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Joined: 11 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 9 Apr 2018
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From: US Sterling Heigths, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: Polish history, genealogy

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14 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

My country's essential special services naturally had to foot the bill to provide security, safe haven and protection. Even so Kukliński's two sons both died in mysterious circumstances, suggesting that no place was too remote or sufficiently clandestine for the long

arm of the KGB to reach. Any blow levelled agaisnt the Soviet-installed PRL puppet state and its Polish-speaking mercenary traitors (Bierut, Gomułka, Gierek, Jaruzelski, etc.) doing the Kremlin's bidding is an act of patriotism. Bloiwng up the hall where the Polish secret police were planning a meet-up or sdplattering the Dzierżyński monument to Bloody Felix with red paint was an act of patriotism, not vandalism.
13 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

Apparently all those PF-ers who are tripping over thermselves trying to show how sacred and iniviolable an oath or vow is to be are just doing so because they enjoy polemics. Many of the very same people hypocitically let off the hook and make excuses for the bastards who take an oath and then break it for convnience sake to get divorced. At least Kukliński was motivated by higher values, the freeedom of his homeland, and was willing to put himself and his familyat jeopardy to serve that cause.
13 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

Some post-commie scumballs have again defaced the Kraków memorial to the First Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński who supplied American wtih the Evil Empire's secret plans. I doubt if Michnik was actually involved physically, but it was his rag that has called Kukliński a traitor and Jaruzelski a hero, and apparently there are those in Poland who actually believe the crapola Gazeta Wybiórcza publiishes..Apparently Michnik has never heard of Konrad Wallenrod.
13 Feb 2012
Life / Supermarket culture rules in Poland? [18]

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've noticed the virtual disappearance of butcher's, fishmongers and bake shops from the Warsaw scene (dunno what it's like elsewhere in Poland). Only the occasional cukiernia (pastry shop) may still be encountered, and the odd greengrocer. Is it like that where you live in Poland? What about other countries -- the UK, Ireland, Germany, France, etc.? I understand from hearsay that Italy is one of the longest hold-outs where the local family-owned food shop is still conpsicuously present.
12 Feb 2012
News / US-POLAND special relationship [20]

NATO membership enjoys greater support in Poland than EU membership. And even within NATO the Poland-USA friendship holds a special place.
12 Feb 2012
News / Anti-Szymborska hate content on Polish websites [38]

And you regard yourself as one, I presume. I was surprised (re the busia issue) that someone with such atrocious Polish as yourself would arbitraily set hismelf up as a defender of good Polish. A bit of humility might not hurt.
12 Feb 2012
News / US-POLAND special relationship [20]

Hilary Clinton has publicly thanked Poland for agreeing to represent US interests in Damascus. This is yet anotehr sign of the special relaitonship between Warsaw and Washington. Poland reprenseted US interests in Iraq for over a decade between the Gulf War and the overthrow of the Saddam Hussein regime. It appears Poland will soon be included in the visa waiver programme, so the special relationship will have paid off after all.
12 Feb 2012
Food / Anybody in Poland actually eats soup-mix soups? [27]

Polish supermarket shelves are groaning beneath the weight of every uimaginabler type ofgfake food -- żurejk śląski, żurek z gryzbami, goracy kubek and God kows what all which differ only in haivng a varied chemical content. Do any of you actually eat such garbage? I tried the gorący kubek spaghetti bolognese once, and that was more than enough. Have Polish culinary skills fallen so low? In America even people who don't like Poles that much often admit -- 'at least they're good cooks!'
12 Feb 2012
News / Polish immigrants are losing Polish heritage -- a goal? [10]

And yet, there are countlless Polish clubs, groups, dance ensembles, sporting associaton (including Polish Yacht Clubs in Chicago and Detroit), parishes, puiblications, websites, etc., etc. all over the USA. They are by and large populated and promoted by US-born Polonians who participate by choice, not becuase they don't speak English.
12 Feb 2012
News / Anti-Szymborska hate content on Polish websites [38]

You seem to siplistically regard living somewhere as the the epitome of virtue and patriotism. Life ain't that simple, the vicissitudes of human existence unfold along diverse roads and meanders, influenced by interacting often unpredictable family, geographic, economic, cultrual, polticial and other factors.
12 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]

