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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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19 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Can you BE Polish without SPEAKING Polish in the US? [256]

The pride in which Polish people take in speaking "correct Polish" suggests that this is indeed correct.

You only have to see the stigma attached to regional dialect and the shift towards a standard pronunciation of Polish to see this,
19 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

To be monogomous? If that is the case marriage is definately not for you.

Marriage means responsibility - it doesn't necessarily mean monogamy. In so much of the world polygamy is perfectly normal.

To those who do not beleive in sacraments marriage is still a legally-binding civil contract.

Actually it is a contract that has a clause allowing dissolution.

Divorce means reneging on the marriage oath and breahing the contract so the divorcee is still a liar and perjurer.

No. For all your Catholic propagandising, you fail to understand that the Church not only allows annulment, but also divorce. You are a fundamentalist fanatic.
19 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Can you BE Polish without SPEAKING Polish in the US? [256]

The fact that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was ethnically diverse does nothing

The fact is that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth finished ten generations ago and has no impact on anyone's identity today. Except perhaps fantasists'.

founded by the indigenous Slavs of the land

Twenty generations ago. Ditto.


Mad as a box of frogs.

Otherwise no homo-sapiens outside of Africa can claim to be indigenous to the lands

Very true.

Poles are an indigenous population

More of a caste. But then again, your 'knowledge' is at best third hand.

Poland is nothing to do do with what is or isn't 'indigenous' - it is a culture, united with and indivisible from a shared language.
19 Jan 2012
Life / My experience on mobile phones in Poland [9]

I just paid a bit less than a thousand for a nearly new Nokia N8 in Qatar - even the cheapest 'smartish phones' were half that, new.
19 Jan 2012
Life / My experience on mobile phones in Poland [9]

I've checked the underground shops at Centrum and DW Centralny, and the cheapest they'll go is 250PLN, for the most basic smart phone.

That's still very cheap and probably your best bet. Anything cheaper is stolen.
19 Jan 2012
Life / Do Polish Marlboros differ? [21]

That's true - and the law is EU wide, too, though people across Europe ask for lights. Also (in Poland too) the assistant in the shop isn't supposed to discuss the products with the customers. At Okęcie I've seen a lady in the duty-free shop apologise to a customer saying she can't talk about the brands.
19 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Can you BE Polish without SPEAKING Polish in the US? [256]

The claim that "Poles as another indigenous people" is utterly laughable to anyone who knows the slightest thing about the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.


what do you mean by that - that it was Crimean Tatars, Bavarians, Saamis, Magyars, Lithuanians or Cumans who were indigenous population in the majority of the Kingdom of Poland (the Korona) in say A.D. 1699

One problem is that whenever an 'indiginous people' are mentioned, someone else can always come along and mention whatever group preceded them. Right back to the Neanderthals. The earliest known residents of Mazowsze were Burgundian.
19 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / General differences between Poland and the USA? [184]

My time was primarily spent in the southwestern part of the country, which has four distinct seasons

Some say that central Poland has two seasons, some say it has six. I incline to the latter view. And przedwiosna (pre-spring) will start soon.

They have KFC and Pizza Hut and McDonald's, aplenty; but are ya really gonna travel halfway across the globe to eat the same old crap?

Exactly. The same rubbish almost everywhere nowadays, and stifles the post-communist evolution of Polish cheap restaurant food which isn't the best.

The shops are smaller, and instead of one security team for the whole mall, there's usually one security guy for each store, which is weird.

There must be more security guards per head in PL than almost anywhere else.
18 Jan 2012
Law / Dying in Poland - Inheritance tax ? [62]

it was an answer without any legal contents

Because it is a tax issue.

The financial advisors could tell you something like that

Indeedy doody.

but of course you didn`t understand them in full

Understood in full and in detail.

And now, wait for it!

Sending such money the way you did was only a circumventiom of law

Hurrah!!!!! FINALLY, you've got it Monia. Keep up the good work! Next step is to admit you're a) wrong and b) lying.


Can't resist the insults can you. You should be banned from the forum.
18 Jan 2012
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

I can't wait to move to Australia or Canada and watch the UK my homeland rot.

