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Posts by Antek_Stalich  

Joined: 6 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 997 / In This Archive: 862
From: Poland, Brwinów
Speaks Polish?: Native speaker
Interests: Making music, photography

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2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Is this possible ? If they live "totally on debt" now ?

I ask you: Is the US debt going in trillions something not to be worried about?

The 200% means twice as money is borrowed by the Government that the country can produce. Soon, America will have to yield to China.
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

ntek_Stalich: The 2011 forecast for US is 100%, meaning the US live totally on debt.

Eh ? It seems that you don't even understand basic indicators.

Meaning 200% is the desired target for next 2 years?
P.S. I have included a story of eye-witnessing vs. myths in my post above.
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

I don't know really poor children personally

That might be a point.
I'm not joking here. There is tremendous information chaos around and written information does not need necessarily be true. This is why I value eye-witnessing so much and laugh at "could you show me an article?"

BTW, it looks that wielki pan was not able to show his cards ;-)

An anecdote to relieve the atmosphere:
On my first vacation trip to UK, we were telling different people we wanted to go see Liverpool. Virtually any English people around London were telling us: "DO NOT GO TO BIRKENHEAD! Only slums, thieves and bandits there!" Therefore, I had to go see Birkenhead. (By the way, the Mersey Tunnels are a masterpiece of engineering). While driving through Birkenhead, my wife could not help making the following comments:

-- See that bandit with attache case and wearing suit?
-- Oh, how sweet those bandit children playing football!
-- Have you seen those slums? I'd like to live in such slums!
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

It would be only honest if you introduced yourself first.

But I have no secrets. I am a Pole living in Poland. I am a consultant in technical software industry, I own a house and 2800 sq.m. of a forest lot. And you?
2 Jun 2011
Language / Need advice on how to improve Polish language skills [134]

his is a very basic knowledge of the sounds used in the lang.

So true. I can remember my first English lessons. The teacher told us to pronounce the English first names of schoolmates. My "t's" in Betty were wrong, I could not pronounce "Margaret" properly, and my "Joan" sucked ;-) The teacher did not go any further until the whole class could decently pronounce the sounds. The matter of "th" in different words was the next step.
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Antek_Stalich: Really embarrassing. Use a spell-checker.
Thanks for the correction, english is my second language.

English is my third language.

And stay on topic, please. It seems your arguments are exhausted and you start using argumentum ad persona.
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Thanks a lot, warsz! The leasing business has worked that way for a long time here, true. The point with leasing is you have to pay over defined term to the leasing company, then you can "buy" the car from them, right?
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Understand that there is nothing wrong with taking out a loan, thats how people get rich. The question is who can afford a loan???

People don't get rich by taking out a loan. People can get rich by taking out the loan, investing the money and growing money. Spending the loan money for consumerism makes you a beggar if you are not capable to pay the debt off. Assume you've taken a loan, bought a house for that, then there's a stock market panic and the bank tells you return the loan. You get evicted. Such things hardly happen in Poland.

Please stick to eating hamburgers and lets not talk rubbish.

The hamburger bit was a slight suggestion you could learn English somewhat better.

Lol the Poles use credit cards all the time a nasty disease from the west might I suggust.

Mostly debit cards. Another proof how little you know about Poland.

I suggust

Really embarrassing. Use a spell-checker.
2 Jun 2011
Love / In Polish relationships who is the boss? [46]

If we treat this thread any seriously, it is the woman, of course.
The funny bit is the divorce. Everybody sympathizes with the woman and the man gets all blames.

The above is a description, not an opinion.
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Another comment proving how little you know about Poland.
Poles were lured by banks in late 1990's. Suddenly, the crisis of year 2000 occurred and Poles got the bitter lesson that the money don't grow on trees. Since those times, Poles are far more careful with taking credits.

Someone put forward a proposition above that the majority of Warsaw SUVs are bought on credit. Isn't it contradictory with your statement

unfortunately in Poland the wages are so low that even banks don't bother.

Besides, if you are so stupid to indebt yourself, wielki pan, don't tell me you're rich.

Lol, do you thinks

I has a hamburger.
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Some disputants -- instead of discussing "who is poor in Poland" -- were trying to picture Poland as generally a poor country. Some others were trying to say the majority of the Poles were poor people.

To support such views, some realistic economical indicators are needed. Otherwise we are talking about some subjective matters: You, about the landscape guy who drives a $60K car and I about my neighbour the baker who has now ordered covering his whole lot with roll-grass.

Now, speaking of objective indicators and answering this view...

but please understand this is borrowed money a lot coming from the EU.

One of such objective indicators could be national gross debt as percentage of Gross Domestic Product. The 2011 forecast for US is 100%, meaning the US live totally on debt. The same forecast for Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary is 29%. Portugal is 97%, Greece is 130%, interestingly Italy is 130% and to give you a good insight, Netherlands and Austria are little above 80%.

Meaning, your (ItsAllAboutMe, wielki pan) "wealth" is a soap bubble, and the indicator also tells us Poland does not live on credit. The nature of a soap bubble is that the cards can be checked easily. This is why the last crisis hardly hit Poland but it hit some of the countries mentioned above.

Now, indicators reading how much people spend on this or that become less important in the light of the fact countries live on credit. Yes, we had one Edward Gierek who made Commie Poland live on credit. Later it meant really hard time for Poland, such as food rationing (Ironside, how old were you at that time?)

Now, wealth distribution. Can anyone present good figures or charts?
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

It once hovered around the 2 zl mark.

Yeah, and it was 4.50 once. Who's ignorant, baby?

History of PLN/USD

History of NOK/USD, same period. Norway is the most developed world's country. USA are only 9th.