Au contraire, although PiS won it offeredean equal number of minsitreis to PO. It was PO that sabotaged attempts at a coalition. One would havemmerged if PO had won, but PO had to be top dog and were in a state of shock. They even demanded that colaaton talks should be held on camera, which is unheard of and ridiculous, because its hamstrings true negotiations, but PiS went along and still PO refused to form a coalition.
12 Feb 2012
Love / More loveless sex of Poles living in the regained lands [73]

Does it not sound plausible? Many of the symptoms of rootlessness, as opposed to the stable, longstanding, traditional societies of southern, central and eastern Poland, are most prominent in the former German territories resettled by refugees from the Soviet-annexed east. This includes the crime and divorce rate, voting patterns and religious practices.
12 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]

The coalition with Giertych and Lepper was an alliance of necessity, not choice. PiS's win did not assure a majority government and a minority government was extremely difficult and involved begging for support in parliament before every crucial vote. Merkel also entered a coalition with the lefties all true Christian democrats despise, because she had no other way out. That is how politics works.

BTW, do you deny or are unable to discern the violent hate campaign waged against LK and PiS by the forces I have mentioned?
11 Feb 2012
News / Polish immigrants are losing Polish heritage -- a goal? [10]

This news story about an American violinist performing at a Polish prison got me to thinking. Polish Radio said: 'Rachel Barton Pine has got Polish blood in her veins.Her great-grandparents on her father’s side had emigrated to America from Poland in their teens.'

'As most people of that generation, they wanted their children to become true Americans and so they did not pass on any Polish traditions to them. I’d like to learn as much as possible about Polish culture during my first visit to Poland,' she told the Polish Press Agency.

Did you parents also want you to lose your Polish idenity?
11 Feb 2012
History / Lech Kaczynski - was he a good leader? [88]

Regardless of how one assesses L.W.'s presidency, the undisptued fact remains that his victory and that of PiS in 2007 resulted in PO leaders going bonkers, foaming at the mouth and whipping themselves up into a hate campaign of unprecedented proportions. They were joined by post-communsits, the Michnik gang and others whose corruption and underhanded 'arrangements' (układy) were threatend by the PiS 4th Republic clean-up attempt,
11 Feb 2012
News / PO at lowest point since 2007 [7]

I think this was the first time that Solidary Poland got over the hump with 5% backing.
11 Feb 2012
News / PO at lowest point since 2007 [7]

Tusk's PO has registered 27% support in a recent poll, only 5 pts ahead of PiS. Palikot was in third place with 17%. is this a one-off flucuatuion or the start of a trend?
11 Feb 2012
News / Anti-Szymborska hate content on Polish websites [38]

A TVN24 discussion show participant said that he found about 2% of the comments on Szymborska' death were sympathetic, whilst the reemaining 98% were rude, vulgar, hateful comments not suitable for polite society. He pointed out that some websites have begun dealing with the poroblem by compiling anonymous comments and turning them over to Facebook where their authors' names and photos are flashed on the screen. That dampens the unbridled vulgarity of net commentators once they realise they can no longer hide their foul mouths and hate speech behind a wall of anonymity.
11 Feb 2012
Love / More loveless sex of Poles living in the regained lands [73]

TVN24 has reported sexulogist Zbigniew Izdebski as saying the Poles most likely to engage in one-night stands and other forms of causal, loveless sex live in the former German territories awarded to Poland by the Big Three after the war. Such behaviour was most common in Pomerania, West Pomerania and Lubuskie. The least casual sex is encoutnered in the Lublin, Podkarpackie and Świętokrzyskie regions.

The regained lands (ziemie odzyskane) have long been known to be a 'zbieranina' (motely collection) of rootless displaced people, and those areas are also known for their pro-leftist sympathies and weaker identificaiton with the Church than other parts of the country.
10 Feb 2012
Genealogy / Golash/Szynal [5]

I don't think so, but anything is possible where names are concerned.
10 Feb 2012
Genealogy / Golash/Szynal [5]

GO£ASZ/GOLASZ: root-word probably goły (naked, dirt-poor); descriptiive of such a one. In modern Polish: golec. The diagraph 'sh' does not occur in Polish, so Golash was obviosuly a Stateside respelling.

SZYNAL: from German Schiennagel (rail nail, railway spike or nail used to fasten iron wagonwheel rims).