Don't say goodbye, just promise you'll never come back.

Though somehow I doubt they'd let you in.
18 Jan 2012
Work / Teaching salary per hour, PhD in Architecture [28]

Being able to speak English is nothing special in Polish academia.

That's true. In some scientific subjects at Warsaw Technical University the PhD theses are written in English.

And I would think it is hard to find an architect in a big city under about 60 who doesn't speak at least reasonable English. Highly educated people under 35 almost always speak it.
18 Jan 2012
Law / Dying in Poland - Inheritance tax ? [62]

Look at my answer , I said that before you , Mr . Just look at my posts

I did, you didn't and your posts are unhelpful.

constantly abusing me

If anything, it is the other way round.

everybody here knows who you are . You are just full of hate , nothing else

You can't stop yourself, can you Monia - turning a thread asking for advice into well - a źenada.

The OP would do well to look at my advice, look at Harry's advice and perhaps speak to one of the companies who deal with expat finance - Saltire is fairly well known in Warsaw though they are Independent Financial Advisers and I can't in all honesty recommend them. If the OP PMs me, I'll give him the website address of an accountant who is British/Polish, highly competent, not interested in selling you things and based in Warsaw.
18 Jan 2012
Law / Dying in Poland - Inheritance tax ? [62]

You know it takes 5 years of uni and 4 years of intern training to become an advocate in Poland

Unfortunately for you (and your customers) as with so many things in Poland, what is on paper isn't always lived up to in reality.

I suspect it hasn't occurred to you that some of the posters here (including me) have actually been in this situation. And contacted a real tax specialist. I had the money transferred as my private assets (which by then they were) and that was that.

It's always worth asking (as the original poster has done) people who have been in this situation and sought proper and reliable advice instead of an internet 'lawyer' (who sometimes claims to be other things) and has plenty of time (never a good thing in the legal profession) to sit on the internet abusing people on fora in a frankly disturbing way:
17 Jan 2012
Law / Dying in Poland - Inheritance tax ? [62]

All money in circulation is taxed , don`t you know . It happens in eg turnover tax which is callled VA

Again you are wrong. This isn't income - it was income and has been taxed as such already in a jurisdiction where Polish law does not apply. After probate has been completed it is, I repeat, personal assets. Not income. And by the way, there is no VAT on either personal assets or inheritance.

you can translate it in google

No need, I can read Polish. And evidently better than you in this case. It is only an inheritance if it is declared as one - and since under English law it is no longer an inheritance after the disbursement is made, Polish law does not apply. There is no reason that the Urząd Skarbowy should know the original source of UK assets transferred from someone's own bank account. Do you think that whenever someone transfers money to buy a house or flat they have to prove the source of that money?

Don`t worry - my clients return to me with pleasure

But what about the ones for your legal practice?
17 Jan 2012
Law / Dying in Poland - Inheritance tax ? [62]

don`t you understand what it is written in previous posts especially about the obligation of paying taxes from money earned or inherited in another country .

A particularly weak piece of backpedalling. The money isn't inherited. It was previously inherited and the process of probate finished in another country. That's the difference which you doin't seem to understand, Monia. If someone transfers money from their own account in the UK to their own account in Poland, it is their money and providing the source is legal, no inheritance has to be declared. Moving your personal savings from one part of the EU to another does not incur tax.

Get many repeat customers as a lawyer, do you, Monia?
17 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

There are benefits given by the government to registered couples that an unmarried couple will not receive.

Unfortunately. And not in every country.

I use relationship here because this shouldn't happen in a marriage between 2 caring individuals.

It does happen. Often.
17 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Can you BE Polish without SPEAKING Polish in the US? [256]

if one has a great-grandparent who was Polish, has never been to Poland and only wants a Polish passport in order to work in France, the things are given out without the need to even say prosze

The EU is sorting all this out at the moment.
17 Jan 2012
Law / Dying in Poland - Inheritance tax ? [62]

I am a Polish lawyer

But not much of one. And not an accountant either.