What can you tell by observing these two graphs, wielki pan?

When you visit the US/GB/Australia you will see what young people/workers are driving.

You mean, average students/workers driving SUVs? Who buys inexpensive cars, then?

When you visit the US/GB/Australia you will see what young people/workers are driving.

I have been to both US and UK, not once. Are you trying to tell me anything has missed me?

he point being that the Polish currency should be almost on parity with the US dollar.

Study the graphs above. PLN has been on parity with Norwegian Krone all the time, and Norway as I said is 8 positions up over the US ;) Who says the US dollar is strong?

who cares about cars? what's the Polish people's obsession about cars? Anyone we meet from Poland always wants to know what cars we have.

What economic indicator is then essential to you?
2 Jun 2011
History / What was it like in 1989+ in Poland when the Soviet house of cards fell? [237]

Iron, first of all it seems to me you grew-up after the fall of communism.
Secondly, your constant worries about the shape of our Ojczyzna indicate you are unhappy and cannot find your place or way in the reality of life. I might recommend to you more enjoying life.

Thirdly, you seem to miss a strong foothold to simply see the progress of Poland since 1989.
Next, your belief in conspiracy theories leads to nowhere. Instead of bettering your life, you constantly look for the guilty of your misfortune (I guess you are a fortunate person, you only envy the more fortunate) and are in search of magical recipe to make you wealthy and successful man. the world does not work that way, sorry.

Anyway, I cannot help you. It is the responsibility of an individual to make own personal success or fail. Complaining or looking for the guilty won't help you, man.
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Why is the zlote so low?

PARDON ME? Have you come here from Outer Space or what? The US dollar is very low against PLN in Poland, again.

A lot of new expensive cars in Warsaw are either corporate/hire cars and not owned by the average student/worker

Where in the world are the expensive new cars owned by average students/workers? Are you mad?!
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

If Polish people can drive cars they shouldn't complain about being poor!

Poles don't complain. Polacks do.
2 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

The fact that they need to work essentially two jobs actually goes against your point.

This is because docs want to drive SUVs (like vets do), and a single job only secures a normal BMW.

Maybe if you auctioned off your " 79 " you could relieve world debt. lol

No way! ;-) The guy on the vid had a "76 Deluxe", WOW. Still, very similar guitars. Mine has the expensive pearl fretboard markers, hmmm, why is his model "Deluxe"?
1 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Polish Polacks

Interesting combination. I always though Polacks could only live abroad but could be wrong, ofc.
1 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Antek_Stalich: I reckon you're an American?

Don't bet your, Asia Fender Stratocaster, on it. I am a subject.

I would never bet my Japanese '79 Pearl Custom Export on anything! ;-) Talking on Polish "poverty" of course, and staying on topic.
1 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Not sure what side businesses doctors in Poland tend to have... Not sure if I want to know, either.

Our vet drives a SUV. Ah, vets are private animal doctors, I've almost forgotten ;-)

There are plenty of people in poland that do not want to go to state hospitals and are willing to pay a premium.

That would be my family.


I reckon you're an American?
1 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

A_S - Have you read any of the books by John Perkins?

Nay, warsz, I prefer books by Terry Pratchett and Neal Stephenson ;-)

Seriously, I know what you are aiming at, and I think it is another conspiracy theory believer.
Do you know that bit on Winnetou (an American Indian, a hero of Karl May novels)?

In Soviet Union, a schoolboy is being asked by a teacher who was the greatest benefactor of the mankind and promises top mark for the right answer. The boy answers: "It was Lenin!" and he gets the top grade. Sitting down, he mumbles to himself: "Sorry, Winnetou, but business is business" :-)
1 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Are you seriously not seeing anything wrong with that picture?

Business is business, Winnetou ;-)))))

Monia, not America as such, although corporate America, is the number one investor in PL.

America makes her own business, too. I do not think America is Santa Claus ;-)
1 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

despite having no industry except a market selling to Ukrainians and a train terminal.

And there are no petrol stations closer to the border in The Eastern Wall, interesting ;-)

A friend reported why a specific brand/model of a car (I don't remember exactly) was so popular there but the reason was it had a 100 litre diesel tank ;-)
1 Jun 2011
Travel / Things to see along eastern Poland by bicycle [42]

Bearnyboo, I've been travelling to Sweden on business, consulting, to train Swedish engineers and to sell technical software to them since 1995. I have been also spending some holidays in Sweden. So you do not need to tell me that your country is wonderful and people are great, because both are true. I especially value the Swedish openness and ability to honestly raise difficult questions. I'd be glad if you respected same features in your Polish correspondents.

Said the above, let me tell you this:
The Swedish safety obsession is something you may certainly not notice but I do:

1.The meetings and workshops I was leading were always preceded by safety instructions by the meeting host, as if it was an airplane
2. Any flammable liquids such as "white spirit", oil, solvents, are stored in protective anti-explosive cabinet at petrol stations

I could say more and I can tell you: If this is not an obsession, I don't know what obsession is. Taking all of this into account: Poland is not a biker-safe country and you have been warned.

Thank you for your attention.
1 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Poland simply is a poor country.

This is what you Believe.
1 Jun 2011
Life / Who is poor in Poland? [720]

Strange thing, today I was waiting for my wife with cat in front of our vet's house (the vet had a SUV). I started counting cars passing by, and it is a minor street. Within 30 minutes not less than 12 SUVs passed by, around 30 brand new Toyota, Volkswagen, Honda, Renault, Mercedes, Audi, BMW etc and only 2 older cars. There were 3 (say: three) pedestrians and 1 (say: one) cyclist over that time. I wonder how about this poverty and how much money is circulating in the "grey zone".