don't even know what that means!) as the anti.-globalists are concerned for the common folk and football hooligans call themselves patriots.. The adrenalin in bubbling and requires release. Maybe sending them to work in a stone quarry to work of the excess energy would be the answer?

If that means that PO (as someone suggested) will lose the youth vote, then that's not saying much for the common sense of today's young people.
25 Jan 2012
Life / Ephiphany - Święto Trzech Króli [12]

Indeed there are beautiful pre-communsit Polish traditions. One of them is the Feast of the Three Kings which is now a public holdiay again wtih festive cavalcades down the streets of major cities. I'm sure that warms your heart, innit?
25 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Today (Tuesday) the Polish govt said they would sign the ACTA pact. Sikorski said when hackers block or break into security and national defence websites, they are jeopardising national security. One sight of the anarchist and antiglobalist style hacker scum protesting in the streets of Poland and other countries is enough reason to sign. Polish A-creeps should be given Wolin Island (mined and barbed-wired off from the rest of the country) and be allowed to anarhcise to their hearts concent until they kill each other off.
24 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

The world market is flooded with fake garbage products illegally violating trademarks. Illegally downloading intellectual properties (music, films, etc.) against the wishes of their rightful copyright owners is theft and should not be allowed. Leaking classified government information is treason. Using euphemisms such as 'sharing' does not make it right. You can go into a supermarket and 'share' some of the stuff on the shelf, but the sheriff will call it shoplifting. ACTA may not be perfect, no pioneering legislation ever is, but some mechanism should be found to prevent blatant lawbreaking. Even from the standpoint of civic psychology, respect for the law should be nurtured and cultivated from earliest childhood.
23 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Warzecha [3]

WARZECHA: Polish for ladle, dipper, utensil used for dishing out soups, sauces and other liquid or semi-liquid food.
22 Jan 2012
Genealogy / Marriage & Birth Records in Czech Republic / Czerny family [10]

CZERNY: this is the Polish spelling of the Czech word and surname Černý (meaqning black). In Poland it would be Czarny. Around 1,500 people in to day's Poland sign themselves Czerny. The largest concentrations are in and around Katowice, Bielsko-Biała and Kraków -- areas closest to Bohermia and also Hungary.
22 Jan 2012
News / Poland now soft-pedalling ACTA signing [107]

Poland was planning to signg the ACTA anti-piracy pact later this week, but on Sunday morning hackers blocked the websites of Pres. Komorowski, Parliament, PMTusk and the Culture Ministry apparently in protetst. It would seem that preventing intellectual property theft, copyright violations and the flood of fake goods on the market should have universal support, but the Wikieaks-type creeps, free dowloaders and assorted plagiarists are screaming 'freedom of speech', bla-bla-bla. Anyway govt spox Graś later said this is still being discussed and no final deicson had been taken. Last week it seemed a foregone conclusion. Will Tusk back down and let the pirates have free rein again?
21 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Can you BE Polish without SPEAKING Polish in the US? [256]

Polishness need not hinge on language or geography or a surname or even food choice. It is a state of mind. You are Polish (of Bolivian or Basque or whatever) if you feel yourself to be. I have known PolAms who speak excellent Polish but felt little affinity with their Polish ancestral heritage and aspired to total WASP-ificaiton, the quicker the better. They attribtued their good Polish to family pressure (it was spoken at home)or in some cases business necessity (an undertaker, druggist, dentist, insurance or estate agent in a Polish neighbourhood).

Personal comment removed
21 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

The manipualtion and exploitation of the public by unscrupulous commercial forces peddling their lucrative degenrate, hedo-anarchistic lifestyles is an evil which I am trying to understand. It is often difficult to comprehend why so many suckers let themselves be bamboozled by it all. I reckon it attests to the clever, crafty, subtle and often subliminal skills of highly paid propagandists (called advertisers, PR specialists, lobbyists, etc.).
21 Jan 2012
Life / Poles close to grandparents [32]

A CBOS poll has shown that 72% of Poles feel they owe something to their grandparents. Amongst the top values conveyed by Polish grandparents are moral principles and religious faith.

86% said they have close relations with their grandparents.

Anyone know for comparative studies in other countries? Do any other countries have a grandparents' day? It would seem that Poles have stronger ties with their grandparents than Western countries which are more peer-group-obsessed than family-minded.
21 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Yes, except the forces of hedo-commercialist degeneracy are far more effective -- just look at how many on PF have swallowed it all hook, line and sinker!
20 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

The point is the media, advertisers and Hollywood ARE THE ONES TELLING YOU WHAT TO DO but in such subtle, hidden, sneaky way that you don't even know it. None of the views expressed by you are truly your own unique opinions different from those of otehrs. In fact, they are similar to a great many PF-ers who were also influenced by the above-mentioned forces.