Estate tax has already been paid (or waived because the sum is below £325k). this means that it is his in full; it is his personal assets and no longer an inheritance.

Probate on the estate has already been completed, the money has already been inherited. Therefore he does not need to declare it as an inheritance because it no longer is one.
17 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Can you BE Polish without SPEAKING Polish in the US? [256]

They are no more compromised than the Vietnamese waitress down the street who cannot speak Vietnamese

She is compromised too - you've clearly missed the point. And she may well be of Vietnamese roots, but she sure as hell isn't Vietnamese any more than someone half way across the world who randomly happens to have Polish grandparents iisn't Polish. Unless they can communicate with the majority of the nation they can never be fully part of it.
17 Jan 2012
USA, Canada / Can you BE Polish without SPEAKING Polish in the US? [256]

Except it isn't. In the case of Poland - one country, one language - language and identity are inextricable. Some foreigner with Polish antecedents can identify as Polish or indeed anything that takes their fancy, but without the language, they are compromised. A kid in Warsaw, fluent in Polish, but with Vietnamese parents is far more Polish that they are or without the language can ever be.
16 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

You think that getting divorced is healthy and guarantees happiness????

A thousand times better than staying together in a loveless and hate-filled 'marriage'.

Even in an ideal situation where an individual can learn from one's mistakes and chooses correctly the second time around...there are torn loyalties for the child between biological and step/parents.

Not as torn as the the loyalties with two parents playing one off against the other in a permanent state of depression and anger but stuck under the same roof.

As for kids repeating a parents mistakes.. that is on the parent not the child

Yes - and the answer is to end any situation that becomes toxic and move to a better and happer one.

not all people should become parents until they learn what being a parent entails.

Yes. Contraception and abortion certainly help, however not everyone is that sensible - some very young and ill-prepared people have kids. There is nothing new in this.

The same way a person should not get married until they learn the requirements.

Anyone can learn - but as we all know, some never understand. Those people should just end their dead relationships before they harm the kids.
16 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

If a marriage dies, it should be buried. Better kids grow up in a healthy and happy but less traditional environment that grow up a daily witness to misery and end up with all the hang-ups that entails. Kids are far more likely to repeat their parents' mistakes than to learn from them.
16 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

youngsters from dysfunctional homes srtciken by divorce, signle parents, new daddies, live-in boyfriends or that increasignly 'popular' but often unhealthy family arrangement comprising his kids, her kids and our kids.

So you'd prefer kids to be raised in a thoroughly topxic envirenment by two natural, married parents who hate each other and won't divorce due to social stigma of religious oppression? Unhealthy.

Those who don't believe in 'higher things', must therefore believe in 'lower things'. But how low can you get? Is homo sapiens no different from the dog

As above, so below ;-)
15 Jan 2012
Love / Unmarried couples in Poland = pathology [310]

Standards of interpersonal behaviour are therefore constantly dropping, and moral anarchy is replacing majority ethical consensus.

Really? Perhaps some proof instead of the usual meaningless misanthropy.
13 Jan 2012
Love / Woman tells of escape after allegedly buried Kasprak and Borys, both Polish nationals [25]

The court has now sentenced the guy.

Marcin Kasprzak, 26, attacked Michelina Lewandowska with a Taser, bound and gagged her and buried her under soil, leaves and an 88lb tree branch in woodland near their home in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.
Miss Lewandowska, 27, escaped from the box after around an hour by using her engagement ring to cut herself free.
Judge Collier said that Kasprzak, who is Polish, "became unhappy" with fellow Pole Miss Lewandowska and wanted their three-year-old son, Jakub, who he thought was not being treated properly by his mother.
He said: "The problem you faced was that she would not go willingly and leave your child with you and your mother.
"So it was that you formed a plan to get rid of her."

13 Jan 2012
Law / Anyone else often buy Play.pl "Online na Karte"? I'm not sure if I have a problem... [5]

To register the sim card, you need to have at least a polish residency and an address (which i didn't, then).

You don't. You can register it wherever you're staying, even if you're in a hotel, and using your passport number.

Why not go into a Play shop and ask them there? Or just call the help line.

This is the obvious thing to do.